You stole from your parents. Your parents who are already spending a lot of money to raise you. Not just petty theft either. 100 dollars. That could buy me 3 weeks of food and supplies.
If you think it's just bad luck that you got caught, you really need to sit down and actually think about this. If you were doing this to anyone else, you could be incarcerated. YOU DO NOT WANT TO DO THAT. More so, how would you like it if someone took a pretty big chunk of something you worked hard for?
What you should be lucky for is that your parents still let you have access to the internet. My parents would have taken away everything had I pulled a stunt like that.
If we had a "like" feature, I would use it now. My parents would kill me if i took $5, let along $100.
i am so dumbass for thinking that my parents would not see 100 dollars out of there wallet
Even if they didn't notice, which sounds like it would be impossible not to, how the hell would you have converted it into iTunes gift cards without them knowing?
(Assuming, of course, you're tying to get the two $50 dollar items I'm thinking you're trying to get.)
Okay... no. That is not the right reaction to stealing anything, much less $100.
Tip: Get your parents to set up a monthly Paypal account, with them depositing allowance money into it each month. I don't know about you, but that system works amazing for me. I know exactly how much money I have left, and can instantly buy Steam sales, iTunes songs, etc.
Actually, I'm curious. Do you know that, besides stupid, what you did was wrong? All I see is that you saying how stupid that you thought you didn't get caught, and never "why did I even do this? It was wrong". Heck I even said when you told me how tempted you were to do this "Don't, its wrong. Delete the card from steam/origin so you don't". Do you know what you did is morally wrong?
Seibert, you ever thought of mowing lawns or something? I've found that people will pay quite a bit if you want to do jobs they don't particularly want to do. For instance, I once got paid $100 by my parents for crawling under the house to look for rats. Wasn't a very fun job, but it only took about half-an-hour to do and I couldn't argue with the compensation.
I like how they said nothing after "bad luck", and the responses and input kept coming. We're now building a whole psychological profile based on one sentence from a guy that has a habit of just blurting stuff out? While the act itself was not humorous, I do find the whole forum situation amusing.
Just because I like poking holes in logic, I have to add:
In most cases, raising a sociopath would also not be considered bad luck as very few are just "wired" wrong and born that way. Conditioning is a huge factor in antisocial personality disorder, which is why you get the same childhood story from so many different people. The majority of sociopaths are created and parenting is a major factor.
I like how they said nothing after "bad luck", and the responses and input kept coming. We're now building a whole psychological profile based on one sentence from a guy that has a habit of just blurting stuff out? While the act itself was not humorous, I do find the whole forum situation amusing.
Just because I like poking holes in logic, I have to add:
In most cases, raising a sociopath would also not be considered bad luck as very few are just "wired" wrong and born that way. Conditioning is a huge factor in antisocial personality disorder, which is why you get the same childhood story from so many different people. The majority of sociopaths are created and parenting is a major factor.
I think its fun to feed the little trolls sometimes.
Heck, it would be cruel to let them starve! XD
But yeah, you are right about the sociopath thing.
(Though I still think people can have a natural pre-disposition to it)
However, the little blighter could still be a Psycopath. Most of those guys are born that way. Thats for sure! XD
EDIT: I mean some people could have the best parents in the world, and still be a complete bastard!
(My older brother is one of them... )
Cockerel's still on holiday at the moment but don't worry, much like Arnold Schwarzenegger; he'll be back (but in a overly polite, non threatening manner of course).
I miss Cockerel. But I like St. Eddie. Davies is like the Sasha Baron Cohen of the boards. Except I love every character he comes up with.
As kind as those words are; you are aware that "St_Eddie" is not a "character", right? I've only created adopted two characters lifeforms for this forum; Cockerel and Mr. Clayton.
What can I say, I just love cats!
However, I'm half way through the creation of an animation, featuring two brand new characters. They'll be a part of the next episode of 'One Man & His Cock'.
♫Henry's, Henry's, you must know Henry's Cat.♫
♫You must have seen the movie, you must have read the book.♫
♫He's the mellow yellow feline, so take a second look.♫
♫He know's everything about nothing, and not too much about that.♫
♫So if you know someone who knows what he knows then you must know Henry's Cat.♫
I've got a plumber here right now which means I'm in the position of continually wondering what is the most appropriate way to behave, as always happen whenever I've got people in my home doing work. Do I stand around watching or do I just go sit at my computer and wait. As you can tell I've gone for the latter option right now but I'm never comfortable by myself in these situations.
It's a bit pathetic really, a 30 year old man being so insecure like this in a fairly normal situation. Phooey.
I've got a plumber here right now which means I'm in the position of continually wondering what is the most appropriate way to behave, as always happen whenever I've got people in my home doing work. Do I stand around watching or do I just go sit at my computer and wait. As you can tell I've gone for the latter option right now but I'm never comfortable by myself in these situations.
It's a bit pathetic really, a 30 year old man being so insecure like this in a fairly normal situation. Phooey.
If it makes you feel any better, I'm exactly the same. The best thing you can do is offer them a cup of tea or coffee and leave them to it.
That's karma for you.
i would not say karma, more like my brain dead in action
I fixed that.
BTW Kinect Star Wars has a.... Dancing Mode? INSTANT BUY!
Dammit. I think I preferred Cockerel.
If we had a "like" feature, I would use it now. My parents would kill me if i took $5, let along $100.
You are a terrible human being.
Even if they didn't notice, which sounds like it would be impossible not to, how the hell would you have converted it into iTunes gift cards without them knowing?
(Assuming, of course, you're tying to get the two $50 dollar items I'm thinking you're trying to get.)
Okay... no. That is not the right reaction to stealing anything, much less $100.
Tip: Get your parents to set up a monthly Paypal account, with them depositing allowance money into it each month. I don't know about you, but that system works amazing for me. I know exactly how much money I have left, and can instantly buy Steam sales, iTunes songs, etc.
Actually, I'm curious. Do you know that, besides stupid, what you did was wrong? All I see is that you saying how stupid that you thought you didn't get caught, and never "why did I even do this? It was wrong". Heck I even said when you told me how tempted you were to do this "Don't, its wrong. Delete the card from steam/origin so you don't". Do you know what you did is morally wrong?
Seibert... are you aware that what you did is considered robbery in most states?
And that robbery is illegal in all of them?
Yeah, don't expect them to go easy on you.
If you didn't, they may go easier on you. But if you did... it's not going to end well.
ESPECIALLY if you still think that you being caught was just "bad luck".
Losing at a game is bad luck. Failing a trolling attempt is either bad luck or stupidity. Stealing is a crime.
That your parents raised a Sociopath.
Just because I like poking holes in logic, I have to add:
In most cases, raising a sociopath would also not be considered bad luck as very few are just "wired" wrong and born that way. Conditioning is a huge factor in antisocial personality disorder, which is why you get the same childhood story from so many different people. The majority of sociopaths are created and parenting is a major factor.
Get a job you bum!
I think its fun to feed the little trolls sometimes.
Heck, it would be cruel to let them starve! XD
But yeah, you are right about the sociopath thing.
(Though I still think people can have a natural pre-disposition to it)
However, the little blighter could still be a Psycopath. Most of those guys are born that way. Thats for sure! XD
EDIT: I mean some people could have the best parents in the world, and still be a complete bastard!
(My older brother is one of them...
Cockerel's still on holiday at the moment but don't worry, much like Arnold Schwarzenegger; he'll be back (but in a overly polite, non threatening manner of course).
As kind as those words are; you are aware that "St_Eddie" is not a "character", right? I've only created adopted two characters lifeforms for this forum; Cockerel and Mr. Clayton.
What can I say, I just love cats!
However, I'm half way through the creation of an animation, featuring two brand new characters. They'll be a part of the next episode of 'One Man & His Cock'.
You deserve to feel bad. How else are you going to learn the difference between right and wrong?
An electric shock morality collar?
Somebody give this man a grant immediately!
I have 4 cents, is that enough?
Good for you. You've seen the error of your ways, learned an important lesson and I'm being condescending. All is right in the world.
Somehow I doubt it. Quick, somebody start up a Kickstarter for an 'Electric Shock Morality Collar'™.
Well his family is out $100, that's something.
Dang, good point. That's money that could have been better spent on the 'Electric Shock Morality Collar'™.
well since i have left drama class for 3 month, we have earned 500 dollars a month and since it is 3 month we have saved 1500 dollars
♫Henry's, Henry's, you must know Henry's Cat.♫
♫You must have seen the movie, you must have read the book.♫
♫He's the mellow yellow feline, so take a second look.♫
♫He know's everything about nothing, and not too much about that.♫
♫So if you know someone who knows what he knows then you must know Henry's Cat.♫
A pointless post about a pointless post.
*ahem* This thread is entitled 'Whatever's on Your Mind'.
It's a bit pathetic really, a 30 year old man being so insecure like this in a fairly normal situation. Phooey.
But that is what gives its extra glow!
ironically that is one of the reason i am in the brony state prison, the other being for trying to F**K rainbow dash
Wait... what?
If it makes you feel any better, I'm exactly the same. The best thing you can do is offer them a cup of tea or coffee and leave them to it.