We agree that this thing we have going is pretty awesome, so we're going to give it a go (he had to do a fair bit of convincing - looks like I'm the pessimist/realist in this relationship). It may just be workable if we see each other one weekend a fortnight, which won't happen immediately because he also has to go back to Australia for a few weeks... at least I've met someone who perfectly understands what my life is like.
So yeah, stay tuned to see puzzlebox rack up the frequent flyer miles on the way to an exciting emotional crash and burn!
Chin up and don't be a negative nelly, you can make it work if you want to and you two are clearly gay for each other. If you're not in ye can't win!
Hey, check out this totally awesome privateering vessel. It's so unrelated to the discussion, too!
... I may have been on that ship once. I'm being quite literal here. I've been on a large number of square-rigged schooner types. Do you know the name of the vessel?
... I may have been on that ship once. I'm being quite literal here. I've been on a large number of square-rigged schooner types. Do you know the name of the vessel?
It's the Black Pearl, actually. They built it in full size for the films and that be it. It's a fine pirate vessel, it is.
It's the Black Pearl, actually. They built it in full size for the films and that be it. It's a fine pirate vessel, it is.
That would explain things a lot. While I haven't actually been on the Black Pearl, she was docked only a short distance away from where the ships I was actually sailing were docked. We always used to sail by her and fire cannons at the set building people.
And because all their cannons were fake, they couldn't even fire back at us.
Ah, good times.
Also, I feel compelled to add that she isn't full size. She's about half size from the ship that was portrayed in the movies and they made her look longer with camera tricks. Also, she was only used for the later three films. For the first film, the Black Pearl was only half of a ship attached to a barge.
Long distance relationships can work if both people keep their hearts in the right place and their hands to themselves. I know lots of people who have been in them and it comes down to how much will and desire you have for it to work.
I too know lots of people who've done them... even the ones that failed have said to give it a try for sure. They had some good suggestions such as always planning 2 trips in advance, so when you say goodbye you already have the next visit to look forward to.
You're right, a big part of it is just finding ways to make it work. I'll bail if I feel as though I'm an afterthought rather than a priority, so he's already scheduled "puzzlebox time" weekends up til mid July.
Well, that sucks. (Unless he's getting a job at Telltale . . . No, I'll try to be nice this time.) I have to admit that in a similar situation, I would probably give up on the relationship. 9 weeks is still practically the "honeymoon phase," and I probably wouldn't have the gumption to stick it out for 18 months after that (especially if I liked my own job after that time -- why is his dream job more important than yours?).
We've actually known each other a fair bit longer than the 9 weeks we've been going out... I met him a couple of days after I moved here. He tried it on after about 6 weeks, I just wanted to be friends, then after another couple of platonic months realised I was a moron.
I don't think I'll be sticking around here much longer than another 18 months or so, but who knows what the situation will be like then. For now it's far enough out that I'm just going to worry about navigating the next 3 months.
I can speak to this. Hell, the heart wrenching isolation makes each and every second with her the most amazing and wonderful moment possible. We've never been able to even bring ourselves to fight because we know our time in person is much too valuable for that. For what it's worth, I think long distance relationships are the strongest sort of relationship you can have if you have the heart for it. /rant
Definitely one of the sweeter Pants rants I've seen.
I was actually happy after our first fight! I think fighting well is a really important part of a serious relationship... to me it's important to see how someone behaves when things aren't all sunshine and gumdrops, because in anything long-term, those times are almost certainly going to pop up at some point. I find it relaxing to know we have half a chance of dealing with them sensibly.
Scheduling time together is important, making the sacrifice of having scheduled time together insures each other is a priority and keeps both people close together. Just having the "whenever I can, maybe this weekend" attitude lets the relationship drift apart easier. Even if you have to schedule "together time" week by week, it's much better than not.
Gods dammit, you frakkin' toaster!
Chin up and don't be a negative nelly, you can make it work if you want to and you two are clearly gay for each other.
Oh jesus! Dat waddle!
The ones that mysteriously appeared earlier by the sounds of it! XD
EDIT: Either way, it's nice to see he's still taking in the stray pairs and fixing them up! XD
And your girlfriend is a wallsocket. I plugged into her last night.
You like living dangerously, don't you?
Dangerously, Johnny Dangerously.
Because Netflix sucks?
If Netflix was a physical movies library on my shelf, this would be me when sifting through it.
I'm looking at you, Netflix.
Hey, check out this totally awesome privateering vessel. It's so unrelated to the discussion, too!
You're not fooling anyone and you're pushing your luck.
Wait. Subtly promoting piracy is a bannable offense? O.O
LOOPHOLE! If you use Monkey Island images to the mods can't you you since TTG made TMI.
*whistles innocently*
... I may have been on that ship once. I'm being quite literal here. I've been on a large number of square-rigged schooner types. Do you know the name of the vessel?
It's the Black Pearl, actually. They built it in full size for the films and that be it. It's a fine pirate vessel, it is.
>implying a ban or disciplinary action would accomplish anything
Do we even want to know what your nearer is like?
You will have fun finding out.
That would explain things a lot. While I haven't actually been on the Black Pearl, she was docked only a short distance away from where the ships I was actually sailing were docked. We always used to sail by her and fire cannons at the set building people.
And because all their cannons were fake, they couldn't even fire back at us.
Ah, good times.
Also, I feel compelled to add that she isn't full size. She's about half size from the ship that was portrayed in the movies and they made her look longer with camera tricks. Also, she was only used for the later three films. For the first film, the Black Pearl was only half of a ship attached to a barge.
I too know lots of people who've done them... even the ones that failed have said to give it a try for sure. They had some good suggestions such as always planning 2 trips in advance, so when you say goodbye you already have the next visit to look forward to.
You're right, a big part of it is just finding ways to make it work. I'll bail if I feel as though I'm an afterthought rather than a priority, so he's already scheduled "puzzlebox time" weekends up til mid July.
Thanks Eddie! We talk on phone IM on the evenings we're not together anyway, so daresay we will keep doing that and add a bit of Skype too.
We've actually known each other a fair bit longer than the 9 weeks we've been going out... I met him a couple of days after I moved here. He tried it on after about 6 weeks, I just wanted to be friends, then after another couple of platonic months realised I was a moron.
I don't think I'll be sticking around here much longer than another 18 months or so, but who knows what the situation will be like then. For now it's far enough out that I'm just going to worry about navigating the next 3 months.
Definitely one of the sweeter Pants rants I've seen.
I was actually happy after our first fight! I think fighting well is a really important part of a serious relationship... to me it's important to see how someone behaves when things aren't all sunshine and gumdrops, because in anything long-term, those times are almost certainly going to pop up at some point. I find it relaxing to know we have half a chance of dealing with them sensibly.
Haha, thanks Jedders! You're right of course, and if nothing else it'll be a chance to see a bunch of the US with a travel buddy I'm rather keen on.
Go crazy?
Or in other words, don't mind if I do!
It happens to all of us sooner or later. I know this from personal experience.
What? No "w"? or "z"?
Letter racist.
Just got season 2 & 3 in the post today!
And Season 4 is on the way as well.
I am so looking forward to devouring all these tasty episodes. So hungry for more!
Just got two episodes of season 1 to nibble on before gouging myself on the second season! Lovely!
Just wait until you get to season 3! My favourite episode's in that one.
Is it this one?
That would have been my 2nd guess since you did allude to it before.