The "whatever's on your mind" thread



  • edited April 2012
    This thread got interesting again.

  • edited April 2012

    Image broke.

  • edited April 2012
    Image broke.


    OH FOR CRYING OUT LOUD! What kind of internet are you on!? I'm sick of having to imgur pictures for you all the time!

    It should work now.
  • edited April 2012
    OH FOR CRYING OUT LOUD! What kind of internet are you on!? I'm sick of having to imgur pictures for you all the time!

    It should work now.

    It does. I am pleased. You are a good person. I just hope they're shooting at Savage Henry, the bastard.
  • puzzleboxpuzzlebox Telltale Alumni
    edited April 2012
    DAISHI wrote: »
    [shots / shooters]

    I wouldn't recommend shots/shooters to someone for their first experience with alcohol. They get you drunk way too fast and it's easy to end up drinking way too much. The only time I've thrown up from alcohol was when we went to a bar and just worked our way down their (rather extensive) list of shots.

    Better off with something involving less alcohol by volume, like beer. The long cocktails could also be ok, but free pour in the US means it's near impossible to know how much you're drinking.

    May be hard to believe for anyone who knows me today, but my 18th birthday (18 is the legal age for drinking in Australia) involved zero alcohol. It was right before the HSC (the year 12 exams that are the biggest and most important of a high school career, determining scholarship offers and which universities you can get a place at). I said I didn't want to do anything since I was being a massive study nerd, but my friends turned up at my door as a surprise and dragged me to the movies anyway. I did feel pretty special and it was a much-needed spot of relaxation. :)

    I didn't really start drinking until a couple of months later, when exams were over and we went away for schoolies.

    Its difficult. This is the wrong generation to be born in. Everything is stacked against you if you are not from a good family.
    The reality is that I'm probably going nowhere, not without help.
    I don't want to be a bum, living with his parents for the rest of his life, but starting things up is just such a steep hill to climb. Especially by yourself.

    It's not easy, but it IS possible. My parents raised 4 children on a single below-average wage, and with me being one of the eldest they didn't have a lot spare to help out. I've worked since I was 14 years old (the youngest you can get a job in Australia). I won a university scholarship that more than covered my tuition and lived at home for the duration of my degree, so graduated without any student debt (although student debt in Australia is an exceedingly cheap loan anyway, and if I'd known how my future would turn out I would have invested the money and taken the debt instead of paying it off immediately). I never had a long 3-month summer break to enjoy because I was always working a paying job.

    My career was determined by taking the graduate job that offered the highest salary. It certainly hasn't always been easy, but that has opened up a lot of doors for me too. To save money, I've always lived with flatmates right up until now, mostly strangers found via flatshare websites. I've only had my own apartment for 5 months, and wouldn't hesitate to move in with other people again if I needed to save money. Living alone almost seems like an extravagance.

    Basically from where I started out, I've no right to be where I am today. I occasionally feel a little envious of people who've had wealthy parents and a financial safety net, but I've done just about the best I can under my own circumstances and if I could go back I wouldn't change a thing. If nothing else it has instilled a decent work ethic and good financial sense. I have been incredibly lucky and know that not everyone gets the same opportunities I've had... you just have to make the best of the hand you're dealt.

    Anyway, regardless of whether or not you stay at uni, I wouldn't move out of home until I had a full-time job, and at that point I would live with flatmates/housemates. The financial upside is just too good to do otherwise when you're just starting out on your own.
    And I wish I wasn't such a pathetic softy either. Not only are women put off by bear-like physiques, but they seem to prefer douchebags as well...

    You should meet my big hairy boyfriend, who treats me better than any other guy ever. :p

    coolsome wrote: »
    When in the hell does the grief stop hurting! It feels like its always here hurting so much.

    Sending virtual internet hugs to you coolsome. I don't think it necessarily "goes away", but you do get better at dealing with it. For me it's still there after 2 years, although I don't think about it all the time any more. If I try to talk about it, I end up in floods of tears as though it had just happened yesterday. It's something I don't mind carrying with me though... it means that she was incredibly well loved. I don't want her to be forgotten.
  • edited April 2012
    ^ Wish I had your luck and drive lass!

    (Amongst your many other excellent qualities! XD (Damn you woman for being so goddarn awesome, you're making us all look bad!))

    Ah. My life could be worse. Alot worse, and I should be a little less despair-y.
    (I could have been this guy after all!)

    I'm just mostly ticked off at being delt a bad hand in life, (Don't even think I have two cards that go together! XD).

    As you can see, my mood is swinging like a yo-yo these days.
    Sometimes I'm alright. Almost content, but then the next I'm just really depressed and irritated.

    I know what I have to do in either case, but I never seem to quite hit the target.
    Then it just descends into chaos from there.
    (*sigh* the story of my life...)
  • edited April 2012
    And I wish I wasn't such a pathetic softy either. Not only are women put off by bear-like physiques, but they seem to prefer douchebags as well...
    puzzlebox wrote: »
    You should meet my big hairy boyfriend, who treats me better than any other guy ever. :p
    Pretty much. I am a large, hairy man and I managed to get a girl - a hot one, at that. Perhaps, Retro, you're looking at women who are far too superficial? I suggest meeting a woman at a convention or a forum or something and bonding over a common interest, like weapons and alcohol for ComradeMortis and I.

    Even if you're a hideous cave dwelling troglodyte, I assure you that you can find yourself a mate in this way.
  • edited April 2012
    Pretty much. I am a large, hairy man and I managed to get a girl - a hot one, at that. Perhaps, Retro, you're looking at women who are far too superficial? I suggest meeting a woman at a convention or a forum or something and bonding over a common interest, like weapons and alcohol for ComradeMortis and I.

    Even if you're a hideous cave dwelling troglodyte, I assure you that you can find yourself a mate in this way.


    I don't know why all you guys are focusing on that in particular!

    I was using it more to prove the point that I wanted to be a bit more selfish and ruthless.
    (Since people seem to walk all over me)

    I really do want to go to more conventions, meetups ect. but you'd be suprised how tough that is in the UK.

    (lack of events, most meetings being in London or at times when I'm at uni or working (working on a Saturday suuuuuccckksss!!)

    Plus even when on the ocassional blue moon where that could happen, I normally make up an excuse and chicken out.

    (Fear of uncertaintly, and lack of trust in people. I know I've mentioned before how I can freak out in public. Especially around young people)

    EDIT: Plus travelling costs money! Something which I'm normally quite low on.
    (I only earn around £200 a month from my part-time job, and I run my student loan on an overdraft (so next payments makes me break even)

    Its a bit more possible lately, since I've been penny pinching a little more. (mostly due to no large purchases needed this time))
    Got about £350 saved up.
    (My work money goes to a saving account. I like to keep work money and uni money seperate for obvious reasons)

    If I had a full-time job. That would be nice to earn some more moolah.
    (One thing that my best friend always irritates me with is all the cool concerts he goes to. Maiden, Rammstein, Video Games Live. Anything he can physically get to he goes to. Lucky bastard! XD
    (different for him though I guess, since he doesn't have any commitments tying him down :/))

    EDIT: I wish I was an alternate reality version of myself that never went to uni, and never had to payout for his family as much.
    He'd be rolling in the dough by now.
    (Lucky bastard)
  • edited April 2012

    The pacing and animation in that clip is appalling, which is a shame because the song was rather good.
    I suggest meeting a woman at a convention or a forum or something and bonding over a common interest, like weapons and alcohol for ComradeMortis and I.

    Huh, I had no idea that you two were an item. That's pretty awesome. :)

    Do you live in the same area?
  • edited April 2012
    St_Eddie wrote: »
    Huh, I had no idea that you two were an item. That's pretty awesome. :)

    Do you live in the same area?

    Just to clarify, Comrade Mortis is not me. She's one of my good friends who happens to live nearby.

    I only say this because it has been a major source of confusion on these forums. And it doesn't help that her online personality is very similar both Pants and I (hence her forum handle).
  • edited April 2012
    Just to clarify, Comrade Mortis is not me. She's one of my good friends who happens to live nearby.

    I only say this because it has been a major source of confusion on these forums. And it doesn't help that her online personality is very similar both Pants and I (hence her forum handle).

    Oh, I see. I feel a bit silly now; every time Pants has mentioned Comrade Mortis, I thought that he was referring to your good self. You are all friends in "real life" though?
  • edited April 2012
    On a related note, I kept my drinking to 15 this week. Pushing for zero next.
  • edited April 2012
    DAISHI wrote: »
    On a related note, I kept my drinking to 15 this week. Pushing for zero next.

    I was hammered when I recorded my 'Cockney Movie Exec' videos last night. I had drunk 2 and a half bottles of white wine. I felt so sick this morning. :(
  • edited April 2012
    Just to clarify, Comrade Mortis is not me. She's one of my good friends who happens to live nearby.

    I only say this because it has been a major source of confusion on these forums. And it doesn't help that her online personality is very similar both Pants and I (hence her forum handle).

    It's true. My good friend Levi was unnerved by how similarly to me she acted during her visit.
    St_Eddie wrote: »
    Oh, I see. I feel a bit silly now; every time Pants has mentioned Comrade Mortis, I thought that he was referring to your good self. You are all friends in "real life" though?

    Comrade Mortis and Ally Cory Morty Mort know each other in real life. I live on the other side of the country for the time being. I might move to California soon, funds permitting.

    The only sucky thing about California is that I can't bring my guns, but (and I never thought I'd say this) but it's worth giving up my guns for. I feel unclean now. Perhaps I should mention my intention to buy a California legal revolver? Yeah. That'll do.

    But there, that solves that for the 12 billionth time.

    NINJA: We all chat outside of Telltale and have seen each other's faces. Does that count as IRL? Also, the whole me being engaged to Comrade Mortis counts as knowing too, right?
  • edited April 2012
    Hmmm... I don't think I could ever understand a man's love for his guns...
  • edited April 2012
    Next episode to watch in my bi-annual Deep Space Nine re-watch - The Way of the Warrior. Yes!
  • edited April 2012
    Hmmm... I don't think I could ever understand a man's love for his guns...

    It does seem highly doubtful.
    Next episode to watch in my bi-annual Deep Space Nine re-watch - The Way of the Warrior. Yes!

    My favorite was always Duet. I love that episode.
  • puzzleboxpuzzlebox Telltale Alumni
    edited April 2012
    Hmmm... I don't think I could ever understand a man's love for his guns...

    I don't mind a man's guns (within reason of course).


    Not bad. :p
  • edited April 2012

    We all chat outside of Telltale and have seen each other's faces. Does that count as IRL?

    Yes, I'd say so.
    ... the whole me being engaged to Comrade Mortis counts as knowing too, right?

    One would hope!
    But there, that solves that for the 12 billionth time.

    Sorry. :(
    Hmmm... I don't think I could ever understand a man's love for his guns...

    Me neither, I'm too much of a hippy.
    puzzlebox wrote: »
    I don't mind a man's guns (within reason of course).


    Not bad. :p
  • edited April 2012
    St_Eddie wrote: »

    Yes, I'd say so.

    One would hope!

    Sorry. :(

    Glad we're on the same page, Edward.

    Me neither, I'm too much of a hippy.
    I count as a hippy, right? Like, aside from the guns. And the Southerness... I've got the music and the substances, right? Eh, fuck it. I'm a Thompsonite:

    PS: Ninja means ninja edit.
  • edited April 2012
    Glad we're on the same page, Edward.

    Well, we were on the same page until you called me Edward.

    Ninja means ninja edit.

    Ah, okay. Thanks.
  • puzzleboxpuzzlebox Telltale Alumni
    edited April 2012
    St_Eddie wrote: »

    This is pretty much my thought process when I see someone like that:

    Wow, gross.

    ... I wonder if he can wipe his own arse.
  • edited April 2012
    puzzlebox wrote: »
    ... I wonder if he can wipe his own arse.

    Thanks for the mental image, Puzzlebox.
  • edited April 2012
    My favorite was always Duet. I love that episode.

    Duet is good. My personal favourite is In The Pale Moonlight, but The Way of the Warrior is not far behind along with Far Beyond The Stars.
  • edited April 2012
    St_Eddie wrote: »
    Well, we were on the same page until you called me Edward.

    Aww, why doesn't funnyjunk allow hotlinking of their content? All the more reason I hate them. Anyway, FTFY.
    St_Eddie wrote: »
    Ah, okay. Thanks.
    You're welcome!
    puzzlebox wrote: »
    This is pretty much my thought process when I see someone like that:

    Wow, gross.

    ... I wonder if he can wipe his own arse.
    There's a mental image I never wanted. Thanks, meanie.
  • edited April 2012
    Well my PS2 was sold on ebay for $40. Shame, I think I could've gotten more, but I just wanted to get rid of it, my PS3 is the older ones that functions as a PS2. And I can afford the Walking Dead, and a few good steam games now so yay:)
  • edited April 2012
    Late to the party, but I happen to like big- really big guys. Bears are awesome. They are super sweet and don't take their lady for granted. Muscular guys are a turn off for me. I also like super skinny lanky ones. :)

    In other words, nerds. Being a nerd is a HUGE turn on.
  • edited April 2012
    I have no clue what is going on here anymore.
  • edited April 2012
    I have no clue what is going on here anymore.

    Something about guns and bears.
  • edited April 2012
    Well, there you have it.
  • edited April 2012
    I have no clue what is going on here anymore.
  • edited April 2012
    And thus did the geek inherit the Earth.
  • edited April 2012
    with whips and cuffs.
  • edited April 2012
    St_Eddie wrote: »

    Hes a fan of Lost.
  • edited April 2012
    coolsome wrote: »
    Hes a fan of Lost.

    Probably, considering 'LOST' is brilliant!
  • edited April 2012
    St_Eddie wrote: »
    Probably, considering 'LOST' is brilliant!

    No arguments here. I got the complete box set.
  • edited April 2012
    coolsome wrote: »
    No arguments here. I got the complete box set.

    I should have done the same but I purchased each season individually (even though I only started watching once the show had ended). It was a very expensive way of going about things but still worth every single penny.
  • edited April 2012
    St_Eddie wrote: »

    Once....long ago...when I was...

  • edited April 2012
    Guys. Guys. I am terrible at learning lessons and I want a zeppelin. Where can I get one?

  • edited April 2012
    Guys. Guys. I am terrible at learning lessons and I want a zeppelin. Where can I get one?


    Go see The Three Stooges in theaters and I'll build you one.
This discussion has been closed.