Turning 21 next Monday. Need some alcohol recommendations.
Let's see ...
1. As with all intoxicating drugs: Start low, go slow. If the level of intoxication rises too fast, you won't be able to control your state and may well regret it afterwards. After all, the effects of alcohol on the individual are hard to predict, so you should not listen to well meant suggestions of how many drinks you can tolerate. If you feel the first effects of the drink be aware of them. When they start turning into the first signs of intoxication you've had enough.
2. Be careful with mixed drinks. Their percentage is hard to guess and their associated ingredients may influence the absorption of alcohol. Same for mixing drinks in your stomach: This increases the amount of adversive effects enormously.
3. Don't drink unless you really want to. For some people drinking can be fun. Others don't like the effects of alcohol at all. If you have never had any experiences with alcohol before and don't know what type of consument you are: Don't listen to other people's advise in this respect. They won't know either.
Then again ...
1. I have never consumed enough alcohol to feel any particular effect.
2. None of my birthdays was in any way memorable.
3. If you looked for recommendations on which drinks you should try, well, I'm sorry to disappoint you: I don't like any alcoholic beverages at all, because for me alcohol tastes like rotten fruit.
For beer, I would say that that may very well make sense, since it's basically putting hops, barley and yeast together in water and letting them sit for a long while (to ferment).
But again, the flavor of beer is different for different brands, and I maintain that most light beers are at worst undrinkable and at best nowhere near as good as their non-light versions.
As for hard liquor that is not mixed together with other stuff (eg. drinking just tequila), I've never really liked any of that.
I got wrecked in public on vodka when I was 17. Barely managed to avoid being arrested, so when I turned 18, I wasn't exactly rushing to the bar, I was drinking for a while already. I got my ID about 4 days later and went to the strippers after school(yeah I was one of those people that turned 18 during the latter half of grade 12). Got drunk there with a friend and then we went home. I went there a few times but eventually decided not to pay for the overpriced beer just to watch hockey, something I evidently was more interested in seeing than the fake tits. My 21st was meaningless and I have no idea what I did, I was probably working.
I don't really drink, but I like me some Alcopops (just fizzy drink a bit of vodka in it really).
Mojito I had the other day was nice.
Some Smirnoff is always good.
(Smirnoff Ice to drink as is, the pure vodka mixes good with cola and some ice)
Baileys is a bit of an aquired taste, but I personally love that stuff!
(Pricey though)
I hate beer though. Just blegh.
Cider ain't bad. Koppenburg is good (I personally like the Strawberry and Lime flavour), some of the stronger pure cider stuff might not be the best though, since it will get you drunk, very drunk.
And I do not recommend Whiskey. A lot of people get pukey after drinking it.
(especially if they mix drinks!)
Cocktails can be good too. If you can find one or two you like, you can stick to a couple of those a night.
Sound like a right drunkard but remember I've been legally able to drink since I was 18, so 3 years is plenty of time to casually try some things...
What happened to RetroVortex's let's play of 'Legend of Grimrock'?
I was really enjoying it but he seems to have stopped.
Its currently on hold till tomorrow, since I was working today and had lots of uni stuff to do at the end of last week.
(Still haven't finished that yet)
So I will be resuming it, but uni is causing disruption.
(Plus older brother keeps stealing my laptop everytime I go off and do something else! >:/)
I'm alright with Canadian Whisky. Captain Morgan Spiced or Gold Rum is my drink of choice these days. I do drink beer, but I'm very particular about my brands and types.
Found out Yu-Gi-Oh official online card game is shutting down in September.
Thats kind of sad, I had a good bit of fun with that game.
Oh well, uninstalled the game of the pc now, since there's little point of keeping it on there.
I can understand why.
I just hope the card game continues to be released on portables. I always love to play those.
I know most people seem to be into Magic, but I always liked the dynamics of Yu-Gi-Oh a bit more, even if it is a little bit shallower of an experience.
(Though to be fair to it, it was nowhere near as restrictive as Magic rules have been (well.. I have heard they have been...))
EDIT: I wish there was a game like D'n'D that also included card battle mechanics. I'd probably get into it if it was done well.
Role play + Strategy
Hmm... interesting...
EDIT 2: Well like an open world MMO, but where you could face opponents 1-on-1 or 2-on-2 in a battle of wits (and maybe a twist of luck).
RPGs and Action battles are of a different flavour. I'd like a Monster hunter MMO, I like the Old Republic MMO. Give me a strategic MMO (thats not a spreadsheet sim like Eve online. -_-) to complete the triad.
Turning 21 next Monday. Need some alcohol recommendations.
(not knowing your gender)
Jack and Coke
Crown and Coke
7 & 7
Cherry Vodka Sour
Vodka and Water
Old Fashioned
Mai Tai
Bloory Mary
White Russian
Pina Colada
Bull Blaster
Jaeger Bomb
Three Wise Men
Buttery Nipple
Mexican Kiss
Irish Car Bomb
Blow Job
Purple Hooter
Lemon Drop
Cherry Bomb
Jolly Rancher
Four Horsemen
Gorilla Fart
Air Head
Silk Panties
Samuel Adams
Dos Equis
Trappist Ale
Stella Artois
Shouldn't most of the villians in Metal Gear Solid die from Hypothermia? I think only Ocelot wears enough clothes to keep him warm. Hell Raven fights you shirtless in the coldest part of the game where it has permafrost and your food freezes.
Shouldn't most of the villians in Metal Gear Solid die from Hypothermia? I think only Ocelot wears enough clothes to keep him warm. Hell Raven fights you shirtless in the coldest part of the game where it has permafrost and your food freezes.
If Sylvester Stallone can do it, they can do it. Hollywood has more of an excuse though. Most of the USA doesn't understand cold. "oh if you keep moving and sweating, you're fine". Yeah, that works fine for 0 to -10C, but most of the USA(go ahead and debate me people, I have LOTS of American friends to use as examples) have no idea what -30, -40 is. You don't have an external source of heat longterm or conserve heat shortterm, you die. No matter how "tough" you are, you die. I have yet to see a movie set in severe cold that looks realistic.
Shouldn't most of the villians in Metal Gear Solid die from Hypothermia? I think only Ocelot wears enough clothes to keep him warm. Hell Raven fights you shirtless in the coldest part of the game where it has permafrost and your food freezes.
The game explains that he was Inuit and was raised in harsh conditions.
I'm just a private person, I operate better when I'm isolated.
I love my home, but at the same time its kind of a prison.
Its just difficult to focus. There are too many distractions.
I've tried to you know, "prepare a suitable work environment" like the guidance guy said, but its almost impossible.
Its like trying to build a pyramid of cards in the middle of a storm.
The "wind" of other people just keep moving my attentions around and any cards I set down collapse.
They can't help but drag me off to do something, or put me off work.
Something they say, something they do, just sucks all the drive out of me.
The only work I ever tend to get done is when I am alone in the house. When I'm up early and well prepared.
(Or when everyone is in bed. But I tried working at night, and its very damaging to me. Drives me crazy(er))
And obviously it hasn't been enough. Even with the lower work load I'm still doing crap this year.
(I don't even start assignments. Part of me would be going crazy at me for that, but I just can't seem to get around to working on them. I just end up getting dragged into a personal project that takes up my time and interest)
And organisation is almost impossible.
Its the nature of living. My family can't fully comprehend my academic needs since they work full-time and never went to uni, (well, barring my older brother who is the opposite in both areas, but he's a complete bastard).
I can't schedule an hour or two at the PC, since they can just stroll in at any time, and disrupt me.
(Even if they aren't doing it on purpose. Take my Dad last night. He wanted me to do the dishwasher, but I was busy doing group work. Doing stuff no-one else knew how to do. Very important. Deadlines fast approaching. And my Dad would just not shut up about it! Kept telling me to do it every 20 mins. For once I managed to ignore him long enough to get it done, but normally I get irritated or go off and do it, and I just lose that important flow. The track, that mindset. One thing leads into another, and I'm at the opposite end of the house playing a game or something. I struggle to keep myself in check in the first place, and everyone else is making it worse for me)
I can't even leave the house without being able to make sure someone can look after my little brother. And my older brother, being the complete ignorant uncaring prick that he is, will bugger off randomly, (that if he even gets out of bed...), which is normally alright unless there is overlap later on in the day, when my little bro wants his dinner.
And as for PHYSICAL space, I still don't have any.
A lot of my things are in the living room, (literally no space for it in my bedroom, which I normally can't get into if my little brother is also in there, (its so cramped, there is only like a small square area and that filled mostly with a chair, a desk, and some bed ladders)). Everyone knows and acknowledges that, yet still they rag on at me about the living room being a mess.
I share a bedroom. Sometimes that disrupts my sleeping patterns, (autistic little brother just loves to play 80-90s pop really loud at random times of the day among other irritating habits (like having the TV AND the PC on, playing something simultaneously! Oh joy...))
The only workspace thats reasonable is the main computer desk, IN THE KITCHEN!
A popular visitation point by every man, woman, and child.
And when I CAN get out, I got nowhere to go.
Public library is almost always full; University library is noisy for most of the day (with quiet areas needing to be booked 80% of the time). Getting to university library and back takes up 4-5 hours of my time in the day, and costs me £8.50.
I just can't win.
And to top it all off, I'm still struggling with the dilemma of what I really want to do in life.
Do I REALLY want to go down the business route. Head says its logical, but the heart wants me to persue the videogame industry. Thats where my true attention and care, and personal drives are.
As you all know, I want to be making videogames, you know, go indie, but again it seems illogical because I'm nowhere near good enough to make a proper success out of it.
I might have the tech, but I lack the skills.
Can't code, can't draw/create art assets, and can't do the music. Of course one could always form a team for that, but that falls apart when this realisation comes into place:
I know NO-ONE. Not a single soul at all with those capabilites.
My Uni has sucked so badly in that department. There are no artists, no software developers around. No musicians, (at least no serious ones).
Evertime I mention gaming to anyone (not just at uni) people either interpret that as the "gamer" sort. The COD posers. Or, they just can't comprehend it.
Lets be honest here, videogames are almost impossible to get into seriously if you have not been exposed to it at a early age.
Not many people ever get to our level of knowledge and understanding.
Trying to sort something out online is like trying to find a needle in a haystack. Lets be honest here.
Ever see a community project? Yeah, most never get anywhere because people tend to sit around and talk, and bounce ideas around, but not actually do anything.
Most successful ones have a core team anyway. People with those specialisations that take on those responsibilties actively.
So option B, is to do it all by myself.
Aaaaannnddd... thats where it falls flat.
I need to improve in all areas, but trying to juggle several roles has proven overwhelming for me.
I still haven't learnt anything musically really.
And my drawing skills are crap. Doodles pretty much. Sprite work is a little better, but doing digital art is a very tedious and frustrating process. (Tried it, several times over)
Don't even get me started on coding.
I always do 1-3 tutorials on a dev kit, then never get the time or the focus to go back and learn the next thing.
My attention and my time is too fragmented at the moment to structure anything out.
Which is why I never devote enough into working on an idea, which then causes it to just fade away into the background of life.
Quitting Uni and getting some full-time work might be alright for getting some structure back, and loosening the pressure put on me, but my family would be very disappointed in me, and society will see me as a failure.
(well, I guess thats a moot point since, society sees me as a incompetent failure anyway, which I'd argue is definately unfair, since unusual circumstances are preventing me from reaching any potential)
Maybe with the money I earn from work, I could save it up and try to get enough moolah to find a place of my own, at least for half a year.
(Would be more affordable if I shared acommodation with someone else like my best friend, but again I know NO-ONE really)
Its difficult. This is the wrong generation to be born in. Everything is stacked against you if you are not from a good family.
Rising housing costs, rising living costs, pretty much rising costs in everything.
(Especially car insurance! I never learned to drive because I couldn't possibly afford all the costs, and unlike my older brother I'm not a sponging git, and I won't put my already hard-up parents into an uncomfortable position)
The reality is that I'm probably going nowhere, not without help.
I don't want to be a bum, living with his parents for the rest of his life, but starting things up is just such a steep hill to climb. Especially by yourself.
I wish I wasn't cursed with such self-awareness. Its just depressing really.
My non-conventional intelligence is ironically making my life harder.
And I wish I wasn't such a pathetic softy either. Not only are women put off by bear-like physiques, but they seem to prefer douchebags as well...
Plus I wouldn't care and worry as much, and could do more selfish things to get myself on top as it were.
I think I'm going to grab a drink from the fridge and go to bed.
(My melodrama is beginning to irritate me as well)
Plus self-reflection takes no effort on my part.
I'm just the kind of guy that likes to reflect and monologue as it were.
(Once I start I just can't stop till I feel satisfied with my statement (I do it in uni work as well, which is another reason I struggle to meet deadlines! XD))
I'm a personality paradox.
A person that likes to be alone, but also loves to talk outwardly to people.
And noisy introvert.
Just a shame most people never seem to listen to me IRL.
(Or just don't want to hear what I have to say...)
(My life ssuuuuuuuucccckkkkssss!!!
Let's see ...
1. As with all intoxicating drugs: Start low, go slow. If the level of intoxication rises too fast, you won't be able to control your state and may well regret it afterwards. After all, the effects of alcohol on the individual are hard to predict, so you should not listen to well meant suggestions of how many drinks you can tolerate. If you feel the first effects of the drink be aware of them. When they start turning into the first signs of intoxication you've had enough.
2. Be careful with mixed drinks. Their percentage is hard to guess and their associated ingredients may influence the absorption of alcohol. Same for mixing drinks in your stomach: This increases the amount of adversive effects enormously.
3. Don't drink unless you really want to. For some people drinking can be fun. Others don't like the effects of alcohol at all. If you have never had any experiences with alcohol before and don't know what type of consument you are: Don't listen to other people's advise in this respect. They won't know either.
Then again ...
1. I have never consumed enough alcohol to feel any particular effect.
2. None of my birthdays was in any way memorable.
3. If you looked for recommendations on which drinks you should try, well, I'm sorry to disappoint you: I don't like any alcoholic beverages at all, because for me alcohol tastes like rotten fruit.
But again, the flavor of beer is different for different brands, and I maintain that most light beers are at worst undrinkable and at best nowhere near as good as their non-light versions.
As for hard liquor that is not mixed together with other stuff (eg. drinking just tequila), I've never really liked any of that.
Just say no.
I was really enjoying it but he seems to have stopped.
Mojito I had the other day was nice.
Some Smirnoff is always good.
(Smirnoff Ice to drink as is, the pure vodka mixes good with cola and some ice)
Baileys is a bit of an aquired taste, but I personally love that stuff!
(Pricey though)
I hate beer though. Just blegh.
Cider ain't bad. Koppenburg is good (I personally like the Strawberry and Lime flavour), some of the stronger pure cider stuff might not be the best though, since it will get you drunk, very drunk.
And I do not recommend Whiskey. A lot of people get pukey after drinking it.
(especially if they mix drinks!)
Cocktails can be good too. If you can find one or two you like, you can stick to a couple of those a night.
Sound like a right drunkard but remember I've been legally able to drink since I was 18, so 3 years is plenty of time to casually try some things...
Its currently on hold till tomorrow, since I was working today and had lots of uni stuff to do at the end of last week.
(Still haven't finished that yet)
So I will be resuming it, but uni is causing disruption.
(Plus older brother keeps stealing my laptop everytime I go off and do something else! >:/)
Answer: No, but there must be a more fitting day
Suggestion: Perhaps July 15th would be a better day.
Thats kind of sad, I had a good bit of fun with that game.
Oh well, uninstalled the game of the pc now, since there's little point of keeping it on there.
I can understand why.
I just hope the card game continues to be released on portables. I always love to play those.
I know most people seem to be into Magic, but I always liked the dynamics of Yu-Gi-Oh a bit more, even if it is a little bit shallower of an experience.
(Though to be fair to it, it was nowhere near as restrictive as Magic rules have been (well.. I have heard they have been...))
EDIT: I wish there was a game like D'n'D that also included card battle mechanics. I'd probably get into it if it was done well.
Role play + Strategy
Hmm... interesting...
EDIT 2: Well like an open world MMO, but where you could face opponents 1-on-1 or 2-on-2 in a battle of wits (and maybe a twist of luck).
RPGs and Action battles are of a different flavour. I'd like a Monster hunter MMO, I like the Old Republic MMO. Give me a strategic MMO (thats not a spreadsheet sim like Eve online. -_-) to complete the triad.
Query: Why should the 15th of July be any better?
Answer: Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic was released that day in 2003.
Statement: That would be advisable, meatbag.
(not knowing your gender)
Jack and Coke
Crown and Coke
7 & 7
Cherry Vodka Sour
Vodka and Water
Old Fashioned
Mai Tai
Bloory Mary
White Russian
Pina Colada
Bull Blaster
Jaeger Bomb
Three Wise Men
Buttery Nipple
Mexican Kiss
Irish Car Bomb
Blow Job
Purple Hooter
Lemon Drop
Cherry Bomb
Jolly Rancher
Four Horsemen
Gorilla Fart
Air Head
Silk Panties
Samuel Adams
Dos Equis
Trappist Ale
Stella Artois
If Sylvester Stallone can do it, they can do it. Hollywood has more of an excuse though. Most of the USA doesn't understand cold. "oh if you keep moving and sweating, you're fine". Yeah, that works fine for 0 to -10C, but most of the USA(go ahead and debate me people, I have LOTS of American friends to use as examples) have no idea what -30, -40 is. You don't have an external source of heat longterm or conserve heat shortterm, you die. No matter how "tough" you are, you die. I have yet to see a movie set in severe cold that looks realistic.
For a guy who doesn't get drunk, you sure do come up with some agreeable concepts!
Rebuttal: Talking like a robot can get really old after a while.
Stupid computer, I said PORN! DOWNLOAD PORN!
Ooohhhh yeah, you sexy little crustacean.
The game explains that he was Inuit and was raised in harsh conditions.
No one could survive there shirtless even if they where raised on Pluto!
I didn't say it was logical.
It took me right out of the story which up till then was totally logical.
I'm just a private person, I operate better when I'm isolated.
I love my home, but at the same time its kind of a prison.
Its just difficult to focus. There are too many distractions.
I've tried to you know, "prepare a suitable work environment" like the guidance guy said, but its almost impossible.
Its like trying to build a pyramid of cards in the middle of a storm.
The "wind" of other people just keep moving my attentions around and any cards I set down collapse.
They can't help but drag me off to do something, or put me off work.
Something they say, something they do, just sucks all the drive out of me.
The only work I ever tend to get done is when I am alone in the house. When I'm up early and well prepared.
(Or when everyone is in bed. But I tried working at night, and its very damaging to me. Drives me crazy(er))
And obviously it hasn't been enough. Even with the lower work load I'm still doing crap this year.
(I don't even start assignments. Part of me would be going crazy at me for that, but I just can't seem to get around to working on them. I just end up getting dragged into a personal project that takes up my time and interest)
And organisation is almost impossible.
Its the nature of living. My family can't fully comprehend my academic needs since they work full-time and never went to uni, (well, barring my older brother who is the opposite in both areas, but he's a complete bastard).
I can't schedule an hour or two at the PC, since they can just stroll in at any time, and disrupt me.
(Even if they aren't doing it on purpose. Take my Dad last night. He wanted me to do the dishwasher, but I was busy doing group work. Doing stuff no-one else knew how to do. Very important. Deadlines fast approaching. And my Dad would just not shut up about it! Kept telling me to do it every 20 mins. For once I managed to ignore him long enough to get it done, but normally I get irritated or go off and do it, and I just lose that important flow. The track, that mindset. One thing leads into another, and I'm at the opposite end of the house playing a game or something. I struggle to keep myself in check in the first place, and everyone else is making it worse for me)
I can't even leave the house without being able to make sure someone can look after my little brother. And my older brother, being the complete ignorant uncaring prick that he is, will bugger off randomly, (that if he even gets out of bed...), which is normally alright unless there is overlap later on in the day, when my little bro wants his dinner.
And as for PHYSICAL space, I still don't have any.
A lot of my things are in the living room, (literally no space for it in my bedroom, which I normally can't get into if my little brother is also in there, (its so cramped, there is only like a small square area and that filled mostly with a chair, a desk, and some bed ladders)). Everyone knows and acknowledges that, yet still they rag on at me about the living room being a mess.
I share a bedroom. Sometimes that disrupts my sleeping patterns, (autistic little brother just loves to play 80-90s pop really loud at random times of the day among other irritating habits (like having the TV AND the PC on, playing something simultaneously! Oh joy...))
The only workspace thats reasonable is the main computer desk, IN THE KITCHEN!
A popular visitation point by every man, woman, and child.
And when I CAN get out, I got nowhere to go.
Public library is almost always full; University library is noisy for most of the day (with quiet areas needing to be booked 80% of the time). Getting to university library and back takes up 4-5 hours of my time in the day, and costs me £8.50.
I just can't win.
And to top it all off, I'm still struggling with the dilemma of what I really want to do in life.
Do I REALLY want to go down the business route. Head says its logical, but the heart wants me to persue the videogame industry. Thats where my true attention and care, and personal drives are.
As you all know, I want to be making videogames, you know, go indie, but again it seems illogical because I'm nowhere near good enough to make a proper success out of it.
I might have the tech, but I lack the skills.
Can't code, can't draw/create art assets, and can't do the music. Of course one could always form a team for that, but that falls apart when this realisation comes into place:
I know NO-ONE. Not a single soul at all with those capabilites.
My Uni has sucked so badly in that department. There are no artists, no software developers around. No musicians, (at least no serious ones).
Evertime I mention gaming to anyone (not just at uni) people either interpret that as the "gamer" sort. The COD posers. Or, they just can't comprehend it.
Lets be honest here, videogames are almost impossible to get into seriously if you have not been exposed to it at a early age.
Not many people ever get to our level of knowledge and understanding.
Trying to sort something out online is like trying to find a needle in a haystack. Lets be honest here.
Ever see a community project? Yeah, most never get anywhere because people tend to sit around and talk, and bounce ideas around, but not actually do anything.
Most successful ones have a core team anyway. People with those specialisations that take on those responsibilties actively.
So option B, is to do it all by myself.
Aaaaannnddd... thats where it falls flat.
I need to improve in all areas, but trying to juggle several roles has proven overwhelming for me.
I still haven't learnt anything musically really.
And my drawing skills are crap. Doodles pretty much. Sprite work is a little better, but doing digital art is a very tedious and frustrating process. (Tried it, several times over)
Don't even get me started on coding.
I always do 1-3 tutorials on a dev kit, then never get the time or the focus to go back and learn the next thing.
My attention and my time is too fragmented at the moment to structure anything out.
Which is why I never devote enough into working on an idea, which then causes it to just fade away into the background of life.
Quitting Uni and getting some full-time work might be alright for getting some structure back, and loosening the pressure put on me, but my family would be very disappointed in me, and society will see me as a failure.
(well, I guess thats a moot point since, society sees me as a incompetent failure anyway, which I'd argue is definately unfair, since unusual circumstances are preventing me from reaching any potential)
Maybe with the money I earn from work, I could save it up and try to get enough moolah to find a place of my own, at least for half a year.
(Would be more affordable if I shared acommodation with someone else like my best friend, but again I know NO-ONE really)
Its difficult. This is the wrong generation to be born in. Everything is stacked against you if you are not from a good family.
Rising housing costs, rising living costs, pretty much rising costs in everything.
(Especially car insurance! I never learned to drive because I couldn't possibly afford all the costs, and unlike my older brother I'm not a sponging git, and I won't put my already hard-up parents into an uncomfortable position)
The reality is that I'm probably going nowhere, not without help.
I don't want to be a bum, living with his parents for the rest of his life, but starting things up is just such a steep hill to climb. Especially by yourself.
I wish I wasn't cursed with such self-awareness. Its just depressing really.
My non-conventional intelligence is ironically making my life harder.
And I wish I wasn't such a pathetic softy either. Not only are women put off by bear-like physiques, but they seem to prefer douchebags as well...
Plus I wouldn't care and worry as much, and could do more selfish things to get myself on top as it were.
I think I'm going to grab a drink from the fridge and go to bed.
(My melodrama is beginning to irritate me as well)
How do you find the time to write all of this?
Its 2am. Everyone is in bed.
Plus self-reflection takes no effort on my part.
I'm just the kind of guy that likes to reflect and monologue as it were.
(Once I start I just can't stop till I feel satisfied with my statement (I do it in uni work as well, which is another reason I struggle to meet deadlines! XD))
I'm a personality paradox.
A person that likes to be alone, but also loves to talk outwardly to people.
And noisy introvert.
Just a shame most people never seem to listen to me IRL.
(Or just don't want to hear what I have to say...)
How did you find the time to type all of that and still find time to be a mum for the kids?