I've spent the past few days watching E3 stuff and getting super excited about a few upcoming titles, but I don't know why. There's no way in hell my PC could run any of those games on max settings and it's depressing the shit out of me. *sigh*
I thought Bones season 7 was really good. I thought it had been getting dull and boring since like season 3 but this season breathed new life into it with
interesting cases and finally
Booth and Bones are a couple! I know it was sotra rushed because of the actresses pregnancy but there chemistry as a couple
I thought Bones season 7 was really good. I thought it had been getting dull and boring since like season 3 but this season breathed new life into it with
interesting cases and finally
Booth and Bones are a couple! I know it was sotra rushed because of the actresses pregnancy but there chemistry as a couple
made the show really interesting again!
Brennan crying due to her hormones and Booth getting excited about it because he liked seeing Brennan express her emotions
was priceless.
I wish Fox didn't cancel the Bones backdoor pilot, The Finder, though. I really liked that show.
I wish Fox didn't cancel the Bones backdoor pilot, The Finder, though. I really liked that show.
Fox cancelled Firefly, Dollhouse, the Sarah Conner Chronicles - because Summer Glau is the kiss of death to TV shows - and Futurama. Best not to trust them with good shows.
(Going from Hard Rock/Metal to chiptunes/Video Game OSTs/Remixes to musicals like The Muppets and Rocky Horror, to comedy musicians like The Bonzo Dog Band/Lonely Island/Ninja Sex Party/Brentalfloss/Jon Lajoie/Monty Python/Tenacious D)
EDIT: I think my eyebrows are becoming more emotive as time passes.
I used to struggle to control my right eyebrow, but now it appears I can control it almost as good as my left one.
My playlist says I can't make up my mind. Where else will you see the Red Army Choir blend into Queen blend into Anime music blend into Led Zeppelin blend into the North Korean People's Orchestra blend into Run DMC?
To be entirely fair, though, Marvel's The Avengers is pretty early out the gate for a summer spectacle film. If you consider that it came out earlier in the month than last year's Tree of Life, I mean, you're still in that fuzzy area between Good Movie season and Summer Movie season.
I thought it was one of the best films released last year, yeah. As far as great movies go, it has good company with things like Drive, the Fincher interpretation of Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, The Artist, or even something like Shame or A Separation. If nothing else, it was probably the smartest and largest-scale big-idea movie I saw last year.
Drive, The Artist and Girl/Dragon Tattoo I all liked. I might need to rewatch Tree of Life, maybe I wasn't in the right mindset for it.
That's possible. I feel like it's probably not as easy to just pick and watch as something like The Artist is, which is easily a crowd-pleaser.
This has reminded me that I still have yet to see a few big films from last year. I still haven't seen Midnight in Paris, which often tops actually respectable best movie of the year lists. I was also really interested in seeing Another Earth, Trust, The Descendants, Martha Marcy May Marlene(whose draw is similar to a movie I'd like to see this year, Sound of My Voice), and Hesher.
I would also love to see The Mill and the Cross, but I almost feel like I'd have to go through a primer on Renaissance-era art to really appreciate it, so it has been on the backburner for ages.
That's possible. I feel like it's probably not as easy to just pick and watch as something like The Artist is, which is easily a crowd-pleaser.
This has reminded me that I still have yet to see a few big films from last year. I still haven't seen Midnight in Paris, which often tops actually respectable best movie of the year lists. I was also really interested in seeing Another Earth, Trust, The Descendants, Martha Marcy May Marlene(whose draw is similar to a movie I'd like to see this year, Sound of My Voice), and Hesher.
I would also love to see The Mill and the Cross, but I almost feel like I'd have to go through a primer on Renaissance-era art to really appreciate it, so it has been on the backburner for ages.
I didn't know any of the films you mentioned before, but Midnight in Paris made me really want to go to Paris and spend all night riding around in taxis. That's the kind of film it is.
What I love about the human voice is the variety of tones you can get out of it.
From quiet and meek, to soothing and suave, to full on demonic!
I'll get you next time Gadget! NEXT TIIIMMMEEE!!!!
(Something the guys in our family are pretty good at impersonating! XD)
I wish I could mimic better though. That would be fun to play with!
EDIT: Sometimes I think I was actually supposed to be evil, but like Goku something happened when I was young, and now I've kind of repressed it, (and I think I might also be a little brain damaged!).
I wish Fox didn't cancel the Bones backdoor pilot, The Finder, though.
Fox cancelled Firefly, Dollhouse, the Sarah Conner Chronicles - because Summer Glau is the kiss of death to TV shows - and Futurama. Best not to trust them with good shows.
I cannot wait, for that Clockwork Angel's fan pack!
EDIT: Just had an email saying its been posted!
"Rule number one: In my van, it's Rush. All Rush, all the time. No exceptions."
(Going from Hard Rock/Metal to chiptunes/Video Game OSTs/Remixes to musicals like The Muppets and Rocky Horror, to comedy musicians like The Bonzo Dog Band/Lonely Island/Ninja Sex Party/Brentalfloss/Jon Lajoie/Monty Python/Tenacious D)
EDIT: I think my eyebrows are becoming more emotive as time passes.
I used to struggle to control my right eyebrow, but now it appears I can control it almost as good as my left one.
Can't. Stop. Thinking. About. It.
It's driving me nuts. Damn you, Ridley!
This is the best Rush album in a looooooong time!
Fan pack has a lovely poster and keyring as well as a magazine.
I look forward to reading the mag later.
That also reminds me, I need to unpack the Drive soundtrack. It's on a zip file somewhere on my system.
True cinematic masterpiece that. Everyone loves it!
This has reminded me that I still have yet to see a few big films from last year. I still haven't seen Midnight in Paris, which often tops actually respectable best movie of the year lists. I was also really interested in seeing Another Earth, Trust, The Descendants, Martha Marcy May Marlene(whose draw is similar to a movie I'd like to see this year, Sound of My Voice), and Hesher.
I would also love to see The Mill and the Cross, but I almost feel like I'd have to go through a primer on Renaissance-era art to really appreciate it, so it has been on the backburner for ages.
I didn't know any of the films you mentioned before, but Midnight in Paris made me really want to go to Paris and spend all night riding around in taxis. That's the kind of film it is.
The one where
I mean what's the name?
From quiet and meek, to soothing and suave, to full on demonic!
I'll get you next time Gadget! NEXT TIIIMMMEEE!!!!
(Something the guys in our family are pretty good at impersonating! XD)
I wish I could mimic better though. That would be fun to play with!
EDIT: Sometimes I think I was actually supposed to be evil, but like Goku something happened when I was young, and now I've kind of repressed it, (and I think I might also be a little brain damaged!).
EDIT 2: I need blood.
You can do it.
I believe in you.
I also believe in The Flying Potato Mecha.
(He will forsake our sins with bullets and mash!)
There will be blood and gravy.
Lots of gravy.
(Someone let me eat sweeties again!
Well, personally, I just believe in her.
One more day, Dash. One. More. Day.
EDIT: Oh, huh, I thought that poster said "You" for some reason.
Doesn't matter. You, we, me, I... In the end, we're all in the struggle against the bourgeoisie capitalist roaders together!
Wait, that IS what this is about, right?
I took hate Burger Tortoise Money Hoarders!
Your agreement results in elation amongst your comrade workers!
Also, mass starvation and violence, but whatevs.
I somehow doubt your sincerity.
---possible. Good luck!
Only if its lying on its back.
In the desert.
The burger frying.
I'm hungry now...
Do you lose points if your citations are insufficiently crazy?
If I had a limbo that's how I'd ride in it.