There's a happy middle somewhere between having some stockpile of food in case of a minor emergency, and having six months' worth.
There are some people form whom six months of food makes sense. If you're working in Alaska on an oil platform, by all means, have a big stockpile. There are also some people who like eating survival food, and $1,000 for 6 months of food works out to be pretty cheap if that's really what you want to eat.
Near major metro areas, it's not as helpful. For most localized emergencies, you only need to get by for a while 'til the National Guard and Red Cross come in for assistance. Generally, services are restored (or relocation assistance is provided) within a week or two, and even if you had no food at all, that's short enough that most people wouldn't starve to death.
What if there's a national catastrophe, and there really is no hope for help for six months? Well, then you start having problems with clean water, which is more important than food, and most people can't store 6 months of water. Then there are the looters you have to defend your stash against. Then there are the less-prepared friends and neighbors you once loved at your doorstep, begging for their survival. Do you turn them away, or do you share, knowing that that will deplete your supply even faster? Chances are, you'll need to rely on more than a few canned goods to get you through this.
You know, that just reminded me that of something my mom told me. Apparently, she met Ray Bradbury quite a few times around town and said that he attended a ridiculous number of events that she was involved in, one way or the other. Apparently, he was also a very nice guy from the way she talked about her conversations with him.
Does anybody know of any good forums on the web, to post links to my YouTube videos to? I'll always keep posting them here but I would like to reach a wider audience. I'm thinking that a movie based forum would be the best fit but a forum which encourages creativity and feedback.
My grandmother passed away overnight. I wish I could be with my family right now.
I'm so sorry to hear that. There seems to be an awful lot of people losing members of their family at the moment, I suppose that you could try to take comfort from the fact that you're not alone.
Thanks guys. She was 82, and I'd already come to terms with the fact that I'd likely not be around when it happened. Still quite upset though (as you might imagine).
Mostly I'd just like a hug and there's a notable absence of anyone to help out with that right now. I'm going to get outside in the fresh air for a while... at least it's a lovely evening.
Mostly I'd just like a hug and there's a notable absence of anyone to help out with that right now. I'm going to get outside in the fresh air for a while... at least it's a lovely evening.
Thanks guys. She was 82, and I'd already come to terms with the fact that I'd likely not be around when it happened. Still quite upset though (as you might imagine).
Mostly I'd just like a hug and there's a notable absence of anyone to help out with that right now. I'm going to get outside in the fresh air for a while... at least it's a lovely evening.
I would hug you through the internet if I could, Puzzlebox.
These necessary and thoughtful words of sorrow are all too common upon this forum these days.
It's so sad.
We all have people to love... the other side of that coin is dealing with loss. I'll willingly shoulder the latter if it's the price to pay for having such wonderful people in my life.
I spoke to my dad this evening (it was his mum that passed away)... he was so calm that it calmed me down too.
I don't think I've ever spoken much on here about my dad. He is easily the most awe-inspiring man I know. The most "man's man" kind of guy you could ever meet. He can fix a car, build a house (including foundation, plumbing and electrical wiring, even make the bricks), use a lathe, drive a tanker, design and build a septic system, weld up a box trailer out of sheet metal. He has a kangaroo leather hat made from an animal he shot and skinned himself.
He's run a marathon faster than the original Olympic record. He surfs (and he's in his late 50s). Didn't get much of an education but his global political knowledge is way in advance of pretty much anyone else I've interacted with. He's funny and generous and stubborn and a pain in the arse and as I get older I recognise more and more of his personality in myself. I am ridiculously proud to be his daughter.
Also, I know the usual thing to do is allow a grace period of respect when someone posts about a loss here. Carry on as usual guys, I'm doing ok. Thanks again for the kind words.
My condolences, Puzzlebox. I know all too well just how useless words can be at times like this, but I want you to know that you and your family are in my thoughts.
I know how you feel. My uncle died a few days ago, and I barely knew him. I didn’t cry at his funeral, which has been been punching me in the stomach.
If it makes you feel better, I didn't cry at my mom's funeral a week and a half ago. For that matter, i haven't cried all since she died two weeks ago. It's okay to deal with loss in whatever way is appropriate for you.
And on that note, tonight begins the first step in my project in honor of my mom. My mom was an amazing cook. I have 21 cousins on my mom's side, and every one of them has a favorite that she used to make. Unfortunately, while I did learn a lot from her, and I totally have her holiday baking down, I never learned as much as I would have liked.
So now my kitchen is a test kitchen. I'm making a list of everything she used to cook and I'm going to build a cookbook. There's some things that I know how to make or where her recipe is. There's some of it that I can learn from other people, who either learned from her or who she learned from. For the rest, I'll have to find similar recipes as a starting point, apply what little I know of how she made those things, and keep trying the recipe until I dial it in.
It's going to be a long process, but it's something I have to do, both for myself and for my family. And tonight, I've started with one of her appetizers/party snacks that's a favorite among my whole big family. Watch for the cooking thread to see what it is.
I don't think I've ever spoken much on here about my dad. He is easily the most awe-inspiring man I know. The most "man's man" kind of guy you could ever meet. He can fix a car, build a house (including foundation, plumbing and electrical wiring, even make the bricks), use a lathe, drive a tanker, design and build a septic system, weld up a box trailer out of sheet metal. He has a kangaroo leather hat made from an animal he shot and skinned himself.
He's run a marathon faster than the original Olympic record. He surfs (and he's in his late 50s). Didn't get much of an education but his global political knowledge is way in advance of pretty much anyone else I've interacted with. He's funny and generous and stubborn and a pain in the arse and as I get older I recognise more and more of his personality in myself. I am ridiculously proud to be his daughter.
My dad was grumbling it was a waste of points, but I never normally use my Nintendo points anyway.
My father always told me to invest my Nintendo points prudently. I actually bought a ton of card packs as well, gonna just sell them on ebay though, or you can have them if you like Retro!
My father always told me to invest my Nintendo points prudently. I actually bought a ton of card packs as well, gonna just sell them on ebay though, or you can have them if you like Retro!
I'll admit the thought of selling them was tempting.
But since they probably won't be worth much, I thought I'd just open them up and keep them.
I've actually put all of mine neatly into a sandwich bag, and stashed them in a unused cupboard.
I see the cards do have rarity, which is interesting.
There are regular cards,
Ones with silver wings on the top right,
Ones with gold wings on the top right,
And one so far I've seen with a Diamond wing on them.
Eh. I'm too old to be collecting cards.
(Well one's I can't use in a trading card game like yu-gi-oh or magic that is! XD)
Thats what Nintendo should do!
Make a proper AR card game with these cards via eshop!
The cards are clearly marked in different categories and have different stats.
I don't see why they couldn't repurpose that into a proper little game with online play.
(I'd love to see a Super Smash Cards or something. That would be awesome! )
They have a deal with Panini to distribute these Kid Icarus cards, so I don't see why they couldn't hire some people to design one for the future.
(Run it along with the actual release of Super Smash Bros 3DS, and that would just be freakin awesome! A test of brains and brawn! XD)
Man, the deprivation of sleep and the work load is getting to me now.
I got up at 5 to do some work.
And I couldn't get anywhere in it.
All attempts at trying just made me more sleepy.
I just fell asleep for about 20 minutes. Sitting upwards, at the computer desk.
I was just like *Zonk* Zzzzzzzzzz....
(I'd like to point out that I never normally do that.)
I probably need a energy drink or something to patch me up, but its only 7:30, and the shops don't open till 10 on Sundays (I think?).
My Zantac tablets seem to have less effect as well.
(Normally they cancel out my acid indigestion, but they seem to be taking time to kick in, if at all)
I think I might have some painkillers later, if I can wake up some more.
Got a little bit of a headache coming up.
(Man, my body is just so messed up. I did a full work shift yesterday. 9am-6pm, and I got up at 5am to work on an assignment beforehand. I've spent most of the week with only 4-5 hours of sleep each night. Its all adding up to this. Becoming a barely functional zombie.)
(I drifted off as I was about to post this. Goddamn. I'm messed up)
EDIT: Went back to bed for a bit, and I'm back up and feeling a little better now.
A little dry and headachey, but eh. I should be alright.
Hmm, I hate my voice and it doesn't sound much like my other family members voices at all. Damn my individuality!
I sound nothing like anyone else in my family. The closest voice relation I can think of is that my brother sounds KINDA like my dad. I actually treasure my individual voice, though.
I just watched Prometheus for the first time. I've never seen the Alien films (save for when my dad would watch them and I'd see bits and pieces, which I disliked), and I had no interest in this film, but my dad wanted to see it, so my sister and I went with him since it's Father's Day.
I'm indifferent towards it, which is pretty good when you consider that I expected to hate it.
There are some people form whom six months of food makes sense. If you're working in Alaska on an oil platform, by all means, have a big stockpile. There are also some people who like eating survival food, and $1,000 for 6 months of food works out to be pretty cheap if that's really what you want to eat.
Near major metro areas, it's not as helpful. For most localized emergencies, you only need to get by for a while 'til the National Guard and Red Cross come in for assistance. Generally, services are restored (or relocation assistance is provided) within a week or two, and even if you had no food at all, that's short enough that most people wouldn't starve to death.
What if there's a national catastrophe, and there really is no hope for help for six months? Well, then you start having problems with clean water, which is more important than food, and most people can't store 6 months of water. Then there are the looters you have to defend your stash against. Then there are the less-prepared friends and neighbors you once loved at your doorstep, begging for their survival. Do you turn them away, or do you share, knowing that that will deplete your supply even faster? Chances are, you'll need to rely on more than a few canned goods to get you through this.
Let's hope it's just a waste of money.
Found something for you today.
Any suggestions?
I'm so sorry to hear that. There seems to be an awful lot of people losing members of their family at the moment, I suppose that you could try to take comfort from the fact that you're not alone.
Either way, you have my sincere condolences.
Oh damn, and you're halfway around the globe...
My condolences!
Mostly I'd just like a hug and there's a notable absence of anyone to help out with that right now. I'm going to get outside in the fresh air for a while... at least it's a lovely evening.
Maybe that helps a little...
These necessary and thoughtful words of sorrow are all too common upon this forum these days.
It's so sad.
She knows you're there in spirit.
I would hug you through the internet if I could, Puzzlebox.
We all have people to love... the other side of that coin is dealing with loss. I'll willingly shoulder the latter if it's the price to pay for having such wonderful people in my life.
I spoke to my dad this evening (it was his mum that passed away)... he was so calm that it calmed me down too.
I don't think I've ever spoken much on here about my dad. He is easily the most awe-inspiring man I know. The most "man's man" kind of guy you could ever meet. He can fix a car, build a house (including foundation, plumbing and electrical wiring, even make the bricks), use a lathe, drive a tanker, design and build a septic system, weld up a box trailer out of sheet metal. He has a kangaroo leather hat made from an animal he shot and skinned himself.
He's run a marathon faster than the original Olympic record. He surfs (and he's in his late 50s). Didn't get much of an education but his global political knowledge is way in advance of pretty much anyone else I've interacted with. He's funny and generous and stubborn and a pain in the arse and as I get older I recognise more and more of his personality in myself. I am ridiculously proud to be his daughter.
Also, I know the usual thing to do is allow a grace period of respect when someone posts about a loss here. Carry on as usual guys, I'm doing ok. Thanks again for the kind words.
If it makes you feel better, I didn't cry at my mom's funeral a week and a half ago. For that matter, i haven't cried all since she died two weeks ago. It's okay to deal with loss in whatever way is appropriate for you.
And on that note, tonight begins the first step in my project in honor of my mom. My mom was an amazing cook. I have 21 cousins on my mom's side, and every one of them has a favorite that she used to make. Unfortunately, while I did learn a lot from her, and I totally have her holiday baking down, I never learned as much as I would have liked.
So now my kitchen is a test kitchen. I'm making a list of everything she used to cook and I'm going to build a cookbook. There's some things that I know how to make or where her recipe is. There's some of it that I can learn from other people, who either learned from her or who she learned from. For the rest, I'll have to find similar recipes as a starting point, apply what little I know of how she made those things, and keep trying the recipe until I dial it in.
It's going to be a long process, but it's something I have to do, both for myself and for my family. And tonight, I've started with one of her appetizers/party snacks that's a favorite among my whole big family. Watch for the cooking thread to see what it is.
We opened all the packs up, and in the end I only had a handful of copies.
(literally only like 5 or 6 copies!!)
I have a giant pile of them next to me.
Some of them look freakin' awesome!
My dad was grumbling it was a waste of points, but I never normally use my Nintendo points anyway.
Me and my little bro had fun opening them.
Shame Nintendo didn't make any shinies.
Now THAT would have been super cool!
Your da sounds like a total badass!
My father always told me to invest my Nintendo points prudently. I actually bought a ton of card packs as well, gonna just sell them on ebay though, or you can have them if you like Retro!
I'll admit the thought of selling them was tempting.
But since they probably won't be worth much, I thought I'd just open them up and keep them.
I've actually put all of mine neatly into a sandwich bag, and stashed them in a unused cupboard.
I see the cards do have rarity, which is interesting.
There are regular cards,
Ones with silver wings on the top right,
Ones with gold wings on the top right,
And one so far I've seen with a Diamond wing on them.
Eh. I'm too old to be collecting cards.
(Well one's I can't use in a trading card game like yu-gi-oh or magic that is! XD)
Thats what Nintendo should do!
Make a proper AR card game with these cards via eshop!
The cards are clearly marked in different categories and have different stats.
I don't see why they couldn't repurpose that into a proper little game with online play.
(I'd love to see a Super Smash Cards or something. That would be awesome!
They have a deal with Panini to distribute these Kid Icarus cards, so I don't see why they couldn't hire some people to design one for the future.
(Run it along with the actual release of Super Smash Bros 3DS, and that would just be freakin awesome! A test of brains and brawn! XD)
In my family, I sound like my sister, and we both sound like our mother, and she sounded like my grandmother.
Hmm, I hate my voice and it doesn't sound much like my other family members voices at all. Damn my individuality!
I got up at 5 to do some work.
And I couldn't get anywhere in it.
All attempts at trying just made me more sleepy.
I just fell asleep for about 20 minutes. Sitting upwards, at the computer desk.
I was just like *Zonk* Zzzzzzzzzz....
(I'd like to point out that I never normally do that.)
I probably need a energy drink or something to patch me up, but its only 7:30, and the shops don't open till 10 on Sundays (I think?).
My Zantac tablets seem to have less effect as well.
(Normally they cancel out my acid indigestion, but they seem to be taking time to kick in, if at all)
I think I might have some painkillers later, if I can wake up some more.
Got a little bit of a headache coming up.
(Man, my body is just so messed up. I did a full work shift yesterday. 9am-6pm, and I got up at 5am to work on an assignment beforehand. I've spent most of the week with only 4-5 hours of sleep each night. Its all adding up to this. Becoming a barely functional zombie.)
(I drifted off as I was about to post this. Goddamn. I'm messed up)
EDIT: Went back to bed for a bit, and I'm back up and feeling a little better now.
A little dry and headachey, but eh. I should be alright.
I sound nothing like anyone else in my family. The closest voice relation I can think of is that my brother sounds KINDA like my dad. I actually treasure my individual voice, though.
Also, hope you feel better after a good nights sleep, retrovortex!
I admit it; I'm officially obsessed with 'Prometheus' and I feel no shame.
I'm indifferent towards it, which is pretty good when you consider that I expected to hate it.