Will you watch All 3 Movies before the game comes out?

edited January 2011 in Back to the Future
Well would you watch the 3 movies to prep yourself for the new game? unless the new game will be based on the first movie, just how Indiana Jones and the last Cursade was...if so do you think it will spoil the gameplay or help relive the moments

ill certainly watch the movies before playing the game,i dunno if anyone knows but Bttf 2 and 3 were shot back to back


  • edited June 2010
    Absolutely. I haven't watched the BTTF trilogy in ages and I'll definitely watch it again before the game comes out. Not because I need to refresh the story element but because the movies are brilliant. I had the DVD box set several years ago and I lent it to a friend but he never returned it and I haven't watched BTTF since. One of the reasons physical storage units is completely ridiculous. I mean I've already payed for the right to see the movies whenever I want, not to own a stupid metal plate with some arbritary content on it.
    But yeah, I'm hyped about the game coming out so I'll rewatch the movies prior to the game release. Also, I doubt it will be based on one particular part. Most likely it will be completely separate from the movie trilogy.
  • edited June 2010
    The Back to the Future trilogy is on pretty much constant rotation at my house. One of the reasons I'm a little bit concerned about how the game is going to work.
  • edited June 2010
    I watch them all every now and then so no need :) but ill watch them soon again, they are after all amoungst my favorite films of all time, and the trilogy overall is one of the best ever.
  • edited June 2010
    caeska wrote: »
    I had the DVD box set several years ago and I lent it to a friend but he never returned it and I haven't watched BTTF since. One of the reasons physical storage units is completely ridiculous. I mean I've already payed for the right to see the movies whenever I want, not to own a stupid metal plate with some arbritary content on it.

    Yeah, but your friend didn't pay for the right, and now you're being punished. :p
  • edited June 2010
    A friend of mine I know watches the entire trilogy whenever he remembers them, so I'm pretty sure he'll be all hyped to watch the trilogy at least three times before playing the game and beating it 6 times.

    You know, just to catch all the references and jokes and whatnot.
  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited June 2010
    I watch all three movies back-to-back at least once a year, and I haven't watched it yet, so I'll definitely watch them all between now and the game's release. :)

    One of these days I want to edit all three movies into one big movie. :D
  • edited June 2010
    Jennifer wrote: »
    I watch all three movies back-to-back at least once a year, and I haven't watched it yet, so I'll definitely watch them all between now and the game's release. :)

    One of these days I want to edit all three movies into one big movie. :D

    Errr... Don't do that? Please? I don't know you but, in my opinion, third movie shouldn't even be in the same franchise.

    I mean please. I'll pay you.
  • edited June 2010
    Strangely, I just recently rewatched my trilogy set from when it first came out and must have paid closer attention. I realized the horrible framing issues that plagued the 2nd and 3rd movie and went on to find there was a disc replacement program available which I only just found out my mailer to return the discs shipped yesterday. I find this section on the forums and am like, "You've got to be freaking kidding me!" It's seriously too odd. Also, everyone in the states with cable/satellite can watch the trilogy this weekend. I saw it advertised on ABC Family for Saturday (of course check your listings for local times). So many strange coincidences involving these movies with me, so I'll be first in line to buy this game!
  • edited June 2010
    My wife and I watched the trilogy again just about a month ago. Weird timing. We don't have the Jurassic Park movies on DVD yet, though, so those'll have to wait.
  • edited June 2010
    caeska wrote: »
    I had the DVD box set several years ago and I lent it to a friend but he never returned it and I haven't watched BTTF since. One of the reasons physical storage units is completely ridiculous. I mean I've already payed for the right to see the movies whenever I want, not to own a stupid metal plate with some arbritary content on it.

    So now you're blaming the media instead of you so-called "friend" who obviously is an idiot or yourself for not being man enough to make him return your dvds? Great logic. But remember this: you wouldn't even be able to rent out the download since it is most probably locked to the device you downloaded it with (or to your personal account).
  • edited June 2010
    Jennifer wrote: »
    I watch all three movies back-to-back at least once a year
    Same here... but now I won't do that anymore until it gets its Blu-ray release.
  • edited June 2010
    Hell, I'm tempted to watch all three movies right now. The last time I watched them was probably around a year ago, exposing my 14 year old cousin to them for the first time, shortly after the DVD release.
  • edited June 2010
    I absolutely will watch the 3 movies before the game :)

    The movies was chock-full of in-jokes and cross-references, I expect the same from the game and I don't want to miss one! :D
  • edited June 2010
    Heh. I watched the first two last night :)
  • edited June 2010
    Don't have to watch them. I know them already. But I might just for fun, unrelated to whether the game comes out or not.
  • edited June 2010
    I'll watch the first two again I think... might give the third a miss.
  • edited June 2010
    I'm thinking about watching them all today!
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited June 2010
    I will. But that has nothing to do with the upcoming game. Still, it makes things even more interesting. ;)
  • edited June 2010
    Hell yes!!!
  • edited June 2010
    One down, two to go! :D

    Oh and I had forgotten how much of a crush I had on Lea Thompson. Now I realise it's still there!
  • edited June 2010
    Yes, all three movies in a row, for the 27th time or so.
  • edited June 2010
    Defiantly :) , actually, I'm gonna see the first one right now ...
  • edited June 2010
    Right, that's all 3 done. Happy times.
  • edited June 2010
    I watched the First two, but I never finished the third one.
  • edited June 2010
    Jennifer wrote: »
    One of these days I want to edit all three movies into one big movie. :D

    I DID THIS ON VHS!!! A long time ago!!! Just did the 8 hour play on (SP or LP) a VHS tape and edited it myself! It was cool! Looked like crap! But fun all the same!
  • edited June 2010
    axelkothe wrote: »
    So now you're blaming the media instead of you so-called "friend" who obviously is an idiot or yourself for not being man enough to make him return your dvds? Great logic. But remember this: you wouldn't even be able to rent out the download since it is most probably locked to the device you downloaded it with (or to your personal account).

    Yes, I blame the media. And the distributor should know that people are silly enough to lose DVDs. And not placing a warning label on the DVDs that says "Inserting this DVD in your microwave oven may be damaging to the product" is negligent at best. Nothing more than part of their evil plans to cause the unwary consumer to fork out more money for their entertainment products.
  • edited June 2010
    I might read the first Movie's script, Im looking for a good dialogue scene for my showcase....but i will watch the movie altogether including the special feature, near to the time
  • edited June 2010
    Well, I watch these movies on a pretty regular basis so yeah the chances are I'll watch them.

    Also, I was reading the blog post and came across this little quote: "Back to the Future, based on the film trilogy of the same name." This makes me think that it's very possible that they may be making games about the movies...but I guess no matter what it'll be great, I haven't played a bad game by Telltale yet.
  • edited June 2010
    ABC Family HD - This Saturday Night - All 3 Movies are showing! Closest thing to the BLURay we're gonna get for now!!
  • edited June 2010
    dont have too watch em, i already did
  • edited June 2010
    Finished watching them... the soundtrack is amazing as ever! Hmmm...
  • edited June 2010
    I've actually never seen any of the movies.
  • edited June 2010
    PariahKing wrote: »
    I've actually never seen any of the movies.

    seriously? wow youve got to watch them, great 80s movies, no wonder there is so many people posting in the Back to the future forum, is cause they love the movies so much, and this adventure game is going to be outstanding
  • edited June 2010
    You really do need to see them. One of the greatest trilogies ever. And it's not just over-hyped (though I admit I'm speaking from a nostalgic and, therefore, biased standpoint). But they really are great flicks. Great characters. Great plot. Great antagonist(s). Overall great adventure and experience! And the sequels really did build on the atmosphere of the original and weren't just carbon-copies (well....part 3 was a bit of a copy of part 1, but not too much so).
  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited June 2010
    Falanca wrote: »
    Errr... Don't do that? Please? I don't know you but, in my opinion, third movie shouldn't even be in the same franchise.

    I mean please. I'll pay you.
    Part III has grown on me. When I first watched it in the theaters with my parents and sister, I was underwhelmed.

    After I got the DVD release, I have watched it many more times and realized it's not such a bad movie after all. The beginning scene with Doc shocked at seeing Marty is my favorite Christopher Lloyd moment out of all three films. :D
  • edited June 2010
    I always find myself watching them when there on TV even though I have them on DVD. I can watch them over and over without the films getting old. There just so well written!
  • edited June 2010
    i used to watch the entire trilogy in one night, once every two months or something. i remember i use to know them almost by heart. heh. i haven't watched them in ages now but i do have the trilogy boxset sitting on the shelf so mabey its about time again.

    its the kind of movie i wish i could forget entirely so i could watch it from the beginning again as if it was the first time
  • edited June 2010
    PariahKing wrote: »
    I've actually never seen any of the movies.

    I'm always amazed when I hear someone say that phrase. I can understand it if you were born in the early or mid 90's, but if you were born in the early to mid 80's or anytime before that, you have no excuse.
  • edited June 2010
    Good thing my boyfriend owns the Trilogy Box Set, and I am going over there this summer. Perfect opportunity to watch them then. :)

    I know it's not the same as to watch them before the game is released, so the answer to that would be no. :p
  • edited June 2010
    Good thing my boyfriend owns the Trilogy Box Set, and I am going over there this summer. Perfect opportunity to watch them then. :)

    I know it's not the same as to watch them before the game is released, so the answer to that would be no. :p


    If you're going over there this summer, and you'll watch them, then logic tells me you'll watch them before the game is released. So if I'm not missing anything, that's a big old yes for an answer.
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