What time periods would you like to see?

What time periods would you like to see Marty and Doc go to in the series? I think Ancient Rome could be interesting, with Emperor Biff, or maybe some alternate reality eras. America if we had never won the War For Independence, or the world under the rule of an aged Hitler of the future. All sorts of possibilities are open when you're dealing with time travel. So what would you like to see?


  • edited June 2010
    Lets go back to 2015, lol
  • edited June 2010
    It may be unoriginal, but I'd sort of like to see 2015 again, completely unchanged no matter how implausible it is for the world to look like that five years from now. Or maybe not even necessarily that year, but I'd like to see an implausible future setting like that make an appearance.

    Other than that, how about colonial America? The only thing is that this only works if the game's setting is somewhere other than Hill Valley, California, since the DeLorean isn't a time/space machine, unlike a certain mariachi elevator.

    Edit: DAMMIT, I've been ninja'd again!
  • edited June 2010
    The Disco Days! With the afros and the flare pants and the roller skates.
  • edited June 2010
    In the cartoon, the DeLorean was a time/space machine.
  • edited June 2010
    In the cartoon, the DeLorean was a time/space machine.

    There was no cartoon.
  • edited June 2010
    Now now, denial doesn't make it any less true :).
  • edited June 2010
    Honestly, I have no reason to deny it because I haven't seen it. Still, I'm extremely comfortable restricting canon to the films.
  • edited June 2010
    Well, there's a difference between considering it canon or not and saying it doesn't exist. :p I don't consider it canon either and I wasn't suggesting anything of the sort. I was just pointing out an irony.
  • edited June 2010
    Eh, I was only joking anyway. Like I said, I have no reason to (seriously) deny its existence, since I haven't even seen it.
  • edited June 2010
    If you're gonna go to all the trouble of making them dinosaur models....
  • edited June 2010
    I haven't either. I followed a link that someone posted and watched the first part of the pilot episode. It's rather silly and very kid-friendly. I mean, with it's bug-eyes, the DeLorean folding up into a 2 ton suitcase and a fold-out-from-a-suitcase crane to carry it around? A bit exaggerative. The opening and closing of Lloyd's live-action scenes on every episode are funny, though.
    jp-30 wrote: »
    If you're gonna go to all the trouble of making them dinosaur models....

    Hah! Crossover, anyone?
  • edited June 2010
    medieval & the pirate era
  • edited June 2010
    Spadge wrote: »
    The Disco Days! With the afros and the flare pants and the roller skates.

    Considering the film (and presumably the game) was set in the mid 80s, I don't think going a decade back in time would be too exciting!
  • edited June 2010

    Nothing like witnessing the birth of the 20th century and the depression.

    And of course, Marty HAS to wear the old trends for a disguise.
  • edited June 2010
    Wait, if they go back to 1901 or earlier, they could run into...

    But no, they would never give a giant talking dog and a hyperkinetic rabbity thing a cameo in a Back to the Future game...
  • edited June 2010
    HAHA, no, don't be ridiculous!
  • edited June 2010
    If the "main" timeframe that the characters are coming from is still 1985ish, I'd like to see them visit the far-flung future of... 2010! Come on, the jokes about contrasting it with 2015 alone are priceless!


    well, I'd also like to see some turn-of-the-century Victorian stuff. Maybe some Marco Polo-era China.
  • edited June 2010
    Pirate era would have to have a cameo from a certain someone, though (and I don't mean Guybrush...!) :winslow:
  • edited June 2010
    I'd like them to go back in time and meet the founding fathers, and 200 years in the future when evil aliens have overtaken the Earth and force Humans to enter beauty contests! The game would start off at Doc's mansion though, of course. And Marty's girlfriend could be a playable character! And maybe give him a lovable loser friend, a roadie type for his band? That'd be cool.
  • edited June 2010
    I'd like to see the past & the future, say around either the 1920/30s or 60/70s for the past and 2020/30s for the future.
  • edited June 2010
    Theoretically, a time machine would HAVE to be a space machine as well, because if you just went back in time but retain your coordinates, you'd just wind up in the void of outer space, because the position of Earth would have changed (as would the position of the solar system, as would the entire galaxy, as would the entire content of the universe as a whole!)

    To keep true to the movies' philosophy of having to think 4-dimensional, I'd say the geographical location has to remain the same. There's already enough danger in that: suppose you travel back and materialize in the same place where there's already a tree. The tree's particles and your own would get meshed together and you'd be stuck (and hopefully die instantly).

    To answer the original question, though, I don't really care what past they go to. I just hope they keep away from the future as much as possible. I don't like games with a too heavily SF influenced setting.
  • edited June 2010
    Considering the film (and presumably the game) was set in the mid 80s, I don't think going a decade back in time would be too exciting!

    It was actually hinted at in one of the articles about the game that the '70s might be visited. I personally think this would be an interesting decade to visit, because it's within Marty's lifetime, and so he might have to avoid running into himself as a little kid. Maybe we'll even get to witness 8-year-old Marty setting the carpet on fire, as referenced in the first film.

    Also, I think it'd be hilarious if Marty returned to 1955 to right after Doc sent him back to 1885 in the third movie:

    Marty: Doc! I'm back!
    Doc: Marty! But you can't be here! I just sent you back to the old west!
    Marty: I know, Doc, but I'm back. I'm back from the old west.
    Doc: Great Scott! *faints*
  • edited June 2010
    Just had another thought, whatever the year(s) we'll travel to, they have to end in a 5.
  • edited June 2010
    Theoretically, a time machine would HAVE to be a space machine as well, because if you just went back in time but retain your coordinates, you'd just wind up in the void of outer space, because the position of Earth would have changed (as would the position of the solar system, as would the entire galaxy, as would the entire content of the universe as a whole!)

    To keep true to the movies' philosophy of having to think 4-dimensional, I'd say the geographical location has to remain the same. There's already enough danger in that: suppose you travel back and materialize in the same place where there's already a tree. The tree's particles and your own would get meshed together and you'd be stuck (and hopefully die instantly).

    Have you been reading TV Tropes?
  • TorTor
    edited June 2010
    suppose you travel back and materialize in the same place where there's already a tree. The tree's particles and your own would get meshed together and you'd be stuck (and hopefully die instantly).
    Or perhaps you would telefrag whatever you materialized inside--imagine the base of the tree trunk exploding in a shower of splinters. Come to think of it, that wouldn't get you very far, as the top part of the tree would then drop down and flatten you.
  • edited June 2010

    No, just some David Deutsch, Brian Greene, Lisa Randall and Michael Lockwood.
  • edited June 2010
    65,000,000,000 B.C., 12,000 B.C., 600 A.D., 1000 A.D., 1999 A.D. and 2300 A.D.


    i'd love to visit all time periods from the movies at least for a bit. 1955 and 1985 obviously because everything revolves around both those years. 2015 because it's so awesome. and the old west... hey, why not?
  • edited June 2010
    1885 - 1985 - 2015- 1955 - All the classics and we can go on from there.
  • edited June 2010
    Lena_P wrote: »
    I'd like them to go back in time and meet the founding fathers, and 200 years in the future when evil aliens have overtaken the Earth and force Humans to enter beauty contests! The game would start off at Doc's mansion though, of course. And Marty's girlfriend could be a playable character! And maybe give him a lovable loser friend, a roadie type for his band? That'd be cool.

    I see what you did there.
    Theoretically, a time machine would HAVE to be a space machine as well, because if you just went back in time but retain your coordinates, you'd just wind up in the void of outer space, because the position of Earth would have changed (as would the position of the solar system, as would the entire galaxy, as would the entire content of the universe as a whole!)

    I was thinking of this myself last month when I rewatched the trilogy. It's hard to believe not a lot of people have thought of it before.
  • edited June 2010
    Lena_P wrote: »
    I'd like them to go back in time and meet the founding fathers, and 200 years in the future when evil aliens have overtaken the Earth and force Humans to enter beauty contests! The game would start off at Doc's mansion though, of course. And Marty's girlfriend could be a playable character! And maybe give him a lovable loser friend, a roadie type for his band? That'd be cool.

    Funny, i was actually expecting marty to be hoagie :rolleyes:
  • edited June 2010
    I've got it! The early 1930's! Time of the Great Depression, the Prohibition, Bonnie and Clyde... It's perfect!
  • edited June 2010
    The 70's could be funny. I'd also be good with pirates :)
  • edited June 2010
    Well, there's a difference between considering it canon or not and saying it doesn't exist. :p I don't consider it canon either and I wasn't suggesting anything of the sort. I was just pointing out an irony.

    YEAH!! I mean I have never seen Santa but he is real........... RIGHT?!?.... right?........ guys?
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited June 2010
    Crrash wrote: »
    65,000,000,000 B.C., 12,000 B.C., 600 A.D., 1000 A.D., 1999 A.D. and 2300 A.D.


    You've been playing Super NES again, have you? :D
  • edited June 2010
    Irishmile wrote: »
    YEAH!! I mean I have never seen Santa but he is real........... RIGHT?!?.... right?........ guys?

    Yes, Irishmilia, there is a Santa Clause; just as surely as there in a treasure crab.

    If they do go forward in time to 2015, I hope they change the future so people have hover-scooters now instead of skateboards :p Seriously, I don't know about where y'all live, but in my town the majority of kids go around on those razors. The skateboarders are mostly college students. The bicyclists are in their 40's or above.

    1905 could be a cool year to visit, too. The town would be a little more established but still small and growing, and people could have handlebar mustaches and ride around in a horseless carriage.
  • edited June 2010
    How bout 2015 like reality is right now is the "bad 2015" and then marty must go to 1985 to fix something for it to become like the 2015 of the movie...

    I would love to see more of the 80s!!! 50s...and future...would love to see more of time weird things happening...like bbtf2...changing things affect other things, and bringe me 80s! bring me rock and roll, glam metal, skateboards, mullets, all that!!!

    please jaja
  • edited June 2010
    Lena_P wrote: »
    I'd like them to go back in time and meet the founding fathers, and 200 years in the future when evil aliens have overtaken the Earth and force Humans to enter beauty contests! The game would start off at Doc's mansion though, of course. And Marty's girlfriend could be a playable character! And maybe give him a lovable loser friend, a roadie type for his band? That'd be cool.

    This Back to the Future game could be REALLY awesome if they followed the basic formula of DoTT. After all, Dave Grossman was lead designer on that game. Good call Lena_P!
  • edited June 2010
    go back to the age of dinosaurs and fight the biffasausous. This way telltale could use the same dinosaurs in both games!

    Or have them travel 100 years into the future where john hammonds dinosaurs have taken over. this way you wouldn't have to create two games it would be back to the future meets jurassic park and marty and doc brown would have to find out how it started and have to go back to the original jurassic park and stop john hammond!:p

    Actually i'm only joking this is a terrible idea
  • edited June 2010
    FIGULS wrote:
    How bout 2015 like reality is right now is the "bad 2015" and then marty must go to 1985 to fix something for it to become like the 2015 of the movie...

    That's actually a great idea ;)
    go back to the age of dinosaurs and fight the biffasausous. This way telltale could use the same dinosaurs in both games!

    This one as well, haha :D
    How many different Biff incarnations could they use ?
    Pirate Biff ? Dark Night Beef ? First life cells ever Biff ? Hitler Biff :eek: ?
  • edited June 2010
    An in-movie-timeline 2010 would be great, with a time shift that put the timeline into actual 2010 for extra giggles.
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