What time periods would you like to see?



  • edited December 2010
    It's easy to do something like that in a lame way, with them being overly bewildered by things that are common to us.

    It could also be funny:

    - Them being underwhelmed by how little innovation there has been.
    - Or doc explaining things in 2011 in a way more advanced way than they actually are.
    - Doc using a PC and wondering why computers in the future are so slow and unreliable.

    Or even 2011 being depicted almost as futuristic as 2015 in the movie, BTTF having it's own timeline parallel to ours.
  • edited December 2010
    I'm sure this question came up in an interview with Bob Gale. He said he finds it more fun writing about the past but if they did a sequel then he might do it in the future if that is what people want.

    I do really hope it takes place in the future. 1930's is fun i just hope we dont spend the majority of the season there.
  • edited December 2010
    Look at the concept art for episode 3, YES! YES YES!

    Episode 3 is alternate 1986. So NO NO NO...
  • edited December 2010
    Strayth wrote: »
    Look at the concept art for episode 3, YES! YES YES!

    Episode 3 is alternate 1986. So NO NO NO...

    Raise your hands who was reminded of 'Singin' in the Rain' :D
  • edited December 2010
    I wish we could return to 2015... I even went and played super back to the future just because i wanted to see more of that time period. :o
  • edited December 2010
    Farlander wrote: »
    Raise your hands who was reminded of 'Singin' in the Rain' :D

    *raises hand*
  • edited December 2010
    Now that I think about it, even our level of technology would freak Marty out a bit.
  • edited December 2010
    SunnyGuy wrote: »
    The synopsis for the fifth episode says yes.

    Well, Gale hinted that the future might be shown again, but he didn't comfirm anything. (He also said that Lloyd saying that there are automated cars, so hopefully it will come up.)
  • edited December 2010
    Well, one can't go on "a climatic chase through Hill Valley's past, present, and future" as the synopsis says without traveling to the future can you?
  • Well robert zemeckis indicated that if he were planning a trilogy from the start, he never would have travelled to the future as he knew he'd inevitably get it wrong. So i could see him avoiding it here.

    Personally I am glad they went to the future in part II, we find out marty and jennifer end up together, it gives a logical reason for doc to bring marty through time (i cant see doc intentionally chaning the past like that to avoid a paradox), it gives us a happier ending in part III to se see that future get avoided and does allow us to basically see lorraine, george, and biff come full circle as we see them as teenagers, adults, and seniors. And lets face it we all know anyone with a time machine would eventually go to the future.

    Anyhow as mentioned, the last episode indicates it but i wonder if they'll have doc travel to 2011 which is his future.
  • edited December 2010
    Well robert zemeckis indicated that if he were planning a trilogy from the start, he never would have travelled to the future as he knew he'd inevitably get it wrong. So i could see him avoiding it here.

    Personally I am glad they went to the future in part II, we find out marty and jennifer end up together, it gives a logical reason for doc to bring marty through time (i cant see doc intentionally chaning the past like that to avoid a paradox), it gives us a happier ending in part III to se see that future get avoided and does allow us to basically see lorraine, george, and biff come full circle as we see them as teenagers, adults, and seniors. And lets face it we all know anyone with a time machine would eventually go to the future.

    Anyhow as mentioned, the last episode indicates it but i wonder if they'll have doc travel to 2011 which is his future.

    I agree with this point. 2000-2010 is the future. 24 years in the future to be precise. Blackberry smart phones, touch screen computers, flat screen televisions, DVDs, iPods... It's enough to get some 80s commentary about the 2010 lifestyle.
  • edited December 2010
    SunnyGuy wrote: »
    Well, one can't go on "a climatic chase through Hill Valley's past, present, and future" as the synopsis says without traveling to the future can you?

    My thought exactly.
  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited December 2010
    G.byrne wrote: »
    I agree with this point. 2000-2010 is the future. 24 years in the future to be precise. Blackberry smart phones, touch screen computers, flat screen televisions, DVDs, iPods... It's enough to get some 80s commentary about the 2010 lifestyle.
    Not to mention the internet. That alone would probably wow people from 1986. :D

    TV and movies on gaming consoles is also something that would impress and confuse 1980's people, as would self check-out lines at grocery stores, speed pass cards at gas stations and theme parks, and credit cards with RFID chips. On the negative side of the spectrum, it would be interesting to see 1980's people's thoughts on the TSA airport scanners, pad downs, and carry-on restrictions at US airports.
  • edited December 2010
    G.byrne wrote: »
    I agree with this point. 2000-2010 is the future. 24 years in the future to be precise. Blackberry smart phones, touch screen computers, flat screen televisions, DVDs, iPods... It's enough to get some 80s commentary about the 2010 lifestyle.

    Aren't many of those things (along with backscatter machines and widespread tasers and so forth) just a part of the terrifying alternate universe dystopia that could have occurred had Doc not invented time travel?
  • Remember the timeline has been changed at least twice (and not even counting the alternate 1985 we see as that one was destroyed) since the 2015 we see:
    1) Doc and Marty returning to 1955: They were careful not to alter the timeline any more than they had to but they did; Marty bought clothes and Biff crashing into the manure truck as well as whatever parts Doc needed to purchase to repair the delorean at the beginning of part III all cause the ripple effect; Biff has about $300 less in his wallet and these companies had slightly more in their wallets. Who knows if that was the difference for a business? Maybe one of the auto companies which plays a hand in building the flying cars of the future gets effected somehow by their slightly increased profits in 1955? Maybe in a roundabout way, this causes the recession?

    2) The trip to 1885. While the only long term change we see is eastwood ravine, Buford Tannen getting beaten and arrested inevitably changed the near future for hill valley. And since the 2015 we see has future versions of Marty and Jennifer, we can assume they are there since Doc had intended to return them to their original timelines at the time. Therefore we can assume this is a future where Doc returns to his original timeline. Now Doc brown's long term fate is still up in the air but you could easily argue that removing doc brown from the timeline in 1985 could easily effect the future of hill valley.
  • edited January 2011
    Hill valley in the 90's... or 2029.
  • edited January 2011
    They should go back to the time of dinosaurs!
  • edited January 2011
    They should go back to the time of dinosaurs!

    Im afraid they will do this just because with them working on JP they will have brand new dinosaur models to throw in.....

    DONT DO IT TTG its just lazy.
  • edited January 2011
    Irishmile wrote: »
    Im afraid they will do this just because with them working on JP they will have brand new dinosaur models to throw in.....

    DONT DO IT TTG its just lazy.

    Do it for for 5 seconds and then have marty turn to the screen and say "Really Telltale, Really?" and then revert back to somewhere else.
  • edited January 2011
    I feel pretty confident that MJ FOX will have apart in a future segment featuring in this game.
  • edited January 2011
    jaden551 wrote: »
    Do it for for 5 seconds and then have marty turn to the screen and say "Really Telltale, Really?" and then revert back to somewhere else.

    That is the only acceptable use of the dino models in a BTTF game.
  • edited January 2011
    Hey, there's no guarantee that Martys ancestor, the McFlyasaurus stays out of trouble.
  • edited January 2011
    I personally liked the 2015-version of BTTF2 with all its couriosity so I would like to see that era again.
    It's interesting by the way that BTTF2 is one of the very few movies which shows a possible future we would actually like to live in. It is very colorful, promising and well a bit crazy in some things.
    BUT compared to several other SCI-FI movies it is a bright future.
    Most of the movies show dystopian scenarios, where either aliens are threatening mankind (Starship Troopers, Star Trek, Alien...) or machines are threatening mankind (Terminator, Matrix...) or technology is threatening mankind (The Island, Minority Report...) or illness is threatening mankind (12Monkeys, Children of Men) or certain regimes are threatening mankind (V...like Vendetta) or a mixture of all that (A.I., Blade Runner).

    Allthough we know that 2015 will hardly look like it was shown in BTTF2 it still belongs to the franchise. So I wouldn't bother that it's not real.
  • edited January 2011
    I'm sorry for being a Negative Nancy (with apologies to forum users named Nancy!), but I'm kinda sick of the 1930's already. If time travel is done again at some point, any point, in the following episodes, I'll feel more relieved.
  • edited January 2011
    I'm sorry for being a Negative Nancy (with apologies to forum users named Nancy!), but I'm kinda sick of the 1930's already.
    Better get used to it, since it's all we'll be seeing in Episode 2, and part of episode 4.
  • edited January 2011
    I really hope we'll be seeing new locations at least, not just the same locations again with different puzzles.
  • edited January 2011
    StarEye wrote: »
    I really hope we'll be seeing new locations at least, not just the same locations again with different puzzles.
    I'd venture to guess that we'll at least be seeing the speakeasy in the basement of the soup kitchen. And at least one scene, as seen in the trailer, takes place on the roof of the soup kitchen.
  • edited January 2011
    markeres wrote: »
    Better get used to it, since it's all we'll be seeing in Episode 2, and part of episode 4.

    Yeah, it's sure looking like it. Ah, well! C'est la vie.
  • I figured that with the second episode being released over a month ago and the third any day now, I'd bump this thread up.
    I'm sorry for being a Negative Nancy (with apologies to forum users named Nancy!), but I'm kinda sick of the 1930's already. If time travel is done again at some point, any point, in the following episodes, I'll feel more relieved.

    so we did see 4 instances of time travel in episode 2; one within 1931, back to 1986, back to 1931, and back to 1986 at the end.

    And sadly it looks like aside from possibly the end of episode 4, the only time periods we will have seen is 1931 and 1986

    so now that the first 3 and a half episodes are fairly predictable, what does everyone want for the last episode?

    It indicates the past, present, and future should be shown. Is the past 1931 or will we see another time period in the past? 1931 is not a bad spot to go to start the game, if i were designing it, I definitely would have picked an era between 1885 and 1955 to bridge the 70 year gap.

    Assuming we get one era in the past and one in the future, here's what I would prefer

    the past around 1900-1920; develop william mcfly more than what we have seen (one pic of him as an adult and him as a baby) and hopefully let us see some of the characters from part III later developed (I was happy to see the pic of marshall strickland).

    The future probably 2025-2045; show Griff and Martys children at a later stage of their lives and/or the next generation being griffs children and mary's grandchildren. I definitely want to see more of Griff, we only got about 10 minutes of him.

    not sure what this qualifies as but the period between 1986 and now might be interesting too; there's still the one missing tannen (Biffs son/griffs father)
  • edited April 2011
    I think there could be some comedic gold in doing a time that's future to them, but past to us, like 1995.
  • edited April 2011
    Just as a joke, I want to accedently travel to 10 000BC and see nukes distroying a highly futuristic civilisation and return back to 1931 at the last minute.

    This is inspired by the radioactive city discovered underground in the middle-east. The ground was somehow turned to glass. It has all the indications of a nuclear explosions.
  • I could see pre historic times being shown as a tie in to jurrasic park.
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