Monkey Island 3a: The Secret Revealed or your money back
Tales of Monkey Island are finished, DeathSpank is finished and nearing release. I hope Ron will once get to create this game. If DeathSpank is a success, he won't need the lottery to buy the rights 
What would you expect from a game like that (except the revelation of the Secret)?

What would you expect from a game like that (except the revelation of the Secret)?
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I want MI 1.5 3A thand dont negate CMI 4.5 (or 5 depends how you view TMI XD) all in the same game..oh and a pony
Still, I can't think of a satisfying way to reveal the original MI3 story without making it a direct sequel to MI2. I certainly don't want to know the secret in an interview only, or anything like that. It's no more disrespect to the creators of other games, than any gamedeveloper who decides to reboot a series. In this case, this reboot only needs to be a temporarily solution even.
Well, that depends if you want to spend the entire MI3a in a theme park. Because, that's all there is between MI2 and MI3. Which is why I wonder why they revisited the theme park at the end of MI3 instead of just having a themepark chapter in the beginning of it. It's like they changed their minds mid-game and said "heck, let's try and make an explanation of the MI2 ending anyway". I think they should've gone all the way, instead of just touching on the subject.
I wouldn't worry about breaking continuity for games after MI2 at all. It won't be a Star Trek 11, and the case is a little different here.
Basically, yes.
And the ending to MI2 was a joke, not some deep serious thing that requires explanation. It was never meant to be taken seriously, it's freaking called Big Whoop. For crying out loud, how much more obvious that it was just a silly joke can it be?
According to this interview, Ron was not doing that ending "just to be strange", he had planned out a whole story for his third game, as well as the secret itself. (About 3 minutes in).
I'm hoping with Ron now (apparently still) jobless that he could go to LucasArts and direct Monkey Island 3 for release next year the way he wanted to make it. They could call it Monkey Island 3 because curse is just called "The Curse of Monkey Island". Unfortunately, with Lucas' new president, we have yet to know if another Monkey Island game will ever be made again.
I am curious as to what plans he had though because to be honest MI2 seemed to wrap it up.
Thankyou very much. Someone should start a counter for how many times the "Tales isn't MI5" argument has been started.
...we'll start from here.
i could have sworn it was 7452...
There. Now shutup; this image editing is getting worse by the minute.
Ron talked about his ideas two or three years ago, but now he's suspiciously quiet...
I counted its actuly over 9000!!!!
WHAT 9000?!
Personally, they might as well be completely independant for all I care. The continuity between them was already somewhat derailed on CMI (but not so much noticable that I cared alot about it), EMI basically messed it up completely (at least, I don't agree with the way it took), and Tales almost ignored everything that had happened since... well, since E'n'G got married. I simply don't care about the continuity anymore, hence why I wouldn't mind a MI3a. That's also why I always thought a series called Memoirs of Guybrush Threepwood would work - forget about the continuity. Just make individual games with a couple of references here and there, but don't make permanent changes. Tales did this pretty well, and that's probably why some people (me not included) think it's the best in the series (crazy people).
Me. A lot.
The continuity exists in Monkey Island to some degree, so let's not completely screw up the canon and destroy the continuity. The last thing that we need is an ultimate timeline; we do not need conflicting information on the wiki pages. If Gilbert is going to make 'his MI3', then he can forget the '3' part and just make a 'MI6' with elements of what he originally wanted to include in his 'MI3'. Who says Gilbert isn't a strong enough writer to alter his planned storyline a little to allow the continuity to remain. Curse, Escape and Tales are good games, I love them, and I don't need to see them ignored and pushed aside to make way for a freaking nostalgia-fest.
StarEye, just so you know, this post wasn't solely directed at you, but many comments that I have read relating to this topic.
I would enjoy a game like this. In fact, I actually suggested it in one of these threads. But it would have to refrain from conflicting with the existing games.
Edit: Sorry for double post. I would include this post in the above post... but, I can't be bothered editing it in.
I always thought the bit when the Voodoo Lady first introduces herself in SoMI, about Guybrush finding out things about himself and his world that would terrify him (not sure of the exact quote/too lazy to look it up!) was a tad meladramatic. But then, when you put it together with the "Guybrush is a kid and LeChuck is his brother" it could make sense that for a pirate-boy Guybrush, that would be a very scary truth!
Still, I doubt that the MI2 ending was as plain as it seemed. It's a pity that we will probably not see a Ron Gilbert MI3a. I don't see that he has any reason to make one now since it could never live up to the strangely mythical status it has achieved amongst MI fans.