Its Jan 5th...



  • edited January 2007
    Maybe just 27 min and 46 seconds.
  • edited January 2007
    Jake wrote: »
    We're still madly throwing switches and turning dials! Stay tuned.

    Is something wrong? Oh god, something's wrong isn't it? Is it the discombobulator? Oh god it's the discombobulator isn't it? Oh my god...
  • edited January 2007
    Ney wrote: »
    Not to complain or anything, but shouldn't all this be ready beforehand? I mean the episode has been on gametap and is done, so the whole putting it on the webpage and writing the webpage updates could have been done earlier this week, and just set to autoupdate at midignight? (oh ok, manual update by a techie in the morning in case some stuff happens).
    I am just confused as to why it should be neccesary to turn dials.

    They may be updating the game up until the last moment, and then they'd have to upload it to the extra servers that I think they may hire temporarily for the first 48 hours or so after release, to make sure people can actually download the game. Then they have to test every server the game is on, all the while praying to every deity known to man that nothing goes wrong.

    I don't actually know, but if it was as easy as you say, they would have done it.

    EDIT: Also, when the emails arrive it will probably end up in the "Spam" folder again for some people, like what happened with the Ep. 1 email for me (Gmail). So keep that in mind while you panic about where your email is when everyone else's has arrived.
  • MelMel
    edited January 2007
    Jake wrote: »
    We're still madly throwing switches and turning dials! Stay tuned.

    Sam & Max play Myst. :D
  • edited January 2007
    just go and play sam and max p1 untill release, except for staff. they can carry on working:)
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited January 2007
    Jake wrote:
    We're still madly throwing switches and turning dials! Stay tuned.

    There's also this strange man behind a curtain, who keeps telling us not to look at him...

    Also, nothing's wrong. Doug's just sitting there with his finger hovering above the "send" button because he thinks it's funny. :D
  • edited January 2007
    NHJ BV wrote: »
    They may be updating the game up until the last moment, and then they'd have to upload it to the extra servers that I think they may hire temporarily for the first 48 hours or so after release, to make sure people can actually download the game. Then they have to test every server the game is on, all the while praying to every deity known to man that nothing goes wrong.

    I don't actually know, but if it was as easy as you say, they would have done it.

    I did several releases (unfortunally not for videogames) and trust me, you can sometime spend hours because of the @#(!! litle stuff that goes wrong. Sometime it can just be because an administrator changed access rights and is still in his bed when you are hardly trying to put everything on production system...
  • edited January 2007
    Winckle wrote: »
    I have seen Eragon at the cinema.

    You have my sympathies.
  • edited January 2007
    NHJ BV wrote: »

    EDIT: Also, when the emails arrive it will probably end up in the "Spam" folder again for some people, like what happened with the Ep. 1 email for me (Gmail). So keep that in mind while you panic about where your email is when everyone else's has arrived.

    Thanks. I completly forgot that I had the same surprise as you on my gmail account. Ok, now looking my spam folder instead of inbox :D :D :D No, just joking, heuuuu... am I?
  • edited January 2007
    Emily wrote: »
    There's also this strange man behind a curtain, who keeps telling us not to look at him...

    Also, nothing's wrong. Doug's just sitting there with his finger hovering above the "send" button because he thinks it's funny. :D

    Please tell him: It's NOT! Maybe a little conversation in Sam + Max style could help ;)
  • NeyNey
    edited January 2007
    I can understand the whole testing of servers etc. But game updates on a game that has been released for 1-2 weeks on gametap? I honestly find that unlikely. But still, servers could have been tested yesterday.
    Guess I am just despaired that it's 20pm and still no sam&max :D I do believe that if possible the game would be downloadable now, and i don't really want to stand out as a bitchy guy here 8)
    *relocates telltale to UK so he can get his games 8 hours faster*
  • edited January 2007
    Winckle wrote: »

    You are playing with your life........ :D
  • edited January 2007
    Winckle wrote: »

    ...I'm going to kill you.
  • edited January 2007
    Well, I've learned to treat release dates with a grain of salt. Because things NEVER exactly arrive on the proposed date as intended. For instance, when Nintendo mentioned the Forecast Channel for Wii coming out on Dec. 20th, it ended up coming out one day earlier.

    And from what my friend told me, GameTap's exclusive release of S&M E2 didn't officially get released until about Dec. 22nd. So technically, I'm considering today (1/5) as more of a shipping date for Episode 2, and probably expect it to come out tomorrow.

    Eh, I can wait, won't be easily with Max running around going Joe Pesci with the Wii Remote. (He even does it WITHOUT a Wii turned on or the system's presence itself. God help us all when the Zapper come out!)

    Anyway, it'll come out soon enough, I'm still cracking up over Episode 1.

    Max: "No, Sam, the cheese was innocent!"
    Sam: "Innocent? I think not."

    Sam: "Viola!"
    Max: "Don't say 'Viola!'"
  • edited January 2007
    Winckle wrote: »

    *Takes a chainsaw to ure face* :)

    Ah i feel much better!
  • edited January 2007
    Fangarius wrote: »
    And from what my friend told me, GameTap's exclusive release of S&M E2 didn't officially get released until about Dec. 22nd. So technically, I'm considering today (1/5) as more of a shipping date for Episode 2, and probably expect it to come out tomorrow.

    Actually, episode 2 appeared on Gametap on the 20th, a day earlier than expected.
  • edited January 2007
    tabacco wrote: »
    Hey, don't look at that! That's the ugliest javascript ever. It's begging to be rewritten in jquery, which I didn't get into until after I wrote that page.

    I always tell my parents Monkey Island and such games taught me good english. Now you are pointing me to good programming paths. Thanks :)

    You still owe me that Sam & Max episode though
  • edited January 2007
    Ney wrote: »
    I can understand the whole testing of servers etc. But game updates on a game that has been released for 1-2 weeks on gametap? I honestly find that unlikely. But still, servers could have been tested yesterday.
    Guess I am just despaired that it's 20pm and still no sam&max :D I do believe that if possible the game would be downloadable now, and i don't really want to stand out as a bitchy guy here 8)
    *relocates telltale to UK so he can get his games 8 hours faster*

    Well, since it seriously hurts to actually hover your finger over anything for prolonged periods of time, I think TellTale are in fact doing something constructive instead of feeding the 120 parakeets they secretly keep in their offices.

    I suggest that we all show some patience and do something useful like looking at Clown History in the meantime.
  • edited January 2007
    220 and counting :p
  • edited January 2007
    Perhaps his finger has locked up with all the incessant hovering?
  • edited January 2007
    I don't understand what's taking so long. It's already been released on Gametap, so it should be ready to go. Where is it???
  • edited January 2007
    The server is "rowing", ins't it?
    Get out of here, they won't be able to release the game, the server will break down! :D
  • edited January 2007
    Winckle wrote: »
    The server is "rowing", ins't it?
    Get out of here, they won't be able to release the game, the server will break down! :D

    Maybe it's already happened....... that's why the game hasn't been released yet ;)
  • edited January 2007
    I don't understand what's taking so long. It's already been released on Gametap, so it should be ready to go. Where is it???

    Maybe the game has been lost. Lost in a dimension of terror, of confusion. A dimension where up is down, nouns and verbs and roadsigns lead you to destinations other than where you were going. A dimension of such unfathomable proportions, no man can escape it. A dimension called... The Twilight Zone.

    ...I'm bored.
  • edited January 2007
    Sh..! Got a mail and was sure it finally where here :mad:

    Please, don't let us beat the record.
  • edited January 2007
    Oh, I just returned from the toilet (red warning-light if you want to know), and saw that I had one mail in my inbox + saw the download-link here on the forum. I thought I missed the moment! But it was just spam, and the link didn't lead anywhere... So here I am, still waiting...

    I want to see a video from the office with clips showing what's going on the last hours before release. And I want to see someone press the button!
  • NeyNey
    edited January 2007
    *grabs dictionary*
    nop, dont know what that is sorry :p

    And NHJ, I know they are not out celebrating release day without having released it first. That reminds me of a BlackAdder episode, the one where he is to be shot for treason and whatnot :)
    I just had kinda hoped it would be ready for release around 10am Telltale Time. Guess I just have to treat release dates with a +1 modifier in the future.
  • edited January 2007
    I'm sorry if i have provoced a heart attack :D .
    It's later than Episode 1!
  • edited January 2007
    For a bit of therapy, why not push the red button?
  • edited January 2007
    This is starting to become a irritating seeing how many people Reply on one thread, SOOOO many people!
  • edited January 2007
    Do not try the red button game -.-
  • edited January 2007
    I can't stand anymore this "COMING SOON". :mad:
  • edited January 2007
    similian wrote: »
    Do not try the red button game -.-

    It's quite fun if you read the writing found eveytime, good for 10 secs-1min while The download is being avaiable
  • edited January 2007
    I feel like im going nuts. Loopy nuts.
  • NeyNey
    edited January 2007
    i found this hypnotic webpage to spend with with :) (requires sound)
  • edited January 2007
    Trixie wrote: »
    This is starting to become a irritating seeing how many people Reply on one thread, SOOOO many people!

    Welcome to the cult...
    edited January 2007
    If you think this is bad, try waiting for Duke Nukem Forever.:rolleyes:
  • edited January 2007
  • edited January 2007
    Maybe the game has been lost. Lost in a dimension of terror, of confusion. A dimension where up is down, nouns and verbs and roadsigns lead you to destinations other than where you were going. A dimension of such unfathomable proportions, no man can escape it. A dimension called... The Twilight Zone.

    ...I'm bored.

    It has happened before. I mean... how many people among you have played Leisure Suit Larry 4? How many?

    Yeah... My point exactly. Creepy.
This discussion has been closed.