Sam & Max's Relationship



  • edited June 2010
    I dont think of them as anythingsexual not towards men women each other ect I think they just like doing mayhem and thats it
  • edited June 2010
    The only thing that makes a gay couple a gay couple is lovemaking and romance. You can live together, go everywhere together, even sleep in the same bed, but if there's no sparks there other than platonic friendship, then they're not gay.

    No matter what any cake says.
  • edited June 2010
    tredlow wrote: »
    No matter what any cake says.

    I love that cake ^^!
  • edited June 2010
    tredlow wrote: »
    The only thing that makes a gay couple a gay couple is lovemaking and romance. You can live together, go everywhere together, even sleep in the same bed, but if there's no sparks there other than platonic friendship, then they're not gay.

    No matter what any cake says.

    thats gona be my wedding cake if i ever meet a max
  • edited June 2010
    When you go over the series - play the games, watch the cartoon, read the comics, whatever - you sort of see that the basis of their relationship is caring. They want to protect each other.

    They like each other because they're both basically soul mates; I think that Sybil was right about that, even though she was obviously just making it up at the time. (And I don't mean that they're in love with each other. Although I guess that's a possibility. :D)

    As long as they have the other to hang out with, then they can feel safe with themselves; if Max is around, Sam knows that he's like him, so it's okay if he's kind of crazy, and vice versa. So if they're not together, then they feel unwhole, since they fit together so well and that confirmation that they're actually okay is gone. The loneliness that comes from it makes them completely inseperable, since they don't want to feel that.

    So they want to watch out for each other. They both sort of take on the responsibility for the other, to make sure that they're okay. Basically, they don't care what happens to people or places around them, as long as their friend's still doing fine. So, for example, for Sam, he doesn't care what's going on as long as his little buddy's still there. It's pretty much the same for Max.

    They do this both literally and metaphorically. If someone's trying to hurt Max, Sam snaps, and will do whatever he can to protect him. We haven't really seen it the other way around, but we can assume that Max would do the same for him.

    But they also take on the role of caretaker for the other, although this might be more subconsciously. Sam is pretty nuts, too, but manages to stay calmer than Max because he kind of feels like he has to set a good example for Max, since Max never really grew up. He's still pretty immature and naive. It's like when parents are careful not to swear in front of children.

    That's how Max influences Sam. Sam can be pretty out of control, too, but as long as Max is there to reign him back in, then Sam can maintain a pretense of stability. His presence reminds Sam, "How can you set a good example for me if you lose it? How can you take care of me if you're acting like that?"

    And I'm gonna stop now, even though I feel like I have more to say, since I've been going on waaaaaay too long and I wanna stop rambling. :o
  • edited June 2010
    I men inseparable fenders no more no less
    and time and space is afraid of a samless max
  • edited June 2010
    Player_2 wrote: »
    They do this both literally and metaphorically. If someone's trying to hurt Max, Sam snaps, and will do whatever he can to protect him. We haven't really seen it the other way around, but we can assume that Max would do the same for him.

    In 205 he kills dick peacock because he took over max's role as sam's partner uif that is enough evidence.
  • edited June 2010
    tredlow wrote: »
    The only thing that makes a gay couple a gay couple is lovemaking and romance.

    eh, I wouldn't exactly say this is the definite case. I know some couples who love each other greatly, but just aren't interested in sex. I also know some couples who admit to like kissing more than sex and therefore do the prior instead of the latter. That said, they love each other in a romantic way and not platonicly.
  • edited June 2010
    I am so going to write a FanFic about the two of them and Jorgen...
  • edited June 2010
    Lena_P wrote: »
    @Shwoo It seems like whenever two male characters are close and don't have a love interest people immediately assume they're gay. Women can be close friends no problem though.

    Don't forget the male+female combo. It's a well known fact that a male and female can't be "just" friends, there has to be more to it, the characters are just too scared of damaging their friendship, or lying to themselves, or something.
  • edited June 2010
    so...... girl stinky and sam?
  • edited June 2010
    I will not write another essay. I will not write another essay. I will not write another essay.

    No, they don't blatantly show attraction to either sex, but at the same time they don't shy away from the idea of romantic relations with the few women they know (Sybil comes to mind, when she leads them to believe that she's interested in dating and both Sam and Max come to the conclusion that she means them.)

    There are lots of examples here and there to assess their sexuality, but compiling it all, I'm sticking with "asexual with a slight exception for women".

    Besides, as stated, romance isn't necessarily what this thread is about.
  • edited June 2010
    I love the way everyone is discussing this so seriously in what is a completely random and totally light-hearted game :D
  • edited June 2010
    light hearted? LIGHT HEARTED? THIS IS WAR!!!!
  • edited June 2010
    tabstis wrote: »
    I love the way everyone is discussing this so seriously in what is a completely random and totally light-hearted game :D
    It's the internet, debate is everywhere.
  • edited June 2010
    jaden551 wrote: »
    light hearted? LIGHT HEARTED? THIS IS WAR!!!!

    What's this I hear?
    What wondrous thing?
    Is this the Defcon klaxon's ring?

    A flashing light...
    Above the doooor! There's just one thing it could mean...
  • edited June 2010
    Player_2 wrote: »

    So they want to watch out for each other. They both sort of take on the responsibility for the other, to make sure that they're okay. Basically, they don't care what happens to people or places around them, as long as their friend's still doing fine. So, for example, for Sam, he doesn't care what's going on as long as his little buddy's still there. It's pretty much the same for Max.

    You know, this is also true of all of us. People kind of pretend to care about other people, but when you get right down to it we only really "care" about our close group of friends and family. Not that people are unconcerned with the welfare of others; if that were true there wouldn't be Doctors without Borders(MSF) or human shields. But if there was an earthquake here I know my family overseas would only be worried about me and the rest of my family. They'd feel bad for everyone else and probably donate money or supplies, but they wouldn't lose sleep over them. You literally can't worry and love everyone in the world; it'd probably kill you. So Sam and Max's relationship isn't really that different from the relationship most of us have with our loved ones, they're just a little more honest (and extreme) about it.
    Avistew wrote: »
    Don't forget the male+female combo. It's a well known fact that a male and female can't be "just" friends, there has to be more to it, the characters are just too scared of damaging their friendship, or lying to themselves, or something.

    Soooo true. Except not in real life. It's amazing that people will not accept something as "being realistic" in a story when they come across it all the time in the actual world. And of course there's the other side where people in films still tend to fall in love at first sight and care so deeply for each other even though we've never bee shown any evidence of why they'd feel that way. Hey, they're both pretty, that's enough! :p
  • edited June 2010
    Hey, it does happen, just not very often.
  • edited June 2010
    Although half of the couples on that list either had dated or had one character with an unrequited crush for the other. More of a Sybil and the Monster thing, which would make a great band name, incidentally.
  • edited June 2010
    To be fair, that's also how it works out in real life half the time. Hell, my best friend and I are a Straight Will and Grace, and I'm the Unlucky Childhood Friend.
  • edited June 2010
    You know, sometimes I feel guilty for still being single at 27 (I'm a girl! We're not supposed to be afraid of commitment!), but then I read something like that and realize there are worse things than emotional immaturity.
  • edited June 2010
    Lena_P wrote: »
    You know, sometimes I feel guilty for still being single at 27 (I'm a girl! We're not supposed to be afraid of commitment!), but then I read something like that and realize there are worse things than emotional immaturity.

    Why would you feel guilty? At your age, my husband hadn't even held hands with the opposite gender if you exclude family members.
    Did you go out of your way to kick people you loved out of your life or something? Because otherwise, really, if you don't meet someone you like, you don't.
  • edited June 2010
    No, no, no! Nothing like that! It's just that after I turned 16 people asked me if I had a boyfriend, and then after I was 20 it became do you have a boyfriend yet? Not my dad's side of the family or close friends, but just about every other person I'm acquainted with. I don't really feel guilty about it, it's just that there is kind of this feeling that I've done something wrong by not having had a romantic relationship.
  • edited June 2010
    I don't have a boyfriend either (I'm 25 :P). My mom and relatives don't even asked me about it, but looks like my Granma asks to my Mom about it. All the time. Full stop.

    But, if you wanna know, I have a cousin who got recently married who is, at least, 10 years older than me. That must say something.
  • edited June 2010
    Haha, don't worry about that. When you have a boyfriend (I don't mean you. Feel free never to have any, it's not like it's a requirement or anything. I meant people in general) they ask you when you're getting married or why you're not married yet and either accuse him "if he hasn't proposed yet he's fooling around with you" or you "you must have done something wrong!".
    Then when you're married people ask how many children you have, then are shocked, ask why you don't have any yet, and why you got married if you don't even have kids.

    And from what I heard, if you have one child and don't plan on having more, you're bombed with questions of why you don't have another child yet, and comment as to how it's cruel not to give your child siblings. Which I find hilarious considering among my childhood friends, all the single children were delighted not to have siblings, and all the ones with siblings (me included) wish they never had any.

    Anyway, I guess some people have a very closed vision of life, with a specific pattern and specific steps that everyone has to go through, in a specific order, at a specific time, and for some reason they're not only surprised but sometimes offended that you're not following that pattern.

    Meh. Live your own life on your own path. I understand it's annoying though, but hey, you're not going to do all this stuff just to make people shut up, anyways :p.
  • edited June 2010
    what a long way of saying " don't worry about a thing 'cause every little thing is gonna cause questioning"
  • edited June 2010
    jaden551 wrote: »
    what a long way of saying " don't worry about a thing 'cause every little thing is gonna cause questioning"

  • edited June 2010
    O so you one of the person I herd of mien when I was 5 everyone side I was rile macho and shed sham person like 50 is not a macho so don't worry
  • edited June 2010
    If Steve didn't intend for them to come across as gay, then they aren't. It's as simple as that. Personally I just think both characters are asexual and Max just has an unconnected hatred of women, which is common amongst people with his psychopathic nature. But really, they're detectives, they shouldn't be doing that sort of thing at the workplace.

    I think it is a sad world where every relationship has to be seen as sexual. It was definitely not like this when I was growing up.
  • edited June 2010
    well max is a pharidox in episode 1 of season 3 he acts like he likes girls a rand Ms Bosco
  • edited June 2010
    I'm beginning to suspect that some people aren't reading any of the posts and are just assuming that a discussion of Sam and Max's relationship runs along the lines of "Oh my god, I so think they r gay, don't u? They never kiss with girls and Max has no pants, u know what thatmeans, lol!"

    Seriously people, when Telltale finally has a gay character I don't think they'll hide him/her behind an ambiguous relationship.
  • edited June 2010
    And that without taken the account the half of gay jokes are related of what the other people think about always see them together and the other half are just conversations that can be assumed but also cannot and still make sense.
  • edited June 2010
    Seriously, Max doesn't even have visible genitalia or any kind of abdominal orifice for that matter! Huh. Now I'm wondering how he poops.
  • edited June 2010
    you don't what to you don't need to no and in max words it nun of you dame bigness
  • edited June 2010
    "Doesn't wear pants" is listed as a sign of gender (namely male) in TV Tropes. And it's not uncommon in cartoons. Max is completely naked, which isn't uncommon either. Even among other anthropomorphic animals who aren't naked (Looney Toones, anyone?).

    Lena's question reminds me of how the 1001 Dalmatians movie disturbed me when it came out. The posters had digitally modified puppies and it was very weird to look at.
  • edited June 2010
    They've been friends since they were little kids, and have stuck together through the years. Pretty simple really. Any joke about them being gay for each other is simply for comedic value and doesn't have any real meaning.
  • edited June 2010
    Sam & Max are obvious life long friends, just because Max wears no clothes doesn't mean he's a homo. Besides, he buys a jacket in the near future!! And Maximus wears clothes.
  • edited June 2010
    splash1 wrote: »
    Sam & Max are obvious life long friends, just because Max wears no clothes doesn't mean he's a homo.

    no homo
  • edited June 2010


  • edited June 2010
This discussion has been closed.