Sam and Max haikus

edited June 2010 in Sam & Max
So about two months ago I bought S&M season three right quick.
My mac had everything in order to play it....except processor.
So I went Sam and Maxless for two whole months. It was not the best time.
Luckily for me, my mom gave me her old computer!GOOD FOR ME!
Does this count as haiku if it is like this? None of your damn business.


  • edited June 2010
    It does count, it is a string of haiku's that are related
  • edited June 2010
    Here's my haiku:
    I can't write hakiu
    and I cba to look it up on wiki
    so I'm just gonna
    not do it.

  • edited June 2010
    im the worst.
  • edited June 2010
    Haiku's are funny
    But sometimes they don't make sense

    anyway yeah i don't want to live in a world where I cant play s&m. Play 1 and 2 quick before ep.!
  • edited June 2010
    Sam and Max are fun
    But when the sh*t hits the fan
    You need Flint Paper

    am i doin it rite
  • edited June 2010
    Haiku's are funny
    But sometimes they don't make sense

    My favorite one so far. You have the talent, I tell you.
  • edited June 2010
    Falanca wrote: »
    My favorite one so far. You have the talent, I tell you.

    I like it too, but I have heard it before.
  • edited June 2010
    The Freelance Police
    One dog, one rabbity thing
    Craziness ensues
  • edited June 2010
    They Stole Max's Brain,
    Sam looks for who took his brain,
    Is it that space guy?
  • edited June 2010
    They Stole Max's Brain,
    Sam looks for who took his brain,
    Is it that space guy?

    Quite possibly, yes,
    Yet inversely, also no.
    Find out tomorrow!

    That one even rhymed!
    I'm the haiku champion!
    Believe me or die!
  • edited June 2010
    Quite possibly, yes,
    Yet inversely, also no.
    Find out tomorrow!

    Not tomorrow, no
    But the day after, my friend
    For we live in Oz
  • edited June 2010
    Hayden wrote: »
    Not tomorrow, no
    But the day after, my friend
    For we live in Oz

    Damn predicament!
    Living in future time zones,
    Best country on earth!
  • edited June 2010
    Damn predicament!
    Living in future time zones,
    Best country on earth!

    What the hell, Highway?
    You described it as a hole
    Just two weeks ago
  • edited June 2010
    But Hayden, you see,
    I didn't call Oz a hole,
    Just this city: Perth
  • edited June 2010
    Hayden wrote: »
    What the hell, Highway?
    You described it as a hole
    Only two weeks ago

    Tut-Tut, Hayden-boy;
    "Only two weeks ago" has
    Six whole syllables
  • edited June 2010
    Do not triple-post.
    There is an edit button
    for a good reason.
  • edited June 2010
    "Just two weeks ago"
    Would have worked better I think
    But what do I know

    Since it's a Sam & Max thread
    I like Season 3

    Less than one and two,
    In a very different way
    But yes I still do.
  • edited June 2010
    Didero wrote: »
    Do not triple-post.
    There is an edit button
    for a good reason.

    My damn internet
    Slowed down drastically, darn it!
    Back to normal now.
    Avistew wrote: »
    "Just two weeks ago"
    Would have worked better I think
    But what do I know

    More than Hayden, ha!
    At least you can count the beats!
    Hayden, no offense!
  • edited June 2010
    Tut-Tut, Hayden-boy;
    "Only two weeks ago" has
    Six whole syllables

    Fixed now, look above
    Editing I use much of
    The option I love

    Option is two syllables. This is not part of the/a haiku.
  • edited June 2010
    Your previous phrase,
    "Editing I use much of",
    Is poorly written.

    Haikus should mainly
    Be phrased like a true sentence
    And make clear sense
  • edited June 2010
    Stop correcting him
    You're starting to annoy me
    Go back on topic
  • edited June 2010
    Sam & Max is great!
    Great great great great great great great!
    Did I mention great?
  • edited June 2010
    I apologize,
    I am no master of the
    Haiku, Sir Butler

    I will make mistakes
    I don't write poetry much,
    Quite rarely haikus

    In fact, I never
    Write poetry, I don't know
    The intricacies

    Sam & Max is great!
    Great great great great great great great!
    Did I mention great?

    The Highway, my friend
    Where on earth are your commas
    You disappoint me
  • edited June 2010
    Beautiful art form
    of great meaning reduced to
    cheesy gamer jokes.

    Max's brain stolen.
    Rain falling like angry tears.
    Mourning in Vengeance.
  • edited June 2010
    Season One in haiku!

    First case in some time
    Culture: former child star
    Dog and rabbit win

    A TV studio
    A hypnotised talk show host
    A fur-less rodent

    Find the missing mole
    Does the carpet match the drapes?
    Apparently not

    Leader's gone crazy
    The situation worsens:
    President rabbit

    Talking computers
    Internet is lost on Sam
    Now for some IF

    True villain revealed
    The hypnotic rainbow man
    Boiled on the moon

    Yeah, I'm not very good at it.
  • edited June 2010
    Hayden wrote: »
    I apologize,
    I am no master of the
    Haiku, Sir Butler

    I will make mistakes
    I don't write poetry much,
    Quite rarely haikus

    In fact, I never
    Write poetry, I don't know
    The intricacies

    The Highway, my friend
    Where on earth are your commas
    You disappoint me

    Very nice, Hayden!
    Your words are made of greatness!
    My hat tips to you.

    Shwoo wrote: »
    Season One in haiku!

    First case in some time
    Culture: former child star
    Dog and rabbit win

    A TV studio
    A hypnotised talk show host
    A fur-less rodent

    Find the missing mole
    Does the carpet match the drapes?
    Apparently not

    Leader's gone crazy
    The situation worsens:
    President rabbit

    Talking computers
    Internet is lost on Sam
    Now for some IF

    True villain revealed
    The hypnotic rainbow man
    Boiled on the moon

    Yeah, I'm not very good at it.

    I disagree, Shwoo,
    You are great at the haiku,
    Hat tips to you, too.
  • edited June 2010
    Now Season Two! Fwiw I think yours are better, Shwoo.

    Sorry Mr Claus,
    we really like you and all,
    but see you in Hell.

    Day saved again.
    Mr Spatula beaten.
    All hail high priest Max.

    Oh so ironic,
    the way that vampire died.
    Now where is Bosco?

    It's T.H.E.M.!
    The masters of birthday songs.
    Time travel is fun.

    Getting into Hell,
    ,dragging people out again...
    the fun never stops.
  • edited June 2010
    Hugh Bliss I miss you
    Your episodes were the best
    edited June 2010
    Combo breaker?
  • edited June 2010
    Season 3 so far Spoiler tagged for both episodes in one
    Giant space ape strikes
    Future-vision found by Max
    Skeleton are found

    Ancestor story
    Sameth and Maximus search
    for the Toybox now
  • edited June 2010
    I also like this
    people writng poetry,
    this seems like a game.
  • edited June 2010
    Eyes of Yog-Soggoth
    Powerful prince of darkness
    Umkay onninnay
  • edited June 2010
    jaden551 wrote: »
    I also like this
    people writng poetry,
    this seems like a game.

    A matter of time
    Before the thread is transferred
    Into 'forum games'
  • edited June 2010
    Oh I miss Bosco,
    & Bluster Blaster as well.
    My heart pines for them.
  • edited June 2010
    I can't pick that up
    I cannot shoot my buddy
    I have my limits

    A high tech gadget
    That will be a thousand bucks
    Buy it or get out
  • edited June 2010
    Stay on topic guys
    they keep getting derailed now
    jake closes those threads

    My version of Season One:

    The Soda Poppers
    acting like they're hypnotised
    by Brady Culture

    Now Myra's audience
    are held captive live on air
    and she too by bear

    From toy mafia
    who have a mole problem in
    their hypno-bear plant

    But now that Chuckles
    will control the President -
    so Max fired missiles

    The new internet
    made evil by Roy G Biv
    fiend behind all schemes

    his base on the moon
    prismatology movement
    space bacteria stopped

    Season Two:

    Nasty christmas gift -
    Santa fears evil demon
    meant for Hell instead

    Giant triangles
    to evil cult-ruled island:
    praise ghostly goldfish

    Zombie factory -
    rebuilding bodies and souls
    emo vampire stopped

    but now Bosco's gone
    conspiracies really all true
    died of birthday shock

    into Hell we go
    lowering efficiency
    Bosco saved at last
  • edited June 2010
    brady culture is
    annoying as hell aswell
    people do like him.
  • edited June 2010
    but now a new threat
    ape after toys and max bran
    threat in to zone waif bad sanding name

    and then ans-esters fanned under street
    next to progenitor meant to hear and control the past
    help them in the rang order in 4 different re-alls
  • edited June 2010
    kane wrote: »
    but now a new threat
    ape after toys and max brain
    threat in to zone waif bad sanding name

    and then ancestors found under street
    next to projector meant to hear and control the past
    help them in the wrong order in 4 different reels

    these are good descriptions of the episodes, but i dont understand what you meant when your technology wrote "waif bad sanding name". could you perhaps try again to get a more clear interpretation?
  • edited June 2010
    The new episode
    Cannot wait for film noir vibes
    Luckily it's close

    A haiku tip for
    easy syllable counting:
    Clap or snap them out
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