Max's Voice Actor?

edited March 2007 in Sam & Max
Sorry if its been asked, (had a quick scan incase it cropped up from the gametap release) but has the VA of Max changed for Situation: Comedy? Seems a little odd to me if it is the case.

Preferred the one from Culture Shock really. Thats kinda strange though, its odd having to get used to new VA's all the time, drove me mad in Xenosaga!!


  • BasBas
    edited January 2007
    I just ALT+TABbed out of S:C to check this board for the same thing. I know there was lots of whining and complaining when the first teaser and videos appeared, but I preferred that voice actor too.

    Edit: I have to say that his delivery on the answering machine messages is hilarious, and spot on. Maybe he could just use a bit more of a New Yorkish accent.
  • edited January 2007
    Just to help you guys out:
    Jake wrote: »
    Here's the story...

    Andrew Chaikin won't be playing Max in episodes 2 or 3. This isn't because we weren't pleased with his performance (we loved it), nor was it for any financial or scheduling reason. Andrew had to pull out of his recording for Max, and all of his other acting gigs at the time, for personal, medical reasons.

    We don't know a whole lot about the situation, and what we do know is personal so I won't be writing about it here, but Andrew was unable to record for said health reasons, so we waited, and pushed the voice recording deadline out as far as possible in hopes that he'd be better. Unfortunately that didn't happen. It got close enough to our internal release date for the game that we eventually had to arrive at the difficult decision to re-cast Max for the time-being, if not permanently. It sucks, and we wish Andrew the best in his recovery! He was great as Max in Culture Shock, and he's also of course the voice of Phoney Bone. Sadly, reality meant that we couldn't wait on the games forever; we had to move on with production.

    Fortunately, the guy we got is awesome! His deliveries are spot on - his performances make the jokes come off as, you know, funny, instead of mundanely stomping them into the ground as is the case with so many "funny" video game voice performances. He even sounds quite a lot like Andrew, and as an extension, a lot like Max! The only people who noticed the new voice in our Episode 2 focus tests were people we actually told about the change. These are good signs. We miss Andrew, because he's excellent, but we're really really happy with where the voices are at right now.

    Basically, it's my hope at this point that you guys trust our judgement on voice casting. There were huge waves of online hate about the voices sloshing back and forth in these forums before Culture Shock was released, but the overwhelming majority of players had nothing but praise for our choice of actors once they actually got their hands on the game. The consensus here at Telltale is that the voice performances in Situation Comedy and in Episode 3 are well above the high water mark set by Culture Shock, and we're sure players will agree once they get a chance to play it for themselves.
  • BasBas
    edited January 2007
    Oh hey, thanks for the info. That's sad to hear for Andrew Chaikin. I hope he'll recover soon.

    And yeah, I'm already getting used to the voice. I guess it was just that the 'repeated' lines from culture shock were re-recorded, which gave away that it was a different guy, because they're delivered a bit differently.

    That's going to be tough to get used to, if Andrew comes back for episode 4. ;)
  • edited January 2007
    The performance was good, but there were a few occasions where max got a little strange, some weird accenting in there and vocally doesn't seem as high pitched.

    Heh, Telltale never seem to get a break from us guys about voices :P

    /doesn't help that i'm an audio tech student and obsessed with language and accents

    EDIT: Final note to any TTG staff, pass my best wishes to Andrew Chaikin in wish a speedy recovery.
  • edited January 2007
    I agree that Max's new voice is fine, but I hope Mr. Chaikin gets well. He really nailed Phoney.
  • edited January 2007
    He did Phoney Bone? I didn't know that. Great job! -sniff- Who will be Phoney in part '3' ???
  • edited January 2007
    I noticed this too. Gotta say I loved the "first Max"... But this'll be fine too, I guess.
  • edited January 2007
    That's terrible news. Hope he gets better.

    The new guy is good, but Andrew's just had that extra special something.

    My favorite line of his was this:

    Sam: "What happened to the rest of the noose collection, Max?"


    Also, have I noticed a slight change in Sam as well, or am I going crazy? Sounds like it's either:
    a) It's another actor (don't think so), or
    b) It's different takes of the same lines of dialogue, to better match up with the new Max

  • edited January 2007
    Nope, Sam is still David Nowlin :)
  • edited January 2007
    Heck, I didn't even notice that Max's voice changed! I'd say Telltale did a good job with the replacement actor.
  • edited January 2007
    I noticed a difference - but got used to the new actor quickly. Best wishes to Andrew to get better soon though!
  • edited January 2007
    I also didn't notice that at all.
    Did the guy also do the lines of dialoges that styed the same in the office?
  • edited January 2007
    yamman wrote: »
    Sam: "What happened to the rest of the noose collection, Max?"

    When i clicked the noose collection for my favorite Max comment, i was a bit let down by how the new voice actor delivers it by saying "It's a surprise...". Max should be energetic ALL the time, just as Andrew did it. That said, i think the new voice actor for Max does an overall superb job. It's only the noose collection bit i found a bit un-maxed.

    Get well Andrew...
  • edited January 2007
    yeah, the new actor does a good job, but i found max sounded soùmetimes too... Serious...
    I was kinda shocked during the dialogue with hugh bliss, for instance, where max seems interested and more or less gives up the jokes... but that's also due to the writing, and that's not much of a problem though ^^
  • BasBas
    edited January 2007
    "Sam? It's me. Open the window, I'm trapped on the ledge again!"
  • edited January 2007
    Bas wrote: »
    "Sam? It's me. Open the window, I'm trapped on the ledge again!"

    Haha, yeah, i love that one! :D
  • edited January 2007
    Did you keep trying the answering machine after that line? :)
  • edited January 2007
    I didn't even notice. I noticed some changes in the voice, but I didn't figure it was a new actor.
  • edited January 2007
    I prefer Max's new VA. He has a similar energy, while putting a slight fitting HtR spin on the character. Max's lisp is back, and he sounds more sly and subtle with an endearing "nyah" tone to his voice. I agree it would be great if the New York accent made a solid comeback, but I'm satisfied now as is.

    Sam's VA has also become more well-rounded and emotive in ep 2. I find myself enjoying the re-recorded (and arguably improved) lines from Culture Shock. Both VA's are nailing the sort of inflections I had in my mind when hearing certain conversations the first time.

    Of course, big props to Andrew Chaikin for setting the energetic standard for the new Max VA to follow. All the best for a speedy recovery.
  • edited January 2007
    Nuroticat wrote: »
    I prefer Max's new VA. He has a similar energy, while putting a slight fitting HtR spin on the character. Max's lisp is back, and he sounds more sly and subtle with an endearing "nyah" tone to his voice. I agree it would be great if the New York accent made a solid comeback, but I'm satisfied now as is.

    Sam's VA has also become more well-rounded and emotive in ep 2. I find myself enjoying the re-recorded (and arguably improved) lines from Culture Shock. Both VA's are nailing the sort of inflections I had in my mind when hearing certain conversations the first time.

    Of course, big props to Andrew Chaikin for setting the energetic standard for the new Max VA to follow. All the best for a speedy recovery.

    Same here. I could tell that you guys either got a new Max or Chaikin has been practicing since I was quite suprised that Max is more sinister like he was in hit the road. True, New Mx, doesn't sound like the guy from Lost, but the way he delivers his lines is similar, giving us "evil" max as oppose to "high on sugar Max." I think Nuroticat said it well when he compared the two since I simply find new va max evil like hit the road max, played by that one guy on Lost. What I mean is that Chaikin and tv cartoon Max protrays him as a rabbit who makes witty jokes and is childish while Hit the road and New Va Max has this evil feel to him like you know the stuff he says he is really going to do. For example, I would imagine tv/Chaikin Max to say something like "Hey Sam, wanna go to the fat camp near by and pass out hamburgers to the kids over there? On the way there, can we grab a piece of cheese. You can't get enough of cheese" while I imagine Hit the road/new Max to say "Hey Sam, let's find some random thug off the streets so I can bash his head with this crowbar." I think he nailed it in Max's personality imo.

    Just the way he delieved the line "Why don't you die!" reminds me so much of the trailer in that it had the same sort of personality from the lucas arts va. Speaking of that line, was that a direct reference to the cancelled game since everything that Max said is accurate to the game trailer cept he said he used a parking meter instead of stomping on him.

    Sam has improved as well. Either I got used to him or he is less monotone and seems to have energy.

    Even though I prefer new Max, I think Chaikin's version is a dead ringer to the one in the cartoon in voice and personality. So if you guys plan to do that one thing you were trying to do with the cancelled sam and max game, I suggest hiring Chaikin, once he gets better. I hope he gets better since he did an awsome job on Phoney bone.

    I missed Max's personality from hit the road and really thought this protrayal of Max as a raging pyschopath was lost forever because of the cartoon (I thought Max's fate was the same of Fred Jones and how he was temporary turned into an idiot because of the non-canonical spin off Scooby cartoon called "A pup named Scooby Doo."; this also inspired the live action movies, which in turn inspired the early 2000's animated scooby movies), writting and voice acting. I was wrong, which is a good thing.
  • edited January 2007
    Err. I didn't even notice the difference. But the only thing that I miss, probably said here already a million times, is the original voice actor of Sam (Bill Farmer) in Hit the Road. But, it can't helped I believe. :(

    David Nowlin also has a unique and a clear voice, which is good, but B.Farmer had a voice that completely fit the character. It was just perfect. :o
  • edited January 2007
    I noticed the change immediately but then I only played and completed ep1 2 days before starting ep2.

    Personally I find the new voice of putting and, for me from what I have played of ep2 so far, isn't as good as Andrew's. Have to see how it carrys on over the ep and in ep3.
  • edited February 2007
    I think the re-recorded Max lines sound worse, but the new ones sound great. I guess it's just hard to replicate something that's already been done well like that.
  • edited February 2007
    Wait, are you saying the re-recorded the re-recording in Episode 2 for Episode 3?
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited February 2007
    I think Sir Lemming means that for the lines that were also in episode 1 (looking around the office, etc.) he prefers Max #1, but for the rest of the lines he prefers Max #2.

    As far as I know none of the lines that are shared across episodes were rerecorded again between eps2 and 3.
  • edited February 2007
    I'd just like to throw in my two cents. Both deliveries are equally good, but I like the aesthetic of the first voice actor's tone. More grating, but not to the point of being annoying, which is perfect for Max.
  • edited February 2007
    To me, Max #1 was both grating and annoying, and sounded somehow too childish. Max #2 is pretty great. I did feel let down at the "nachos" line in Ep2 but that was the only line I missed from Ep1 - actually, I really liked his delivery of "It's a surprise!" in the office. It sounded more sinister than in Ep1.

    To me it just sounds like Max #2 is more skilfull in delivering the lines. He doesn't just use the same cartoonish, high-energy voice on every line like Max #1 did, so now Max seems rather more like a real person.

    Also I obviously forgot the voice actors' names.
  • edited February 2007
    So how's Andrew doing? Is he going to be able to do Episode 4? =:I
  • edited February 2007
    Bas wrote: »
    "Sam? It's me. Open the window, I'm trapped on the ledge again!"

    where do u think Max keeps his mobile........?
  • edited February 2007
    The delivery to me is exactly of the same quality, but I prefer Andrew's voice, simply because he managed to create a more grating tone, which works perfectly for Max. It was like even his voice was violent, something that I don't think any other Max voice I've heard managed to capture.
  • edited February 2007
    0renji wrote: »
    actually, I really liked his delivery of "It's a surprise!" in the office. It sounded more sinister than in Ep1.

    Oddly, that's one of the lines that I really miss. Used to be one of my favorites, now it's not. I guess you can't please everyone, but I do think all the new lines in episode 2 are excellent.
  • edited February 2007
    I agree with Nuroticat Max's new VA is closer to HtR. I opened up Culture Shock, Situation Comedy and HtR and it is definite that Max's voice in Culture Shock was not Max, he’s seems to have lost his street edge. In Culture Shock it sounded like he was to overly excited about saying lines where the New York street voice of HtR said the most messed up things like it was absolutely normal for the character.
    It's unfortunate that Andrew Chaikin had to leave I did enjoy his voice for Phoney Bone but he just wasn't Max...

    Now finishing all three it is definite that Max’s voice is getting better…
    Epsiode 2 The Good:Talking to Max while he’s a judge in embarrassing idols of Situation Comedy sounds somewhat reminiscent of his old voice.
    The Bad: The one fault for his voice on episode 2 was Max trying to sing twinkle little star for the director chair gag… that definitely wasn’t max…
  • edited February 2007
    yamman wrote: »
    So how's Andrew doing? Is he going to be able to do Episode 4? =:I

    Yeah, I was wondering that to? I also hope he is back in Bone act 3. He was great as max and phoney.
  • edited February 2007
    I may be mistaken, but some Googling seems to reveal that Andrew Chaikin also goes by the stage name "Kid Beyond"--and here is an update from his site:
    A MESSAGE FROM KID B -- Jan 11, 2007

    So I had my tonsils out today.

    Back in September, after a particularly heavy stint of touring and traveling (Burning Man, Sweden, Earthdance, Symbiosis Gathering, etc.), I got really sick. My tonsils swelled up to twice their normal size, and there was some sort of infected inflamed growth under the right tonsil -- making swallowing, eating, yawning, and of course singing and beatboxing, rather painful.

    I got an MRI on my throat and they bombarded me with antibiotics, which seemed to do the trick. The pain disappeared, and I was able to do the 28-city Imogen Heap tour without the pain returning. Crisis averted.

    The day after I got back I got another MRI, which revealed that my tonsils had receded a bit (to about 80% of their former size), but that the big black infected inflamed mass of tissue had gotten much bigger -- evidently my neck was sliming my tonsil! The decision was made to yank the Tonsil Twins and Mr. Black.

    So it is with a heavy heart that I had to back out of the Onion Independent show with the Lovemakers (damn!), and 3 really cool appearances in Utah -- including opening for Digable Planets at Sundance. (Damn!) The doctor made it painfully clear that if these two open wounds in my throat are to heal properly, I shan't be singing, beatboxing, or flying in the next bunch of weeks.

    So I just got back from the hospital. I'm woozy and groggy and hopped up on anaesthesia and Vicodin. Swallowing hurts like the devil, I'm drinking clear liquids (tomorrow I get to have chocolate pudding!), and I ain't sayin' a word.

    But I'll be back at it in no time. I promise.

    Now please tell me about your finger-person avatar, JK1985. =P
  • edited March 2007
    Oh please, oh please!!!?
  • edited March 2007
    tabacco wrote: »
    Did you keep trying the answering machine after that line? :)

    Sure. =) (and man, i loved that really!)

    In such Adventures you have to do "the clicking till the finger or the mouse button breaks", it's a urge. ;)

    Well, i noticed a slightly change in the voice, but without reading this thread i couldn't say that the voice actor had changed, because a voice is not really a static thing.
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