PS3 Users have spoken through the new rating system about the quality of the demo.

edited July 2010 in Sam & Max
It currently has a 2.73/5 from 442 people WHO HAVE PLAYED THE DEMO (IE None of that 360 BS where you can just click on some random game & rate it).

Ouch!!! That one has got to hurt!!! :D


  • edited June 2010
    Haha, I noticed that! The same thing with TOMI, at least the last time I checked. Luckily the full game unlocks got a more deserving score. Something like 4.79, I think :)
  • edited June 2010
    Out of like 3 people. The full version of Sam & Max has a whopping total of ONE rating.
  • edited July 2010
    Yikes! I didn't look at the amount of people before. That's quite sad :(
  • edited July 2010
    Just goes to show how weird some people are.
    I mean... How could you NOT enjoy Sam & Max?


  • edited July 2010
    Dandi8 wrote: »
    Just goes to show how weird some people are.
    I mean... How could you NOT enjoy Sam & Max?



    I like most of season one, The first part of Ice Station Santa & Chariot of the Dogs (both from season two)... but that is as far I go. I hate most of Season 2 & so far I am not liking Season 3 either.
  • edited July 2010
    Well, to be fair, the demo is only the opening of The Penal Zone... and The Penal Zone has a ton of issues with it.
  • edited July 2010
    I think part of the problem is that many console gamers expect more action... when they play an adventure game they do not know what to think of it..
  • edited July 2010
    ^ +1

    I actually liked most of seasons 1&2, so far love season 3. But if I didn't like a particular episode, I still enjoyed it :P
  • edited July 2010
    Dandi8 wrote: »
    I actually liked most of seasons 1&2, so far love season 3. But if I didn't like a particular episode, I still enjoyed it :P

  • edited July 2010
    Console gamers just suck.

    And now I actually have proof to give with that thesis :p.
  • edited July 2010
    They don't get it. If they would get it, adventure games would be mainstream.
  • edited July 2010
    Ratings for the full games as far as I can tell are:

    Penal Zone: 4.78 (183 ratings)
    Tomb of Sammun-Mak: 4.84 (113 ratings)
    They Stole Max's Brain: 4.80 (105 ratings)

    So I'm not sure where you got 3 people from. (I remember looking at similar stats yesterday, so I dunno if it ballooned all that much)
  • edited July 2010
    Irishmile wrote: »
    I think part of the problem is that many console gamers expect more action... when they play an adventure game they do not know what to think of it..

    This is 100% true. I've seen console gamers say Monkey Island "isn't even a game" because "you don't fight anything." That was the second largest facepalm I've ever done.
  • edited July 2010
    Console gamers just suck.
    [Obligitory text because I can't just post a quote]
  • edited July 2010
    i love adventure games and i loved the season 3 my fvorite episode so far was the second my second favorite is the third
  • edited July 2010
    Yeah, for many people, sadly, adventure game means Uncharted. Which is a third person shooter melted with an action game. So when they come to Sam&Max, and discovered video games with the Playstation*2, I can understand their disappointment.
  • edited July 2010
    People need to know that adventure games and action adventure games are 2 different things.
  • edited July 2010
    Console gamers just suck.

    And now I actually have proof to give with that thesis :p.

    Actually, I do own a PS3 and an XBOX360. Granted, I'm currently in the process of selling the 360 but I do love my PS3. Not that I have many games for it but still. I am a console gamer in a way.
    You may want to correct your thesis to "Console-Only Gamers" ;) Then I'd assume your theory is at least 100% correct.

    I mean... When you're willing to trade the ability to mod your games for the one-in-a-lifetime chance of buying overpriced games... You get my drift.
  • edited July 2010
    Let me read your posts back to you...

    Anybody who likes playing games on there television are just idiots. I mean forget all the classics that consoles have provided & even the fact that without consoles such as the Atari, there would be no such things as video games... REAL gamers like me know that the only way to play games is with a keyboard & that any game that has any *GASP* ACTION in it just sucks. I mean how dare anybody not like the same things I do!!! They are just big dumb buttheads!!!
  • edited July 2010
    I have all available Monkey Island games on PS3 and PC.... there is something to be said about sitting at my couch with a bowl of chips and playing them with my kids on the PS3 and hearing all their comments and giggles... I doubt I will buy Sam and Max on the system I will probably just keep that PC only... I am not as big of a fan of SM as I am of MI.
  • edited July 2010
    Anybody who likes playing games on there television are just idiots. I mean forget all the classics that consoles have provided & even the fact that without consoles such as the Atari, there would be no such things as video games... REAL gamers like me know that the only way to play games is with a keyboard & that any game that has any *GASP* ACTION in it just sucks. I mean how dare anybody not like the same things I do!!! They are just big dumb buttheads!!!
    He understands! :p
    But... that last part is incorrect. Action is fine. Unless the action sucks.
  • edited July 2010
    Let me read your posts back to you...

    Anybody who likes playing games on there television are just idiots. I mean forget all the classics that consoles have provided & even the fact that without consoles such as the Atari, there would be no such things as video games... REAL gamers like me know that the only way to play games is with a keyboard & that any game that has any *GASP* ACTION in it just sucks. I mean how dare anybody not like the same things I do!!! They are just big dumb buttheads!!!

    Console gaming doesn't appeal to me much. I did buy a PS2 just for the sole purpose of playing 1 game only - Metal Gear Solid 3, because it has no PC equivalent. Strangely, they saw fit to suck me in with MGS1 and 2 being available on the PC. I have yet to give in to any temptation of getting a PS3 just for MGS4. Luckily, things for PC look up with MGS:Rising being made with PC on the list of platforms.

    Most games I like have far more appeal on PCs. For example I was playing Mass Effect 2 yesterday. I have the PC version although it is available on consoles too. I heard that the PC version has better graphics and is £10 cheaper by default. So why the hell would I want otherwise?

    I'd like to see the day when games are made for the PC first and foremost in mind, as the graphics and gameplay will always be better. PC controls in games also seem to give the designers more options on interfaces - MMOs for example work better on PCs than consoles. You'd need to get keyboards for consoles if you wanted to chat for example, but on PCs, that's a given.

    Consoles can be given our cut-down, poorer graphics, less control, less complex gameplay cast-offs. Perhaps that's why the console reviewers seem more bitter? I heard Monkey Island wasn't fun on the Wii with lag and crap textures.
  • edited July 2010
    I like most of season one, The first part of Ice Station Santa & Chariot of the Dogs (both from season two)... but that is as far I go. I hate most of Season 2 & so far I am not liking Season 3 either.

    Why would you buy more of something you didn't really like in the first place?
  • edited July 2010
    DAISHI wrote: »
    Why would you buy more of something you didn't really like in the first place?

    Did you not even read the first part of that? I LIKED SEASON 1 & PARTS OF SEASON 2. By your logic, just because I don't like Paper Mario or Mario & Sonic at the Olympics then I should never play a Mario game ever again.

    I was hoping it would be more like Season one... Unfortunately this is not the case.
  • edited July 2010
    It's not really fair to judge all console gamers by an opinion poll. I've grown up with consoles all my life and it was only at the start of the 21st century that I got into PC gaming. Of course now I tend to play more on my PC, but if I have a Wii and 360 and if they have any games that I want to play then I shall play them. The Wii is doing a fine job that with Monster Hunter Tri, which seems to appeal to my masochistic need to grind monsters over and over again for shiny loots, which is probably why I played World of Warcraft for 5 years.

    Where was I? Oh yes, while you shouldn't judge all console gamers, there are a lot of them who do only really play the next generic FPS, but that's the same on PCs. Some games just don't appeal to some people. As for me, I'll play anything as long as it's good.
  • edited July 2010
    I don't think anyone here has said, or even implied, that liking console games automatically makes you an idiot, but there is a large subsection of console gamers who are only interested in games where your main goal is murder and mayhem, and, upon playing an adventure game, these people are disgusted by them, because they can't understand how anyone can enjoy something that isn't a non-stop death fest.

    Most of these gamers have almost no attention span and require constant stimulation, so any break in the action is perceived as a pointless waste of time. When you get puzzles any more complicated than "put the blocks on the teeter totter" (i.e. Half-life 2), they want nothing to do with the game anymore, because they don't play games to think.

    The game's quality is not the reason for the rating, people not understanding the point of the game is the reason for the rating.
  • edited July 2010
    I beg to differ on everything you just said.

    1. Just read the first page of posts. Hassatt Hunter's in particular.

    2. I also would like to point out that by saying that these gamers have no attention span you are dead wrong. If that were the case, then the Zelda Series(which is about 75% problem solving) & the MGS Series (Which is about 75% cutscene) would no be anywhere near as highly regarded as they are. Yes, it is true that some gamers are more inclined toward death & destruction, but those gamers in particular tend to see those games as a release. They let you take all your frustrations out on a virtual nobody instead of a physical somebody.

    3. Not understanding the point? I liked all of Season 1 & parts of Season 2, Wallace & Gromit, SBCGFAP & TOMI (That's just the adventure games that I liked from THIS company mind you) but I have yet to like a single episode of Season 3... So I think there is more to it than the gamer's ability to understand the games. They are not as IDIOTIC as you may think.
  • edited July 2010
    Because I have been like, 100% serious in this thread... :rolleyes:
  • edited July 2010
    Why should it matter? I've seen people say LittleBigPlanet is the worst game ever and the creator should be punched in the face because it isn't "Man in space suit shoots other men in space suits"
  • edited July 2010
    Zelda Series(which is about 75% problem solving)

    Oh, sorry, I forgot that they are also capable of "push the only block that is movable" and "light all the torches in the room" puzzles. Zelda "puzzles" are so easy that a toddler can figure them out.
  • edited July 2010
    Oh, sorry, I forgot that they are also capable of "push the only block that is movable" and "light all the torches in the room" puzzles. Zelda "puzzles" are so easy that a toddler can figure them out.

    WOW you got me there!!! I guess for a game to be good you have to have stupid & absurd puzzles such as, but not limited to...

    Use the spray can of goat cheese with the mighty totem pole of assjackery to get a golden taco. Then take the golden taco to a lemur named Bob (because if there is anything adventure games have taught me, it is that there is something incredibly funny about the name Bob.... hahahaha..., woooo.... that one gets me every time) to get him to piss out a silver hat shaped key. Take the key to a random forest & use it on a random bee's nest to unlock the door to the fortress of orphan's tears. There you defeat the end boss by cleverly choosing the "That's not a blueberry pie... thats my wife!!!" line. My... WHAT FUN!!!!!
  • edited July 2010
    WOW you got me there!!! I guess for a game to be good you have to have stupid & absurd puzzles such as, but not limited to...

    I didn't say Zelda wasn't good, but implying that its puzzles require more than half a second's thought is laughable at best. Also, please go back under your bridge.

  • edited July 2010
    I didn't say Zelda wasn't good, but implying that its puzzles require more than half a second's thought is laughable at best. Also, please go back under your bridge.


    Irony at its finest... especially considering that you have been trolling me since I signed up for this account. You never could handle that somebody had different views or interests than you without insulting them or there intelligence. Funny part is that you never even get so much as a warning, but if even do so much as spit one insult back, I get the mods all over my ass. So this time I'm not even going to give you the satisfaction of stepping into your little trap.... I'm a bit smarter than that anymore. I mean anybody would be after falling for the same damn thing from the same person twice before, so excuse me if I sit this little fight out... its above someone like me.... I wish I could say the same of you.
  • edited July 2010
    I think the low ratings are also due to the low quality of the port.

    I've played the first season of Sam & Max and SBCG4AP on Wii, and the ports were quite bad. The games just don't run well on the hardware. I had good hope that in the case of the PS3 the games would run fine (even though the controls are not as great as the Wii's), but it still doesn't run well. And by that I mean it's a lazy port that just wasn't optimized enough.

    I've given the demo a low rating as well, even though I love the Sam & Max series. Instead, I've bought the TellTale collection on Steam, which runs great on my mediocre PC :)
  • edited July 2010
    @Maikel Steneker

    Finally someone who gets point of me starting this thread!!! I'm tired of spending money on these terrible port jobs (Insert idiotic fanboy speech about how I should quit buying Telltale's games if I hate them so much here. News Flash... I do tend to like most of there games & want to see them succeed, but as long as they keep putting so little effort on the porting process, I'm gonna bitch). While I'm not a fan of this season, I do think I would like it better if it was ported better. The same could be said of Season One on Wii (I loved the story & characters, but it was terribly flawed) & Season Two on 360 (I didn't like its story or new characters anywhere near as much, but I do think I would like it somewhat better if it wasn't such a butchered port.... I mean its just terrible). For me personally, each Season just gets progressively worse (especially on the port job). I know I will think long & hard about shelling out the cash for Season Four (assuming of course there is a season four).
  • edited July 2010
    Irony at its finest... especially considering that you have been trolling me since I signed up for this account. You never could handle that somebody had different views or interests than you without insulting them or there intelligence. Funny part is that you never even get so much as a warning, but if even do so much as spit one insult back, I get the mods all over my ass.

    I'm "trolling you" by saying that calling Zelda a game that is "75% puzzles" is ridiculous, since every "puzzle" is the same and requires less than a second of thought to solve? It's like saying Doom is a puzzle game because you have to know which color of key you need. The only way that statement could be seen as "insulting your intelligence" is if you actually think Zelda's puzzles are hard in any way, which I can't even fathom, being that I was able to complete Zelda III when I was 6 years old.

    PS: You get modded because most of your posts are profanity laden and incredibly hostile and confrontational, whereas I am just saying things that you disagree with, followed by you violently flying off the handle at me like I've done something to personally offend you by disagreeing with you. The worst I do is put things bluntly.
  • edited July 2010
    It appears that you have a selective memory "friend".

    That being said, we will never get along. You hate me & I hate you even more, so how about I make this proposal. It is a simple one actually... You ignore my posts & I ignore yours. See how simple that is? It will most certainly cut down on the needless fighting & negatively both in this forum & our lives... & quite honestly, I'm tired of wasting both my time & hatred on you. I truly feel this is the only way things can ever change.
  • edited July 2010
    a selective memory.

    Please scroll up in this thread to the post where you went on some insane rant about ridiculous nonsense that you made up based on an assumption you made about what my post was saying, and tell me that you weren't trolling when posting that.
  • edited July 2010

    You just don't get it do you? This is exactly what I'm talking about by you trolling. You just can't leave well enough alone. You keep trying to pull me back in every I try to get away. Is there any wonder I snap? I mean damn man... do you have nothing better to do than argue on this forum? I mean I made you an offer that should prove to be mutually beneficial... why can't you just accept it & move on with you life instead of trying to extend the life of this useless arguement?

    FYI. That wasn't trolling... all I was saying is that there is so much negativity on here towards other types of games. I mean just because a game doesn't have puzzles that are insanely difficult & convoluted, then it is automatically a game that is for people with NO attention span or kids...
  • edited July 2010
    You just don't get it do you? This is exactly what I'm talking about by you trolling. You just can't leave well enough alone. You keep trying to pull me back in every I try to get away. Is there any wonder I snap? I mean damn man... do you have nothing better to do than argue on this forum? I mean I made you an offer that should prove to be mutually beneficial... why can't you just accept it & move on with you life instead of trying to extend the life of this useless arguement?

    I just think you need to take some anger management classes. You escalate things to ridiculous levels, and then act like it wasn't your fault 2 posts later. It's annoying.

    PS: I have never once been angry while posting on this forum. Annoyed, at worst. It's text on a computer screen, it's not worth getting enraged over.
This discussion has been closed.