PS3 Users have spoken through the new rating system about the quality of the demo.



  • edited July 2010
    I just think you need to take some anger management classes. You escalate things to ridiculous levels, and then act like it wasn't your fault 2 posts later. It's annoying.

    PS: I have never once been angry while posting on this forum. Annoyed, at worst. It's text on a computer screen, it's not worth getting enraged over.

    Just drop it for shit sake. Are you incapable of the abilty to just walk away or is it that you just like trying to get a rise out of people? Either way... I'm done. You can continue this arguement by yourself. As far as I'm concerned... from now on dealing with you is just going to be a case of mind over matter.... I don't mind because you sure as hell don't matter.

    Now can we PLEASE get this back on topic.
  • edited July 2010
    Now can we PLEASE get this back on topic.

    Sure, Zelda isn't a puzzle game.
  • edited July 2010
    I see what you are trying to do here & it isn't going to work. After this post I guarantee you that you will no longer exist as far I'm concerned... but see it isn't often I get a chance to say this to you... in fact it will be the first time... but you are in fact absolutely correct... it isn't a puzzle game... but it is an action adventure game with puzzle solving elements. A puzzle game would be something along the lines of Tetris or Hexic... which Zelda is absolutely nothing like.
  • edited July 2010
    it isn't a puzzle game... but it is an action adventure game with puzzle solving elements. A puzzle game would be something along the lines of Tetris or Hexic... which Zelda is absolutely nothing like.

    But you were comparing it to adventure games as though the fact that Zelda is a success means that an adventure game could be as much of a success if it were "higher quality", which I think is pretty inaccurate, to say the least, because they are entirely different genres in every way.

    It's basically just like saying that Halo was partially a racing game because it had a couple sections of the game where you used a vehicle, and that racing games aren't as popular as Halo because they're lower quality. It's not a valid argument.
  • edited July 2010
    2. I also would like to point out that by saying that these gamers have no attention span you are dead wrong. If that were the case, then the Zelda Series(which is about 75% problem solving) & the MGS Series (Which is about 75% cutscene) would no be anywhere near as highly regarded as they are. Yes, it is true that some gamers are more inclined toward death & destruction, but those gamers in particular tend to see those games as a release. They let you take all your frustrations out on a virtual nobody instead of a physical somebody.

    I said no such thing...

    Damn... you got me again kiddo. Keep it up though & I'm reporting you for harassment. I have asked you to leave me alone & end this BS, but you want to keep egging me on & try to get me to argue with you by saying things you THINK will annoy/anger me. Just let it go already.
  • edited July 2010
    Your counterpoint is the exact thing that I just told you is wrong? What?

    Your post is in response to my saying that they do not have the attention span to play an adventure game, and your main point to try to disprove that is that Zelda is 75% "problem solving" (which is a huge overestimate, but anyway), so your post very clearly implies that having the attention span to play Zelda = the attention span to play an adventure game, which it absolutely does not.
  • edited July 2010
    This thread is about the PS3 version of Sam & Max Season 3's rating, Not about the attention span of console gamers or the Legend of Zelda series. Insulting other gamers by saying they are not capable of comprehending said games is neither accurate or fair. Please get back on the topic of this thread.
  • edited July 2010
    This thread is about the PS3 version of Sam & Max Season 3's rating, Not about the attention span of console gamers or the Legend of Zelda series. Insulting other gamers by saying they are not capable of comprehending said games is neither accurate or fair. Please get back on the topic of this thread.

    I didn't insult anyone, I said their attention span is too short and they desire constant stimulation, and that is the reason they rate the demo poorly on PSN. That was my entire point in the second post I made in the thread. I can tell you from experience that many console only gamers actually do think adventure games are not only boring, but pointless.

    It is pretty well known information that adventure games are one of the less popular genres. You don't see Telltale rolling out the red carpet with multimillion dollar marketing campaigns for their games. Why? Adventure games are not that popular. Yes, they are doing well for themselves, but the notion that an adventure game could ever be as popular as something like Zelda or Metal Gear Solid is setting the bar way too high. I think even comparing the games in any way is pretty ridiculous, since Zelda is one of the flagship series of one of the largest (possibly the largest?) game companies in the world, and Metal Gear is the flagship franchise of Konami. I wouldn't be surprised if the budget for either MGS4 or Zelda Skyward Sword was larger than the budget for every single game Telltale has made combined. This is all neither here nor there, but realize that adventure games are infinitely less marketable than anything you've mentioned as a counterpoint.
  • edited July 2010
    I think the low ratings are also due to the low quality of the port.

    I've played the first season of Sam & Max and SBCG4AP on Wii, and the ports were quite bad. The games just don't run well on the hardware. I had good hope that in the case of the PS3 the games would run fine (even though the controls are not as great as the Wii's), but it still doesn't run well. And by that I mean it's a lazy port that just wasn't optimized enough.

    I've given the demo a low rating as well, even though I love the Sam & Max series. Instead, I've bought the TellTale collection on Steam, which runs great on my mediocre PC :)

    I assume that to be the reason as well.
    I got the first episode of Monkey Island when they gave it away a while back, and enjoyed it so much that I got the second episode on WiiWare when it was released there.
    When I played the game, I couldn't believe what I was experiencing. The audio was all terrible quality, and I couldn't see small things, and the text was hard to read. I wandered about forever near the end of the game because I couldn't see a
    , which meant being unable to complete a puzzle. (I did eventually find it by randomly sweeping the pointer over everything everywhere, but this wouldn't have been a problem if I could see it in the first place!)
    After finishing the game, I had a massive headache from squinting, and I hardly have poor vision. :P

    If I hadn't played the first game on the PC or all of the Sam & Max games, I'd have thought Telltale was just some cruddy developer, so I'd have never gotten a game from them again. Instead I just figured they were cruddy game porters and got the third episode on PC, which I enjoyed plenty.

    I had looked forward to playing it on the Wii too, as I figured there couldn't be much better than laying back on the couch, lazily flicking the Wiimote around to play.
  • edited July 2010
    I have nothing against the company itself, but as Maikel Steneker & Cubkyle have stated the port jobs are terrible. The whole point of this thread is to be a wake up call to Telltale. Sadly, no matter how much fans complain, they do nothing to try to fix these issues. They keep releasing terrible port after terrible port and (more often than not) charging a price equal to or greater than the GOOD version of the game. How is that fair to console gamers? I think it is safe to assume that a good part of the reason for the rating is the quality of the game. By just dismissing Console gamers as people with no attention span you are dodging the fact that the game is flawed by comparison... & by dodging that fact, you are opening the door for more terrible ports.
  • edited July 2010
    I have season three on PS3 and it is a GREAT port. Easily the best port job they've ever done. (PS: I own every port they've ever done)
  • edited July 2010

    So, let's get back to the ratings. I honestly think that a fine majority of console gamers prefer action games, but that doesn't necessarily mean it sucks. Sam and Max started out as a point and click genre, and it isn't up for discussion whether or not point and click originated on the PC, because it definitely has. (Try clicking with a D-Pad and a B button. It's not that great.) So naturally, people who aren't PC gamers probably haven't played a point and click game before, so this might be their first time trying it out.

    Speaking of which, the ports I guess aren't as great as the PC version simply because PC games are easier to make. In case you haven't heard, all modern games are made with computers, so rather then just taking the game and having it be the same, they go through some obstacles when porting to consoles. Also, Telltale just started out with PS3 in April. Cut them some slack.
  • edited July 2010
    Also, the idea that Telltale makes "bad ports" on purpose is pretty funny. They know full well that any port they release of any game can easily make the entire company look bad if it's the first experience someone has with them, you don't think they do their best to get the ports done as well as they possibly can? It's not like they can just flip some magical switch and have every game they port work 100% as well as the PC version. Even games with huge budgets have had bad ports done before. You'll be hard pressed to find a game that is on more than one platform where each platform doesn't have its own unique set of flaws.
  • edited July 2010
    The Wii version in particular is plagued with poor quality due to the restrictions Nintendo has on it's online service. I believe the download limit is, what, 40MB? That's why the VO and Music is so compressed (butchered). Even the PC version got the fallout from that, with lower quality music, compared to the supernice tracks in Sam&Max.
  • edited July 2010
    The Wii version in particular is plagued with poor quality due to the restrictions Nintendo has on it's online service. I believe the download limit is, what, 40MB? That's why the VO and Music is so compressed (butchered). Even the PC version got the fallout from that, with lower quality music, compared to the supernice tracks in Sam&Max.

    They also cut Club 41 from episode one because of the WiiWare limits. Club 41 is named after the crappy 40mb limit, so I don't think they were happy about that either. I'm sure it had something to do with their contract with LEC requiring a WiiWare release or something, I'm sure they'd have much preferred a disc release for Wii, like S&M season one and two got, as Strong Bad is really the only game they've done with simple enough graphics to work well on WiiWare.
  • edited July 2010
    The Wii only has a 40Mb download limit? What the smeg?

    That's actually inexcusably bad. It's a pity too because you could get some good indie games.

    I still can't believe that though.

    Also Zelda isn't a puzzle game it's an Action adventure. Adventure does mean puzzles, but not nearly as much as actual puzzle games. Although I'm sure many people would consider Ocarina of Time's Water Temple to be one gigantic puzzle.
  • edited July 2010
    Zonino wrote: »
    Although I'm sure many people would consider Ocarina of Time's Water Temple to be one gigantic puzzle.

    Damn skippy hippie
  • edited July 2010
    It currently has a 2.73/5 from 442 people WHO HAVE PLAYED THE DEMO (IE None of that 360 BS where you can just click on some random game & rate it).

    Ouch!!! That one has got to hurt!!! :D

    not really. I really didn't like the demo either.
  • edited July 2010
    Zonino wrote: »
    The Wii only has a 40Mb download limit? What the smeg?

    That's actually inexcusably bad. It's a pity too because you could get some good indie games.

    I still can't believe that though.

    Yep, have a look at the Monkey Island forums here to see lots of posts about the WiiWare limit. I think it's so low because the Wii only has 512 MB of internal storage--40 MB of that is a pretty good size chunk. And the first episodes of TOMI came out on Wii before they started allowing games to play off of the SD card I think!

    Fortunately, The Devil's Playhouse isn't being brought out on Wiiware. Given the detail of the graphics, I sort of doubt it's ever going to find its way to the Wii like the other seasons have, but I guess it could happen. They did release it on iPad, after all. But I'm guessing the iPad has a bit more graphical juice than the Wii does, actually. (maybe Yare can back me up on this?) :D
  • edited July 2010
    bobhobbit wrote: »
    Yep, have a look at the Monkey Island forums here to see lots of posts about the WiiWare limit. I think it's so low because the Wii only has 512 MB of internal storage--40 MB of that is a pretty good size chunk. And the first episodes of TOMI came out on Wii before they started allowing games to play off of the SD card I think!

    Fortunately, The Devil's Playhouse isn't being brought out on Wiiware. Given the detail of the graphics, I sort of doubt it's ever going to find its way to the Wii like the other seasons have, but I guess it could happen. They did release it on iPad, after all. But I'm guessing the iPad has a bit more graphical juice than the Wii does, actually. (maybe Yare can back me up on this?) :D

    Everything has more graphical juice than the wii.... just look at some screenshots for games coming out for the 3DS.... That little jobber is a bonafide BEAST.
  • edited July 2010
    This thread has just been created as some kind of insult to those who have playstations - you've done this before. The ratings are lower for the demo there and they would be on any system - it's just not that good a demo to be honest. The ratings for the proper episodes are higher and more sensible.

    If you two want to argue about yourselves, do it elsewhere.
  • edited July 2010
    Um... what?

    You do realise that

    A. I would have to have a PS3 that I actively use to know the score it received.
    B. That I have stated MULTIPLE TIMES the purpose of this thread
    C. That I am using my PS3's web browser to type this message (the amount of characters in my posts should be proof enough of that).

    Believe me when I say that you are COMPLETELY in the wrong with that presumption.

    Futhermore... I just noticed that you joined in May of this year. Funny thing that you seem to know a helluva lot about me & my post history considering that I made all of four posts before I started this thread in the entire two months you have been here. Same could be said of Paleman (or whatever the hell he's going by these days). We may hate each other newbie, but that is our business & the last thing we need is some blue chipper coming in & acting like they know us & our history. We settled it so just let it be squashed.
  • edited July 2010
    If you have a PS3 and use it so much, why did you suggest in the SINGLE post I've seen you post before that Telltale were selling no copies of the season on PS3 and that all the users have rated it so lowly? There's no need to be so defensive :confused:
  • edited July 2010
    tabstis wrote: »
    If you have a PS3 and use it so much, why did you suggest in the SINGLE post I've seen you post before that Telltale were selling no copies of the season on PS3 and that all the users have rated it so lowly? There's no need to be so defensive :confused:

    Can somebody please translate this? No? Well I guess that I'll have to go on instinct here....

    Having a PS3 that I use regularly does not automatically mean that I like everything that comes out for it. I feel that this Season is an inferior port... which can be said of MOST of the company's ports quite honestly. I thought Wallace & gromit was good on the 360, but the Sam & Max Season 1 demo & Season 2 were average at best. I haven't played any wii ports other than Season One which was below average at best (& that is unforgivable seeing as it is disc based), but I have heard that the rest are below average as well (which can be forgiven after seeing the size limitations). I should also note that I have made threads about...
  • edited July 2010
    these ports in the past as well. Why? BECAUSE I WANT TO SEE THEM STEP UP WHEN IT COMES TO PORTING THEIR GAMES. I mean you can say that they are a small company who can't afford to port the games property all you want, but that is just rubbish. As long as people continue to give them an excuse, they will continue to use it. Don't get me wrong... I have nothing against this company, there games or even the systems they are released on... I have a problem with the consistently terrible ports that console gamers are (more often than not) charged the same price as (if not more than) PC gamers are charged for the GOOD version of the games. Bottom line... If the port isn't every bit as good as the PC version, DON'T RELEASE IT UNTIL IT IS.

    As for the sales comment.. It is VERY RARE for the PS Store to put a game on sale so close after its release. Add in Telltale's track record when it comes to sales on consoles (Which I firmly believe is partially because the ports are so bad) & its easy to come to that conclusion
  • edited July 2010
    Bottom line... If the port isn't every bit as good as the PC version... DON'T RELEASE IT UNTIL IT IS.

    The only ports they've released that were even of questionable quality were the TMI ports on WiiWare, and given the size limitations, I think they did a great job with what they had to work with. The ports will never be on par with the PC version, so if they followed your recommendation, they would never release any ports of anything.
  • edited July 2010
    I'd like to thank you for that opening the door for this...

    Are you saying that Sam & Max is so powerful that the 360 & PS3 can't run it properly? I highly doubt that's true seeing as games such as Oblivion exist... a game that might I add came very early in the 360's life... a game that completely dwarfs Sam & Max in both gameplay content & size... & most importantly, a game that was developed by a company who (much like Telltale) had very little console success.

    So why is it that Bethesda is a household name now whereas Telltale isn't even a blip on the map? Well compare how dedicated to quality each company was when deciding to port there games. Like Oblivion or not, it is nearly PC perfect.

    *insert whining about how they aren't even in the same genre after COMPLETELY missing the point here*
  • edited July 2010
    I'd like to thank yoi for that opening the door for this...

    Are you saying that Sam & Max is so powerful that the 360 & PS3 can't run it properly? I highly doubt that's true seeing as games such as Oblivion exist... a game that might I add came very early in the 360's life... a game that completely dwarfs Sam & Max in both gameplay content & size... & most importantly, a game that was developed by a company who (much like Telltale) had very little console success.

    So why is it that Bethesda is a household name now whereas Telltale isn't even a blip on the map? Well compare how dedicated to quality each company was when deciding to port there games. Like Oblivion or not, it is nearly PC perfect.

    Oh right, I forgot that Telltale made AAA titles with multi-million dollar budgets, thanks for pointing that out. That argument is completely meaningless because if Telltale had the same budget and resources that a company like Bethesda has, their games would be ported just as well.

    Their games don't run flawlessly, oh no. They never run so poorly that the game is unplayable (or even unpleasant) because of it, and at worst, there are just some loading issues.

    Telltale don't have the budget to support spending twice the dev time on their ports in order to get absolutely flawless perfectly optimized ports. So would you rather have ports that look and work 75-90% as well as their PC counterpart, or none at all?

    PS: Bethesda were a household name long before Oblivion.
  • WillWill Telltale Alumni
    edited July 2010
    Wow, can you guys have a civil conversation just once please? Seriously getting old.
This discussion has been closed.