Machinima Shorts

edited April 2007 in Sam & Max
I was wondering if it is / will be possible to download and keep all of the Machinima Shorts that sit between Sam & Max episodes.

It would be a shame for them to just disapear, never to be seen again.

Or are they already available and I'm just being blind?


  • edited January 2007
    We will have an official gallery up very shortly.
  • edited January 2007
    I still don't see an official gallery. I could very well be suffering from blindness though. Anyway here is where to get number 4:

    Still need VLC to play them though, unless someone knows of a better flash video file player.
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited January 2007
    The gallery isn't up yet but should be later this week

    WMV versions are here:

    WMV versions of 3 and 4 are coming soon.
  • edited January 2007
    I can't find any info on this. Are these just cutscenes from the game? Do they have anything to do with the plot of the game?

    I haven't played either episode yet (I won't until the whole season is complet), and I don't want to see any spoilers.
  • edited January 2007
    They're short clips taking place in between episodes. Definitely spoilerrific, so I'd wait to watch them until you play the episodes
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited January 2007
    Grey wrote: »
    I haven't played either episode yet (I won't until the whole season is complet), and I don't want to see any spoilers.

    Don't watch #4 (the one that's on the Sam & Max page right now) if you haven't played episode 2 yet. One of the characters from ep2 is revealed and we think the game is a lot funnier if you don't know about him until you encounter him in the game. (For the record, this is why we waited until after the game had been out about 10 days before posting machinima #4 on our site.)

    Other than that, they won't spoil the games for you. They don't give away any plot points.
  • edited January 2007
    Emily wrote: »
    Don't watch #4 (the one that's on the Sam & Max page right now) if you haven't played episode 2 yet. One of the characters from ep2 is revealed and we think the game is a lot funnier if you don't know about him until you encounter him in the game. (For the record, this is why we waited until after the game had been out about 10 days before posting machinima #4 on our site.)

    Other than that, they won't spoil the games for you. They don't give away any plot points.

    I agree with that - his entrance in the game was a wonderful moment.

    I really think that the attention paid by telltale to the between episodes experience is just superb! :)
  • edited January 2007
    Emily wrote: »
    The gallery isn't up yet but should be later this week

    WMV versions are here:

    WMV versions of 3 and 4 are coming soon.

    Thanks for putting the WMV's up! Our internet bandwidth in South Africa is a bit shoddy, so it was impossible for me to watch it otherwise!

    Thanks again!:cool:
  • edited January 2007
    Keir wrote: »
    I agree with that - his entrance in the game was a wonderful moment.

    the fact that he's a chicken, namely... :p
  • edited January 2007
    It doesn't give away plot points, but they use locations and props that might be considered spoiler-y
    for example, you can clearly see the broken hypno-bear stashed in Sam and Max's closet, and in Machinima 3, the fact that it takes place outside of Brady's hideout kinda ruins the the plot, since the more eagle-eyed of viewers can easily figure out what's going on by reading the marquee and whatnot
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited January 2007
    A spoiler for a location in episode 1 at this point is pretty fair game in my opinion. There are reviews in magazines with huge chunks of the page dedicated to a screenshot of that location. Not much you can do.
    Mr Featherly
    is pretty new though, so yeah.
  • edited January 2007
    I agree, it's tantamount to saying the ship sank at the end of Titanic at this point
  • edited January 2007
    Hey guys (and girls)! The 5th machinima short is up at gametap! :D
    The 5th!

    (Don't watch this if you not have'nt played ep 2)
  • edited January 2007
    JK1985 wrote: »
    Hey guys (and girls)! The 5th machinima short is up at gametap! :D
    The 5th!

    (Don't watch this if you not have'nt played ep 2)

    Haha, the best Machinima short yet! :D
  • edited January 2007
    Yeah, that last short is really "off the wall" in the way that some of the Sam & Max 1 page comics used to be. Captures that feel perfectly!
  • edited January 2007
    Is that a new funky tune at the end of that short?
  • edited January 2007
    I noticed the funky tune at the end of machinima ep 5 as well. It sounds really cool. :) Maybe it is for the next episode's soundtrack?
  • edited January 2007
    Any thought to putting the shorts and/or trailers on Youtube? It might be a potential semi-viral marketing opportunity.
  • edited January 2007
    Welshy wrote: »
    Is that a new funky tune at the end of that short?
    Depends on what you'd call "new". It sounds to me like a (more dramatic) remix of the office theme.
  • edited January 2007
    Emily wrote: »
    Don't watch #4 (the one that's on the Sam & Max page right now) if you haven't played episode 2 yet. One of the characters from ep2 is revealed and we think the game is a lot funnier if you don't know about him until you encounter him in the game. (For the record, this is why we waited until after the game had been out about 10 days before posting machinima #4 on our site.)

    Other than that, they won't spoil the games for you. They don't give away any plot points.

    Thanks. I already watched the first two, but I'll wait on the others.
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited January 2007
    Harald B wrote: »
    Depends on what you'd call "new". It sounds to me like a (more dramatic) remix of the office theme.

    Yep. It's the music Myra's show plays for Sam & Max as they walk on stage.
  • edited January 2007
    Can we download the shorts like we could with 1 and 2?
  • edited January 2007
    Yes, would be really great with wma files :D
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited January 2007
    Sometime later this coming week I'll post some WMV download links for you.
  • edited January 2007
    I have a really big problem with the video viewers for machinima shorts and interim theatre. When I view a clip in your video viewer, I can't pause it, so I have to see it while it pauses and loads every 5 second, which is really annoying, and makes it hard to follow the conversation..

    The trailer viewer lets me pause, and so does the machinima short that's displayed on the ep. 3 site.

    Can you please fix this? :(
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited January 2007
    It should be fixed on Monday. It's a stupid workaround but if you right click on the video, then left-click, it will register your clicks. I'm not sure why the machinima and interim theater clips in particular are acting up - none of the other video players are like that... and it's only in Firefox from what I can tell. Anyway, it will be dug into Monday when people are back in the office. Sorry for the inconvenience :(
  • edited January 2007
    the new short is on gametap.
  • edited January 2007
    i love the groovy tune at the end :D
  • edited January 2007
    Panthera wrote: »
    I have a really big problem with the video viewers for machinima shorts and interim theatre. When I view a clip in your video viewer, I can't pause it, so I have to see it while it pauses and loads every 5 second, which is really annoying, and makes it hard to follow the conversation..

    The trailer viewer lets me pause, and so does the machinima short that's displayed on the ep. 3 site.

    Can you please fix this? :(

    This should be fixed now. Sorry 'bout that!
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited January 2007
    Obsessive high-quality archivists, here are your WMVs:

    Machinima 1
    Machinima 2
    Machinima 3
    Machinima 4
    Machinima 5

  • edited January 2007
    Am I the only one that is having trouble watching the entire clip for the new one on Gametap? It stops after Sam adds the second ingredient for me, same place every time. Any ideas what could cause that? I have watched all the other ones with no problems.
  • edited January 2007
    Jake wrote: »
    Obsessive high-quality archivists, here are your WMVs:

    Machinima 1
    Machinima 2
    Machinima 3
    Machinima 4
    Machinima 5


    Any chance of a high quality of "Sam & Max Interim Theater: The Phone"?

    (Trying to avoid requesting xvid avi instead of wmv ;) )
  • edited January 2007
    Am I the only one that is having trouble watching the entire clip for the new one on Gametap? It stops after Sam adds the second ingredient for me, same place every time. Any ideas what could cause that? I have watched all the other ones with no problems.

    I got the same problem... But a little later...
    Not working with either Firefox or explorer...
  • edited January 2007
    Machinima 6 is up on gametap.

    But for some reason the video cuts off when Sam is about to present the "special ingredient". Anyone else with the same problem?
  • edited January 2007
    Yepp... doesn't work... :(
  • edited January 2007
    Hmm. A file in a cake? Methinks Dave Grossman is doing callbacks to his earlier work. I wonder if it's carrot-flavored... :p
  • edited January 2007
    Manganise Dihexafloricarbonite? Is that even a real element?
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited January 2007
    Mishakun wrote: »
    Machinima 6 is up on gametap.

    But for some reason the video cuts off when Sam is about to present the "special ingredient". Anyone else with the same problem?

    Problem solved, since it's now on our site as well!

    Oh hahah unless you mean that it goes black? It's supposed to. Note how it flickers and stuff. It's because Sam blew something up.
    ATMachine wrote: »
    Hmm. A file in a cake? Methinks Dave Grossman is doing callbacks to his earlier work. I wonder if it's carrot-flavored... :p

    Baking a file into a cake is pretty standard " classic break out of prison" procedure, and has existed as a joke since well before Monkey Island. Buuuut... it might also be a reference! Who knows?
  • edited January 2007
    Jake wrote: »
    Problem solved, since it's now on our site as well!

    Oh hahah unless you mean that it goes black? It's supposed to. Note how it flickers and stuff. It's because Sam blew something up.
    Wierd how it turned black ten-twenty seconds earlier in the gametap version... This time, it made more sense :p
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