they should link us to some dramatic music on this thread, before releasing the game.... these guys at telltale are masters of suspense! (at the moment at least!)
Seriously, Valve is very strange(gotta take my mind off Sam UND Max for a minute), they'll postpone their most popular franchise to release random stuff like Left 4 Dead and Left 4 Dead 2: The Shameless Cash Grab, then give away a free game(Alien Swarm, damn good for a free game). And then there's Valve Time. I'll always appreciate quality over quantity, but Valve confuses me with its hemming and hawing.
Everyone can set the tags, not only mods.
WesMote44 42
Hassat Hunter 41
Blooglspash 20
I'm number 3! WOOO!
I'm slightly offended.
I refreshing mercilessly. D=
Telltale has released a episode 3 of a series. Better than valve's development time.
And another falls to insanity.
We'll dedicate our first 10 minutes of playing to you.
this is valve time?
Or not...
(I hope so though, no offence
*finally snaps and runs off into forest*
Same here...
To waiting, that is.
oh, and hi, this is my first post and stuff...
Tension rises.
I was anxious an hour ago!
I'll try wandering somewhere else for awhile.
What do you expect? You slapped him first!
*slaps you*
This isn't valve time. Episode 3 was stated for a holiday release in '07. THAT is valve time.
I was anxious over a month ago!:eek:
i'm feeling bitchy with all this waiting, so don't you tempt me!