We have a new 'I wonder what happens'! (Link on page 7)

edited December 2010 in Back to the Future
As Majus and Silverwolfpet are both big fans of BTTF, anyone else agree they should do a 'I wonder what happens in Back to the Future: The Game'? It could be so awesome! :D


  • edited September 2010
  • edited September 2010
    I don't think Majus can do "I wonder what happens" anymore, since as long as he's working at Telltale he already knows what happens.

    But yeah, I'm always in favor of more Flash films from Majus.
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited September 2010
    Majus' internship has ended in July and I think he has left the US by the end of August. I'd assume he still gets some inside information, but I also assume he will focus on his studies when his first semester begins (in October??).

    That's both +1 and -1 for "I wonder what happens in Back to the Future episode 1: Not BTTF IV". ;)
  • edited September 2010
    Well, darn.
  • edited September 2010
    That doesn't mean he can't create funny "I wonder what happens" without spoiling anything, even if he knows ...
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited November 2010
    Majus' website states that although he's busy learning, he still works on TTG cutscenes via internet. Who knows? Parts of the BTTF game might actually be considered "I wonder what happens". :D
  • edited November 2010
    IMO it's completely Monkey Island exclusive.
  • edited November 2010
    Hey guys and girls,
    (especially girls... actually, how many BTTF fan-girls are out there? You may send me a PM)

    There aren't any real chances of a full 5-episodes IWWH for BTTF. I don't even think we have time to work on just ONE episode. Majus has school to take care of, I have to finish my Lord of the Rings parody... not to mention all the side projects that we both have.

    So, really sorry... and to borrow Mike Stemmle's style, I'll leave you with this: We are fans, we love bttf, we would love to create something in honor of Telltale's effort but don't get your hopes too high. :)
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited November 2010
    Hey guys and girls,
    (especially girls... actually, how many BTTF fan-girls are out there? You may send me a PM)

    You make this a dating site, I'll ban you. :D :D :D

    Thanks for the info... looks like it's time for some other wannabe mighty animator to take over. Helllooooooo... anybody here? ;)
  • edited November 2010
    I've been seriously considering doing one. I have a friend who's a great animator, and I have an idea already. I just need a new title, so it's not like I'm ripping Majus off.
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited November 2010
    "I wonder what's... up Doc??" :D
  • edited November 2010
    Good, but isn't saying "what's up Doc" referencing Bugs Bunny?
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited November 2010
    You got it. ;)
  • edited November 2010
    mathman77 wrote: »
    Good, but isn't saying "what's up Doc" referencing Bugs Bunny?

  • edited November 2010
    Mostly everyone is correct in this thread, since I now go to the filmacademy, and work for Telltale at the same time, I wont have much time for some flashmovie-fun.
    But if there are other people who want to do awesome IWWH-things, please do so! (And "ripping of" is not a bad thing in my opinion.)
    mathman77 wrote: »
    Good, but isn't saying "what's up Doc" referencing Bugs Bunny?

    No, wait, I thought they meant this:
    I love that movie.
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited November 2010
    Majus wrote: »
    I love that movie.

    So do I. But that movie is, of course, ALSO referencing Bugs Bunny. :D
  • edited November 2010
    Are the women sexy and beautiful in Germany?
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited November 2010
    You did read what I wrote to Silverwolfpet about making this a dating site, didn't you? :confused: :D
  • edited November 2010
    Something could be done by us in an audio form. Could be easier and quicker...
    Mostly everyone is correct in this thread, since I now go to the filmacademy, and work for Telltale at the same time, I wont have much time for some flashmovie-fun.

    That's fantastic, Majus! Is this your first year? And how is it going? I'm in my second year of film-making academy, and it's fantastic!

    Congratulations, and I won't be surprised if I see you on the Oscars soon! :D
  • edited November 2010
    Actually, this could be easier to do than TOMI....


    MARTY gets into Delorean, travels to the winter, plays game.


    Not better, mind you, but easier. :D
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited November 2010
    We'd need the first episode's title before we could do anything, though. Without the title "Launch of the Screaming Narwhal", there probably wouldn't have been a IWWHIToMILotSN.
  • edited November 2010
    I got it!

    "I Wonder What Happens in Back to the Future: The Game"

    (We see Marty running through the streets aimeslly. We pan out to reveal the player, who's very angry)

    Player: What?? This isn't anything like the GTA:HV mod! This sucks, because I have to use my mind instead of turning my brain off and driving back and forth in time with no purpose at all!
    And look at the graphics! Cartoony and fun? What the f*ck?? I want a dark and gritty BTTF game where Marty is an emo and has emotional issues every time he travels back in time!
    This sucks! Curse you, Telltale! Curse yooooouuu!

  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited November 2010
    What about the premise "I wonder what would happen if the BTTF game was like GTA"? :D
  • edited November 2010
    What about the premise "I wonder what would happen if the BTTF game was like GTA"? :D

    So many things you can do!
    - Doc has a mobile Flux-Capacitor and turns every car into a time-machine.
    - Jennifer phones Marty all the time and demands that he spends more time with her.
    - If Marty crashes his car, he breaks his hand and ruins his future.
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited November 2010
    Well, obviously YOU'd do it right... ;)

    /edit: Can Marty do the hand thing twice??
  • edited November 2010
    We'd need the first episode's title before we could do anything, though. Without the title "Launch of the Screaming Narwhal", there probably wouldn't have been a IWWHIToMILotSN.

    On what I'm working on (well, considering) now is to have the fact that there is no title part of the joke.
  • edited November 2010
    Well, obviously YOU'd do it right... ;)

    /edit: Can Marty do the hand thing twice??

    Yes because every time he crashes the car, he has to go back in time and stop himself from crashing the car

    Also I want Vainamoinen to make an "I Wonder What Happens" comic
  • edited November 2010
    Majus wrote: »
    - Jennifer phones Marty all the time and demands that he spends more time with her.

    Whoa whoa whoa there...
    This is not MGS2!
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited November 2010
    LuigiHann wrote: »
    Also I want Vainamoinen to make an "I Wonder What Happens" comic

    I don't know if I can pull that off. I would like to, though...
  • edited November 2010
    Oh, it's simple. The epic BTTF theme plays as we see the DeLorean fly up into the sky, begin time travelling and fly at the screen, like at the end of the first movie. Then, we cut to the Doc complaining about scientific progress as a policeman writes him a speeding ticket.
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited November 2010
    It's not the ideas. It's time and drawings... ;)

    And it would of course have to be in the spirit of the IWWH flash movies. Fiction based on the episode title and on information snippets we got before the release of the episode. I really don't lack the ideas, but time and drawing skills... but that project is not yet off the table. ;)
  • edited November 2010
    PERFECT and in it we can have Michael J Fox say a few lines, fictionally of course, or maybe for real but I doubt that. And I can rock back and forth in my seat going yes...yes...that's right , YES!!! YES!!!! to the sound of his voice.

    No homo...
  • edited November 2010
    I already solidified my ideas and downloaded an animator. Best case senario, we'll see a IWWH BTTF video in a few weeks!
  • edited November 2010
    mathman77 wrote: »
    I already solidified my ideas and downloaded an animator. Best case senario, we'll see a IWWH BTTF video in a few weeks!

    Do you need voice actors? :D
  • edited November 2010
    If you can present a worthy sample, and I am rooting for you, I suggest you ask IcedHope (a member) he's a professional voice actor.
  • edited November 2010
    I don't have voice actors yet, besides me as the narrator. I'll try asking some of my BTTF fan friends first, but if anyone wants to help send me a sample of your impression. I definently need a Marty, Doc, and young Doc.
  • edited November 2010
    Count me in, dude. I may have time to voice act :)
  • edited November 2010
    Someone say voice acting? whoa...haven't done that in a looong time.
  • edited November 2010
    Progress is... decent. I already finished the title sequence and am working on backgrounds now.

    Does anyone know Doc's age in 1985?
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited November 2010
    mathman77 wrote: »
    progress is... Decent. I already finished the title sequence and am working on backgrounds now.

    Does anyone know doc's age in 1985?

    65. ;)
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