Just bought the DVD with all 5 episodes! How long will it take to beat all 5 episodes

Just wondering how long it will take to beat all 5 episodes if I don't use a walkthrough?


  • edited September 2010
    A minimum of 20 hours of playtime guaranteed.
  • edited September 2010
    That's great man, can't wait! Thanks
  • edited September 2010
    The first time I took about 6-8 hours on each episode.
  • edited September 2010
    Just wondering how long it will take to beat all 5 episodes if I don't use a walkthrough?

    i recorded all 5 games and i knew exactly what to do, and it took me 6 hours 25 minutes, so without a walkthrough it would take a lot longer, maybe check out the videos, they are up on youtube, i'm murray19831983
  • edited September 2010
    i recorded all 5 games and i knew exactly what to do, and it took me 6 hours 25 minutes, so without a walkthrough it would take a lot longer, maybe check out the videos, they are up on youtube, i'm murray19831983

    I would strongly advise you not to (no offence!) as it will almost certainly spoil the excellent story!
  • edited September 2010
    The shortest time on record is when I beat all five chapters in 6:05 in the last Monkey Island race, so I'd say it's practically impossible to beat them much faster than that. For someone who's not trying to get through as fast as possible, you can add quite a bit of time on to that, and for someone who's never played them before and isn't using a walkthrough, you can add on a ton more time.

    So yeah, none of that is probably relevant to you and this is pretty much a wasted post.
  • edited September 2010
    I ended up messing around quite a bit, so I probably sunk somewhere in the ballpark of 18-20 hours on the game (ended up equaling a Day and a half if one adds in interruptions and sleep) . My current, second, runthrough of the game is taking considerably less time though, I'm up to episode 4 and it's taken me somewhere around 6 or 7 hours to get that far.
  • edited September 2010
    The shortest time on record is when I beat all five chapters in 6:05 in the last Monkey Island race, so I'd say it's practically impossible to beat them much faster than that. For someone who's not trying to get through as fast as possible, you can add quite a bit of time on to that, and for someone who's never played them before and isn't using a walkthrough, you can add on a ton more time.

    So yeah, none of that is probably relevant to you and this is pretty much a wasted post.

    How did you do it that fast? I created my own walkthrough and i thought my time was fast, even though i wasn't speedrunning, i even did chapter 4 in the wrong order, as i collected evidence first before calling any witnesses. Did you skip any dialog or anything?
  • edited September 2010
    Nope, skipping dialogue is against the rules of the race. I just figured out the fastest path through the game and stuck to it.
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