THE 'Why I won't be preordering BTTF' Thread



  • edited November 2010
    jannar85 wrote: »
    I've been here since the early start ;) And BttF is a pretty huge title, so it might just not drop in price at all.

    :see join date ;)

    Years was maybe a little too much, though :eek:
    Actually, it was to scare fans to pre-order ;p

    Ah, the good old days when the forum was nothing put people complaining that they couldn't play TellTale Texas Hold Em on a computer with no internet. Can you even imagine that argument these days?

    Oh well, to the point, I agree that TellTale is hurting themselves a bit by usually discounting their games a bit early. However, I like TellTale, so I don't really mind giving them a bit more money than what I would have had to in a few months. If any other company discounted things this quickly, though, I would probably wait.

    That said, I won't be pre-ordering, because then I would have pre-ordered it twice.:p
  • edited November 2010
    I have pre-ordered BTTF, and I'm not complaining, but I'm slightly disappointed that I get a third copy of Puzzle Agent. The option to gift it was nice, but after already buying PA on release and then getting it again through the Adventure Bundle, it'd be nice to maybe have a choice between this and an older title like Wallace & Gromit (I've only got the 'big series' so far, S&M and Monkey Island).
  • edited November 2010
    I wont be pre ordering it beacause, my computers graffics card is shit haha and I dont care to much for playing computer games. I will wait until they release it on ps3.
  • edited November 2010
    I'm broke, hence I'm not pre-ordering.

    Unless somebody is willing to fork over forty bucks for me, but I think that's very unlikely.
  • edited November 2010
    I think it's fair that at least some one would find it annoying to buy a game for like 40 dollars and see it come out shortly later for 15.
    Some people are excited, enthusiastic enough to pay the 40 dollars, that's fine

    is willing to fork over forty bucks for me

    What is this 40 bucks you guys speak of? The game is freakin' almost the half of that amount. I am starting to see why they call you masterbaiter around here Doodo. >.>
    Hella cheap.
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited November 2010
    Origami wrote: »
    What is this 40 bucks you guys speak of? The game is freakin' almost the half of that amount.

    He was speaking of the third season of Sam&Max, I presume. But even that was never 40$ or "like 40$", but only 87,375% of that number at its price pinnacle. ;)

    BTW, I think we should change the thread title into "Why I haven't preordered BTTF" in about a month or so. :D
  • edited November 2010
    Owh okay.
    My apoligies Doodo
  • edited November 2010
    I think I may have to pre-order just to get access to the Insider Forums. It seems like this place has been dead ever since that went live.
  • edited November 2010

    Either way, I just like newer members. This game is surprisingly cheap.
  • edited November 2010
    As some have stated, preording gives you the insider forum access. If you are looking to save some money here is why that can be a good argument for preordering. This time around they are having some great specials every Monday that last a week for insider's only. So far they have had a 50% off special on the 5 poster movie set for SnM Season 3 and a great deal off the Bones series.

    It also appears there are and will be more contests to get some free items.

    If you're someone who tends to buy all of Telltales offerings already it probably won't help. However Christmas is coming around the corner and I'm finding the deals in the insider forum a good opportunity to get some gift shopping done on the cheap.
  • edited November 2010
    Kinda stuipid that you have to pre order the computer version in order to get into the insider forums, we are all fans on here and have been following the game since the begining.
  • edited November 2010
    bttf1985cc wrote: »
    Kinda stuipid that you have to pre order the computer version in order to get into the insider forums, we are all fans on here and have been following the game since the begining.

    Why is it stupid? It is an incentive for pre-ordering. Anyone can be a fan(atic) and follow the game from the beginning, but I don't see how that entitles anyone to anything. As a fan of both the movie and telltale I actually think they earned my hard earned cash and I owe them for such a great thing if I want to be part of it, not that they owe me simply because I'm a fan. Anyway that discussion is off topic, unless your point is you aren't pre-ordering because you are taking a stand that pre-ordering should not reward anyone?

    Like it or not, there are incentives for pre-ordering. My point is that there are discounts available based on these pre-ordering incentives which may makeup for any higher price paid vs. waiting for a special after the release. If you don't have the money that is one thing, but if you're trying to be frugal, which is OK too, then there are hidden available savings ordering now if you take advantage of it.
  • edited November 2010
    Origami wrote: »
    What is this 40 bucks you guys speak of? The game is freakin' almost the half of that amount. I am starting to see why they call you masterbaiter around here Doodo. >.>
    Hella cheap.

    It's 20 bucks extra for the emotional damage I took from not having this game. Or some other BS reason.
  • Macfly77Macfly77 Moderator
    edited November 2010
    The Big z wrote: »
    Why is it stupid? It is an incentive for pre-ordering. Anyone can be a fan(atic) and follow the game from the beginning, but I don't see how that entitles anyone to anything. As a fan of both the movie and telltale I actually think they earned my hard earned cash and I owe them for such a great thing if I want to be part of it, not that they owe me simply because I'm a fan. Anyway that discussion is off topic, unless your point is you aren't pre-ordering because you are taking a stand that pre-ordering should not reward anyone?
    I believe that what bttf1985cc means is that people who buy other versions than the computer one (like the PS3 version that he appears to be interested in) should also have access to the insider forum, not just PC and Mac users.
  • edited November 2010
    Macfly77 wrote: »
    I believe that what bttf1985cc means is that people who buy other versions than the computer one (like the PS3 version that he appears to be interested in) should also have access to the insider forum, not just PC and Mac users.

    I see, perhaps that is what he meant. His reasoning was not clear and without that context it seems like he made another point all together. I thought his response would be relevant to the context of my post.. Funny thing is I probably didn't give enough context either. My response was to the original message of the thread.

    Part of the incentive is for those who buy directly from Telltale. Do people that pre-order from steam get access? It is too bad that some other outlets don't provide their own incentives. It really isn't Telltale's responsibility to give away cool stuff to everyone purchasing on different platforms. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure they would love too, but the integration of sales sourced outside of their system to allow access to a specific user inside of their system wouldn't be trivial, have a high overhead cost, and require cooperation from all vendors involved. It just wouldn't be cost effective and Telltale has to profit or there wouldn't be a game at all. It is too bad there is no alternative way to gain access.

    I do think everyone should at least have access to the contests there, I'm pretty sure in the states you can't have a contest with prizes from a business unless there is "no purchase required." It is plain in this case there is a purchase required or you wouldn't have a chance to participate at all. However all of the other cool stuff such as exclusive interviews and discounts I see no issues with exclusive access. If it was 'fair' it wouldn't be exclusive.
  • edited November 2010
    The Big z wrote: »
    I do think everyone should at least have access to the contests there, I'm pretty sure in the states you can't have a contest with prizes from a business unless there is "no purchase required." It is plain in this case there is a purchase required or you wouldn't have a chance to participate at all. However all of the other cool stuff such as exclusive interviews and discounts I see no issues with exclusive access. If it was 'fair' it wouldn't be exclusive.

    After doing some quick foraging for information I did find that our contest is a-ok through various sources. I found this explanation at 'The Straight Dope' and used it because it's the clearest and quickest explanation I can find about it, but basically, our DeLorean contest is ok since we can answer no to the 'is there chance involved' question.

    If a broadcaster wants to promote a contest, whether in a paid commercial or as a station promotion, he or she has to answer the three lottery law questions:

    Is a prize being offered?
    Is there chance involved in the selection of the winner (i.e., drawing a ticket)?
    Does the consumer have to buy something to enter the contest? (This is called "consideration" by the FCC.)
    If the answer to all three is "yes," then the promotion is a "lottery" and can't be broadcast. One "no" and the lottery law doesn't apply and can be broadcast.

    I hope that clears this issue up.
  • edited November 2010
    The Big z wrote: »
    Why is it stupid? It is an incentive for pre-ordering. Anyone can be a fan(atic) and follow the game from the beginning, but I don't see how that entitles anyone to anything. As a fan of both the movie and telltale I actually think they earned my hard earned cash and I owe them for such a great thing if I want to be part of it, not that they owe me simply because I'm a fan. Anyway that discussion is off topic, unless your point is you aren't pre-ordering because you are taking a stand that pre-ordering should not reward anyone?

    Like it or not, there are incentives for pre-ordering. My point is that there are discounts available based on these pre-ordering incentives which may makeup for any higher price paid vs. waiting for a special after the release. If you don't have the money that is one thing, but if you're trying to be frugal, which is OK too, then there are hidden available savings ordering now if you take advantage of it.

    I thought I explained it in pre posts haha, but I think it is stupid cause in my case I dont have a high end computer that I can play games on and I didnt know TT does computer games mainly, I have always seen TT games on the ps3 so hence thought we would get to pre order for that platform. I am not going to just pay 40. for a game I cant play on my computer just to get insider access on a forum haha, thats why I think it is stupid. But just my opinion.
  • edited November 2010
    Macfly77 wrote: »
    I believe that what bttf1985cc means is that people who buy other versions than the computer one (like the PS3 version that he appears to be interested in) should also have access to the insider forum, not just PC and Mac users.

    exactly!!! That you for that post bro! atleast im not alone on this 1 haha. We are all fans and should get access to any other forums concerning the bttf game!
  • edited November 2010
    bttf1985cc wrote: »
    I am not going to just pay 40. for a game I cant play on my computer just to get insider access on a forum haha, thats why I think it is stupid.

    Good thing you only have to pay $25, then!
  • edited November 2010
    bttf1985cc wrote: »
    exactly!!! That you for that post bro! atleast im not alone on this 1 haha. We are all fans and should get access to any other forums concerning the bttf game!

    I understand the argument that you have no desire to pre order due to the fact you want, or need, to purchase it for another platform. However the ultimate reason you are giving is "we are all fans and should get access to any other forums considering the bttf game!". Being a fan doesn't entitled you to all the forums. It is an incentive for purchasing the game in advance directly through Telltale. There is nothing special about being a fan that grants you unearned free stuff. It is a shame that you aren't getting an incentive through the other vendor, but it would be there responsibility to do so. Sometimes you get incentives from them you can't get through telltale, like the nutrispecs in the last sam and max season were. Just because you feel it isn't fair is not a compelling reason why it should change. I hope you end up getting something cool that is exclusive to your platform, maybe it will happen, maybe not, but the insider forum is our pc/Mac direct from vendor customer purchase special perk. This isn' t youth soccer where everyone gets a prize for just being who they are...but is that "fair" lesson for real life?

    Anyway, I understand why you can't pre-order :)
  • edited November 2010
    its just another forum geez, dont see the big deal.its not like you can play the game on the forum? right? whats the diff between the forum on here and the insider forum? I am sure both will talk about the game correct?
  • edited November 2010
    The main difference is of course that there are no posts
    "I will not preorder because..."
  • edited November 2010
    I'm not preordering this,i guess I'll wait until a discount,the only thing that can change my mind is something like exclusive preorder tf2 items lol
  • edited November 2010
    I have not preordered either... I plan on buying it eventually but the perks are not good enough for me to spend the money yet..... I already own puzzle agent...
  • edited November 2010
    I don't know if I'm going to pre-order because I haven't decided if my laptop will run the thing.

    This is the biggest thing for me. I would be much more free pre-ordering games if systems reqs were more readily available ahead of release. I don't want to buy something and be all excited only to find on release day that it won't run. :(
  • edited November 2010
    Try searching on google for "Can I run it". I think you can find older TTG games in there and you can test it out for yourself by downloading a demo from their past games.
  • edited November 2010
    Here's a great reason to pre-order Back to the Future and get on the Insider Forums. This week's Insider Forums special offer is 25 dollars off of shipping. :)
  • edited November 2010
    I gotta say, Telltale is doing a FAR better job of keeping up with its pre-order promises this time around than it did with Sam and Max Season Three or Tales of Monkey Island. I had a lot of initial worries about that, but this time around they're really on their A game.
  • edited November 2010
    I gotta say, Telltale is doing a FAR better job of keeping up with its pre-order promises this time around than it did with Sam and Max Season Three or Tales of Monkey Island. I had a lot of initial worries about that, but this time around they're really on their A game.

    Thanks! :)
  • edited November 2010
    I'd like to repost this from the Insider Forum here, and I don't think I'd be out of line to quote this here, but if I am then any mod or developer should feel free to delete this post.
    There's still offers to be had in the Forums coming up, and we have some fun plans for the holidays. Stay tuned for opportunities to get prints for cheap!
  • edited November 2010
    Thanks! :)

    No no, thank you! These offers are fun, and so're the contests.
  • edited November 2010
    Elvenmonk wrote: »
    No no, thank you! These offers are fun, and so're the contests.

    Ya the insider forums are so great I don't know why everyone isn't checking them it's just too good to pass up. *looks at rest of thread* oh... well then. *leaves*
    edited November 2010
    Elvenmonk wrote: »
    You can't season upgrade from that.

    How do you know? In previous TTG games you could make a season upgrade from free episodes (like S&M 201: Ice Station Santa), so I don't see how it's different now.
  • edited November 2010
    OMA wrote: »
    How do you know? In previous TTG games you could make a season upgrade from free episodes (like S&M 201: Ice Station Santa), so I don't see how it's different now.

    That's my source.
  • edited November 2010
    OMA wrote: »
    How do you know? In previous TTG games you could make a season upgrade from free episodes (like S&M 201: Ice Station Santa), so I don't see how it's different now.
    It's actually not different, and follows precedent exactly. When Abe Lincoln Must Die became a permanently free episode, the season was made cheaper and there was no upgrade option from Abe Lincoln Must Die. Your example, free copies of Ice Station Santa, were temporary promotions rather than long-term permanently free episodes.
  • edited November 2010
    People should really start pre-ordering BttF. Up to this point the value of discount coupons has accumulated to 45 dollars. Almost twice the price of BttF.

    Great service from TellTale. I was already glad I pre-ordered without all the exclusive content but this is just icing on the cake. =)

    EDIT: I am sorry. 40 dollars. Not 45.
  • edited November 2010
    Yeah no need to pre order, if I were able to play computer games I would have downloaded the gta vc bttf mod dayz ago haha, I will wait til it gets released on ps3!
  • edited November 2010
    bttf1985cc wrote: »
    Yeah no need to pre order, if I were able to play computer games I would have downloaded the gta vc bttf mod dayz ago haha, I will wait til it gets released on ps3!

    Haha k.
  • edited November 2010
    Question, is it not possible to put up a Pre-order for PS3 so that way when the season starts they can enter the code on PSN and unlock the season?
  • edited November 2010
    Elvenmonk wrote: »
    Question, is it not possible to put up a Pre-order for PS3 so that way when the season starts they can enter the code on PSN and unlock the season?

    It's been my experience when trying to wrangle review copies of PSN games in my past games press life, Sony generates codes for games once they're basically live on PSN.
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