Back to the Future facebook game

Has anyone else notice that if you view the tutuorial in the back to the future facebook game you can see more concept art!

When it talks about high scores it quickly scrolls by a concept art mugshot for George, Biff, and a character named "Kid Tannen" who is dressed up in a mobster suit.

Could this be a spoiler for the game or an easter egg? Can't wait!

I've got mine pre ordered already!

Me and my wife played through Puzzle Agent in one night and we loved it! :)

- Jay


  • edited November 2010
    All I have to say is that it got me to break my solemn vow to NEVER use a Facebook game application.

    *shakes fist*

    So addictive though. I'm a sucker for those kinds of puzzlers. >=
  • edited November 2010
    Nice find!!!!
    I have been playing that game like crazy but never noticed it.

    Here I took a screenshot.

    Maybe spoilers!!!!!

    EDIT: Same here. I also promised myself to never use an app. But it's great. You get to hear the theme loop epicly. Never gets And there are some of the recorded lines in it.
    AJ sounds exactly like Marty. Those lines further prove it.
  • edited November 2010
    Since we'll supposedly be travelling to the 30s, I'm going to take a guess that Kid Tannen is a gangster who's supposed to be Biff's father.
  • edited November 2010
    Or maybe an uncle.
  • edited November 2010
    George looks HORRIBLE.

    Let's hope it's just because of the size.

    Nice find though !
  • edited November 2010
    Strayth wrote: »
    George looks HORRIBLE.

    Let's hope it's just because of the size.
    I highly doubt they were able to get Crispin Glover's likeness rights. That's probably as close as they were able to get.
  • edited November 2010
    Well, I think we could all tolerate a George "lookalike", especially with the cartoony graphics.

    But "not looking like Crispin" =/= Being hideous .

    Biff looks epic (and match Wilson's likeness too). George looks beyond horrible (the fact that he has nothing to do with Crispin is another matter).
  • edited November 2010
    To be fair, Crispin Glover didn't even allow his likeness to be in Parts 2 or 3 of the BTTF trilogy, so it was unlikely the game would feature him properly.
  • edited November 2010
    George was of virtually no importance in the sequels, anyway. I get the feeling we won't be seeing too much of him here.

    Any chance we can get a larger version of George, Biff, and Kid Tannen, by the way?
  • edited November 2010
    Well... those portraits are really small, so... i can't say if George looks horrible or not
  • edited November 2010
    Also in the game, after you get enough Jewels, you hit 88MPH. and travel to HilValley's ClockToer, one Spoiler I think I found is if you should see the CourtHouse with a Science Fair Banner across. look at the top right of the screen once you start the level.. it will say "Hill Valley 1931" so I guess we get to see Young Doc after all.
  • edited November 2010
    To be fair, Crispin Glover didn't even allow his likeness to be in Parts 2 or 3 of the BTTF trilogy, so it was unlikely the game would feature him properly.

    No actually, they just didn't ask him. Thus the famous problem. His likeness was featured in the sequels. You can also SEE Crispin in the movie in a few scenes.

    And, it's obvious George had no importance (though he is kinda important in part 2 even if we don't really see him much) in the sequels only because they had trouble with the actor.

    He is crucial to BTTF 1 ... I would be really upset if he has no importance in the game.

    Especially if we get way too much Lorraine and Biff.
  • edited November 2010
    I say George also looks pretty cool.
  • edited November 2010
    I think kid Tannen is probably Biff family related.
  • edited November 2010
    Nice try.
  • edited November 2010
    doodo! wrote: »
    I think kid Tannen is probably Biff family related.

    Sir, you'd better have some evidence to back up such a bold and wild claim! :p
  • edited November 2010

    It would be interesting to see a new villain though.
  • edited November 2010

    It would be interesting to see a new villain though.

    Yeah, would be cool if they changed the delorean with a toyota too...

    Seriously man ...

    Apart from Dark Marty from the future who is trying to prevent a disaster by doing * seemingly * bad things in the past, they can't invent a new villain ...
  • edited November 2010
    doodo! wrote: »

    It would be interesting to see a new villain though.

    Back to the Future cannot have a villain outside of the Tannen family. It would just be wrong.

    I do hope we see lots of new Tannens, though.
  • edited November 2010
    Well, it would definitely be difficult to do anyways.
  • edited November 2010
    :D Just thought it would be cool to see who has the highest score in here as of so far on the Facebook game :D

    My high score: 135,750 :-)

  • edited November 2010
    High score is 12 million :P
  • edited November 2010
    The proof is in the pudding ... in this case, a unaltered image.

    Altered you say? OH NO! Don't alter the fabric of the space time continuum! :eek:
  • edited November 2010
    Yeah that's cool! I scored 4,077,450 once. I thought you could earn acheivements and prizes but i can't figure out how.
  • edited November 2010
    Around 900k IIRC. Well the highscores just got a reset, so I can't recall it that well.
  • edited November 2010
    The proof is in the pudding ... in this case, a unaltered image.

    Altered you say? OH NO! Don't alter the fabric of the space time continuum! :eek:

    Trust me. There have even been people that got 50 million.
    I admit though these scores weren't achieved through conventional means.
    I am using an old computer and exploiting it's slowdowns. :cool:
    A.k.a. semi-cheating :D
  • edited November 2010
    for me i got 492k as a record (fair play).
  • edited November 2010
    Mine was somewhere around 277,000... but I have no proof.

    New week wiped my scores. :(
  • edited November 2010
    can post the url address please?:confused::)
  • edited November 2010
    I do not hope however that every ep's problem becomes a Tannen. It would become repetitive and that is NOT what BttF is only about.
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited November 2010
    Back to the Future cannot have a villain outside of the Tannen family. It would just be wrong.

    I do hope we see lots of new Tannens, though.

    I'm with Origami here. Variatio delectat. ;)

    Even Gale & Zemeckis felt the need to introduce a secondary villain - Needles - because the Tannens were just overdone. If they'll introduce one (1) Tannen that is new to us (Kid Tannen) in the entire game, and work with young Biff, middle-aged Biff and old Biff for the rest of the game, things will be fine.

    On a sidenote, if Telltale chose to not actually make Biff the villain, but indeed let '85 Biff do some good and help out a little in a crucial moment, would you necessarily consider that "not in the spirit of the BTTF movies"? ;)
  • edited November 2010
    Also in the game, after you get enough Jewels, you hit 88MPH. and travel to HilValley's ClockToer, one Spoiler I think I found is if you should see the CourtHouse with a Science Fair Banner across. look at the top right of the screen once you start the level.. it will say "Hill Valley 1931" so I guess we get to see Young Doc after all.

    I thought it said 1936, if they made it in 1931 Doc would only be eleven when Marty visits and would be better if he met a Doc closer to his present age.
  • edited November 2010
    Heh, just an ordinary match 3 kind of game... that's a bit disappointing :p
  • edited November 2010

    Yeah but the games don't even have to be brinked with Tannens. We can have 1985 Tannen and max 3
    new alterations of Biff with Kid being one.

    Other problems could be the prevention of paradoxes. Or a less favourable future caused by mistakes in a previous ep that has to be prevented.
  • edited November 2010
    Hey guys, one quick Question in the FB game, when when at times while playing, or when you are just about to him 88 MPH the game goes extremely slow? also the Speedomete dows down wayr to fast at times..but still I love this game lots!
  • edited December 2010
    The facebook game has changed, now it has a Heavy mode and a leveling up system, every time you level up an object of the game appears with a description, which i suppose is what marty says when you examine the object...
  • edited December 2010


    I got the gray sports almanac at lvl 2 and the car keys of th 4x4 at lvl 5.
  • edited December 2010
    Did you guys see the updates to the game? There's a new Heavy Mode and Biff's Slot Machine to earn tokens so that you can play Heavy Mode! :)
  • edited December 2010
    I got to level 6 and the item you got is
    the picture of Doc and Marty in 1885

    The description that came along with it was priceless!
  • edited December 2010
    I'm diggin the update! Where is Biff's slot machine though? I'm curious to check out heavy mode.
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