what is max doing?

Is it just humerous or is max doing somthing when he has future vision out?
Also, if anyone is wondering, this happens when every one is all in.


  • edited November 2010
    Just humorous. He gives you the same smile whether the next card actually goes his way or not, so he isn't seeing the future.
  • edited November 2010
    He's done that when I went all in and everyone but him folded. He always win's for me when he does that >:L
  • edited November 2010
    That's just a big coincidence. But I did yell at my computer screen like "OH BULLSHIT! FILTHY CHEATER!" when I first saw Max to bring up Future Vision. I smuggled all o' his chips in that round so, I don't mind now.
  • edited November 2010
    I'd like to point out that the back of the cards when you're using the normal deck look exactly like Max's Mind Reading cards.

    Best to switch to the TF2 deck as soon as you unlock it. ;)
  • edited November 2010
    I'd like to point out that the back of the cards when you're using the normal deck look exactly like Max's Mind Reading cards.

    Best to switch to the TF2 deck as soon as you unlock it. ;)

    Ha if he was using them, then yesterday when I went all in, he would have called that and knocked me out.
  • edited November 2010
    Falanca wrote: »
    That's just a big coincidence. But I did yell at my computer screen like "OH BULLSHIT! FILTHY CHEATER!" when I first saw Max to bring up Future Vision.
    Right, 'cause seeing the immediate future is totally cheating when no further betting is possible. :P
  • edited November 2010
    He can't, apparently, even recognize numbers... so his powers are of limited use if he has absolutely no idea what he's doing. ;)
  • edited November 2010
    Danest wrote: »
    He can't, apparently, even recognize numbers... so his powers are of limited use if he has absolutely no idea what he's doing. ;)

    you do know that if he has the special deck of cards on him, he can read minds and see who is thinking on how bad or good there deck is right? And well for all we know, we could be playing with those set of cards.
  • edited November 2010
    Actually,I went one on one with Max once and he mentioned he had been using his psychic powers all along. I guess he thought he was supposed to lose all his chips. Or,knowing he would lose,he just wasn't mad about it.
  • edited November 2010
    Merlynn wrote: »
    Actually,I went one on one with Max once and he mentioned he had been using his psychic powers all along. I guess he thought he was supposed to lose all his chips. Or,knowing he would lose,he just wasn't mad about it.

    Could have bluffed. It is clear if he is using his power since he needs a toy of power on him to activate his powers.
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