Are Clara & doc's kids gonna be in the games?



  • edited December 2010
    doggans wrote: » about that family of Doc's? :D

    Great job trying to put this crazy train back on the tracks! ;)
  • edited December 2010
    I've got bugger all clue how askin "Will dat clara-lass and that pervy kid be in it" leads to twlilight hate lol
  • edited December 2010
    I hope, that Clara and the kids died and docs is stranded in some place, then after the 5 episodes, they become the "cool" family, just like the ending in BTTF1, with george and elaine being not dorks...

    Maybe after the adventures Clara is cool, and the kids are not some nerd zombies that make strange things with their hands...

    But it would be better, that it is another doc... for example the doc from the west lives happy there with the wife and weird kids, but he altered something that put the doc from the 1980s in trouble...

    then a new doc, without clara, should be cool!
  • edited December 2010
    Clara gets in a fight with Doc. She steals the time traveling Train and accidentally travels to the dawning of time. They die. The only way to save them is to destroy the first time machine in 1985, but then time paradoxes would occur. So he just lets them go on their journey after their big argument. (this would go against the end of III, but has to happen in order to be more stories).
  • edited December 2010
    ... You people are mean. =(
  • edited December 2010
    There's no way Telltale is going to kill off Clara and the kids at the start of the game. That's way too "heavy" of a way to start off the first new "Back to the Future" story in 20 years*.

    *not counting the animated series, blah blah blah
  • edited December 2010
    I'd say just be grateful for this!
    It seems that i should be... ><°>

    As i wrote, i got it in the meantime but i set those commas with purpose for the pauses.

    Btw "Let the Right one in" by Alfredson is a good vampire movie with kids. Hey one more thing i know about Sweden! :O)
  • edited December 2010
    Think you girls can go and discuss your vampires and Hobbits in the bathroom?

  • edited December 2010
    Even having this be a Doc that never met Clara or re-writes his family, that's still be good reason to put them in the game. Something like running into a scenario where Jules or Verne finds you with the train and ask for your help cause they have started to disappear.
  • edited December 2010
    m0r1arty wrote: »
    Think you girls can go and discuss your vampires and Hobbits in the bathroom?

    Any sauna in there as well? Otherwise we might prefer occupying the kitchen and living room instead. I also suggest you keep the Hobbits as they more fit to your kids sizes. You know, we girls just wanna have fun.
  • edited December 2010
    ... You people are mean. =(

    Agreed. And I don't think the kid was being perverted. Look at his face, he looks miserable. He probably was trying to say "Hey, I gotta pee!" But no one noticed. Poor kid.
  • edited December 2010
    Tyrfing42 wrote: »
    Even having this be a Doc that never met Clara or re-writes his family, that's still be good reason to put them in the game. Something like running into a scenario where Jules or Verne finds you with the train and ask for your help cause they have started to disappear.

    Ew *shudders*

    Wasn't it said a few pages back that it's definitely the same doc anyway?

    Given that he is wearing a wedding ring in the trailer...
  • edited June 2011
    Yes,...heres the thing. At the end of Part 3, Doc introduces Jules (pause), and Verne. then while talking to Jennifer and Marty.....keep your eyes on Verne. Verne motions to Jennifer with his hand , like "come here" and then points, directly to his crotch.

    This is NOT a joke. not meant to be rude, foul ,or slanderous. But its the truth, go ahead and watch it! its even on youtube! heres my theory. Maybe...all along, Doc was Martys Clara can't be his mother, but im thinking that Doc and Clara got into a fight, Doc traveled back in time, as a result of this, and made love to lorraine. THIS is the true reason why marty began fading in the first movie...

    in the original timeline, Doc simply bids Marty fairwell, grabs his cotton underwear, goes on adventures which eventually ironically lead him to his destiny in 1885 where he saves Clara, gets into a fight, travels to the 70's, and fornicates Martys future mom. (theres just no hallmark card for that)

    BUT when Marty went into 1955 , it caused a chain reaction that threatened to destroy that. you see, George Mcfly drove Lorraine to a diner that night, and left her because he had to go to work, and she was upset and thats when doc walked in and the two locked eyes over a root beer smoothie and the summer of love took its course! but if Lorraine never marrys george then no one drives her to the diner, where doc is sitting angry at Clara, and thus they never fornicate, marty is never born!!!

    so now, the situation is this: Is VERNE, really a young Marty? Is that why Doc seemingly pauses before he says.."And Verne." and is THAT why young Verne is pointing to his flux capacitor at Jennifer Parker, because he, as Marty, is naturally attracted to her, and is THAT why he grows up to be dropped off on Lorraine/Georges doorstep in the early 70's, grow up as a secret half foster child, and falls so easily in love with Jennifer! granted the jennifer he meets in part 1 and the jennifer he loves in part 2 are totally different, and maybe THATS a social commentary on how dangerous time travel can be! maybe the time travel discharge, combined by the jiggawatt shock, caused momentary amnesia, where several peoples physical appearances were altered! Altered to you, me, and einie, but reality for everyone else! this includes Jennifer Parker from part 1 to part 2, The Oracle from the Matrix changing forms from 1 &2 , to part 3, AND even how Professor Dumbledore changes inexplicably from part 1, 2, and 3! its amazing how 3 seems to be the magic number more times then not, its possible this number inherits some sort of meaning, like its the very focal jump point for the entire space time continuum....then again its just possible those actors weren't available for those movies and had to be replaced. And vernes just a pervert.

    WE MUST SUCCEED!!!!!!!!!!!
  • edited June 2011
    No offense, but that was very stupid
  • edited June 2011
    i disagree. its going to be my college thesis.
  • edited June 2011
    Why does he need to be Marty in order for him to be attracted to Jennifer? I'm not following your logic.
  • edited June 2011
    This is an elaborate prank, right? For anyone checking it out, the actor just needed to pee badly.
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited June 2011
    Another little thread merging done here. It seems like when I search for "Verne" in this forum, all that is ever discussed is the child actor pointing to his crotch. Isn't there anything else to be discussed on release day??
  • edited June 2011
    I can't believe it! There it was! The scene with Verne pointing to his crotch!

    Are you by any chance Amélie Poulain, Taylor Mcknight?
  • edited June 2011
    Nope. They weren't. Not at all. Not even for a second. Oh well. Epic nonetheless.

    Not really a spoiler, to be honest I was expecting them to come out at the end.
  • edited June 2011
    really? because even at that age, i never pointed to my crotch to indicate urination. And also, if he's an actor, shouldn't he know not to do that on camera? and if he's soo oblivious that he doesn't realize they are shooting..why was this kid cast in the first place?
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