Too much spoilers in the "synopsis" section on the new BTTF site

A suggestion to anyone: avoid it.

I've read the synopsis of all the episodes... and while they're not 100% spoilerish, I think they tell and show you too much things. More than needed - maybe some cliffhangers are even compromised .

I don't understand why TT decided to unveil the whole plot and its twists so soon. :confused:


  • edited December 2010
    I don't understand why TT decided to unveil the whole plot and its twists so soon.

    Because they probably didn't. There's probably a lot more waiting in store for us. :)
  • edited December 2010
    Really, the only thing that the synopsis.. synopsises... synopsi? Eh... Whatever. The only thing they pretty much reveal is that shit happens, Marty travels through time, more shit happens, Marty and Doc travel through time, extra shit happens, Marty and Doc travel through time trying to fix all that. I'm no less interested in the plot than I was before reading them.
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