Xbox 360

edited December 2010 in Back to the Future
Heard about this game through senuamessage on xbox live

Looked at the trailer on this website, i have to say it look great.



  • edited December 2010
    If they could they would !
  • edited December 2010
    for God's sake, how many more topics does it need?
  • edited December 2010
    In before this gets moved to my thread. (How many threads has this happened to now? :p)

    Anyway, there are no plans to bring it to the 360 at the moment, mainly because of how much difficulty Telltale went through releasing Wallace and Gromit for XBLA. I mean, nothing's impossible, and you never know what Telltale might decide to do in the future. (SBCG4AP got ported to the PS3 just today, which I never saw coming.) But most likely, it won't be on the 360 at all.

    Also, stop asking about this. :mad:
  • edited December 2010
    Well there must be demand for the game or else there wouldnt be so many posts !

    It would be a crime not to have one of the best looking games on the one of the best platforms.
  • edited December 2010
    I'm 100% for XBOX as well!!
  • edited December 2010
    Well telltale and microsoft dont have a fond history together episodicaly.
    When Wallace and gromit was coming out it took months after the season was out on PC for the second episode of XBLA to be out.
    To be honest you would be waiting A LOT more for the xbla version if they did confirm this version.
    If anything it will be out in one big bundle after the season is done.
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited December 2010
    Well, Xbox users these days do not seem to want to use a thread titled "platform discussion". Merging the threads would obviously be of no use, even if I really, really WANT to do that.

    So if there is ANYTHING that hasn't been said, whispered, argumented, demanded, begged, bribed or blackmailed in RAnthonyMahan's thread, feel free to post it here. If you don't have anything new to say, just want to reiterate things or post "Not that again!" type messages, feel free to NOT post here.
  • edited December 2010
    this is starting to get annoying .... and there were like 10 or 20 posts/thread on 360 topic and everyone keeps saying the same thing over and over again =P listen to RAnthonyMahan .. he tells the reason why its not for 360 and there might be 50/50 chance they can port it on a CD after the whole season is over which gonna take DEC 2010-MAY 2011.. hey dont worry there still Jurrassic Park theres hope for that =) go play halo reach or something =P
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited December 2010
    If you don't have anything new to say, just want to reiterate things or post "Not that again!" type messages, feel free to NOT post here.
    Gogeta504 wrote: »
    this is starting to get annoying .... and there were like 10 or 20 posts/thread on 360 topic and everyone keeps saying the same thing over and over again

    Notice a pattern? ;)
  • edited December 2010
    Notice a pattern? ;)

    lool yep XD
  • edited December 2010
    Eh, I for one would love to see it on the 360(Perhaps like the S&M bundles). But I can see why it would be difficult, with the 360 not really having a 'pre-order' type thing, and by the time it would come out, everyone who really wants it would've bought it on a different platform already.
    It would be the only way to get my partner to play it though. (He keeps saying he wants to play it, but him and PC games just do not go together.)
  • edited December 2010
    Awww I want it for the 360 too!!
    Please Telltale *Puppy dog eyes*
  • edited December 2010
    Yup, it's coming out on PSN so there's no reason for it not to be released for XBLA just like Sam & Max was.
  • edited December 2010
    i pre-order it for pc but i will 100% get it for 360 too
  • edited December 2010
    I will not buy this game on the pc or from PSN even though I have both platforms. I was gonna buy this game for xbox but Telltale has lost their minds. Unbelievable they will release the game on PC where it will get pirated into oblivion but not on the 360! PSN also gets it but that console has not been doing well at all this last quarter. What's next Telltale, you gonna release it on the PSP Go, lmao!

    Way too suck Telltale, I can't even find the words to express how insane leaving the 360 out is.
  • edited December 2010
    Shax wrote: »
    I will not buy this game on the pc or from PSN even though I have both platforms. I was gonna buy this game for xbox but Telltale has lost their minds. Unbelievable they will release the game on PC where it will get pirated into oblivion but not on the 360! PSN also gets it but that console has not been doing well at all this last quarter. What's next Telltale, you gonna release it on the PSP Go, lmao!

    Way too suck Telltale, I can't even find the words to express how insane leaving the 360 out is.
    Read rAnthonyMan's post please
  • edited December 2010
    Seriously, I'm closing this thread there is a platform Discussion thread, next person who wants to make a 360 thread will get an Infraction, any arguments bring them to me, we have it for a reason.

    Go to the platform Discussion thread from now on.
This discussion has been closed.