Question about the new launcher.

edited December 2010 in Back to the Future
Am I the only one to notice that the back to the future launcher is brand new?

I mean, Puzzle Agent, Strong Bad's game, all the others, used a reskinned version of the original launcher box.

Now this "as big as a book cover" launcher is asking for my TellTale Account Info.
Is this launcher real? or is it some kind of phishing copy-cat?

Please help me, somebody.


  • edited December 2010
    Gumbyfan wrote: »
    Am I the only one to notice that the back to the future launcher is brand new?

    I mean, Puzzle Agent, Strong Bad's game, all the others, used a reskinned version of the original launcher box.

    Now this "as big as a book cover" launcher is asking for my TellTale Account Info.
    Is this launcher real? or is it some kind of phishing copy-cat?

    Please help me, somebody.

    Idk, didn't the TTG launcher always ask for your TT account info?
    There's just a new design and it contains all 5 episodes instead of one launcher per episode, similar to the Great Adventure Bundle.
  • edited December 2010
    Oh, it is an omnibus launcher.

    That makes some sense.

    Thanks Guinea. I was just thrown off by TTG's redesign of their original 2007ish launcher template.

    Everything fine, crisis over.
  • edited December 2010
    It's a new launcher. I believe they made a new one because this one downloads more stuff.
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