-= Netbooks and BTTF Report =-

edited December 2010 in Back to the Future
Ok well while I am at work, I am trying BTTF on my Netbook with 2 GB ram.

Well.. 1st off the launcher GUI is not right, you have to minimize it then restore to bring it to viewable levels.

When I loaded the game. The game defaults to higher settings. Which I had to lower to make a lil more responsive. Now one time, I did see the background movies going on it, but right now since I changed to 600x480 mode.. It shows up black. (Didnt do that when I had the higher res set)

So I am still fiddling with it to see if BTTF can work at all on a netbook. So far its not looking good.

Also I dont see a system specs page on the website.

AHHH!!!! News! Ok Here are the details for Netbook to run. Its NOT perfect and you need to be patient.

Gfx settings. 600x480 FULLSCREEN.
Graphic Details 4 Notches. (If you do less, you will have NO video for the game really it seems, its all black which is the issue I had at the start of this post)

Game is running sluggish however playable! Tho the Launcher UI needs to be addressed TellTale please. Make it fit a Netbook screen. I will post more as I fiddle more with it.

Edit 1: The movement handling works fine with the movement of the video etc, not too laggy. =D


  • edited December 2010
    what netbook do you have?

    i have a a Toshiba N255.
    It only has 1gb of RAM.

    I'll have to try it and see if it works.
  • edited December 2010
    Lenovo s10e, Intel GMA 945, 2 GB ram. As I said, Be patient when doing the gfx settings the 1st time, make sure you have the settings I gave above for a so far stable without too much lag/sluggish response.

    Also On the launcher, minimize then restore to make it match the netbook screen some.
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