Buy episodes seperately?

Am I forced to buy the whole season at once? Is there or will there be a way I can buy the episodes separately as they come out?


  • edited December 2010
    and why you would like to do that ?
  • edited December 2010
    I would like to know if the 19.95 was for the entire game? It seems so since it gave me serial numbers *that apparently are immaterial lol!* for each one .. I'd love to play this on ps3 and full screen since I can only play on WIN7 with a small window. It freezes if I try to go full screen. :(
  • edited December 2010
    Why not? Telltale's done that for their other games. I'm cheap, so I think it'd be better to buy the episodes and pay for them when it's most convenient rather than all at once.
  • edited December 2010
    That's reasonable. They don't do it for latest releases because people don't usually buy them. And the reason for this, is because Telltale usually prices the episodes higher than usual. A reduced price for the whole season carries the best advantages, I'm afraid.
  • edited December 2010
    Why not? Telltale's done that for their other games. I'm cheap, so I think it'd be better to buy the episodes and pay for them when it's most convenient rather than all at once.

    ok, you got a point.. well, i don't know if you can do that right now, maybe in the next weeks, anyway, you should contact ttg.
  • edited December 2010
    i would (as well) pay for single episodes ... i don't care. U thing TTG would do it becuase it would make people happy to get it earlier AND make'em a few more $$$.

    Besides ... 20$-25$ for 5 episodes ... 5$ a piece? Shyte, that is a STEAL! And I'd pay 5$ for it like a mo-fo. I can't even login with the first episode as is.
  • edited December 2010
    i would (as well) pay for single episodes ... i don't care. U thing TTG would do it becuase it would make people happy to get it earlier AND make'em a few more $$$.

    Besides ... 20$-25$ for 5 episodes ... 5$ a piece? Shyte, that is a STEAL! And I'd pay 5$ for it like a mo-fo. I can't even login with the first episode as is.

    Answer me. Why would they charge people for 5$ per episode? It sports to advantage to the customers who prefers to buy all in once.

    That is why they generally put seperate episodes for 9$ ea.
  • edited December 2010
    No, I'd like to buy one episode for $9 and then buy the rest of the season at a reduced price, just like I did with Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People. That way I can decide for myself if the season is worth buying, and if it will run well enough on my laptop.

    And don't tell me to get Sam and Max Season 3 Episode 1 to test the graphics, I mainly want to see how good the first episode is before I commit to the entire season.
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