I put yes because the 360 would be a good idea, and because the 3ds, even if it isnt that big of 3d(dangeresque 3 hmm hmm) I would love this for a handheld.
I put yes to both, because I work on the theory that if it is released on more platforms, more people will buy it. Telltale will see the rise in people buying it and say 'Hey! Looks like we need to make a season 2!'
In all honestly if telltale were to create a 3ds game, I would love it to be a sequal to puzzle agent with 3d aspects for the puzzles, but make them optional because there are people who cant use the 3d because of their eyes and it would be unfair that they would have to have the 3d turned off.
I'm just a very hopeful person.
SBCG4AP+3DS=A style that can't be handled.
Well I thought that in 8-bit is enough when Homestar turns into the "Homespam" that it would pop out of the screen.
Hey thats a good Idea.
Yeah yeah yeah it also adds depth to the gameplay.
did you see that touch screen?
thats a great idea
although i'd rather have 3DS version