Jennifer Is Hot When She's In A Coma Appreciation Thread

BTTF2. Epic comas. Doc puts her into a mini coma and right after she wakes up she sees herself and passes out. Then she gets left to die in a hellish neighborhood, still passed out. Somehow she is still there when Marty gets back in BTTF3. She has a moment where she holds up a piece of paper and "You're Fired" disappears. Arguaby she is the most important character in the movie series because you know she will change Marty's future, and that he will get laid. Her comas was just her way of "sitting it out" until the more important parts happened. Also, damn shes hot when shes in a coma!! :eek:


  • edited January 2011
    Elisabeth Shue was and is an attractive woman... She is going to be 48... still sexy.
    My sisters used to watch Adventures in Babysitting over and over when I was a kid... I had such a crush on her.

    Pvt Joker how old are you, I am guessing 17-20?
  • edited January 2011
    Does your wife know that you are writing about Elizabeth Shue like that? I'm shocked to be honest!! I had a crush on her too, she played the hot older teenage girl well. Sad to say it but your career as a age/weight/height/gender guesser isn't going to take you very far in life.
  • edited January 2011
    LOL... damn! I was hoping to on tour with a carnival.
    My wife is not intimidated by celebrities.... I think she would be more worried if I had said that about someone we actually knew.
  • edited January 2011
    Elizabeth Shue isn't that famous anymore. They are people too. I've met famous women, trust me they are just like "normal" women except more exciting.
  • edited January 2011
    If only we knew what Claudia Wells would have looked like in a coma as Jennifer, but alas, that is never to be...

    And PrivateJoker, I am thinking about starting an appreciation thread for this appreciation thread.
  • edited January 2011
  • edited January 2011

    How many times are you going to use the same animation?
  • edited January 2011
    jaden551 wrote: »
    How many times are you going to use the same animation?

    A lot.
  • edited January 2011
    A lot.

    It's his signature "I'm out of here." GIf. lol
  • edited January 2011
    MantaScorp wrote: »
    If only we knew what Claudia Wells would have looked like in a coma as Jennifer, but alas, that is never to be...

    And PrivateJoker, I am thinking about starting an appreciation thread for this appreciation thread.

    Yea I was thinking the same thing. She was so pretty. I bet she would be pretty amazing as a person in a coma time traveling (due to shock or Doc eye zapping her).
  • edited January 2011
    Do you think their will be a part where you get to make interactive decisions with "coma Jennifer"?
  • edited January 2011
    You mean like they did with Morgan in Tales of Monkey Island?
  • edited January 2011
    It's his signature "I'm out of here." GIf. lol

    In all weird threads a Bart Simpson is waiting for him to watch how he comes and goes, with a blank expression, for some reason.
  • edited January 2011
    Falanca wrote: »
    In all weird threads a Bart Simpson is waiting for him to watch how he comes and goes, with a blank expression, for some reason.

    It's kinda like "ill pretend like I didn't see that!"
  • edited January 2011
    He could throw this gif in the mix

  • edited January 2011
    Irishmile, you yourself admitted that you thought she was very pretty in a coma, and that your wife wouldn't mind.
  • edited January 2011
    Well I said the actress was attractive... her state of consciousness did not figure into it. That whole topic pushes the edge of moral deviance.
  • edited January 2011
    Irishmile wrote: »
    Well I said the actress was attractive... her state of consciousness did not figure into it. That whole topic pushes the edge of moral deviance.

    Moral deviance? Get your head out of the gutter. Just saying she looks hot when shes unconcious doesn't IMPLY anything other than what you are thinking of. Pretty girl sleeping, shes hot. Doesn't mean I was going to go to freaky town with her after Doc eye zapped her.
  • edited January 2011
    Moral deviance? Get your head out of the gutter. Just saying she looks hot when shes unconcious doesn't IMPLY anything other than what you are thinking of. Pretty girl sleeping, shes hot. Doesn't mean I was going to go to freaky town with her after Doc eye zapped her.

    Sorry dude I do not think it was entirely nonsexual.
    ......Arguaby she is the most important character in the movie series because you know she will change Marty's future, and that he will get laid......

    What was the point of talking about him "getting laid" seemed to me like you were objectifying her unconscious body.... I doubt I am the only one who came to that conclusion from your statement.
  • edited January 2011
    Well obviously Marty was going toloose his virginity to her on the camping trip in the first movie. THat is implied. Also obvious is that they had children. Do you know where babies come from? Obviously he didn't get her pregnant when she was in a coma. (as far as we know). He probably waited until the camping trip. I don't know how you brought those two ideas together. I don't think whats between Marty and Jennifer is platonic.
  • edited January 2011
    People sure are picking up the slack on what's kinky as I've taken a break away from it...
  • edited January 2011
    Uh yeah everybody is a product of copulation... but I do not see how that makes it a plot point in your breakdown of her importance to the story...

    I wasn't the one who shifted from She looks hot when he is out cold to ..... Marty is totally gonna get laid!!!11! in the same paragraph.... no amount of backpedaling and table turnery is going to change that.
    doodo! wrote: »
    People sure are picking up the slack on what's kinky as I've taken a break away from it...

    Yeah but at least when you do it... you know when its perverted or not... and do not try to say other people's minds are in the gutter when you are called on it.
  • edited January 2011
    Yea and you came in here to talk about her therefore you secretly want to sleep with her while she is in the coma = your logic.

    I never said Marty was going to take advantage of her. Shame on you Irishmile ,you are making assumptions where nothing was implied about what happens to her when she was in a coma. Just saying that she looked hot in the coma. The thread was more of a joke that she spent more time in a coma than she did particpating in the movie. Some people...
  • edited January 2011
    No seriously how old are you?
  • edited January 2011
    You are the age guesser. 1 + 1 = 4 right? You really are leaping to conclusions, based on what you imagined by the suggested ideas. I never said that she should be taken advantage of when she was in a coma. Just that she was hot. Thats like saying a woman is pretty even when shes sleeping.
  • edited January 2011
    I guess 16.

    Aaaand I'm out of the thread.
  • edited January 2011
    Falanca wrote: »
    I guess 16.

    Aaaand I'm out of the thread.

    Much older. ;)
  • edited January 2011
    Falanca wrote: »
    I guess 16.

    Aaaand I'm out of the thread.

    like a ninja.... what was that?
  • edited January 2011
    Irishmile wrote: »
    like a ninja.... what was that?

    It was an unsuccessful trolling attempt. To me he's mature enough not to get offended by it.
  • edited January 2011
    Falanca wrote: »
    It was an unsuccessful trolling attempt. To me he's mature enough not to get offended by it.

    Actually I had a massive rage fit and punched my inflatable Jennifer In Coma From BTTF (bought it from the official fan store). I has been crying for awhile now. :(

  • edited January 2011
    LOL.... That was actually pretty funny. I can not help imagining it making a squeaky toy noise.
  • edited January 2011
    If you like jokes that play on the sense of morality but have a good point to make, check out my blog. Anyone have any relationship issues having to do with BTTF?
  • edited January 2011
    That's just creepy.
  • edited January 2011
    That's just creepy.

    You jealous of Jen Jen. I buy her same dress she wear in movie.
  • edited January 2011
    "When She's In A Coma?"
  • edited January 2011
    I think I like this guy just as much as I like Rather offense to any one, esp Dashing...
  • edited January 2011
    Dashing is probably one of my favorite posters here.... Sure he is abrasive, but he is often times funny, and always speaks his opinion even if its an unpopular one. Plus I have never had a problem with him.
  • edited January 2011
    Irishmile wrote: »
    Dashing is probably one of my favorite posters here.... Sure he is abrasive, but he is often times funny, and always speaks his opinion even if its an unpopular one. Plus I have never had a problem with him.

    Is that your indirect way of voicing support for moi? :P
  • edited January 2011
    Am I alone when I say I get scared whenever I watch BTTF2 that Jen won't wake up when Doc eye zaps her. I always scream OH NO!!!! And pretend like I don't know what will happen. Am I the only one?
  • edited January 2011

    Never really noticed until now, his slippers are the same colour as the rug, so in that animation, it just blends in.
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