Funniest moments of episode 4 *Spoilers*



  • edited March 2007
    There's one selection where you can instantly cure Whizzer's bladder(After he drank the soda) problem by choosing the last selection where Max, I mean Sam wants to start over. It was kinda awkward. I do enjoy abusing that character as often as I can.
  • edited March 2007
    I usually just don't read the forums from the release of the game to gametap till when I finished the game...
  • edited March 2007
    The funniest part, hands-down, was Max's joke to break the ice. I absolutely FELL OUT!!! Then, being the easily-amused person that I am, I saved my game just before that part, and watched it over and over. :-)
  • edited March 2007
    max' "i have a dream" speech

    "it will take weeks to take the smell out of the interrogation room..."
  • edited March 2007
    When you fire a missle at Bosco's, Max says 'Attention all Bosco shoppers clean up in aisile everything':cool:

    I also liked what happened when the bug was used on Hue Bliss.

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