Aizen was a fun villain, wasted potential but his trolling was fun ("oh, btw, that me you're killing? That's actually your childhood friend, I hypnotized you to believe she was me lol"). Also, his smirk was perfect.
Oh, and I'll be honest, I was disappointed that something like this never happened XD
Aizen is the Mary Sue of villainy. You didn't beat me half to death, that was your best friend. Oh hey, you can't beat me half to death... Ha, still can't beat me.
Oh, did you get through all of my trials in that forest? Well, I'm just going to fly away!
Inuyasha: Curse you, Narakuuuuu!
Oh, did you just defeat ten thousand demons and fight off my personal bodyguards? Well, I'm just going to fly away.
Inuyasha: Curse you, Narakuuuuuuuu!
Oh, did you just find my secret hideout and flush me out? Well, I'm going to pit your brother against you and fly away.
Inuyasha: Curse you, Narakuuuuuuuuuu!
Oh, did you just find me again. I'll kidnap Kagome and fly away.
Inuyasha: Curse you, Narakuuuuuuuuuuuu!
Oh, I happen to be in the most obvious place ever. But Kikyo happens to be nearby.
Inuyasha: What!? Obviously I'll completely ignore Naraku's presence and go chase after my dead girlfriend!
The first arc in Inuyasha where I first got the inkling the anime was playing me for a sap? The one where Naraku was at the holy mountain where demons couldn't tread. Every single person they spoke to and every single sign they found pointed to Naraku being at that mountain, yet they never tried to pursue the fact, and kept wandering around going "Where's Naraku? Where's Naraku? Where's Naraku?"
He's a the gorram damnity damn mountain, you ignorant assholes! DAAAAAAAYYYYYUUUUM! And when they finally got there, I swear I remember them going "What!? It's Naraku!?" *facepalm*
I don't read One Piece -or Bleach- so I can't really compare it to Naruto, and I find Fawful's list to be half-correct, but not entirely. To me, Naruto arcs always shackled around three different aspects of quality, never obtaining all of them but never letting all go; said aspects being creativity without getting too stupid, being interesting, and not taking too long. Pain arc was interesting, not so creative but not so stupid either, yet it took so damn long for no reason (well, it's Naruto after all, Naruto rarely gets any of its arcs last for just enough). The current manga arc is less interesting despite
the activeness of so many liked characters
but watching all divisions of the ninja army at the same time is a little boring and confusing
, it already took too long yet it's apparent we're just in the BEGINNING (
nothing has resolved except we know some of the zombies can be defeated by THE POWER OF LOVE
), and its creativeness just revolves around plot convenience
like 5 awesome weapons that came out of nowhere and probably WILL be used to defeat zombie army by making them go emo so hard they'll utter their mostly used words and get their souls sucked, or some random secretary ninja's some random teleportation technique, or different variations of techniques popping out all of a sudden, etc
I only know of a small number of manga's that managed to consistently deliver quality till the end;
Hikaru no Go
Berserk(!!!! Definitely this! Keeps getting better and better)
Detective Conan
20th Century Boys
Hajime no Ippo
Most works of Tezuka
Hajime no Ippo and Detective Conan get an extra plum for still being epic after 60+ volumes. that series? Seriously? I couldn't get past the Demon gang-rape myself....I can handle a lot, but that just...was my limit.
Are blanket "content filters" like that a good thing for an adult mind? I don't know about you, and I'm not by any means trying to be derogatory or anything like that, but is there really anything that "shouldn't be depicted" as long as it's fictional? Shouldn't we worry about why a creative person chooses to do what they've done, rather than fretting over what they've decided to depict? For example, one of my favorite books essentially starts with child rape in the slums, which is pretty nasty stuff, but it is used to illustrate the abject harshness of this character's environment and to show how far the character actually rises when he leaves this place. It's important from a dramatic standpoint, and gets you invested in the story really early on. I guess I don't like seeing people say things like this, because it leads to effective censorship and sterilization of our media, and there are some important things that you simply can't say without using unpleasant imagery, and there are some stories that require or are aided greatly by the use of unpleasant imagery. that series? Seriously? I couldn't get past the Demon gang-rape myself....I can handle a lot, but that just...was my limit.
Women are prone to be more sensitive towards such stuff. Yes, there is a lot of gore in Berserk and I can imagine that to shun female readers more easily. And if it offered only gore I would be put off too at some point.
Luckily Berserk is not about gore but about character development. Friends turning to enemies and enemies becoming friends. It transcends so many genres and subjects: dark fantasy, comedy, horror, action, political, romance, erotica.
My only scare is that the manga won't be finished within the mangaka's lifetime. =P
Edit: Wait..when did that demon rape thing happen? Not early on in the series right? If you dismissed the series because of that I promise you that you're missing out. And you being somewhat of a Monkey Island fan will sure to fall in love with Berserk.
Women are prone to be more sensitive towards such stuff. Yes, there is a lot of gore in Berserk and I can imagine that to shun female readers more easily. And if it offered only gore I would be put off too at some point.
Luckily Berserk is not about gore but about character development. Friends turning to enemies and enemies becoming friends. It transcends so many genres and subjects: dark fantasy, comedy, horror, action, political, romance, erotica.
Firstly, I find the implication that I'm sensitive about Berserk because I'm a woman. I have a good male friend who made it about as far as I did before he stopped following the series . I normally have no problem with gore or violence, I'm actually a huge fan of Asian grindhouse films and horror films in general. However, my problem with Berserk does not lie in the fact that it has gore, it lies in the fact that it is unrelenting in its use of it and that the violence itself is not necessarily beneficial to what the show is getting at aside from showing that the heroes are screwed. It's gratuitous often for gratuitousness' sake, and that is not how to effectively use gore.
On top of that, in my opinion Berserk does not have good characterization, not really, unless you count characters essentially descending into varying levels of madness and jerkassery. I found there to be nothing relatable, redeemable or interesting about the characters and quite honestly I'd lost interest in the show long before the demon rape scene, it just sort of solidified for me how unrelentingly messed up the show was.
I'm actually going to quote my guy friend since it sums up a lot of my feelings on the series "if you can read Beserk and not be bothered by it, there is something wrong with you."
I'm actually going to quote my guy friend since it sums up a lot of my feelings on the series "if you can read Beserk and not be bothered by it, there is something wrong with you."
I love how people only read what they want to read.
I said 'more sensitive'. I am not saying overly sensitive, too sensitive or that men are imumme to gore.
Edit: But I may have myself to blame for not being specific enough.
Can we stop making judgments about people because of their gender? Please?
Depends whether I believe I will be offensive or not(I aim to never be).
Look, let's not deny there is a difference in preference between genders in GENERAL(so I am not saying it applies to everyone). It's the whole point of targeting a gender audience. it's the reason manga titles aimed at a female audience got a name; shojo
A woman wrote and drew Fullmetal Alchemist. Just saying. And that has child dismemberment and death in the very beginning. It has even worse later.
Awesome isn't it?! But I never dismissed that there aren't women who like gore.
This one is for you Giant Tope:
I am not sexist. Sexist would mean I had to think less of one gender. I don't. I just acknowledge that in GENERAL(there is that word again) one gender will be inferior in a certain skill whereas in another he/she may be superior. This doesn't mean I think inferior of women overall. But generally men and women will just achieve and react differently in different areas which has a biological(hormones -> emotional state) cause behind it.
Sorry for going off-topic(we can continue this through PM's).
So I have a sort of odd request. My friend and I are writing a skit for the cosplay contest at Nan Desu Kan in September. I need a funny four answer multiple choice trivia question about a shoujo series that's popular in the states right now. If nobody has any ideas on that, I'd settle for at least advice on what shoujo series are popular right now.
I said 'more sensitive'. I am not saying overly sensitive, too sensitive or that men are imumme to gore.
No, but you did take someone's statement then apply the fact that she was female as the reason of why she couldn't have liked it. Instead of, you know, the fact that she personally didn't like it.
Sexism is (dictionary definition #1) the attitudes or behavior based on traditional stereotypes of sexual roles. Which is exactly what happened here. I don't think you're out to stop women from voting or having rights, but do think about what you're saying here because it is sexist.
So I have a sort of odd request. My friend and I are writing a skit for the cosplay contest at Nan Desu Kan in September. I need a funny four answer multiple choice trivia question about a shoujo series that's popular in the states right now. If nobody has any ideas on that, I'd settle for at least advice on what shoujo series are popular right now.
I'd go to a book store and look through Shoujo Beat and see what's currently being run. That'd probably help.
So I have a sort of odd request. My friend and I are writing a skit for the cosplay contest at Nan Desu Kan in September. I need a funny four answer multiple choice trivia question about a shoujo series that's popular in the states right now. If nobody has any ideas on that, I'd settle for at least advice on what shoujo series are popular right now.
Popular in the US. The more accessible to the audience, the better. We were planning on checking out Shoujo Beat, but I figured I'd also see if you guys had any ideas. I think we're going to see if we can pull something out of Vampire Knight.
On the other hand, I don't like forcing jokes like this, so there's a decent chance I'll end up shooting the idea down before we ever see it out.
Popular in the US. The more accessible to the audience, the better. We were planning on checking out Shoujo Beat, but I figured I'd also see if you guys had any ideas. I think we're going to see if we can pull something out of Vampire Knight.
On the other hand, I don't like forcing jokes like this, so there's a decent chance I'll end up shooting the idea down before we ever see it out.
Ouran, while not the most current series, is still loved by most girls. And I guess it's technically not Shoujo, but fangirls are crazy about Hetalia.
...You mean the magazine that was discontinued in the summer of 2009?
Do I sound like someone who's even remotely up to date on what's going on with anime these days? Anyway, Viz left the website for it up, which is as much as I knew about it. Looking at it again, the only mention I see about it ending is on the news page.
Like I said, odds are I'll end up vetoing the idea anyway. My friend has a tendency to get carried away sometimes, and while including a nod to shoujo anime to entice the fangirls may sound like a good idea to her, there's a few problems with it. First, the contest does have some sort of audience vote, but there's no way it's totally counted and factored into the judging, plus there's a panel of judges for that, and it's not likely to impress them. Second, if we go this route with it, we'll be faking it, and it'll show. We've entered the contest one other time, and we took second because we didn't force the writing. We never went looking for jokes, we just kept the skit we were writing in mind and they came to us. If the writing isn't genuine, it'll fall flat.
13-year-old ballet student Ahiru is clumsy, good-hearted and sweet... and has a big secret. The mysterious Drosselmayer morphed a young duck into a girl to give her a mission: help a Prince to get the parts of his heart back. With that in mind, she morphs into Princess Tutu, whose magical dances ease the pain and purifies the bad feelings.
Part storybook, part balet, part allegory, and part animation, Princess Tutu is one of the most interesting anime I've ever come across. It could also be one of the girliest looking shows I've ever come across, but I don't care. The entire anime is a balet wrapped in a storybook wrapped in an animated show, which is complex enough by itself. Apparently, the show is based on a manga, which I haven't read, and apparently fans of the manga despise the show, or at least the one fan of the manga I read who reviewed the show had an extreme bias against it. I don't know anything about the manga versus the anime, but in this case I probably would like the anime more.
The characters in this show are very likable, they never get annoying unless they're meant to, and most of them are rather hilarious in their own way. Some people have been put off by the strangeness of the show, to which all I can say is "Really?" Sure, the dancing instructor is a cat who threatens to marry students as punishment, and sure there are anthros in the show, and sure it might offend the more manly macho men out there, but which is more important, a great story or having a dick measuring contest with the world? The story is great, although I haven't finished the show yet. Plot twists are handled really well, and character interaction is very well written. I also think it's somewhat allegorical. This anime plays with character types that normally grate on my nerves or that would normally seem tired and overdone by now, but yet it manages to make them all very interesting and unique somehow. I can't exactly explain that. Whereas after seeing a lot of character types over and over you begin to feel like you're just seeing the same characters over and over, I never really felt like that here. Romance is also handled tastefully for once in a modern anime, and is also, for once, not irritating, shrill, and in your face. Although some aspects of it are almost alien to me I understand them so little. Dancing is a huge part of the show, and is even used to tell some of the story or to create character development. Even though there is a lot of comedy in this series, it also has it's darker moments, and it never feels like it's written just for a younger audience. In fact, I would say that this anime holds up alongside most Pixar films in being accessible and something that a lot of different types of people can enjoy, although maybe not one that they can fully understand. I've heard that a wider knowledge of balet and of the particular balet (s) this story is inspired by gives a much greater understanding of and appreciation for the material, but I don't think it's required to watch the show, or else I'd be entirely lost. It says a lot though when a story is so interesting it makes me curious about balet.
The music for the show isn't entirely original, in fact most of it isn't. Most of it is, if I remember right, from a balet or musical of some sort, as you can probably hear in the trailer. The art is good, perhaps even great, but I haven't gone far enough through the series yet to know entirely. The animation is top notch, and I haven't noticed any real hiccups anywhere.
Overall, I really recommend this one. I guess that's pretty apparent right now. I recommend it to young and old, male and female alike. I'm not saying everyone will like it, I mean it is a romance fairy tale balet anime. However, it's an incredibly interesting and awesome anime. So yes, go watch it now.
Maybe next time I post in this topic I'll do a write up on why I think the first Fullmetal Alchemist series trumps Brotherhood; I'm not sure, but for now, I'll leave you with this face. This face is my face if you do not watch and adore Princess Tutu.
This character is my favorite in the story so far, but he is the most hilarious one. He manages to be so creepy it's adorable, and every single thing he does makes me laugh out loud and spit my drink all over myself.
*takes a walk through the forum*
*sees anime thread*
Ah, sweet! I love a good anime! Let's see what's inside!
o.O sooo many words that I don't know about, so many names and styles and...
Well, I like Death Note and I think Soul Eater is brilliant.
That's about it... >.> Not very impressive.
Well, there are some really good recommendations in this thread. Most of them are short series too, which is good for the person who has little spare time or doesn't want to devote himself to a longer series.
I have a couple more suggestions I'd like to write up about, but nobody seemed to click the links in my last huge write-up, so I'm not sure if I'd be just wasting my breath.
I have a couple more suggestions I'd like to write up about, but nobody seemed to click the links in my last huge write-up, so I'm not sure if I'd be just wasting my breath.
If that was the Tatami Galaxy one, I watched it and really enjoyed it. I just forgot to post about it.
Most of my favorite anime a lot of people have probably never heard of, but hey, it's what i like.
Yami, the Hat, and the Travelers of Books
Wild Arms: Twilight Venom
Please Teacher
Ah! My Goddess
Fooly Cooly
Steel Angel Karumi
Moon Phase
3x3 Eyes
A Wind Named Amnesia
Grave of the Fireflies
The Weathering Continent
Perfect Blue
My Neighbor Totorro
Akira (O.K. everyone knows that one)
I think we've all heard of Popotan somewhat more than we would like.
Unfortunately THAT is what most people see and actually avoid the whole show, which is a shame because it actually touches on some interesting topics and even the english dub is pretty good. (oddly enough that clip is from the game that proceeded it, and not the series itself)
I watched this. The premise is like something you'd expect in an ecchi show, and the show is actually kind of a retake on Urusei Yatsura in some ways. I was actually surprised at how tasteful it was though, from the premise, except for maybe one scene near the end of the show, and even that seemed pretty tasteful to me too. Well, some of it came close to the fine line, but it managed to stay within the line. I recommend you check out Urusei Yatsura if you liked Onegai Teacher; I bet you'll like it.
Oh, and I'll be honest, I was disappointed that something like this never happened XD
Oh, did you get through all of my trials in that forest? Well, I'm just going to fly away!
Inuyasha: Curse you, Narakuuuuu!
Oh, did you just defeat ten thousand demons and fight off my personal bodyguards? Well, I'm just going to fly away.
Inuyasha: Curse you, Narakuuuuuuuu!
Oh, did you just find my secret hideout and flush me out? Well, I'm going to pit your brother against you and fly away.
Inuyasha: Curse you, Narakuuuuuuuuuu!
Oh, did you just find me again. I'll kidnap Kagome and fly away.
Inuyasha: Curse you, Narakuuuuuuuuuuuu!
Oh, I happen to be in the most obvious place ever. But Kikyo happens to be nearby.
Inuyasha: What!? Obviously I'll completely ignore Naraku's presence and go chase after my dead girlfriend!
The first arc in Inuyasha where I first got the inkling the anime was playing me for a sap? The one where Naraku was at the holy mountain where demons couldn't tread. Every single person they spoke to and every single sign they found pointed to Naraku being at that mountain, yet they never tried to pursue the fact, and kept wandering around going "Where's Naraku? Where's Naraku? Where's Naraku?"
He's a the gorram damnity damn mountain, you ignorant assholes! DAAAAAAAYYYYYUUUUM! And when they finally got there, I swear I remember them going "What!? It's Naraku!?" *facepalm*
I only know of a small number of manga's that managed to consistently deliver quality till the end;
Hikaru no Go
Berserk(!!!! Definitely this! Keeps getting better and better)
Detective Conan
20th Century Boys
Hajime no Ippo
Most works of Tezuka
Hajime no Ippo and Detective Conan get an extra plum for still being epic after 60+ volumes. that series? Seriously? I couldn't get past the Demon gang-rape myself....I can handle a lot, but that just...was my limit.
Women are prone to be more sensitive towards such stuff. Yes, there is a lot of gore in Berserk and I can imagine that to shun female readers more easily. And if it offered only gore I would be put off too at some point.
Luckily Berserk is not about gore but about character development. Friends turning to enemies and enemies becoming friends. It transcends so many genres and subjects: dark fantasy, comedy, horror, action, political, romance, erotica.
My only scare is that the manga won't be finished within the mangaka's lifetime. =P
Edit: Wait..when did that demon rape thing happen? Not early on in the series right? If you dismissed the series because of that I promise you that you're missing out. And you being somewhat of a Monkey Island fan will sure to fall in love with Berserk.
Can we stop making judgments about people because of their gender? Please?
edit for grammar
Yh when I read the words Demon gang rape it made me uncomfortable and I don't even know the anime.
Firstly, I find the implication that I'm sensitive about Berserk because I'm a woman. I have a good male friend who made it about as far as I did before he stopped following the series . I normally have no problem with gore or violence, I'm actually a huge fan of Asian grindhouse films and horror films in general. However, my problem with Berserk does not lie in the fact that it has gore, it lies in the fact that it is unrelenting in its use of it and that the violence itself is not necessarily beneficial to what the show is getting at aside from showing that the heroes are screwed. It's gratuitous often for gratuitousness' sake, and that is not how to effectively use gore.
On top of that, in my opinion Berserk does not have good characterization, not really, unless you count characters essentially descending into varying levels of madness and jerkassery. I found there to be nothing relatable, redeemable or interesting about the characters and quite honestly I'd lost interest in the show long before the demon rape scene, it just sort of solidified for me how unrelentingly messed up the show was.
I'm actually going to quote my guy friend since it sums up a lot of my feelings on the series "if you can read Beserk and not be bothered by it, there is something wrong with you."
I said 'more sensitive'. I am not saying overly sensitive, too sensitive or that men are imumme to gore.
Edit: But I may have myself to blame for not being specific enough.
Depends whether I believe I will be offensive or not(I aim to never be).
Look, let's not deny there is a difference in preference between genders in GENERAL(so I am not saying it applies to everyone). It's the whole point of targeting a gender audience. it's the reason manga titles aimed at a female audience got a name; shojo
Awesome isn't it?! But I never dismissed that there aren't women who like gore.
This one is for you Giant Tope:
I am not sexist.
Sorry for going off-topic(we can continue this through PM's).
So I have a sort of odd request. My friend and I are writing a skit for the cosplay contest at Nan Desu Kan in September. I need a funny four answer multiple choice trivia question about a shoujo series that's popular in the states right now. If nobody has any ideas on that, I'd settle for at least advice on what shoujo series are popular right now.
No, but you did take someone's statement then apply the fact that she was female as the reason of why she couldn't have liked it. Instead of, you know, the fact that she personally didn't like it.
Sexism is (dictionary definition #1) the attitudes or behavior based on traditional stereotypes of sexual roles. Which is exactly what happened here. I don't think you're out to stop women from voting or having rights, but do think about what you're saying here because it is sexist.
I'd go to a book store and look through Shoujo Beat and see what's currently being run. That'd probably help.
Popular in the US or popular in Japan?
On the other hand, I don't like forcing jokes like this, so there's a decent chance I'll end up shooting the idea down before we ever see it out.
Ouran, while not the most current series, is still loved by most girls. And I guess it's technically not Shoujo, but fangirls are crazy about Hetalia.
Gah! Ninja'd by DoctorCello!
at least 5 people believed me.
Hmm, I believe my friend has seen a pretty decent chunk of Ouran. Neither of us know anything about Hetalia, though.
Do I sound like someone who's even remotely up to date on what's going on with anime these days? Anyway, Viz left the website for it up, which is as much as I knew about it. Looking at it again, the only mention I see about it ending is on the news page.
Like I said, odds are I'll end up vetoing the idea anyway. My friend has a tendency to get carried away sometimes, and while including a nod to shoujo anime to entice the fangirls may sound like a good idea to her, there's a few problems with it. First, the contest does have some sort of audience vote, but there's no way it's totally counted and factored into the judging, plus there's a panel of judges for that, and it's not likely to impress them. Second, if we go this route with it, we'll be faking it, and it'll show. We've entered the contest one other time, and we took second because we didn't force the writing. We never went looking for jokes, we just kept the skit we were writing in mind and they came to us. If the writing isn't genuine, it'll fall flat.
Pure. Concentrated. Fashion. And that's all.
I watch two. Trick and Galileo. Two series that revolve around solving impossible murders.
Princess Tutu
Rating so far: 10/11
Part storybook, part balet, part allegory, and part animation, Princess Tutu is one of the most interesting anime I've ever come across. It could also be one of the girliest looking shows I've ever come across, but I don't care. The entire anime is a balet wrapped in a storybook wrapped in an animated show, which is complex enough by itself. Apparently, the show is based on a manga, which I haven't read, and apparently fans of the manga despise the show, or at least the one fan of the manga I read who reviewed the show had an extreme bias against it. I don't know anything about the manga versus the anime, but in this case I probably would like the anime more.
The characters in this show are very likable, they never get annoying unless they're meant to, and most of them are rather hilarious in their own way. Some people have been put off by the strangeness of the show, to which all I can say is "Really?" Sure, the dancing instructor is a cat who threatens to marry students as punishment, and sure there are anthros in the show, and sure it might offend the more manly macho men out there, but which is more important, a great story or having a dick measuring contest with the world? The story is great, although I haven't finished the show yet. Plot twists are handled really well, and character interaction is very well written. I also think it's somewhat allegorical. This anime plays with character types that normally grate on my nerves or that would normally seem tired and overdone by now, but yet it manages to make them all very interesting and unique somehow. I can't exactly explain that. Whereas after seeing a lot of character types over and over you begin to feel like you're just seeing the same characters over and over, I never really felt like that here. Romance is also handled tastefully for once in a modern anime, and is also, for once, not irritating, shrill, and in your face. Although some aspects of it are almost alien to me I understand them so little. Dancing is a huge part of the show, and is even used to tell some of the story or to create character development. Even though there is a lot of comedy in this series, it also has it's darker moments, and it never feels like it's written just for a younger audience. In fact, I would say that this anime holds up alongside most Pixar films in being accessible and something that a lot of different types of people can enjoy, although maybe not one that they can fully understand. I've heard that a wider knowledge of balet and of the particular balet (s) this story is inspired by gives a much greater understanding of and appreciation for the material, but I don't think it's required to watch the show, or else I'd be entirely lost. It says a lot though when a story is so interesting it makes me curious about balet.
The music for the show isn't entirely original, in fact most of it isn't. Most of it is, if I remember right, from a balet or musical of some sort, as you can probably hear in the trailer. The art is good, perhaps even great, but I haven't gone far enough through the series yet to know entirely. The animation is top notch, and I haven't noticed any real hiccups anywhere.
Overall, I really recommend this one. I guess that's pretty apparent right now. I recommend it to young and old, male and female alike. I'm not saying everyone will like it, I mean it is a romance fairy tale balet anime. However, it's an incredibly interesting and awesome anime. So yes, go watch it now.
Maybe next time I post in this topic I'll do a write up on why I think the first Fullmetal Alchemist series trumps Brotherhood; I'm not sure, but for now, I'll leave you with this face. This face is my face if you do not watch and adore Princess Tutu.
This character is my favorite in the story so far, but he is the most hilarious one. He manages to be so creepy it's adorable, and every single thing he does makes me laugh out loud and spit my drink all over myself.
To which I wholly agree, and normally I cannot stand romantic anime. There's just something *right* about this one.
*sees anime thread*
Ah, sweet! I love a good anime! Let's see what's inside!
Well, I like Death Note and I think Soul Eater is brilliant.
That's about it... >.> Not very impressive.
I have a couple more suggestions I'd like to write up about, but nobody seemed to click the links in my last huge write-up, so I'm not sure if I'd be just wasting my breath.
If that was the Tatami Galaxy one, I watched it and really enjoyed it. I just forgot to post about it.
Yami, the Hat, and the Travelers of Books
Wild Arms: Twilight Venom
Please Teacher
Ah! My Goddess
Fooly Cooly
Steel Angel Karumi
Moon Phase
3x3 Eyes
A Wind Named Amnesia
Grave of the Fireflies
The Weathering Continent
Perfect Blue
My Neighbor Totorro
Akira (O.K. everyone knows that one)
I think we've all heard of Popotan somewhat more than we would like.
Unfortunately THAT is what most people see and actually avoid the whole show, which is a shame because it actually touches on some interesting topics and even the english dub is pretty good. (oddly enough that clip is from the game that proceeded it, and not the series itself)
I watched this. The premise is like something you'd expect in an ecchi show, and the show is actually kind of a retake on Urusei Yatsura in some ways. I was actually surprised at how tasteful it was though, from the premise, except for maybe one scene near the end of the show, and even that seemed pretty tasteful to me too. Well, some of it came close to the fine line, but it managed to stay within the line. I recommend you check out Urusei Yatsura if you liked Onegai Teacher; I bet you'll like it.
I know, I just saw an opening and had to take it.