Kings Quest 1-8



  • edited February 2011
    Black ducttape?
  • edited February 2011
    KuroShiro wrote: »
    1-6 do, 7+8 do not.

    Why dont 7 & 8 work?
  • edited February 2011
    I always adored the character portraits in Sierra games. It made the dialogues much more intimate somehow. A close-up in a 3D game never seemed to have the same charm for me.
  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited February 2011
    Does anyone know how to get ScummVM to be fullscreen and yet also keep the image to a smaller centered box? DosBox does this and that is how I prefer to play these old games, kept a smaller image size yet with black around them to avoid seeing the desktop while I play.

    Thanks in advance.
    In the options menu, under the graphics tab, choose Normal (no scaling) for the graphics mode. Also click the fullscreen tab or press ALT+Enter when the game starts to get it to display full screen. :)
  • edited February 2011
    And for those who purchased The Great Adventure Bundle 2010, they got all the KQ games in it. Also, there's the remakes of the three first games, which makes up for old graphics :)


    The third one will be out this february!
  • edited February 2011
    jannar85 wrote: »
    And for those who purchased The Great Adventure Bundle 2010, they got all the KQ games in it. Also, there's the remakes of the three first games, which makes up for old graphics :)


    The third one will be out this february!

    Thanks for reminding me! I bought the bundle, but totally forgot until just now what was in it! Time to get playing afterall!
  • edited February 2011
    My bundle is giving me an error when I try installing it. Error opening bla bla bla license.txt. If I click, it goes through a list what I assume is every single file in the release.
  • edited February 2011
    prizna wrote: »
    Why dont 7 & 8 work?

    Because KQ7 is an SCI2+ game, which as mentioned is still in development and not yet supported. KQ8 will never work in ScummVM as it is a 3d game, and outside of its scope.
  • edited February 2011
    Jennifer wrote: »
    In the options menu, under the graphics tab, choose Normal (no scaling) for the graphics mode. Also click the fullscreen tab or press ALT+Enter when the game starts to get it to display full screen. :)

    That stretches the image to fill the screen for me :(
  • edited February 2011
    I got the collection off steam for $20 but I have to run it though Xp in boot camp (running a mac) I've only played 1-5 and I'll get around to 6 and 7 soon.
  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited February 2011
    That stretches the image to fill the screen for me :(
    Is "aspect ratio mode correction" ticked? If not, maybe unticking that might help.
  • edited February 2011
    It might be a monitor or graphics driver issue. Some monitors have an aspect ratio toggle right on the monitor buttons and by default it's set to stretch. Or your graphics driver may be able to do it. That is, if "aspect ratio mode correction" doesn't help.
  • edited February 2011
    The Kings Quest on Steam, if I get it will KQ7 work on windows vista? Don't want to get it if it won't.
  • edited February 2011
    Yes it will. Just go to and download the appropriate patch for that version of the collection to ensure everything plays properly.
  • edited February 2011
    I have video walkthroughs for the 8 King's Quest games on YouTube in two playlists. I tried to post the links here, but Telltale Games didn't let me.

    C'mom, people, what's the problem? I just want to show the evolution of King's Quest series to those who never played the 8 first games.
  • edited February 2011
    Let me try. Here's the playlist of ripper's walkthroughs for King's Quest I, King's Quest II, King's Quest III, King's Quest IV, King's Quest V, King's Quest VI and King's Quest VII. There's also a partial walkthrough of King's Quest VIII.

    The rest of the King's Quest VIII walkthrough can be found here.
  • edited February 2011
    I'd play the remakes instead of watching this, or download the games through the boundle TT sold earlier last year.
  • edited May 2011
    I'd personally say that the fan remakes are not a proper replacement for playing the true original King's Quest games, they take liberties to the original stories. There is no continuity between each team's versions of the games, as well (other than games made by the same team). if iyou are playing in order, you might find the differences confusing. It is a good idea to play the originals to see the stories as Roberta Williams and other Sierra developers originally intended.

    Actually the only the VGA KQ1 remake is pretty much 100% an exact remake of the original KQ1 remake (as most of the other teams games add to and modify a few events from previous versions). The other remakes vary, remaining 30% to 90% similar to the originals.

    They are great to play too, but definitely go through the originals. If you can play both, play both the original AGI King's Quest and the remake, they each offer a unique experience.

    That being said, only playing the free remakes (while refusing to buy the originals) does take some money away from Activision. So its almost akin to pirating... So ya, if you play remakes, definitely go out and buy the originals! They are a completely different experience, and you will show support to the series, and its continuation!
  • edited May 2011
    No, it's not akin to pirating. Those remakes are officially licensed and sanctioned by ActiVision. Meaning ActiVision is ok with you playing them for free. It's nothing like pirating. I know what you're getting at, but saying that makes people feel guilty about playing them and they shouldn't.

    That said, definitely play the originals.

    ActiVision has also allowed officially to host the first AGI games of each Sierra series streaming on the web in your browser. So you can play KQ1AGI for free.
  • edited May 2011
    I don't mean it is actual 'pirating' (I know they aren't 'illegal'), I mean people shouldn't just play the remakes because they are 'free', while refusing to buy the originals (because they cost money). They don't replace the originals, and people should definitely still go out and buy the originals.

    I've come across a few people who have asked why they should buy the originals, if the fan remakes were free. I've seen some who advised others to just play the free remakes, and avoid paying for the originals. I see this mentality as akin to 'pirating' (though its technically legal). Its an individual to individual circumstance.

    'akin' doesn't mean, the 'same thing'.
  • edited May 2011
    I'm just saying it's misleading. It's not just 'akin' to it, it's nothing like it. Saying it's like piracy is saying people should feel guilty for cheating the copyright owners out of money they deserve. But it's no where near that since they approved and sanctioned it. People get very antsy around the word "piracy." I'm just saying it was the wrong choice of words. I know why you said it, but it's more likely that people will avoid the remakes than play both of them, and that's not exactly fair. Piracy means there's something legally wrong with it. It's not "technically legal" it is legal in every way.

    As far as it being "not right" to avoid the originals because you have the remakes, I agree. But that's something completely different.
  • edited May 2011
    I thought there were only 7, with another game which should not be named. Well, at least not as a numbered game......
  • edited June 2011
    I thought there were only 7, with another game which should not be named. Well, at least not as a numbered game......

    It's actually not a numbered game, which makes the whole thing even weirder.
  • edited June 2011
    It is in Germany.
  • edited June 2011
    Actually it wasn't numbered in Germany except on a third-party budget rerelease.

    It was numbered in interviews with Roberta (she called it KQ8, and to this day its called KQ8 on Ken Williams website), in the KQ Collections, Sierra's magazine, and some of the material in the Activision/GoG collection (look at the desktop background/magazine advertisements) in the extras. Also my original release copy of KQ8 box had a sticker over the shrink wrap that called it King's Quest 8, and that's in the USA.

    Pay attention though, it's not the first series to have unnumbered title in the title screens/game! Check out Quest for Glory: Shadows of Darkness. Only called QFG4 in side material. police Quest: Open Season, Police Quest: SWAT, Police Quest: SWAT 2. Only called Police Quest, 4, 5, and 6 in side material or in the file directories.

    The Gabriel Knight, Laura Bow, EcoQueat and Dr. Brain series were only given numbered titles in side material (other than GK3 was the first to have a number in the title). EcoQuest 2 even dropped thr EcoQuest title except in side material! It was known as the Lost Secret of the Rain Forest.

    Of course there were the games that originally didn't have numbers, but numbers were added in the remakes! 1 was added to KQ1, and Leisure Suit Larry 1 for example
  • edited June 2011
    There is an official foreign language box art that has a big golden number 8 on it. I've seen it. And it used the original artwork. But now every time I try to look for it I can never find it...
  • edited June 2011
    Is this the one you meant? 510Y108KNKL._AA115_.jpg I found it on the German Amazon. You'll have to click on the picture to enlarge it.
  • edited June 2011
    Ah. The 8 is smaller than I remember. Nevertheless, that's not what I remember. It just so happens to be up on MobyGames, though:,5358/

    That doesn't look very third-party to me.
  • edited June 2011
    The Back to Games grey box is definitely the 3rd party box, as far as I know.

    The second box looks like a close up of the artwork from the Back to Games box, but with extra elements. It does look closer to the official release. It would seem so (here is the box with all the pack-in material);

    As I understand it (from someone from Germany), there was also the first edition box, that looks just like the American release, but in German. That one apparently didn't have the 8 on the box.

    Here is the title screen!

    This is a picture of the English box that has the KQ8 sticker I think.

    I GOG extras magazine advertisements/desktop backgrounds have the game listed as "King's Quest VIII" (rather than '8').
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