Do You Ever Click On Useless Things....

edited March 2011 in Back to the Future
Just to hear what Marty would say? Like clicking on the stationery store or something? Or the bank?


  • edited March 2011
    I do all the time! I enjoy the gags, they are fun even if they don't advance the story.
  • edited March 2011
    ILoveDoc wrote: »
    Just to hear what Marty would say? Like clicking on the stationery store or something? Or the bank?

    Back in the day (like 2 years or something) it was one of the top reasons why we all played Telltale games. First two Sam and Max seasons were full of hidden dialouge and sometimes even cutscenes. It's kind of saddening to see that people now find it trivial to... find trivial things.
  • edited March 2011
    I thought the whole point (and fun) from adventure games was clicking on everything for the hell of it?

    If you mean do we do it in real life, then no, of course not!

    ... except perhaps thinking about it after a long gaming session.
  • edited March 2011
    I was actually kind of disappointed that there was relatively little trivial things to click on in this game. It actually contributes to the game being so easy in that pretty much every object you can interact with ends up being vital as far as progression goes.
  • edited March 2011
    I was actually kind of disappointed that there was relatively little trivial things to click on in this game. It actually contributes to the game being so easy in that pretty much every object you can interact with ends up being vital as far as progression goes.

    There were tons of things you could click on. Even more than SBCG4AP. I loved every one :p
  • edited March 2011
    Believe me TDP had plenty of secret cutscenes for pure comedy(the wedding scene and the Sam's disguise scene both come to mind)

    SBCG4AP had decent dialoge as well. Coach Z's bat attack:D
    Puzzle Agent... that one wasnt for finding secrets.
  • edited March 2011
    A chicken in every pot!

    Yeah, I click on useless things. I do that in every adventure game. :D
  • edited March 2011
    Is there a way to see the cut and deleted scenes?
  • edited March 2011
    VeryTori wrote: »
    Is there a way to see the cut and deleted scenes?

    You need the telltale extractor.
  • edited March 2011
    "Do you ever click on useless things?" ... um, how do you think I found this forum!
  • edited March 2011
    joek86 wrote: »
    "Do you ever click on useless things?" ... um, how do you think I found this forum!

    Or how you turned your signature's font to Comic Sans...
  • edited March 2011
    It's standard procedure in a point and click game to spam that mouse button like a machine gun on everything in sight, just in case.
  • edited March 2011
    I click on everything I can find when I'm playing an adventure game. Right now I'm playing Jolly Rover, an indie adventure game, and one of the things it does is actually have the mouse cursor display in a different color if whatever you're mousing over has something -new- to say. For example, if looking at the same object three times has three different things the character will say about it, the cursor will stay blue until you look at it three times, at which point it turns white. Such a teensy little thing, but I love it. I always tend to click on stuff until the characters repeat themselves in adventure games anyway, nice to have the game actually notify me when I reach that point.
  • edited March 2011
    What's the point of a point-and-click game if you don't point and click everything? ;)
  • edited March 2011
    Are you kidding? I do that all the time. That is part of the fun of these point-and-click adventure games.

    Even in BTTF, some of my favorite lines come from clicking (and I mean multiple times, every dialog option I can) on non-important items in the game. Some of my favorites are:

    (try to go to barber shop again)
    Marty: "I'd better not go in there. Their angry, and they have scissors."

    (Talk to Doc about Kid twice)
    Marty: "Anything I should know about Kid Tannen?"
    Doc: "Stay as far away from him as you can. The gangsters of this era may be snappy dressers, but they are all vicious phycopaths."

    (Going to the Arcade a 2nd time)
    Marty: "Naw, Doc is still waiting for me in the past. Plus, I'm...out of quarters."

    (Giving Artie the picture of George)
    Marty: "Naw, Artie is already nervous as it is. Giving him a picture of his yet to be born son would probably make him a vegetable."

    (Giving Young Emmet Doc's notebook)
    Marty: "That doesn't beling to him. ... Ok, it DOES belong to him, but not yet. In any event, it's probably not a good idea to give him a notebook of things he hasn't invented yet."

    (The inscriptions in the Soup Kitchen)
    Marty: "'Eli though she was drunk and asked, 'How long are you going to get drunk? Get rid of you wine.'' Hey Eli should just mind his own buisness."

    Edna's Cats Quarterly trophies, family pictures... and so on.
  • edited March 2011
    This is one of the best things of these game,s the little funny tidbits and easter eggs hidden around the environment
  • edited March 2011
    Yes, I've always done that. For me, I see it as the point of point-and-click adventure games (heh).

    Another favorite game of mine is the Ace Attorney series, and if anybody else here as played them and done they same, they too would know about the step-ladder gag.
  • edited March 2011
    Oh yes, I've been doing that on adventure games since, well... ever since I first played an adventure game. :D

    There are some fun lines in BTTF that come from clicking on useless things (BrakMan2005 covered some good ones - I particularly like the one with Arty and the photo of George).

    The one I always remembered is in Sam & Max Hit The Road, when Sam gets angrier and angrier with the player and eventually starts whimpering like a puppy if you keep telling him to pick up useless items.
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