Max Stuffed Doll...please?



  • edited March 2007
    Oh God, oh God, oh God! A stuffed Bone!!! Did Telltale have anything to do with this, or did he do it himself?! I want Sam & Maxes plushies! :D
  • edited March 2007
    I'm going to throw my hat into the "Sam and Max plushies, and action figures, very yes!" pile. I want to emphasize that I'd like to see both of them plushie-ized, because while Max seems to get a majority of the love, you can't have a Max plushie without a Sam plushie. =) They would immediately go into the back window of my car, alongside the Wario plushie already taking residence there.
  • edited March 2007
    I think they would sell very well, even in retail stores. People who had no idea who Sam & Max were would buy them probably just as fast.
  • edited April 2007
    To join in the fanboying and topic borrowing - not hijacking because it shall be given back - but I got curious, and went to Onezumi's webcomic. Comic 337 was awesome for many reasons - the references, the styling, the story and the eerie inclusion of my lucky number (37) into my first comic viewed!

    Keep up the awesome work Onezumi! :D

    *We now return you to the currently scheduled forum topic...*

    EDIT: How the hell did that many replies leap in front of me?! It must be a space-time hiccup...
    Son of EDIT: Okay, ending up as post #37 is just adding to the wierdness...

    Thank you, certifiable! I bust my little ass making the comic, so I always appreciate it when just one more person goes over and reads it. In the next month we are going to be explaining the reason things are as they are in that universe. :D

    And I still want Sam and Max toys. :D
  • edited April 2007
    I still want them too, and Onezumi is cool! :D
  • edited April 2007
    How about a Max blowup doll.. not? Oh nevermind then :p
  • edited April 2007
    Armakuni wrote: »
    How about a Max blowup doll.. not? Oh nevermind then :p


    Just kidding. Ewwwwww.....
  • edited April 2007
    Armakuni wrote: »
    How about a Max blowup doll.. not? Oh nevermind then :p

    ... (raises eyebrow)
  • edited April 2007
    One thing I'd love to see, as much as I doubt it will ever happen, Sam and Max Legos, i love my Batman Legos. But a Sam and Max with the Desoto playset would be awesome, I'd buy at least two, one to play with, anbd one to keep packaged in a place of honor.

    By the way Onezumi, cool comic, you mentioned something about plushies or action figures, whoch was it? and where did you go through, 'cause I'd love to do action figures or even plushies for my comic jeopardy with Sickos
  • edited April 2007
    Silly Bob wrote: »
    One thing I'd love to see, as much as I doubt it will ever happen, Sam and Max Legos, i love my Batman Legos. But a Sam and Max with the Desoto playset would be awesome, I'd buy at least two, one to play with, anbd one to keep packaged in a place of honor.

    By the way Onezumi, cool comic, you mentioned something about plushies or action figures, whoch was it? and where did you go through, 'cause I'd love to do action figures or even plushies for my comic jeopardy with Sickos

    Cool. I'm using Custom Plush Productions You can see what my prototype looks like here. The catch is that you need to order a LOT of dolls, so expect to spend 100 bux on the prototype and at least 1k for the dolls. My partner Harknell over at the Forums did the math there so unfortunately I'm unable to tell you what the figures actually were, but he'd know if you asked him. He handles the business side.

    Good luck! :)
  • edited April 2007
    a Bosco plush would be interseting....
  • edited April 2007
    a shirt with "vote for max" and max's head on it and sam & max action-figures for each episodes
  • edited April 2007
    I would love action figures... so much.
  • edited April 2007
    Lets talk quality. Sam & Max Dolls. 100$ each. Might as well get em BIG and in a good QUALITY =)
  • edited April 2007
    I'd rather see $12 action figures. Not the super-expensive ones with a million points of articulation and multiple interchangeable hands, but not the tiny cheap ones either. Just some nice solid sculpts with a good paint job, about 6-8 inches tall, and enough joints to do a few interesting poses without falling over.
  • edited April 2007
    $30-$40 good quality is what i'd like to see
  • edited April 2007
    I want $50 a piece stuffed "animals". ;) Anything less might lessen the quality. Also, it would be handy to also sell mini vacuum chambers for them so they stay new. :D
  • edited April 2007
    i think anything over 30 bucks for a plushie is a little much. but i am damned near willing to hand make a max plushie:cool:
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