Worth getting??

So I am a huge fan of the monkey island games, and heard this is very similar play style to them. Is it worth buying? I have been looking for a good adventure game to play.


  • edited March 2011
    I like the BTTF game, but I feel it's a little too easy at the moment. Depends whether or not you are good at adventure games.
  • edited March 2011
    I guess it also depends a lot on your opinion of the movies... If you like 'em, there's no reason not to play this. If you don't, well, there are plenty of other adventure games out there with great stories. If you haven't seen them, then what the heck are you doing surfing the net. Watch them now!
  • edited March 2011
    This is like asking if sex is worth trying. Of course it is!
  • edited March 2011
    There was a discussion about that Hannibalizer.
  • edited March 2011
    Milkman08 wrote: »
    There was a discussion about that Hannibalizer.

    Sorta... I guess...

    The gameplay is very similar, although the puzzles are way easier (which is saying a lot since MI was easy) The control scheme is the same as TOMI. It's worth it, if you want a cool BttF experience, it's not worth it if you are expecting a huge challenge.
  • edited March 2011
    So I am a huge fan of the monkey island games, and heard this is very similar play style to them. Is it worth buying? I have been looking for a good adventure game to play.
    Absolutely not. Unlike Tales, there is very little in terms of puzzle-oriented gameplay, to the point that I am not really sure you can call the puzzles "puzzles" at all, or the interactive segments "gameplay". You are herded by the narrative from room to room, given instructions(put this with that, look at this thing, interact with this object the camera is zoomed in on, etc). The story isn't really bad by any means, but it's not really anything excellent, and I have some issues with it. Animations are...stiff, I think is the best way to describe them. Doc is consistently moved from one cramped space where he can't gesticulate to the next, possibly because the directors in terms of animation knew they couldn't get Doc's movement right so they sort of lampshaded it in the narrative. The controls are really clunky in this game for no apparent reason, with Marty moving slower and with more reluctance than any character in any other Telltale game to date. The world is filled with nonsensical invisible walls that force the player to walk in really weird and convoluted paths to get to a place they can see just across the room.

    On the plus side, voicework is good and music is, as with all Jared scores, brilliant, but these things can't really hold up the product in comparison to all of the faults that make it simply not worth playing, or by any means "good". There simply isn't any meat to this title, to the point that the visual and narrative niceties are simply a thin skin that, if ripped away, would expose a fragile skeleton and a nasty little gremlin that's saying mean things about you.

    Play the first episode for free and decide for yourself, though. I don't know why fans of the genre can enjoy this, as it is definitely a step back in almost every area, and certainly all of those that actually matter.
  • edited March 2011
    yeah, if you want a challenge, its not worth it. If you want to watch a new BttF movie, wait for someone to post a complete playthrough on youtube and watch it. Watching someone else play it and playing it are at about the same difficulty level.
  • edited March 2011
    It varies a little from Tales... there are some similarities, sure... Some people above complained about the easiness of the game... but I feel that the game is not meant to be like some of the other TTG games its meant more to be a companion to the films its made so you can enjoy and focus on the story.

    Definitely worth your time.. and its not to miss if you are a fan of the films... and that is my $0.2... Im not alone in thinking so either... its received some fairly good reviews.

    AND watching it on youtube is NOT the same... you do not get to take your time with it and soak in all the little details.
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