Explain how this could happen.
Internet and video games have basicaly have been no more.
The ONLY way I could ever see a reference would be to Night of the Raving Dead, and even still that would be a stretch.
Because people totally have Iphones around with them at this point in the series.
Looking back I can see a few ways to tie them in.
Perhaps if you are in an abandoned city you can find the remains of scoggins Erasors. but it would have to be really subtile to get a reference.
Perhaps a news stand that says bad news on it.
Beyond that it would sortof break the flow.
The world couldn't handle a real-life bottle of Banang. On the other hand, maybe that's what ended the world in the first place?
Banang was the cause of it all.
That would be one heck of a plot twist.
Kind of like the "a dog controlled it all" ending from Silent Hill 2:D
EDIT:Ok a few other ideas would be if someone used to work at game design and he could be hinted he worked at telltale perhaps named David or Alan, or something like "funny I was so going to make a game similar to this"
But as I already said the reference will have to be very subtle or it could break the flow of the game.
Like I said the remains of a scoggins erasor factory, or an even greater one "reports have shown that the zombies have made it all the way to Stutgard" But playing a video game would defenently break the flow.
Maybe something about Strong Bad, maybe a Max plush.
Ok... how?
I tried to go for subtle references but they might still be too much. I get we could conviently find the remains of a telltale fan and his max plush, but what for strong bad?
I tried to go for subtle references but they might still be too much. I get we could conviently find the remains of a telltale fan and his max plush, but what for strong bad?
I don't know, something from the Homestar Runner store
I don't know, something from the Homestar Runner store
True perhaps a homestar toy found in the remains of someones house.
Still Id prefer that references get kept to a minimum. Usually those lead to a nice laugh that you got the reference, something that would be bad for a serious game like this.
The only thing I think could conceivably fit in with the tone of the show would be something like the zombie girl from the first episode holding a Max plush or something.
I'd rather they didn't. But if they do, it needs to be subtle. Just something like saying the word 'Telltale.' It may be just me, but in almost every Telltale episode, someone usually mentions, "It's the tell-tale sign of a..." or use the word in a similar way. I don't know if the Telltale writers just like using the word, but it could be used in the series and not distract from what's happening.
How to NOT handle references in this game
*Have people doing banang dances during the game
*Have people playing puzzle agent on their iphones
*Zombie Sam and Maxes.
*Have a characters last words be "BANANG!"
*Have marty mcfly come in his delorean where he releases he must have jacked up the timeline bigtime.
It's worth noting to all ya'll that we licensed the comics and Walking Dead rights from Kirkman and not from AMC. Although that doesn't mean we can't brainwash him to crave banang and then take that idea into the writer's room...
Explain how this could happen.
Internet and video games have basicaly have been no more.
The ONLY way I could ever see a reference would be to Night of the Raving Dead, and even still that would be a stretch.
Because people totally have Iphones around with them at this point in the series.
Looking back I can see a few ways to tie them in.
Perhaps if you are in an abandoned city you can find the remains of scoggins Erasors. but it would have to be really subtile to get a reference.
Perhaps a news stand that says bad news on it.
Beyond that it would sortof break the flow.
Hey how come there are no simple TTG shirts in the store?
Because it would be too cool. No one could handle it.
Banang was the cause of it all.
That would be one heck of a plot twist.
Kind of like the "a dog controlled it all" ending from Silent Hill 2:D
EDIT:Ok a few other ideas would be if someone used to work at game design and he could be hinted he worked at telltale perhaps named David or Alan, or something like "funny I was so going to make a game similar to this"
But as I already said the reference will have to be very subtle or it could break the flow of the game.
Like I said the remains of a scoggins erasor factory, or an even greater one "reports have shown that the zombies have made it all the way to Stutgard" But playing a video game would defenently break the flow.
Yeah, you're right. I feel bad just for joining in on the Banang joke. That joke's been run into the ground and just keeps on going.
(I just wasted my 800th post and now everybody hates me for taking this too far
Ok... how?
I tried to go for subtle references but they might still be too much. I get we could conviently find the remains of a telltale fan and his max plush, but what for strong bad?
I don't know, something from the Homestar Runner store
True perhaps a homestar toy found in the remains of someones house.
Still Id prefer that references get kept to a minimum. Usually those lead to a nice laugh that you got the reference, something that would be bad for a serious game like this.
*Have people doing banang dances during the game
*Have people playing puzzle agent on their iphones
*Zombie Sam and Maxes.
*Have a characters last words be "BANANG!"
*Have marty mcfly come in his delorean where he releases he must have jacked up the timeline bigtime.
Feel free to add more.
"I... I've always loved... ... ughh... ... loved... banaaang..."
Ok now I want it in game. That and want a laugh when Dashing finds it ingame:D
In fact, you need to go back and patch every game that doesn't reference Banang and put it in somewhere.
You only need at least one Banang reference per series, though, not per episode. I am a generous man.