Why there isn't a teaser or trailer of episode 3???

edited March 2011 in Back to the Future
I know telltale has many games and little time, but i think it's very cheap and bad to not see a trailer or teaser of episode 3... there is a trailer of episode 1, 2 and nothing for the third??? it's like the most basic thing to do...

Also I think it's bad that you don't announce a week before or some days before, which day the game is going out...i bet there are hundreds of people that don't know that episode 3 is ready to download, and also... it's like little respect for your customers...


  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited March 2011
    There's a trailer which will be appearing soon.
  • edited March 2011
  • edited March 2011
    Its at the end of Ep 2.
  • edited March 2011
    FIGULS wrote: »
    I know telltale has many games and little time, but i think it's very cheap and bad to not see a trailer or teaser of episode 3... there is a trailer of episode 1, 2 and nothing for the third??? it's like the most basic thing to do...

    Also I think it's bad that you don't announce a week before or some days before, which day the game is going out...i bet there are hundreds of people that don't know that episode 3 is ready to download, and also... it's like little respect for your customers...

    Oh bite me. It has been only one way since the game's release, and now it's a matter of customer respect and hundreds of people are in great peril because they haven't uploaded the trailer yet.
  • edited March 2011
    Falanca wrote: »
    Oh bite me. It has been only one way since the game's release, and now it's a matter of customer respect and hundreds of people are in great peril because they haven't uploaded the trailer yet.

    Well i dont know but its like they dont care about even telling a few days before when the episode is out...its like everybody already paid, they dont care about even put a date, and the PERIL it's about never knowing if the episosed is out, or looking at the trailer to be ready for the game... and for me it's pretty cool to see whats gonna happen in the episode in a teaser, so ok, lets not see teasers of movies...thats cool you just pay the ticket and go to see if you are gonna like what you see...

    Maybe its not the most important thing in the world, but i kinda feel like they just wanna get over the BTTF game easy and fast, and i've been waiting for these for months!!! Its not the proper thing to do, look at the hundreds of games outside they have a release date and a preview of what we're going to see out, not in the ending of the second episode, but online...its seems kind of lazy...
  • edited March 2011
    They send an email telling you when the episode is released. Also they release the episode when it is ready instead of announcing it ahead of time.
  • edited March 2011
    FIGULS wrote: »
    Well i dont know but its like they dont care about even telling a few days before when the episode is out...its like everybody already paid, they dont care about even put a date, and the PERIL it's about never knowing if the episosed is out, or looking at the trailer to be ready for the game... and for me it's pretty cool to see whats gonna happen in the episode in a teaser, so ok, lets not see teasers of movies...thats cool you just pay the ticket and go to see if you are gonna like what you see...

    Maybe its not the most important thing in the world, but i kinda feel like they just wanna get over the BTTF game easy and fast, and i've been waiting for these for months!!! Its not the proper thing to do, look at the hundreds of games outside they have a release date and a preview of what we're going to see out, not in the ending of the second episode, but online...its seems kind of lazy...
    Something tells me you haven't bought the game since:

    A)You didn't get an email informing you the episode was released


    B)You didn't know there was a preview for ep 3 at the end of ep 2.

    Also they did announce last week that the episode would be released this week.
  • edited March 2011
    Good points, I agree I don't believe he bought the game yet..ALSO I forgot they did announce episode 3 would be released this week.
  • edited March 2011
    FIGULS wrote: »
    its seems kind of lazy...
    Don't say that, it breaks Shauns heart.
  • edited March 2011
    They released that behind the scenes video with Claudia Wells and announced that the game would come out sometime the following week. What more do you want?
  • episode 2 did have a trailer released the day before the episode and it was different than the preview shown at the end of part 1.

    Mind you there weren't really any behind the scenes for episode 2 like there were for episode 3.

    I thought the episode 2 trailer was awesome, I wouldnt mind seeing one for 3.
  • edited March 2011
    the trailers are the videos you see at the end of each ep...
  • edited March 2011
    the trailers are the videos you see at the end of each ep...

    Well, not quite. If you compare the trailers with the "To be continued..." previews for the same episodes, you can see that the trailers show a bit more.
  • edited March 2011
    Check the blog. We now have a trailer.
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