Am I the only one who thinks this? (Ep 3 Spoilers)

edited April 2011 in Back to the Future
After playing through Episode three and realizing that my predictions of Edna running Doc's life were proven right I begun to think about Doc and Edna's relationship. The more and more I think about it it really reminds me of those few episodes of Futurama where it depicted professor Farnsworth and Mom's love affair. Edna has a lot of the same power hungry controlling characteristics of Mom and First Citizen Brown shares the same laid back loving science attitude as Professor Farnsworth. I was just wondering if anyone else here saw the same similarities. Of course Mom's drive was all about enslaving people and making money where as Edna's drive is to enslave people and make them completely moral.


  • edited March 2011
    Never thought about it like that, but I suppose you're right.

    Oh lord, you just put the Mom/Farnsworth sex scene into my head.
  • edited March 2011
    I actually found a picture of that sex scene between mom and Farnsworth online and was debating on posting it here on this topic but thought somehow the forum admins wouldn't agree with me on that, lol!
  • edited March 2011
    stevenj61 wrote: »
    After playing through Episode three and realizing that my predictions of Edna running Doc's life were proven right I begun to think about Doc and Edna's relationship. The more and more I think about it it really reminds me of those few episodes of Futurama where it depicted professor Farnsworth and Mom's love affair. Edna has a lot of the same power hungry controlling characteristics of Mom and First Citizen Brown shares the same laid back loving science attitude as Professor Farnsworth. I was just wondering if anyone else here saw the same similarities. Of course Mom's drive was all about enslaving people and making money where as Edna's drive is to enslave people and make them completely moral.

    I'm not so sure on the moral part- it's more along the lines of what SHE thinks is disrupting HER life- banning things like dogs and chewing gum because she doesn't like them. It's for this reason that I have a real beef with her. She's not really trying to make a more moral society- just a quiet, obedient one who will not disturb HER perfect idea of order.
  • edited March 2011
    I'm not so sure on the moral part- it's more along the lines of what SHE thinks is disrupting HER life- banning things like dogs and chewing gum because she doesn't like them. It's for this reason that I have a real beef with her. She's not really trying to make a more moral society- just a quiet, obedient one who will not disturb HER perfect idea of order.

    Yes, but that's what most self-proclaimed moral guardians do. They project their own prejudices and annoyances onto their definition of "morality".
  • edited March 2011
    stevenj61 wrote: »
    ... but thought somehow the forum admins wouldn't agree with me on that, lol!

    You are very wise, my good man!

    Good analogy, though. I was about to merge this thread, but I think I'll leave it just a bit longer, to see if it catches roots. :) Welcome to the forums!
  • edited March 2011
    doggans wrote: »
    Yes, but that's what most self-proclaimed moral guardians do. They project their own prejudices and annoyances onto their definition of "morality".

    Lol. How many self-proclaimed moral guardians do you know?

    There's nothing really wrong with the things that Edna is annoyed by, except she's a control freak, and her attempts to control people are worse than what the people are doing in the first place.

    Except for her hate of dogs, but dogs seem to hate her too so that explains why she's stuck on that. Interesting that when explaining why she hates dogs, she notes that "dogs steal shoes"............. that detail will turn out to be important later, as we already know.

    Yes, chewing gum is a really nasty habit in a lot of ways.
  • edited March 2011
    I do wonder why Edna seems to be such a vegetarian, when she seems to really dislike animals (or dogs, at least).

    Also, I agree with doggans about the moral guardians. There's nothing wrong with being opposed to certain things, but it's when you try to inflict your own standards onto other people. I don't like movies with a lot of violence in them, myself - but I'm not going to try to stop other people from watching them.
  • edited April 2011
    Never thought about it like that, but I suppose you're right.

    Oh lord, you just put the Mom/Farnsworth sex scene into my head.

    I didn't know about that scene, yet. But somehow I was reminded of Maniac Mansion (probably because of Doc's baldiness, and the fact that he, like Dr. Fred, is married to an Edna).
  • edited April 2011
    Mirko wrote: »
    I didn't know about that scene, yet. But somehow I was reminded of Maniac Mansion (probably because of Doc's baldiness, and the fact that he, like Dr. Fred, is married to an Edna).

    Mother's Day episode.
  • edited April 2011
    Wow, I never thought of it...but now that you mention it, except for Doc's wildness and energy, he and Professor Farnsworth are a lot alike. They both invent things that are goofy contraptions meant to make something easier(Doc's "Wake-Up Machine" at the beginning of BTTF1 and Farnsworth's Finglonger), both have a "sidekick" that isn't as smart as them that unintentionally mucks things up, and both have invented time machines. Oh, and in one episode, Farnsworth did say "Great Scott!"
  • edited April 2011
    Oh, and in one episode, Farnsworth did say "Great Scott!"

    Now there just needs to be a Futurama episode where Fry says "this is heavy". Come to think of it - I don't recall Marty saying it in the game, yet. Correct me if I'm wrong, though.
  • edited April 2011
    bttf4444 wrote: »
    Now there just needs to be a Futurama episode where Fry says "this is heavy". Come to think of it - I don't recall Marty saying it in the game, yet. Correct me if I'm wrong, though.

    Maybe not word for word but there's a variation of it in episode two.

    "Exactly. When she does, history says Tannen'll be arrested by a rookie cop by the name of Danny Parker."
    "Parker, Parker...Hey, do you think he's related to Jennifer Parker, my girlfriend?"
    "Could be."
  • edited April 2011
    Okay, thanks for pointing that out. Now that you've mentioned it, I do remember that scene.
  • edited April 2011
    And there are several optional dialog entries where he says "Heavy"
  • edited April 2011
    doggans wrote: »
    Yes, but that's what most self-proclaimed moral guardians do. They project their own prejudices and annoyances onto their definition of "morality".

    I concur with this. Moral guardians are delusional.
  • edited April 2011
    "Good news Marty! Now that you've made sure your grandfather stands up to Tannen, you won't have to become your own grandfather."

    "Awww...but I wanted to do the nasty-in-the-pasty...."
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