More "Back to the Future" Games?

Is there any possibility of the BTTF game continuing after episode 5, like with a new story arc, sort of like they do in comics? That would be awesome.


  • edited April 2011
    god i hope so
  • edited April 2011
    me three!
  • edited April 2011
    I hope we get seasons upon seasons! (including the 2015 season!)
  • edited April 2011
    There hasn't been an official word on it but the topic of the continuation of the series is covered here. :)
  • edited April 2011
    I'd like to see a prequel kind of thing, like how Marty met Doc. BTTF doesn't necessarily have to be about time travel-- it just has to be about Marty and Doc!
  • edited April 2011
    I don't know about season upon season, but there should be something BTTF-related by the time the year 2015 come around. It's only four years away, now.
  • edited April 2011
    I just hope they don't end the season with the typical "The End... or IS IT!?" thing that they did with ToMI, unless there's plan for another season within the next year or two. I hate it when games hints towards a sequel and not going through with it until years later if at all.
  • edited April 2011
    I would LOVE to see more BTTF games. And I know some people say that they could have burn out. But I don't think that's necessarily true. There's so many different time lines to explore. And they don't necessarily have to involve Tannens or McFly's. yes Hill Valley history is fun. But wouldn't it be cool if Doc and Marty went on adventure's like Doctor Who? Maybe that's a stretch, but I think they could definitely travel more. I mean, we've seen Tannens since the first films and again in this one, and I have to say, I have NOT been bored or burnt out by it. It's just the love of BTTF. And I in no way would ever compare this game to the BTTF Cartoon as some have.
  • edited April 2011
    We've seen Poker Night with TTG characters. What about a non-canon hoverboarding game? It could feature various Tannens, versions of their goons throughout history, different McFlys etc. Both from the games and movies. It would be funny to have George racing Biff... or Lorraine racing Jennifer or Buford or something. Or 1955 Lorraine racing her future selves! ;) Levels could be based on Hill Valley in various time periods. Courthouse Square, Lyon's Estate etc. Imagine hoverboarding on a circuit for 'tranqs, lo-bos and zipheads'! ;)

    Heck, maybe throw in Sam and Max, Guybrush and Elaine! ;)

    Sure, it would be a bit cheesy but it would be a lot of fun!!!
  • edited April 2011
    Well, I am definitely open-minded to having more games. It's always nice to see something new featuring BTTF, after all. I guess I'm just anxious to see how the fifth episode ends, though - and if there is a Doc duplicate.
  • edited April 2011
    I think it depends on how the series ends. For example, if the last episode ends with Doc swearing off time travel for good and destroying both time machines, then no, there will not be more Back to the Future. I hope not though...
  • edited April 2011
    I don't know if they'd go that extreme and just get rid of all possible vehicles of time travel for the sake of ending an episodic series; that's like if Batman was killed off in a television show simply because it got cancelled/finished its run. I think it would disappoint a lot of fans and would certainly not be a good marketing technique.
  • edited April 2011
    I don't know if they'd go that extreme and just get rid of all possible vehicles of time travel for the sake of ending an episodic series; that's like if Batman was killed off in a television show simply because it got cancelled/finished its run. I think it would disappoint a lot of fans and would certainly not be a good marketing technique.

    True enough, but considering just how much trouble time travel has been this time, I certainly wouldn't blame Doc for wanting to put an end to it. He got himself killed in one timeline, Marty almost erased himself from existence, prevented Tannen's incarceration resulting in a Hill Valley run by the Tannen mob, and finally erased Doc completely and bringing about the Citizen Brown timeline.
  • edited April 2011
    This is how telltale works with seasons.

    After episode 5 is done they will take a break. If the game did get geniunly good responses and both telltale and the original creators want a sequal, they will get a sequal.
    FYI though Sam and Max and Puzzle Agent are the only telltale games to get a sequal(Dont count CSI)
  • edited April 2011
    I NEED a sequel!!!
  • edited April 2011
    But what would they call it? Back to the Future: The Game - Part II?

  • edited April 2011
    Yeah, that's the thing. Will the end of the fifth episode leave open the possibility for more time travel adventures? When will Doc ultimately decide to settle? If there is a duplicate Doc, when will he decide to settle?

    That said, it would be nice to see the rest of Doc's family. I hope we see them in Episode Five.

    An idea I do have for a possible future season, maybe we learn about the lives of Jules and Verne. While Marty is my favourite BTTF character, I'm sure a lot of us would like to learn something about what Jules and Verne's lives were like? What time period did they grow up in, or did they just hop to various time periods growing up?
  • edited April 2011
    After the 5th episode i hope they make more, ive had a really good time playing them. when i first heard about these last month i couldn't wait to play them an it's all gonna be over before june..

    Just think if they did make more, the possibilities would be endless. You could go anywhere in time !
  • edited April 2011
    No. Not like this. No. The formula they have been using has to be improved firsthand.
  • edited April 2011
    I would love another BTTF game, but I'd be skeptical on how they'd continue it. Just continuing the series with this game has been a stretch, albiet very good continuation. At least we still have two more episodes to look forward to now.
  • edited April 2011
    If we do see Jules and Verne in this game, I wonder how their personalities will compare with those of their TAS counterparts. Perhaps, Jules would still be the more intellectual one - but his personality wouldn't be as exaggerated as it was in TAS.
  • edited April 2011
    Well, if you paid attention in EP1 of the game, you can ask Doc how the family is doing. If I recall the boys are both in college somewhere.
  • edited April 2011
    Yes, I know - but that doesn't explain anything about their personalities. All I know is that, apparently, they are being a bit of a challenge to Doc - due to them being teenagers. That doesn't tell me a whole lot, or what the differences between Jules and Verne are.
  • edited April 2011
    I don't know if they'd go that extreme and just get rid of all possible vehicles of time travel for the sake of ending an episodic series; that's like if Batman was killed off in a television show simply because it got cancelled/finished its run. I think it would disappoint a lot of fans and would certainly not be a good marketing technique.

    Why not, they already destroyed the DeLoreon once. It doesn't mean the end of the series apparently.
  • edited April 2011
    joek86 wrote: »
    Why not, they already destroyed the DeLoreon once. It doesn't mean the end of the series apparently.

    While the DeLorean was destroyed at the end of Part III, the time train was still functioning and being used. If you refer to my previous post:
    I don't know if they'd go that extreme and just get rid of all possible vehicles of time travel for the sake of ending an episodic series

    The DeLorean getting destroyed is certainly not out of the question but I don't think they'd destroy the DeLorean AND the time train by the end of the series.
  • edited April 2011
    I hope not, and it certainly seems like Doc is both more careful about his time traveling, and he hasn't said, "This time machine has caused nothing but disaster."
  • edited April 2011
    I hope we get to travel on the train at some point in this series.
  • edited April 2011
    I like the idea someone mentioned before about Marty meeting Doc, I would love for a future game to parallel the first movie only instead of getting his parents together you have to make sure Marty and Doc meet.
  • edited April 2011
    jgbrunn wrote: »
    I like the idea someone mentioned before about Marty meeting Doc, I would love for a future game to parallel the first movie only instead of getting his parents together you have to make sure Marty and Doc meet.

    That would be an interesting idea, since I can't really imagine having a BTTF Game episode without time travel in it. I know it is one question a lot of us have pondered over. On the other hand, though, it might be one thing that Bob Gale might wish to leave to the imagination.

    The closest to a canonical explanation we have is Doc coming to Marty's place to have Marty work for him, with free beer and access to Doc's record collection - but I can't imagine the "free beer" part happening. That one came from an early script of the first film.
  • But what would they call it? Back to the Future: The Game - Part II?


    season 2 or just have episodes 6 through 10.

    I wouldnt mind telltale doing it but i'd prefer to see another alternate reality one done in a more free roaming style; ie. a different way to continue the series. Telltale gave their version of what happenedx after the end of part 3, another company could do the same. I'd prefer a new actual video game next.

    Look how many star wars games are out there?

    BTTF has 2 for the NES, 1 for sega, 1 for SNES, and now FINALLY one for PC/PS3
  • edited April 2011
    Just so people remember, BttF the game says "Own the five episode series..." in there.
  • edited April 2011
    I want to
    -travel with the time travelling train
    -use the Hoverboard
    -visit 2015 again
    -see docs wife and kids
    -learn what they did after leaving Marty in 1985
    -learn how doc and marty become friends
    -visit some other interesting time periods

    ... whether in the next episodes or in another season.
    BTTF was my first TTG-Game and I'm happy with the games thus far. But the total lenght of each episodes seems too short to me so I'm not really satisfied at all. Another season with 5 more episodes would change that. There is much more potential. As a fan of BTTF I'm not satisfied with the episodes right now. NEED MORE!
  • edited April 2011
    I wouldnt mind telltale doing it but i'd prefer to see another alternate reality one done in a more free roaming style; ie. a different way to continue the series. Telltale gave their version of what happenedx after the end of part 3, another company could do the same. I'd prefer a new actual video game next.

    Yeah, that's a good idea. Between The Animated Series, The Ride, and The Game - we have three semi-official ways to continue the series. It would be nice to see another company also do their own take on a continuation.

    There is also BTTF: The Card Game by Looney Labs that came out - which features Verne Brown as a playable characters, along with various other descendants of the BTTF characters. They came from different timelines, and they have to stop Doc from inventing time travel to keep their timeline intact. It kind of doesn't make sense, but whatever. It also came out late last year. So, just throwing it out there.
  • edited April 2011
    bttf4444 wrote: »
    Yeah, that's a good idea. Between The Animated Series, The Ride, and The Game - we have three semi-official ways to continue the series. It would be nice to see another company also do their own take on a continuation.

    There is also BTTF: The Card Game by Looney Labs that came out - which features Verne Brown as a playable characters, along with various other descendants of the BTTF characters. They came from different timelines, and they have to stop Doc from inventing time travel to keep their timeline intact. It kind of doesn't make sense, but whatever. It also came out late last year. So, just throwing it out there.

    So basically the goal of the game is to suck the fun out of the Back to the Future universe?

    On a side note, Verne would be screwed if he prevented his father from inventing time travel.
  • edited April 2011
    Or you could place your own spin on it. Maybe come up with a theory for all the characters to stay alive in their own timelines. It is quite dark, though, I agree.

    Also, good point about Verne.
  • edited April 2011
    You know what would make for an interesting game, playing as Marty B and seeing his story. A fun Idea would be to have them go to a point that's future from their perspective, but past from ours, like 1995. I think a great setup would be having Marty show up in the Delorean and do a role reversal thing, "You turn out fine Doc, but something's gotta be done about your kids!"
  • edited April 2011
    I want the game to continue forever. Make it 1000 episodes so I can play it until Im 95 years old.
    *Im just one of those nostalgic persons that just loves time-travelling*
  • edited April 2011
    maybe they set it up for a back to the future the game 2 ep 1
  • edited April 2011
    At the risk of sounding like I'm not a true fan, I actually am kind of glad that the game is coming to a close. Don't get me wrong. I think the episodes are great, and they are quite enjoyable. But, still, I'm kind of anxious to see how the whole thing ends - and get some questions answered and mysteries solved.

    That said, it would be nice to see other gaming companies take on BTTF - and do their own takes on how the trilogy might continue. Christopher Lloyd could reprise Doc's role in those games, too - and maybe have AJ LoCascio continue voicing Marty, as well.
  • edited April 2011
    I agree with the OP actually. Gosh, I don't want it to end! I had my reservations when this series started, but now I feel attached to the characters and wish there would be many more episodes to come.

    It's such an inspired universe and Telltale's storytelling talent greatly shines in it.
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