Episode 5 Trailer, thoughts (Creepy!)

edited March 2007 in Sam & Max
Well, I've watched it two times, and I don't want to watch it again before I go to bed. (Yeah, I'm easily scared. I refuse to play any horror game or watch any horror movie at all, no matter what.) What was funny was that the second I saw "The Internet" (who looks like The Director, eh?) I thought: "Hey look! It's SHODAN!" However, I saw some other things in there too. Here's a list of what I found:

In the video, there's a quick snapshot of Sam choking himself with his tie.

There's a striking similarity between The Internet and The Director (including the names). I can just imagine: "I'm the internet! THE INTERNET!" "Could've fooled..."

On the same subject, I finally figured out who Hugh Bliss reminds me of, in looks. He looks like Yuri! You know, that mind controlling psychopath from Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2.

Myra has a "+1" on her shirt. I'm thinking this is like a 1up 'shroom, and you get an extra life. (This may be a parody of Dungeons & Dragons, thanks Planeforge.)

On the same subject, Bosco's Inconvenience store's slushie machine is a "spawn point" as labeled by an arrow above it. This seems to be a monster spawn point, that releases blue goo, as labeled by the "Monster-O-Matic" instead of "Slushie-O-Matic". (Thanks yet again, Maratanos.)

I know this is obvious, but Sybil's new career must be blogging. "www.nauseatinglycute.com" LOL. This is an actual website, so please visit to tell Telltale that you love their games.

There's a screenshot in which the DeSoto is driving down a very Tron-like road, with a 2-D huge flame (and some kind of laser beam) following it. What is this? (This is a firewall! Nice one there, Maratanos.)

In the screenshot with the huge Hugh Bliss sticking out of the huge TV (with a witch's hat, lol) there are two small signs at the top right corner of the screen. The first sign says "Guns", and the second sign says "Beer" or "Deer". (This is a Hit The Road reference, to "Guns, Beer, and Baby Needs." Thanks again, Maratanos. Also, there is E's above those signs, taking a chip off of E-Mail. Thanks, Dangerzone.) In the same screenshot, there is a news ticker showing NEWS and then "Max Demo" with the rest of the writing being covered up by Sam & Max. This is certainly "NEWS: New Sam & Max Demo!"

In the screen shot showing Sybil's office, up in the top right corner there's a box showing "The Internet". This must be like GRAW's Cross-Com, only instead of your helicopter pilot or the president, it's "The Internet" or maybe even Hugh Bliss.

Another odd thing, "The Internet" says she's the host of Reality 2.0. Well not exactly, she says, "Welcome to Reality 2.0. I'll be your host." Or something like that. I assume, from how's she's going to be everybodies' "host", that, like SHODAN, she'll be controlling everybody and everything, except Sam & Max.

Since Nick wants everyone to know, there is a short where an Elf Bosco is shown with one regular ear and an extremely long neck. (Thanks, AdamG! According to Jake, this is a bug in the program, and they left it in because it was awesome.) On the same subject, there is a short showing Sam with no eyes. A person in another thread posted a screenshot of this, to which Nick replied, "Ahhh, the magic of video editing."

There is a short with Max jumping on the camera, with a "Control Room" shaped like an electrical outlet behind him. (Thanks again, Dangerzone.)

The questions remain (please try to answer these, or give your theories!):

How do you enter Reality 2.0?

What does the arcade machine with the radiation symbols and the demonic voice have to do with anything other than scaring the living daylights out of me? (Someone answer this, please!)

Are those earpieces of headphones covering "The Internet's" eyes?

Why is there a vent behind "The Internet"? What is behind that vent?

Why is "The Internet" so darn pale? Is she being hung or suffocating or something?

I notice how Reality 2.0 is a beta version, as Ms. Internet says. So some objects are missing. This could be an awesome puzzle.

Lastly, why can't we find out about this "total collapse of the economy and civilization structure of the west"? What the heck happened there?

Thanks for reading my extremely long post, and feel free to give any theories about any of the questions I asked, or post your own questions.


  • edited March 2007

    There's a screenshot in which the DeSoto is driving down a very Tron-like road, with a 2-D huge flame (and some kind of laser beam) following it. What is this?

    A firewall! :rolleyes:
    In the screenshot with the huge Hugh Bliss sticking out of the huge TV (with a witch's hat, lol) there are two small signs at the top right corner of the screen. The first sign says "Guns", and the second sign says "Beer" or "Deer".

    Almost CERTAINLY "Guns, Beer, and Baby Needs." A HtR ref.
    Lastly, why can't we find out about this "total collapse of the economy and civilization structure of the west"? What the heck happened there?

    The internet is holding people hostage in its video game, and might fail entirely as a result, apparently
  • edited March 2007
    the signs say "E-Guns" and "E-Beer"........... this is a play on E-Mail (which is on the mailbox infront of sybils)
  • edited March 2007
    I completely agree with you, Maratanos, on the firewall, and thank you for giving me the HTR reference. But the total collapse thing doesn't seem to make sense. And Dangerzone, I definetly don't see an E before those words, but my eyes might be failing me. And good catch on the "E-Mail" infront of Sybil's. Did anyone check the Cross-Com in Sybil's screenshot? What about the +1 on Myra's shirt?
  • edited March 2007
    Yeah, she reminded me of Shodan too. Ahhhh, System Shock.

    -gives a toast for old memories-
  • NickTTGNickTTG Telltale Alumni
    edited March 2007
    What frustrates me the most is NO ONE has commented on the fact that there is a shot of Bosco really messed up in there. Not one person has said anything, and that screen capture alone is how I based the entirety of this trailer. What gives? Were you just expecting him to have rolled back eyes and an abnormally long neck this episode?
  • edited March 2007
    the "E" is not in front of the words............... it is above them.... :rolleyes:
  • edited March 2007
    Hey Nick, I saw that, but I also saw Sam with no eyes, too. As you said in another thread, "Ahhh, the magic of video editing."
  • edited March 2007
    that is what bosco really looks like in the virtual world :eek: (i thought that was another trailer shot that wasnt actually in the game)
  • edited March 2007
    NickTTG wrote: »
    What frustrates me the most is NO ONE has commented on the fact that there is a shot of Bosco really messed up in there. Not one person has said anything, and that screen capture alone is how I based the entirety of this trailer. What gives? Were you just expecting him to have rolled back eyes and an abnormally long neck this episode?

    Yeah, I was just going to say that. Bosco's freaking neck was stretched out to like 4x it's original length (at least) and nobody has mentioned it. I thought it was pretty freaky. It didn't scare me, but it was pretty freaky. He also had 1 elf ear, and 1 regular/or missing ear.
  • edited March 2007
    He IS a half-elf for this episode... ;)
  • edited March 2007
    did anyone else catch the contol room in the shape of a plug where leftys should be.....

  • edited March 2007
    The static actually makes Max look like a plush doll...
  • edited March 2007
    -also adds a reminder to make plush dolls-
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited March 2007
    AdamG wrote: »
    Yeah, I was just going to say that. Bosco's freaking neck was stretched out to like 4x it's original length (at least) and nobody has mentioned it. I thought it was pretty freaky. It didn't scare me, but it was pretty freaky. He also had 1 elf ear, and 1 regular/or missing ear.

    Bosco's insane neck is actually a bug from development, which Nick thought was funny enough to sneak into the trailer, and everyone else thought was funny enough to leave in. No stretch-neck Bosco will appear in the game (at least not in this episode), but it's awesome.

    You guys are really picking at the trailer. Trailers like this become more spoilery the longer you poke at them.
  • edited March 2007
    We can't help it, it's so mysterious... lol
  • edited March 2007
    Creepy/mysterious is good!:D

    I personally can't wait, Sam & Max can probably poke a lot of fun at distopian societies that are controlled by the internet (while some could argue that it's already happened...)
  • edited March 2007
    lol, internetz. (Someone had to say it)
  • edited March 2007
    ooh! ooh! is there going to be a pulsating, disembodied heart somewhere in this virtual reality?
  • edited March 2007
    Jake wrote: »
    You guys are really picking at the trailer. Trailers like this become more spoilery the longer you poke at them.
    Hey, I did that with the Spider-man 3 and Pirates 3 trailers.
  • edited March 2007
    i thought the trailer was suposed to be spoiler free...........

    EDIT: 100 posts and i am still alive, how is that possible? (i have no life :( )
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited March 2007
    Spoilers are what you make of them.
  • edited March 2007

    Myra has a "+1" on her shirt. I'm thinking this is like a 1up 'shroom, and you get an extra life.
    That's almost certainly a parody of Dungeons and Dragons - the +1 suffix denoting a first level enchantment on the item.
  • edited March 2007
    Or it could be a parody of this.

  • edited March 2007
    That's almost certainly a parody of Dungeons and Dragons - the +1 suffix denoting a first level enchantment on the item.

    Oh... I thought it was in reference to her large endowment. :rolleyes:
  • edited March 2007
    Dangerzone wrote: »
    EDIT: 100 posts and i am still alive, how is that possible? (i have no life :( )

    Maybe William Shatner was right...

    "it's only a TV show, get a life!"

    On a sidenote. At least it's not difficult to guess who Boscos is trying to hide from/who is out to get Bosco in this episode :)
  • edited March 2007
    Well, thanks for all the responses, but nobody has responded to all of the findings yet! I hope somebody can figure out why Mrs. Internet has earpieces of headphones for eyes. And what that creepy, demonic arcade machine has to do with anything. Other than scaring me silly. Also, I have an important find! I finally found out what Hugh Bliss reminds me of. He reminds me of Yuri! (You know, that mind-controlling psychopath from Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2.) You have to see Yuri again to see the similarity.
  • edited March 2007
    i think that that demonic voice is reality 2.0 and it is taking over the internet (which is why the internet sounds the way she does) and keeping players hostage by either trapping them in the game, or using hypnotic suggestions to make them not want to leave

    so obviously sam and max have to free the other 4 players in the game before shutting it down sam and max style................. maybe that control room has something to do with one of your objectives as well

    but something tells me that this is all we are going to get from the trailer untill a gameplay video comes out (i think i already mentioned the bill of rights on the dartboard, and that they finally changed the office calander)

    i also think that there is more to the plot than what i mentioned above............... like the game may be training the hypnotised players to do something, like deliver crap to boscos, or fight for their side in a war or something
  • edited March 2007
    Yet another find, in the same screenshot that has the Huge Bliss in a witch's hat sticking out of the TV, there's a news ticker showing "Max Demo". This is obviously, "News: New Sam & Max Demo!"
  • NickTTGNickTTG Telltale Alumni
    edited March 2007
    I must say, reading all of these posts makes me smile. I love seeing all of the conspiracy theories, the screenshots that reveal more than we thought, and just the way you guys put these little pieces together baffles me.
  • edited March 2007
    We've also pieced together the ending--it's below.
    Fooled you! I can't believe you actually clicked that, don't you want it to be a surprise?
  • edited March 2007
    It will be sad when episode 6 is out and done, because then we'll have to wait a lot longer until we see more. :( Can't wait to start getting info about episode 6 though. :D
  • edited March 2007
    I think the arcade machine is both a reference to The Matrix, and the exit point from the internet. The slushy machine is the entry/spawn point. :)
  • edited March 2007
    No, see, the spawn point has "monster-o-matic" written on it. So it's a MONSTER spawn point. It spawns blue piles of goo.

    Some of that information is from the GameTap trailer, BTW.
  • edited March 2007
    AdamG wrote: »
    It will be sad when episode 6 is out and done, because then we'll have to wait a lot longer until we see more. :( Can't wait to start getting info about episode 6 though. :D

    silly me, I was already sitting the other day and thinking about when the second season will start: when will it be likely that they release the first episode of season 2? I was thinking "hmm... didn't they release the first episode in november or something like that? and then the second episode came once we entered the new year? but... this time it's the second season, so maybe there won't be a pilot? which means it may not be that break between the first episode and second episode... hmm... but then again maybe they will just wait until 2008 to start the season at all."

    lol. This stuff could really drive me insane :rolleyes:
    I am not sure what is worse, waiting between episodes and hoping they will release it a bit earlier or that the time will suddenly fly by. Or knowing the season is over and that you can forget all about it for some months(but can neither play any new sam & max episodes for a few months) ;)

    Oh my. I really should take William Shatners advice and get a life ;) I don't think I have the nerves for this kind of excitement :)
  • edited March 2007
    well if you take the "season" aspect of the game literly........... then the game will act just like a tv show

    meaning we will not see anything related to sam and max season 2 untill september of this year, and the season will once again end in may

    and even though september seems like a long time away............. it really isnt, and keep in mind that other telltale games will come out in the meantime
  • edited March 2007
    Dangerzone wrote: »
    well if you take the "season" aspect of the game literly........... then the game will act just like a tv show

    meaning we will not see anything related to sam and max season 2 untill september of this year, and the season will once again end in may

    and even though september seems like a long time away............. it really isnt, and keep in mind that other telltale games will come out in the meantime

    Some shows have a single extra episode between seasons... but I doubt we'll be that lucky :P
  • edited March 2007
    lets not forget that season one will be released on disc later this year (i think early august) ................. and they said that a bunch of exclusive goodies will be on the disc as well
  • edited March 2007
    season 2 would be a lot easier to make.. for season 1 there was 6 months of pre-production creating all the characters and environments etc etc for season 2 they wouldnt have to do that..
  • edited March 2007
    Oh, but I think the #1 complaint that they've been getting from reviews are how all of episodes 1-4 have been all in the same 3 basic environments -- and I think they're going to fix that in Season 2 which will take a good amount of work.
  • edited March 2007
    I'm just looking forward to their array of new facial animations for every character. They seem to just get better and better with each episode, and if those settings are backed up (as if they aren't), then who knows what kind of animations they will pop out!
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