Episode 5 Trailer, thoughts (Creepy!)



  • edited March 2007
    If they reused all the material from Season 1 for Season 2, it would be... Well, it would be really bad.
  • edited March 2007
    Well, it seems like we've sucked everything out of the trailer that we can, so now I need some verification. On the screenshot showing Sybil's office, there's a screen in the top right showing The Internet. Is this like GRAW's Cross-Com? Where else will we see this?
  • edited March 2007
    You know, all this speculating on the basis of the trailer is fun, but it will also inevitably lead to disappointment when the game comes out.

    Because you take all these small elements from the trailer and fill in the blanks as your overeager wishfull noodles see fit!
    Thus creating an image in your brain of what you wish the game should be like, whereas this image has absolutely nothing to do with reality. Not even reality 2.0!

    So, here you are, all hyped up by yourself, sitting on a mountain of selfdelusionary high hopes, all geared up for the biggest letdown in your life!

    Of course, this theory of brainmechanics won't apply to everyone, but I think it's best to take in the trailer as a whole and just let it wet your appetite on a more superficial level.

    And yes, William Shatner was absolutely right!
    But then again, isn't the man God-incarnate?

    Thus ends my lecture/rant.
    There will be an oral exam on the subject, next monday!
  • edited March 2007
    I have high hopes, but I don't really mind how they structure it. I'm sure it'll be great whatever the plot details are.
  • edited March 2007
    Smollie, man, chill out! I'm not trying to hype anybody, I was just trying to find all the possible spoilers in the trailer.

    I'm not "speculating on the basis of the trailer".

    I'm not "taking all those small elements of the trailer and filling in the blanks as my own overeager wishful noodles see fit".

    I'm not, "here, all hyped up by myself, sitting on a mountain of self-delusionary high hopes".

    I wasn't making any predictions on how the story would go (none of the possible spoilers I listed in the first post are predictions, just things that we've found), because if I did, then, like you said, it would be a letdown. Either that, or I'd call myself stupid for totally messing up everything.

    So we're not fakely hyping anything, we're just taking our own time to find what may be spoilers. There isn't gonna be a letdown, because how could we have a letdown if we didn't know what to expect? (Which we don't!)

    There may be another thread here that is contemplating on the story of the game from the trailer, but this is not that thread.
  • edited March 2007
    Jake wrote: »
    You guys are really picking at the trailer. Trailers like this become more spoilery the longer you poke at them.

    I agree, people are poking at this way too much--I think they've analyzed every single image that's popped up...for example, a
    would be much more funny when/if encountered and explained in the game, not when speculated and asked about and then explained here in a forum thread. Heck, any and all potential references and jokes (which are the meat of these games) should be at least somewhat encountered serendipitously, not expected and explained from the frequent analysis and poking done by watching the trailer X number of iterations, and actually encouraging people to speculate and explain about every little nuance. A trailer should whet your appetite for the game, not whet your appetite for uncovering potential jokes and story elements prior to gameplay.

    There's a reason why they only show you each trailer once during the movie previews, guys--watch them too much, poke at them too much, and you spoil yourself.
  • edited March 2007
    Numble, please don't try to knock us down, after we've spent our own time to do this. You don't have to read this thread, and nobody else does either, so don't complain or put us down just because you don't like what we did.

    This is not the "Is poking at a trailer okay?" thread, this is the "Thoughts and possible spoilers from the Episode 5 trailer" thread. Please discuss this on another thread, okay?
  • edited March 2007
    Thread, you mean.

    THIS is a forum.
  • edited March 2007
    Numble, please don't try to knock us down, after we've spent our own time to do this. You don't have to read this thread, and nobody else does either, so don't complain or put us down just because you don't like what we did.

    Hey, I'm just replying to Jake's post in the same thread--I'm not complaining or putting people down, I'm just warning people that they potentially lessen their enjoyment (get spoiled) if they analyze the trailer too much.
    This is not the "Is poking at a trailer okay?" thread, this is the "Thoughts and possible spoilers from the Episode 5 trailer" thread. Please discuss this on another thread, okay?
    The thread title doesn't mention anything about spoilers, only thoughts on a trailer--anyone clicking through and just reading the first post would be plopped down onto a ton of potential spoilers regarding everything from Sybil's career to obstacles you'll encounter on the road or Bosco's store. The first warning about possible spoilers in the thread actually comes from a Telltale employee saying that people are making the trailer more and more spoilery.
  • edited March 2007
    Smollie, man, chill out! I'm not trying to hype anybody, I was just trying to find all the possible spoilers in the trailer.

    Don't worry Duckmeister, this is not an attack on your person or anybody else in this thread.
    You are absolutely free to discuss the spoilers in the trailer.
    It's your Shatner-given right to do so and I wouldn't dream of denying you that. Believe me, please.

    I was just trying to point out the dangers of setting ones hopes up way too high for them to be realistic.
    As it would be a real shame if people were to blame their self-made disappointment on the good and hardworking guys and girls of Telltale.

    So, please, let me know how the gaming experience of episode 5 turned out for you.
    I really want to know.
  • edited March 2007
    As it would be a real shame if people were to blame their self-made disappointment on the good and hardworking guys and girls of Telltale.
    I don't mean to get all picky, the only thing is that I didn't see the "blaming the self-made disappointment on Telltale" part. I don't remember that being in the original post, but who am I to point out stuff like that. Sorry for the misunderstanding. Hopefully, no one is going to blame anything that they made up on Telltale. And I have a feeling that the gaming experience of Episode 5 is going to be great, no matter what.
    Hey, I'm just replying to Jake's post in the same thread--I'm not complaining or putting people down, I'm just warning people that they potentially lessen their enjoyment (get spoiled) if they analyze the trailer too much.
    Well, in your reply to Jake's post, you say, "they've" done something, and then give your opinion on what we've done. Then, you give your opinion on why theatres show trailers just once. I think that a warning should come before someone does something, not after. I think that giving a warning after is saying, "You guys shouldn'tve done that." Which could be called complaining.
    The thread title doesn't mention anything about spoilers, only thoughts on a trailer--anyone clicking through and just reading the first post would be plopped down onto a ton of potential spoilers regarding everything from Sybil's career to obstacles you'll encounter on the road or Bosco's store. The first warning about possible spoilers in the thread actually comes from a Telltale employee saying that people are making the trailer more and more spoilery.
    Well, if I made a thread saying, "Thoughts on the Bible" (which is the best thing you can ever read, btw), don't you think I'm going to refer to the the Bible somewhere? What if people don't know what the Bible is? Wouldn't you think I'd want to tell them?

    I'm afraid this thread is getting waaaaaaay too off-topic. If anyone has anything else they'd like to share about the Episode 5 trailer, please feel free to do so.
  • edited March 2007
    anyone feel like watching the (less creepy) gametap trailer................ it is avalable to the general public now


    it has a few new tidbits of info and some new shots, but nothing to call home about........... the main thing you find out is boscos disguise for this episode
  • edited March 2007
    Thanks Dangerzone, I saw the Gametap Trailer earlier today. Thankfully, it's less creepy. There are quite a few things we didn't see in the Telltale trailer in the GameTap one though, like Sam's wooden sword. I'm really too tired to list all the thing I found right now. I love this line, "Aren't computer games a colossal waste of time?".
  • edited March 2007
    they hinted at sybil having a soda addiction

    you also see the firewall in action

    and you see a cannon on the sale table in boscos store

    there are also action shots of the monster-o-matic, hugh bliss head, myra, and a few more street shots

    that looks like it....
  • NickTTGNickTTG Telltale Alumni
    edited March 2007
    off the record... I dislike gametap trailers because they undermine me. I hate going through all the work to setting a mood and only disclosing what I want you to see, while meanwhile they show you bosco's new outfit and the wooden sword bit. not crazy spoilers, but still...
  • NickTTGNickTTG Telltale Alumni
    edited March 2007
    i still like gametap though...
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited March 2007
    You demand supreme control. When will you let go?
  • NickTTGNickTTG Telltale Alumni
    edited March 2007
    JAKES ON!!!! how's Hawaii? i've already crashed your pc like twice. oh and i did some cleaning up. i cleared out this "dump" folder. i figured it was junk cause why else would you call it dump?

    and yes... the next trailer is coming along swimmingly, and I will not be thwarted again. maybe gametap can use mine and then just throw that whinny tap noise and logo at the end? and their narrator can say "coming to gametap days before telltale." sound like a plan?
  • edited March 2007
    If there's no "all your base" reference I'll be demanding a refund.
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited March 2007
    Jake wrote: »
    You demand supreme control. When will you let go?

    What are you doing here? Go get a tan or something. :p
  • edited March 2007
    MrSneeze wrote: »
    If there's no "all your base" reference I'll be demanding a refund.
    Screw that! I want to see the blatent Max Headroom spoof that should happen with The Internet! Or at least a "I'm sorry, Sam. I can't do that." line.
  • edited March 2007
    Zeek wrote: »
    Screw that! I want to see the blatent Max Headroom spoof that should happen with The Internet! Or at least a "I'm sorry, Sam. I can't do that." line.

    Ooh! Yes yes yes!
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