Trixie = Sylvia

edited May 2011 in Back to the Future
Do you think Trixie Trotter is Sylvia? At this point in the game, I can see it going either way.


  • edited May 2011
    pretty unlikely as marty would probably recognize his grandma
  • edited May 2011
    Pretty likely as pretty much no teenager exactly knows how their grandma/grandpa looked or what they did when they were young adults -especially if Trixie eventually tried to hide it, like how she tried to hide her kinky doings before she took on the singer fame.
  • edited May 2011
    Falanca wrote: »
    Pretty likely as pretty much no teenager exactly knows how their grandma/grandpa looked or what they did when they were young adults -especially if Trixie eventually tried to hide it, like how she tried to hide her kinky doings before she took on the singer fame.

    Actually...she didn't really try to hide it when she took to singing. You can show the postcard to Trixie and she'll even offer to autograph it. However, as many people have said, if Trixie Trotter isn't a stage name, then I don't know what is.
  • edited May 2011
    I was starting to think that may be the case when playing the last ep... I voted maybe.
  • edited May 2011
    You can show the postcard to Trixie and she'll even offer to autograph it.

    Well, YES, that irked me out too. I mean, she was supposed to be ASHAMED by it given the impresson by Cueball. Maybe the writers tried to make her look... open with her decisions to appeal to some fans perhaps?

    She hiding her stage name for many years may be a decision made with/by Arthur after the marriage, though.
  • edited May 2011
    I can niether confirm nor deny these allogations.

    Couldn't resist :D

    I think there is a good chance trixie is sylvia.
  • edited May 2011
    Well, kill Trixie, and if Marty is starting to disappear, she was Silvia. :D
  • edited May 2011
    coolguy721 wrote: »
    pretty unlikely as marty would probably recognize his grandma

    +1. There's been nothing in the dialogue so far to indicate Marty /didn't/ know his grandma Sylvia when he was young, so he would at least recognise her a little bit if she really was Trixie.

    If George is 17 in 1955, he wasn't born until 1938, which is 7 years after our current story. A lot can happen in 7 years, so my guess is Arthur & Trixie don't last that long, and he meets Sylvia after that point...
  • edited May 2011
    Well, kill Trixie, and if Marty is starting to disappear, she was Silvia. :D

    There seem to be a lot of suggestions about killing characters around here lately. :p
  • edited May 2011
    Falanca wrote: »
    Pretty likely as pretty much no teenager exactly knows how their grandma/grandpa looked or what they did when they were young adults -especially if Trixie eventually tried to hide it, like how she tried to hide her kinky doings before she took on the singer fame.

    i know what my grandparents looked like when they were younger. There's something called pictures
  • edited May 2011
    coolguy721 wrote: »
    i know what my grandparents looked like when they were younger. There's something called pictures

    Unless they didn't keep any.
  • edited May 2011
    coolguy721 wrote: »
    i know what my grandparents looked like when they were younger. There's something called pictures

    I have never seen a picture of my grandparents as teenagers.

    Anyway, I figure Trixie is Sylvia just because Telltale coming up with a new character for part 5 doesn't really seem with like it's going to happen.
  • edited May 2011
    coolguy721 wrote: »
    i know what my grandparents looked like when they were younger. There's something called pictures

    Not every kid looks at them. Also, again, if Trixie decided to let go of her singer name after marrying Arthur, she probably didn't put her photos of herself singing in the photo album.
  • edited May 2011
    Scnew wrote: »
    Telltale coming up with a new character for part 5 doesn't really seem with like it's going to happen.
    Who said Sylvia is meant to appear on part 5?
  • edited May 2011
    Who said Sylvia is meant to appear on part 5?

    Just a hunch. I'm positive they won't leave that out.
  • edited May 2011
    It's very possible she is and that Marty just didn't recognize her. Keep in mind, when he was in the diner in ep 1, he didn't recognize his grandpa until Kid stormed in and talked to him.
    Trixie Trotter has to be a stage name, and she'll prob make up with Artie and marry him at the end of the series, thereby becoming a US citizen.
  • edited May 2011
    She's also Canadian. Like, you know, thereby making Marty McFly part Canadian.
  • Falanca wrote: »
    She's also Canadian. Like, you know, thereby making Marty McFly part Canadian.

    As you can tell that's okay with me :D

    They name dropped sylvia in episode 2 for a reason. I'll almost definitely be answered in the next episode.
  • edited May 2011
    As you can tell that's okay with me :D

    LOL, I had that sly grin on my face immediately after I saw you had the last reply in this thread, even before seeing what you actually posted.
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited May 2011
    Yup, that would fit. So Marty would find out interesting things from his grandmother's past... hey, why not?

    Now let's just hope that story will be finished and doesn't end up on teh great ritual final episode too-many-loose-ends panic cutting room table. You know, the one with the actual ToMI ending...
  • Yup, that would fit. So Marty would find out interesting things from his grandmother's past... hey, why not?

    Now let's just hope that story will be finished and doesn't end up on teh great ritual final episode too-many-loose-ends panic cutting room table. You know, the one with the actual ToMI ending...

    I hope not. Telltale has less freedom as far as copyrights and patents go with the universal games than they do their own; for instane if telltale wants to do another season of monkey island, sam and max, hector etc. they can go ahead and do so but they need universals approval for JP or BTTF sequels (and even still they can be restricted as we saw with them not being able to put Needles in the game).

    And yeah both time periods marty went to in the past in the films, he found out things about his ancestors he didnt know; quite a bit about george and lorraine, found out he had a great x3 uncle named martin. So this would fit as well him finding out about his grandmother. Georges parents arent shown in 1955 so for all we know sylvia could be dead by then hence why he wouldnt recognize her.
  • edited May 2011
    Actually, he knew his grandmother. She told him that in prohibition, people drank gin from slippers. :P
  • edited May 2011
    Actually, he knew his grandmother. She told him that in prohibition, people drank gin from slippers. :P

    We don't know which grandmother said that, but Stella Baines does seem a bit too on the conservative side to have said that.

    But, yeah, Marty usually doesn't recognize people right away in different times. I think he recognized Biff, as soon as the latter called out "Hey, McFly!" And he sort of recognized his mother -because, when he woke up, the voice sounded vaguely familiar to him. He didn't recognize his father right away, though.

    Well, if Trixie turns out not to be Sylvia, then I wonder what ends up happening between her and Artie.
  • bttf4444 wrote: »
    We don't know which grandmother said that, but Stella Baines does seem a bit too on the conservative side to have said that.

    But, yeah, Marty usually doesn't recognize people right away in different times. I think he recognized Biff, as soon as the latter called out "Hey, McFly!" And he sort of recognized his mother -because, when he woke up, the voice sounded vaguely familiar to him. He didn't recognize his father right away, though.

    Well, if Trixie turns out not to be Sylvia, then I wonder what ends up happening between her and Artie.

    Well stella obviously had a liquor cabinet for Lorraine to steal from. And remember how marty was shocked to find out all the bad stuff he never expected lorraine to do? The same is possible for stella. Kind of off topic but it would be neat if they had stella and sam in the game as aside from Doc and strickland, they would be the only characters we saw in marty's present in the films who would be alive in 1931
  • edited May 2011
    I think Trixie is Sylvia, because aside from a few have pointed out, in game 2 if you talk to Edna about Trixie her sources claims that she never existed where ever she allegedly came from.

    Also Trixie isn't ashamed of the photos because she believed them to be "artsy" if you recall what Cueball says about them.
  • edited May 2011
    Falanca wrote: »
    Pretty likely as pretty much no teenager exactly knows how their grandma/grandpa looked or what they did when they were young adults -especially if Trixie eventually tried to hide it, like how she tried to hide her kinky doings before she took on the singer fame.

    Great Scott, no photographs in the 30s , 40s, 50s!? I've seen photos of both my grandparents in their teens as well as child hoods...
  • edited May 2011
    doodo! wrote: »
    Great Scott, no photographs in the 30s , 40s, 50s!? I've seen photos of both my grandparents in their teens as well as child hoods...

    Not everybody have seen pictures of their grandparents in their teens. It's not so strange.

    In the other hand Marty could recognize his grandmother easily. It's his grandmother, for God's sake!
  • edited May 2011
    I hope not. Telltale has less freedom as far as copyrights and patents go with the universal games than they do their own; for instane if telltale wants to do another season of monkey island, sam and max, hector etc. they can go ahead and do so but they need universals approval for JP or BTTF sequels (and even still they can be restricted as we saw with them not being able to put Needles in the game).

    Telltale can't just do another season of Monkey Island without Lucasarts' approval, nor is Hector really Telltale's property. Puzzle Agent is the only thing they own absolutely... though I can't see Steve Purcell telling them "no" on another Sam and Max. Secondly, Universal didn't have anything to do with Needles not being there, it was just a budgetary issue.
  • edited May 2011
    Well if there isnt going to be any surprise about who Silvia is, why would they have Marty keep mentioning her. *shrug*
    So, maybe.
  • Well if there isnt going to be any surprise about who Silvia is, why would they have Marty keep mentioning her. *shrug*
    So, maybe.

    What do you meany by KEEP mentioning her? He only said her name once in the four episodes.
  • edited May 2011
    Huh? Im almost certain he asked "So have you met Silvia yet?" a couple of times.
    And Arty always says not yet.

    ... Or maybe my mind is just playing tricks on me because I replayed the episodes. I dont know. :o
  • edited May 2011
    I would be real surprised if Trixie does not turn out to be Sylvia.
  • edited May 2011
    Huh? Im almost certain he asked "So have you met Silvia yet?" a couple of times.
    And Arty always says not yet.

    ... Or maybe my mind is just playing tricks on me because I replayed the episodes. I dont know. :o

    No, I'm positive you're right, I remember Marty mentioned Sylvia at least once before the 4th episode, in one of the conversations he had with Artie in ep 2...

    I'd like to think Trixie is Sylvia, and I guess it's very much possible she is. Perhaps Marty wouldn't recognize her from the b/w photos he saw, and maybe with different hair. I saw pics of my grandparents as teens and I'm not sure if I would recognize them if I would see them standing in front of me like that, so I guess there really is a chance Trixie is Marty's grandma.
  • edited May 2011
    Marty definitely mentions Sylvia more then once. He mentioned her a few times in Episode 2, and brings her up again in Episode 4. He told Artie to be on the look-out for Sylvia as a contact from the FBI or something, remember?
  • edited May 2011
    In episode one, once Edna goes into the kitchen for her tea and Marty starts reading through newspapers, he starts reading random headlines looking for the newspaper he wants. One of them is, "Singer Disappears"... singer disappears because she changed her name and identity?
  • edited May 2011
    bobscratch wrote: »
    In episode one, once Edna goes into the kitchen for her tea and Marty starts reading through newspapers, he starts reading random headlines looking for the newspaper he wants. One of them is, "Singer Disappears"... singer disappears because she changed her name and identity?

    Ah, you beat me to it. I just finished writing out the dialogue about the 'Singer Disappears' headline and the explanation when I refreshed the page and saw your post. Well played, Bobscratch. Well played.
  • edited May 2011
    hmm perhaps this is going to be trixie is Sylvia. Then again maybe it's all just the soup kitchen guys doing,
  • edited May 2011
    Ah, you beat me to it. I just finished writing out the dialogue about the 'Singer Disappears' headline and the explanation when I refreshed the page and saw your post. Well played, Bobscratch. Well played.

    Sorry I ninja'd your discovery, but that's a funny coincidence...I was reading through the forums on predictions and the like, and I was thinking that we're probably going to look back to ep 1 (and the others of course) and discover there was a lot of foreshadowing slyly hiding through out the game, so I decided to replay to look for clues.
  • bobscratch wrote: »
    Sorry I ninja'd your discovery, but that's a funny coincidence...I was reading through the forums on predictions and the like, and I was thinking that we're probably going to look back to ep 1 (and the others of course) and discover there was a lot of foreshadowing slyly hiding through out the game, so I decided to replay to look for clues.

    One of the cool things about back to the future part II was that it foreshadowed several thing that ended up happening in the next movie
    -doc saying he'll never get to visit his favourite historical year the old west and that he will now study women (in part III he does both)
    -the reference of buford tannen
    -doc slamming the post office (which does successfully get the letter to marty)
    -biff seeing a western with clint eastwood wearing a bullet proof vest

    It seems episode 1 did quite a bit of foreshadowing, specifically early in the episode.

    the dream sequence forecasts doc disappearing and the time circuits being miscalibrated.

    I'm hoping that the reference of griff and 2011 are foreshadowing for the last episode.
  • edited May 2011
    i think it would be a little corny if they went to 2011
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