About Traveling Forwards Through Time in Ep.5

Unless this has been discussed on another thread, then ignore this.

Part of the episode 5 plot synopsis says:
"On a climactic chase through Hill Valley's past, present and future."

A sort of problem has appeared here, if the following aplies for you. If you're excited for this episode because we can possibly see the future, bear in mind it won't be the same future from the films. Remember, we're in an alternate timeline now, and unless the FCB timeline still plays out the same as it does (FCB and Marty leaving Edna and heading back to 1931), the future will be the same as it would've turned out. Of course, not a problem if you don't mind that it will be a different future, but many people seem to be excited for this episode for the reason as I said earlier, just to see some familiar eras (e.g. 1955, 1885, 2015.) They won't be the same, George is a wimp in FCB timeline, like he never "decked" Biff in 1955. Biff was still the same from the start of the first film too, only Citizen "Plus-ed" for most of the time. Also, Doc wouldn't be in 1885 as Doc never invented time travel. Lastly, we can only learn more of the duplicate Delorean's events from Doc himself, unless the timeline is changed to the timeline from the start of the game, and we have a brief journey forwards to see the event. It can't have happened in this timeline remember, none of the movie events happened in this timeline.

Traveling back is fine though (just we won't see Doc from 1885 if we go back that far, although the past referred to may be 1931), maybe no point though. Unless Marshal Strickland did indeed die and that can have some affect on the timeline if we prevent it from happening.

I believe the preview has been a bit misleading, IMO, the teaser for Ep.4 was very misleading, and so was the synopsis for episode 4 too. Maybe we won't see the future (e.g. 2025, 2015 etc.), but only 1931 and 1986. I think we'll spend the majority in 1931, of course with the ending set in 1986. I don't want to be a downer for anyone hoping lots of eras to go to this time, but it think 1931 is the main era for this episode. Of course, it can still be an very awesome episode (story-wise), and maybe I'm wrong about the whole "not going to the future" etc. I've been wrong about a few TT episodes (horribly most of the time) before, so maybe I'm wrong once again, but hey. Speculating is fun!


  • edited May 2011
    Nintomster wrote: »
    They won't be the same, George is a wimp in FCB timeline, like he never "decked" Biff in 1955.

    George knocks out the two police officers trying to arrest Lorraine while Marty and FCB watch in Double Visions.
  • Nintomster wrote: »
    Unless this has been discussed on another thread, then ignore this.

    Part of the episode 5 plot synopsis says:
    "On a climactic chase through Hill Valley's past, present and future."

    A sort of problem has appeared here, if the following aplies for you. If you're excited for this episode because we can possibly see the future, bear in mind it won't be the same future from the films. Remember, we're in an alternate timeline now, and unless the FCB timeline still plays out the same as it does (FCB and Marty leaving Edna and heading back to 1931), the future will be the same as it would've turned out. Of course, not a problem if you don't mind that it will be a different future, but many people seem to be excited for this episode for the reason as I said earlier, just to see some familiar eras (e.g. 1955, 1885, 2015.) They won't be the same, George is a wimp in FCB timeline, like he never "decked" Biff in 1955. Biff was still the same from the start of the first film too, only Citizen "Plus-ed" for most of the time. Also, Doc wouldn't be in 1885 as Doc never invented time travel. Lastly, we can only learn more of the duplicate Delorean's events from Doc himself, unless the timeline is changed to the timeline from the start of the game, and we have a brief journey forwards to see the event. It can't have happened in this timeline remember, none of the movie events happened in this timeline.

    Traveling back is fine though (just we won't see Doc from 1885 if we go back that far, although the past referred to may be 1931), maybe no point though. Unless Marshal Strickland did indeed die and that can have some affect on the timeline if we prevent it from happening.

    I believe the preview has been a bit misleading, IMO, the teaser for Ep.4 was very misleading, and so was the synopsis for episode 4 too. Maybe we won't see the future (e.g. 2025, 2015 etc.), but only 1931 and 1986. I think we'll spend the majority in 1931, of course with the ending set in 1986. I don't want to be a downer for anyone hoping lots of eras to go to this time, but it think 1931 is the main era for this episode. Of course, it can still be an very awesome episode (story-wise), and maybe I'm wrong about the whole "not going to the future" etc. I've been wrong about a few TT episodes (horribly most of the time) before, so maybe I'm wrong once again, but hey. Speculating is fun!

    I'm hoping its not that much time in 1931. The preview implies it is but keep in mind more than half the preview and the trailer for episode 4 showed 1986 but only about ten minutes of the episode was in 1986.

    We have no clue how or why marty will get to the future in the first place. I know that in the films and movies, they do tend to refer to the present as 'the future' but the fact that the episode implies a chase through the present AND future. Personally i think the miscalibration of the time circuits and automatic retreival system come into play; those two combined mean a delorean could show up at any point in time with or without a driver (hence the ability to have one chasing another).

    I'm actually really wondering whether the previous time travels still happen as you've speculated; it's implied that the 1885 trip did not hence it being called clayton ravine. But the original trips to 1931 DID still happen as doc and marty are in FCB's pictures and there's been references to events happening there (carl sagan). So it's anyones guess whether the 1955 and 2015 and 2025 that we dont see still happen. That is one theory that the delorean ends up on one of those time periods where old doc travelled to and he realizes somethings wrong and hops in to help marty.
  • edited May 2011
    We have no clue how or why marty will get to the future in the first place. I know that in the films and movies, they do tend to refer to the present as 'the future' but the fact that the episode implies a chase through the present AND future. Personally i think the miscalibration of the time circuits and automatic retreival system come into play; those two combined mean a delorean could show up at any point in time with or without a driver (hence the ability to have one chasing another).

    The only problem is that FCB is trying to stop Emmet from going to science. Withought science, FCB and Edna wouldn't be able to do what they did, not rule Hill Valley, and FCB wouldn't have the no how to fix the Delorean. So, unless FCB gets Emmet and Edna back together, and still gets the FCB timeline to play out as it did, then the moment he leaves 1931, he will be erased. Although he hasn't faded yet, maybe due to the events still catching up, or Edna and Emmet haven't been broken up fully. I don't think travel is possible, your way of it happening could work, just under the circumstances, FCB would vanish if they left.
    I'm actually really wondering whether the previous time travels still happen as you've speculated; it's implied that the 1885 trip did not hence it being called clayton ravine. But the original trips to 1931 DID still happen as doc and marty are in FCB's pictures and there's been references to events happening there (carl sagan). So it's anyones guess whether the 1955 and 2015 and 2025 that we dont see still happen. That is one theory that the delorean ends up on one of those time periods where old doc travelled to and he realizes somethings wrong and hops in to help marty.

    The trips to 1931 have to happen. They set off the FCB timeline. Remember Doc's explanation in BTTF Pt.2 about the timeline spitting off on a new path. Marty and Doc came from a timeline, from 1986 to 1931 (I know that isn't Doc's exact time jump but still). Marty save Doc, but almost erased himself. After fixing that, then later landing Kid in jail, they head back to 1986. However, they were in the new timeline, where time travel doesn't exist. The events of BTTF Pt.1 never happened. But, at that "junction", before the splitting off, Doc still existed. Since timetravel never existed, they couldn't go back in the new 1986 to 1955 and change stuff. The trip to 1931 happened in the alternate timeline, and...this is getting confusing. I like to think that the "road" that Marty traveled back from to rescue Doc is shut, since some events have stopped his timeline from happening. But, as the "road" spilt off, it just means he has access to the one "road". Everything happened in the other "road", just, no one can get back to it if the events that are needed to play out don't play out. Hopefully everyone can understand that.
    Scnew wrote:
    George knocks out the two police officers trying to arrest Lorraine while Marty and FCB watch in Double Visions.

    True, but that is 30 or so years after it happened in the other timeline. Also, it has landed him in trouble, probably to be Citizen Plus-ed, whereas he was more successful when he "decked" Biff.
  • edited May 2011
    Nintomster wrote: »
    The only problem is that FCB is trying to stop Emmet from going to science. Withought science, FCB and Edna wouldn't be able to do what they did, not rule Hill Valley, and FCB wouldn't have the no how to fix the Delorean. So, unless FCB gets Emmet and Edna back together, and still gets the FCB timeline to play out as it did, then the moment he leaves 1931, he will be erased. Although he hasn't faded yet, maybe due to the events still catching up, or Edna and Emmet haven't been broken up fully. I don't think travel is possible, your way of it happening could work, just under the circumstances, FCB would vanish if they left.

    But it doesn't have to be FCB that he's chasing. It might end up being young enda that he chases. (This is a just a possible scenario) Perhaps FCB tells young Edna everything about the time machine and how it works and they end up going back to the future (for some unknown reson). At the moment they arrive FCB will disappear leaving Edna with the Delorean to do what ever she wants at any moment in time. Therefore they have to chase her.
    Nintomster wrote: »
    The trips to 1931 have to happen. They set off the FCB timeline. Remember Doc's explanation in BTTF Pt.2 about the timeline spitting off on a new path. Marty and Doc came from a timeline, from 1986 to 1931 (I know that isn't Doc's exact time jump but still). Marty save Doc, but almost erased himself. After fixing that, then later landing Kid in jail, they head back to 1986. However, they were in the new timeline, where time travel doesn't exist. The events of BTTF Pt.1 never happened. But, at that "junction", before the splitting off, Doc still existed. Since timetravel never existed, they couldn't go back in the new 1986 to 1955 and change stuff. The trip to 1931 happened in the alternate timeline, and...this is getting confusing. I like to think that the "road" that Marty traveled back from to rescue Doc is shut, since some events have stopped his timeline from happening. But, as the "road" spilt off, it just means he has access to the one "road". Everything happened in the other "road", just, no one can get back to it if the events that are needed to play out don't play out. Hopefully everyone can understand that.

    The reality you are thinking of is that whenever they travel BACK in time they create an alternate reality or timeline. Like you said with the analogy of the roads you cannot go back to the original timeline no matter how hard you try, you can only continue going forward. All these realities are in existence at exactly the same there is just no way of reaching them. Therefore all the original events from the original movie did happen but theres no evidence for it. Thats how Marty and the Original Doc ended up in 1931 because they came from the alternate timeline.
    It's easier to think of it as a bunch of horizontal lines on a piece of paper (labelled A, B and so on) with different links going downwards to the next timeline where they travelled back in time.
    Of coarse travelling into the future would no effect on the timeline what so ever.
  • edited May 2011
    They fixed the past though, so going to the future should not be as problematic; in fact it should fix all the anomalies caused in the past 4 episodes.
  • In the very brief alternate timeline we see in episode 2 (with george in a wheelchair) it is confirmed that george still punches out biff and biff still crashes into manure (though this is the first time that biff realizes it is marty before 2015).
    The only problem is that FCB is trying to stop Emmet from going to science. Withought science, FCB and Edna wouldn't be able to do what they did, not rule Hill Valley, and FCB wouldn't have the no how to fix the Delorean. So, unless FCB gets Emmet and Edna back together, and still gets the FCB timeline to play out as it did, then the moment he leaves 1931, he will be erased. Although he hasn't faded yet, maybe due to the events still catching up, or Edna and Emmet haven't been broken up fully. I don't think travel is possible, your way of it happening could work, just under the circumstances, FCB would vanish if they left.

    Normally I'd say the only time characters fade out due to time travel is if they either prevent their own birth OR change the timeline so that they dont live to their current age. But there are theories that if the timeline gets changed back that FCB would fade out and old doc would return.
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