End of credits ...

edited July 2011 in Back to the Future
OUTATIME was a great episode and I really enjoyed it but what was a great surprise was to see the familiar TO BE CONTINUED... caption at the end of the game.

So a second season looks to be heading our way :)


  • edited June 2011
    Yeah, there never was any doubt about a second season. If not, the game would not even have been called a season.



    I mean, I didn't saw an ending as weird as this one since... well, I have no other weird ending of that same level in mind right now...

    4 Marty, a blue DeLorean, and Doc and Marty who are totally like "who cares"...
    I've loved the ending of the first movie, but this is messed up! :eek:
  • edited June 2011
    Marty and Doc are just now used to the timeline / Space - Time Continuum being disrupted they just take it in their stride I think.
  • edited June 2011
    Wow, can't check this forum at all thanks to the spoiler spammers..
  • edited June 2011
    Prepare to be erased!
  • edited June 2011
    t_lyth wrote: »
    OUTATIME was a great episode and I really enjoyed it but what was a great surprise was to see the familiar TO BE CONTINUED... caption at the end of the game.

    So a second season looks to be heading our way :)
    You are damn lucky you got to even play it.. I am still stuck in that damn glass house.
  • edited June 2011
    boxman wrote: »
    You are damn lucky you got to even play it.. I am still stuck in that damn glass house.

    i never got the glass house bug, and i was one of the first to download it after the german installer issue
  • edited June 2011
    Thanks, I really wanted to be spoil.

    Now Goodbye. :)
  • edited June 2011
    Well, reading a subject named "To be continued" before seeing the "To be continued" screen in game, it's your call buddy, not mine.
    This thread is clearly made for people who finished the game... It's like going on Youtube to watch a video called "what do I think now that I've finished the game?" and post a comment to say "thx for the spoil"... -_-"

    And whatever, what I've said is totally out of context. It's not like if I was saying "at the end, Doc is being shot in the back by Edna Strickland with her shotgun while four Martys are watching".
  • edited June 2011
    or mad dog tannen turns up in a battered brown delorean towing a manure trailer?
  • edited June 2011
    TO BE CONTINUED ........................................ Wooot :)

    This was some kind of crazy adventure, amazing ending for this episode, stuff is really start to get crazy hahahahahahaha.

    This episode really payed lots of credits to funny parts of the movie.

    Hilarious 4 martys and blue delorean. There must be some serious problem with the timeline hehehe.

    it was really awesome how it turned out okay with doc, and even tho old doc disappeared he was happy you could tell before it happened.

    And old doc seems to have gotten alot better relationship with his daddy, thats very cool, because old old doc was kinda lonely, no friends and familiy relation was poor to his dad.
  • edited June 2011
    Haven't all of the movies ended with the "To be continued" including the original, which was never intended to have a sequel? I'm pretty sure having it there was more just a nod to that tradition, rather than outright confirming they're definitely doing a sequel.

    That said, I'd be very surprised if it doesn't happen. :)
  • edited June 2011
    Haven't all of the movies ended with the "To be continued" including the original, which was never intended to have a sequel? I'm pretty sure having it there was more just a nod to that tradition, rather than outright confirming they're definitely doing a sequel.

    That said, I'd be very surprised if it doesn't happen. :)

    BTTF part 3 just said "The End"
  • edited June 2011
    And part 2 ended with "To be concluded..."
  • edited June 2011
    Haven't all of the movies ended with the "To be continued" including the original, which was never intended to have a sequel? I'm pretty sure having it there was more just a nod to that tradition, rather than outright confirming they're definitely doing a sequel.

    That said, I'd be very surprised if it doesn't happen. :)

    It could be, but there's a story behind the TO BE CONTINUED from the first movie. That actually wasn't in the theatrical release, because they originally didn't plan on sequels. The TO BE CONTINUED was added into the VHS release because by that point they decided to do more. That, and this time the TBC didn't appear until after the credits, which is a first. That makes it feel more like a hidden easter egg, as if Telltale is winking at us.

    Good god, I'm a nerd.
  • edited June 2011
    Personally I don't think it means a thing. There will never be a second season. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe the Universal license only applies to one BTTF and JP project and I seriously doubt it will be renewed.
  • edited June 2011
    To be continued like they did with Tales of Monkey Island?

    I don't like "to be continued" endings.
    I like ending endings. :P
  • edited June 2011
    I forgot that BttF3 ended more conclusively, but I'd still say this was meant more as an homage than to confirm a sequel.. Telltale have more than enough other projects to work on at the moment anyway, and getting Christopher Lloyd back as well as working out new deals with Universal isn't that simple.

    But time will tell :)
  • edited June 2011
    The story really pulled me back into the game and once M J Fox showed up, the experience was even more heart touching. This is a great game for fans. Thank you TTG.

    Thank you everyone who made it possible. It was a beautiful conclusion to the series that really came together in the end , and having M J Fox present when it came all together made it a really surreal, special, and timeless experience.

    Having all the original voice talent there really gave it that same life of its own feeling, same universe feeling. Even though the tone was over all a bit more comical, fans should enjoy this game, and be able able to appreciate the immersion and coherence.

    Everything was great. I look towards the story continuing especially if tales can keep the BTTF family together.
  • edited June 2011
    Arakara wrote: »
    Yeah, there never was any doubt about a second season. If not, the game would not even have been called a season.



    I mean, I didn't saw an ending as weird as this one since... well, I have no other weird ending of that same level in mind right now...

    4 Marty, a blue DeLorean, and Doc and Marty who are totally like "who cares"...
    I've loved the ending of the first movie, but this is messed up! :eek:

    SBCG4AP was a season, it also had a cliffhanger ending just like BTTF.
    Tales of Monkey Island was a season, and it had a cliffhanger ending.
    This confirms nothing.
  • edited June 2011
    Gman5852 wrote: »
    SBCG4AP was a season, it also had a cliffhanger ending just like BTTF.

    It did? I haven't played SBCG4AP in a couple of years, but all I remember from the ending is everyone running around in circles while Trogdor chased everyone. That, and who says sequels to either SBCG4AP or Monkey Island couldn't still happen?

    (Okay, another Strong Bad game might be a stretch. Judging from the bursting activity going on these days at Homestar Runner, that series might be on its death bed, if it isn't dead already)
  • edited June 2011
    From what I've seen in the spoilers (I never really bothered playing Season 3 of it), Sam & Max had a gigantic what the crap pantscrapping moment.

    EDIT: And for the record, I do have the game in my purchase list. I literally didn't bother playing the game.
  • edited June 2011
    It did? I haven't played SBCG4AP in a couple of years, but all I remember from the ending is everyone running around in circles while Trogdor chased everyone. That, and who says sequels to either SBCG4AP or Monkey Island couldn't still happen?

    (Okay, another Strong Bad game might be a stretch. Judging from the bursting activity going on these days at Homestar Runner, that series might be on its death bed, if it isn't dead already)

    So your saying a fire breathing dragon attacking everyone isnt a cliffhanger?
    GaryCXJk wrote: »
    From what I've seen in the spoilers (I never really bothered playing Season 3 of it), Sam & Max had a gigantic what the crap pantscrapping moment.

    EDIT: And for the record, I do have the game in my purchase list. I literally didn't bother playing the game.

    Or lord that ending was messed up
    Max takes nuke in space.
    Sam:Max cant be dead
    Mama Bosco:There is nothing I can do. Sorry Sam
    Sad credit sequence
    Time Traveling elevator
    Max:Hi Sam
    Sam:Max, how are you alive?
    Max:Im Max from the past in that one episode where we were timetraveling for a joke, my Sam died, wanna go fight some crimes.
  • edited June 2011
    Well this almost certainly guarantees us a second season. I guess it all depends on Universal now. The end confused me.. I wasn't expecting that at all. That is why I love it haha.
  • edited June 2011
    I don't get how people are claiming it means nothing. They could have just as easily put the "The End" from Part III and called it homage.
    Gman5852 wrote: »
    So your saying a fire breathing dragon attacking everyone isnt a cliffhanger?

    Nope, pretty sure that was just more of a joke.
  • edited June 2011
    Arakara wrote: »
    4 Marty, a blue DeLorean, and Doc and Marty who are totally like "who cares"...
    I've loved the ending of the first movie, but this is messed up! :eek:

    I was absolutely laughing my a** off at this at the end. Who else was?
  • edited June 2011
    Gman5852 wrote: »
    So your saying a fire breathing dragon attacking everyone isnt a cliffhanger?

    Yes. How is that a cliffhanger? It didn't leave any dangling plot threads open or hint at something, it just ended in the same way a typical Saturday morning cartoon would with a "here we go again" type of ending. It didn't insinuate anything at all.
  • First off to avoid confusion;

    BTTF part I did not have 'to be continued' at the end until it was confirmed that sequels were coming
    part II has always had to be CONCLUDED
    part III has always had THE END

    episodes 1-3 of the game had 'to be continued'
    episode 4 had 'to be concluded'... i think we mostly figured that episode 5 would say 'the end'. But i guess the ending of episode 4 is not false as it did not say 'to be concluded in the next episode'

    pretty big limb to go on. Telltale seems to be a truthful company (though they lied about the last episode involving the future), what if there is no sequel?
  • edited June 2011
    Episode 4 had To Be Concluded because Episode 5 was the end of the story arc.
  • edited June 2011
    This game really lived up to my expectations, the only thing i was a bit sad about in episode 5 was that you didn't get to travel into 2015 or the future, but the
    3 marty from the future ending made me really happy!!!
    im soooooo looking forward to the conclusion, worth every penny. Thank you Telltale for an AMAZING GAME!!!
  • edited June 2011
    though they lied about the last episode involving the future
    Keep in mind that those summaries were probably written when the storylines of the later episodes were probably not more than just those summaries. I remember either reading on the forum or hearing in one of Telltale's audio commentaries that a season's final episode isn't really thought out very much once a season starts. The raw plot outline is there, but each and every episode will be worked out in more detail as production of the season proceeds. I guess it just wasn't clear back then, that the finale wouldn't actually feature the future.
  • edited June 2011
    I loved the ending, it just fits with all that has been going on in the universe. I hope they aren't just teasing after the credits, now I want more BTTF!

    Honestly, this was some great work on the story-telling, which shows that Tell Tale Games knows how to keep a good story going (and make it quite hilarious and inclusive).
  • edited June 2011
    though they lied about the last episode involving the future

    Actually the episode did involve the future. Very much so at the end of the episode. It remains to be seen if Doc and Marty can manage to put things right, for "future history". I sure hope Telltale makes a 2nd season of BTTF. This last episode had me feeling emotionally attached to the characters, something which I haven't felt since the original movie trilogy.

    Was happy to see things actually turn out better in the Hill Valley of 1986. Well, all except the ending that is :)
  • edited June 2011
    DId i forget but was their a chase through the Future
  • edited June 2011
    Gman5852 wrote: »
    So your saying a fire breathing dragon attacking everyone isnt a cliffhanger?

    That was just a joke.
  • edited June 2011
    zelda42293 wrote: »
    I was absolutely laughing my a** off at this at the end. Who else was?

    Right here man. It was funny enough when the first DeLorean showed up and they went through the "What happens, do we become assholes or something?" And then it just kept going!!
  • edited June 2011
    Right here man. It was funny enough when the first DeLorean showed up and they went through the "What happens, do we become assholes or something?" And then it just kept going!!

    It was awesome how they ended like the movie but then the other marty's show up and its like WTF i absolutely loved it but i dunno how TellTale is gonna pull off another Season but if they do i cant wait to see how itll go :D
  • edited June 2011
    I would much rather that it said 'The End' until they actually confirm that they are going to continue and then patch it to say 'To Be Continued' instead.

    Until then, a formal announcement of whether or not there will be another season would be appreciated. I'd love to see a second season, what I don't want is to sit here waiting wondering and hoping only to be eventually let down. -.-
  • edited June 2011
    It's nice to speculate and all, and personally, I'd love it if they do a sequel, but so many things factor into the production of another season that I'm pretty sure Telltale Games themselves don't know if it's possible at this point.
  • edited June 2011
    Arakara wrote: »
    Yeah, there never was any doubt about a second season. If not, the game would not even have been called a season.

    While I was left feeling hyped with the cliffhanger at the end of this season, I find it irritating how TellTale hop around to fluff titles so much.

    I recently re-played through all the origional Monkey Island games and was suprised I never did origionally playthrough completely Curse of Monkey Island and Escape From Monkey Island ... why oh why, with that cliffhanger on Tales of Monkey Island for a new season they continue on with junk titles like sam & max, and strongbad !??!

    I honestly really dont have any interest in the Jurrassic Park one, will probably play the (cough evaluated version cough) of it, and realize that was in their package agreement with Universal to get Back To The Future.. But seriously ... is it gonna be 3-4 years between seasons of the good titles ?!?!

    I really hope Telltale also releases a collectors edition like they did Monkey Island with the developers commentary and extra video/flash material stuff.
  • edited June 2011
    boxman wrote: »
    You are damn lucky you got to even play it.. I am still stuck in that damn glass house.
    sorry to say man i got stuck too....gotta restart the game
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