Second season

edited May 2007 in Sam & Max
I was wondering whether there are concrete plans (and funds...) to put out a second season?

I hope the sales were good enough to justify another season (otherwise I have to torture people into giving their credit card information :D )
(just kidding)

PS: Heh, this comes from a 'godless belgian'. :)


  • edited April 2007
    I for one will be giving you guys my money if there is one. More more!
  • edited April 2007
    From what I've heard, the first season has done rather well and has gotten a lot of attention so far, so I would be in shock(well, at least partly shock - is that possible?) if it turned out they won't release another season. But I guess crazier things has happend before, so I don't really believe it before it's announced ;)

    Anyway, I hope they have something new and amazing in the next season. It would be a bit boring if the next season just reuses what has happened in the first season - but I doubt TTG will do that. I am sure they will have some new fiercely thickening plot in the next season.
  • edited April 2007
    Yep, Season 2 was confirmed. I doubt they have even finalized the story yet though, and no one knows when the next season would begin. There are definately plenty of funds, Sam & Max has been one of the most popular games on Gametap ever, and Season one (Last we knew.) met around 2/3rds sales expectations. So, it's done quite well in terms of sales. And overall Season 1 has been highly rated by major game sites. I'm sure people will keep buying copies for many months. Who knows, maybe they will sell 2x more then they have already before people stop buying them. :)
  • MelMel
    edited April 2007
    They'll get another push too when the Adventure Company CD and Telltale's CD come out as well. You'll have a whole section of gamers who aren't fond of downloading games who will pick it up then. :)
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited April 2007
    From what I've heard Dave and Brendan muttering about in the past few weeks, I don't think anyone has to worry about Season 2 reusing stuff from Season 1. ;)
  • edited April 2007
    Good! :D I still think Episode 1 of Season 2 should start on a beach with Sam & Max on vacation, drinking some pina calodas or something. :P Whatever happends, I'm sure it'll be even better then Season 1. And I plan on getting everyone together for an end of Season 2 Telltale gift too. :p
  • edited April 2007
    Well before season 2 a mod, that makes it possible to play Season 1 episode 1 to 6 in one go, would be nice.
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited April 2007
    When TV shows come out on DVD they don't strip the opening and closing credits sequences from the episodes... I don't understand why Telltale would do that to its episodic game series?
  • edited April 2007
    Jake wrote: »
    When TV shows come out on DVD they don't strip the opening and closing credits sequences from the episodes... I don't understand why Telltale would do that to its episodic game series?

    I used to work for a game company myself. But then again, different continent and different culture. I really want to watch the credits, more out of curiosity than anything else. (Note to designers: I hate to be forced to watch it)
    On the other hand: I was a 'game designer' but would like to play other games. And see how others solve some 'marketing' problems.

    But yes, those who are really into "sam & max" should get an option to skip what they aren't interested in and play the game. And see the credits if they chose and from my point of view: I want to see the credits.

    Those who care will notice what has changed. (to put it under a very broad brush. If I wasn't interested I would have never seen the max for president webpage WHICH I LOVE!!)
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited April 2007
    I don't mean it in a "you shouldn't be able to skip the credits!!!!!" sort of way - I wouldn't mind a skip cutscene button for the opening credits, myself, and I designed them. I just mean that when a TV show goes out onto DVD, they sometimes include a "play all" button or something, but the episodes remain distinct self-contained things. I imagine that Sam & Max will be treated the same way. It's not one big game, it's a story told through six episodes.
  • edited April 2007
    I don't think ttg should remove the opening and closening. I hate it when they do that to shows when they release them on dvd or vhs. But sure, a skip cutscene would be nice. Like the good old fashion "esc" to skip cutscenes. On some shows, I even watch the credits and intro just because I love the show so much. I always watch the intro and credits to the simpsons for example... and I would hate it if they had cut that out when they put them on dvd.
  • edited April 2007
    Jake wrote: »
    When TV shows come out on DVD they don't strip the opening and closing credits sequences from the episodes... I don't understand why Telltale would do that to its episodic game series?
    Not quite true, some really old DVDs did. The Ripping Yarns DVD (obscure BBC Palin comedy) used that to sell itself as a movie, which was made even stupider by the fact all the 3 episodes are totally separate having their own plot, characters and settings. Oh and the cuts were poor - so you could see the start of the credits in the middle. And no that wasn't a pirated DVD.

    Ultimately it was pointless and didn't flow right - each episode has it's own begging middle and end - and the same would happen with Sam & Max However a unifying the installer (or even omitting it - could you make it run from the disc?), settings and launcher - like the episode selection menu on DVDs would make the package neater.

    EDIT: Plus similarly to Sam and Max the intro was first class.

    On the subject of skipping the credits, how about bringing back the double click to move straight to a door item etc... from older games and allowing left click to skip action as well as speech - don't get me wrong it's great but when you are anal retentivity trying to hear all of Sam's
    quips you don't want to have to watch Sam wind up the Jack in the box so Aunty Biotic smacks the pop ups several times in a row.
    Maybe make "warp drive" do that.
  • edited April 2007
    Jake wrote: »
    I don't mean it in a "you shouldn't be able to skip the credits!!!!!" sort of way - I wouldn't mind a skip cutscene button for the opening credits, myself, and I designed them. I just mean that when a TV show goes out onto DVD, they sometimes include a "play all" button or something, but the episodes remain distinct self-contained things. I imagine that Sam & Max will be treated the same way. It's not one big game, it's a story told through six episodes.

    Sorry.. and I really mean that.

    It was criticism, but I hope it was constructive. I really love the work you put in to the game(s) you provide us.

    (I know how sometimes it comes across when people say: hey, I'm a programmer and I would do things X or Y.. :( )
  • edited April 2007
    My friend recently bought the DVD of Dragonball Z season one. Apparently it features a "marathon mode" which plays all the episodes in order, skipping the credits and intros. I think that's pretty insane, but I guess it would work for a plot-driven serial like that.
    That said, I don't think it would make any sense for these games, especially not the way people would like. Each game begins and ends with a long cutscene, and the stories don't take place right after one another, so it still wouldn't play like one big game.
    Although, being able to fast-forward through the opening and end credits would be a nice touch ;)
  • edited April 2007
    I actually had a great idea for the finale of Season 2. Sam & Max find out that the main villain of the series plans to go back in time and assassinate Steve Purcell, which would cause them to have never been born. Thus, the Freelance Police must switch between the past and present (similar to the time system in Day of the Tentacle or switching between realities in Reality 2.0) in order to prevent their being unborn and, possibly, the destruction of reality itself.

    That...would be so awesome.
  • edited April 2007
    It would be great if season 2 was set somewhere there homebase was in space for example.. throw in appearances by mack salmon, flint paper and the rubber pants commandos and it all would be right (with sam and max) world :)
  • edited April 2007
    Also, I would like to see a pile of ricotta cheese in Season 2, instead of "swiss". ;)
  • edited April 2007
    I hope we still get to see their office and neighborhood, but modified and expanded.
  • edited April 2007
    Well, Max did mention something in episode 4 about signing them up for an office makeover show...
    Maybe the workers get carried away and makeover the whole street too? =P
  • edited April 2007
    I think that when we leave their office instead of going directly out onto the street, it should go out into the hall. Adding Flints office as a location would be awesome too. It would really give it a broader feel.
    I'd love to see more of the city streets too. Dark alley's and just random city corners. I think the streets need more people too. Adding one or two street thugs loitering around would make the streets feel less empty. They don't even have to be a big part of the puzzle. Just an oppotunity for more dialoges and more interaction.
  • edited April 2007
    Season 2 needs to do one thing...


    And keep all of it's good qualities, of course.
  • edited April 2007
    The two things I really would like to see more than anything else is to be able to use Max in conujunction with some of the puzzles, a perfect example of this is when you use Max to short out the electrical box on the tunnel of love in HTR.

    And of course more locations within a single episode.
  • edited April 2007
    That Tunnel of love puzzle was the worst. I was stuck on it forever. Even with using the hintbook!
  • edited April 2007
    xChri5x wrote: »
    That Tunnel of love puzzle was the worst. I was stuck on it forever. Even with using the hintbook!

    That puzzle was easy! I don't know how you completed the game if you couldn't work that one out. (You HAVE completed the game, right? :P)
  • edited April 2007
    Yes, but this was back in the mid 90's on a one button mac. I hadn't discovered the use of the tab button yet. The whole thing was just awkward with having the flashlight on and have max selected
  • edited April 2007
    Another thing that Season 2 will absolutely require is enhanced graphics. Personally, I think they're good already. But the market as a whole want something to justify their recent hardware purchases... If Season 2 doesn't have some fairly impressive graphic enhancements, I guarentee the whining will be deafening.
  • edited April 2007
    How about themes? Hypnosis was the theme of season one as most of you know...

    I think time travel could work. Every episode Sam & Max can go to a different time... should be fun.
  • edited April 2007
    Time travel is a great oppertunity, with jokes to tribute DOTT and Back to the Future to name a few :)
  • edited April 2007
    I love time travel and they should definitely do at least one episode with it, but six of them in a row seems a wee bit excessive. Especially since unlike hypnotism time travel isn't a theme you can easily move to the background.
    But that said, yes, I'd certainly love like to see a time-travel episode or two in the future. It's a difficult but always very promising theme, and adventure games dealing with time-travel are unfortunately still exceedingly rare. Besides that, I can't think of anyone more likely or worthy of pulling off a succesful spiritual sequal to DOTT.
  • edited April 2007
    Time travel would be pretty good, especially if Sam and Max created time twins (by meeting up with future and past versions of themselves) just because seeing an army of Max fighting an army of Sam for the phone would be gold and/or they went back and met the cute marketable child versions of themselves to stop them being kidnapped and brainwashed by crazed edutainment show hosts.
  • edited April 2007
    I suggested this as a possible Time Travel-related story in another S2 topic...

    Okay, so picture this...Sam and Max discover that the season's ultimate villain is plotting to go back in time and assasinate someone important, thereby changing the course of history. Sam and Max eventually get ahold of a time machine (possibly made by Bosco) and chase after him.

    However, they quickly find out later that the assassin's intended target is none other than Steve Purcell in the late 1970s! Realizing that if Steve goes, then the two will never be born (and possibly reality itself will be destroyed), the Freelance Police must do everything in their power to keep him out of evil's clutches.
  • edited April 2007
    I'd love to see an episode lampoon the horror genre or the music industry.
  • edited April 2007
    Ever since the first episode where the duo ran over several objects in the street, I've had another movie running through my head that I think Sam and Max would make an excellent homage to, due to their obvious disposition towards wacky mayhem.

    Why terroize a street, when you can terrorize a mini-mall?

    I think a Blues Brothers nod would not be amiss.
  • LKrLKr
    edited April 2007
    Season 2 needs a moment where something amazingly random like instantaneous human combustion occurs to save the day.
  • edited April 2007
    More minigames would be great. Season One had only 2 (great ones) really, and they were both integral to solving a puzzle. I suppose the schedules necessary to release games on a monthly basis make it hard to justify nonessential content, but I'll say it just to say I did. I thought Ted E. Bear's casino would have been a great place to throw a bunch of wacky arcade games for the freelance police to waste tokens on.
  • jmmjmm
    edited April 2007
    Or some sort of war sim in the war room on ep 4 similar to the one shown on the machinima and reminicent of the Car-Bomb game on HTR.

    Also I'd like to see the duo buying (or interecting with more) nonsensical stuff from Bosco (besides the 1,000,000,000 items) or buying 'food' from the store across the street.

    But what is top on my list, is adding a bit more to the office location (ie: Flint's Paper), after all that location is on every ep and changing Bosco's costume, Sybil's job and a few things here and there get a bit dull.
  • edited April 2007
    Actually, time travel being the theme of the whole season could work, because then each episode there could be a version of the neighborhood set in a different time period. That could actually be a cool way to add a lot more variety to the same locations... it'd be like a whole season of different Reality 2.0s, and then some :p

    Man, now I at least want to see an "Old West" version of Bosco's.
  • edited April 2007
    I think Time Travel or parallel universes (like in Sliders or DC comic's Crisis on Infinite) would definately work. I mean, this way, Telltale can change Bosco's persona in a unique and new sort of way for each episode; IMO, I think that if Telltale keeps up with the bit of Bosco changing accents, it will run dry quite soon since there isn't much accents to mimic unless you go with subculture like surfer or hippie.

    With Time Travel or Parallel universe, you can change Bosco more ways than one. I mean, rather than accents to change in each ep, they can have jobs or mental disorders. Sort of like DOTT where Fred's ancestors is present, but with a slightly similar name and personality. One can have Bosco's ancestor to be some inventor named Sosco who existed in 19th century America. Or if they go with the parallel universe route, they can have Bosco to be a hot Chick who's mental disorder is OCD rather than paranoia. Or if mental disorders seems a bit un pc, they can go with other things like making Bosco in one universe a kleptomaniac.

    The theme of the series could be that there is a villain who is trying to conquor the multiple earths by going there and causing havok one way or another, causing an unbalance in Sam and Max's neigborhood (butterfly effect.) To stop it, Sam and Max must visit each parallel earths to fix what has changed.

    If telltale goes with this, they can sneak in a 2d or 2.5(by going cel shading? or goin flat like in ep 5 to reduce cost?) universe like the old game or if telltale has the license to the cartoon content, they can have one universe to be the cartoon one. The voice actor for Max in ep 1, sounds like a dang ringer to cartoon voice actor. All they need is a local voice actor who sounds a lot like Sam from the cartoon series.
  • edited April 2007
    I vote for the time traval idea, would work so great for a hole season :) Before you know it sam and max will be riding a horse instead of the desoto :P
  • edited April 2007
    I vote for a season that works just like season 1, looks tiny and then becomes a world-wide chaos plot. well, from a child mind controller to a Evil maniac on the moon
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