Funniest moments - Bright side of the moon

edited May 2007 in Sam & Max
this is a dual purpose thread....... what are your favorite moments from bright side of the moon, and from season one as a whole (including the machinima shorts)

i superballs return is my favorite part of episode 6, but the cops return rates righ as well........

and my favorite shorts were interrogation and artichoke

but episodes 4 and 5 are still my favorites...... due to the political, and video game culture humor

episode 6 seemed to lack a theme..... they touched on the space program, cults, big buissness, but no overall theme....... i think that is why i did not kike it as much as a whole

but without a doubt, episode 6 has some of the best humor of the entire season....

Sam: "Ramdom but innocus comment"
Max: "Unrelated reply that hints at mental instability"
Sam: "you crack me up little buddy"


  • edited May 2007
    I have to say the funniest part was when max got
    seperated and became all nice and happy, lol. Also, it was great to return to the earth and talk to the happy people
    "I love you too!"
    , lol
  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited May 2007
    I thought that Max pointing up to the moon at the end of the credits, followed by Sam and Max getting out of the DeSoto on the moon was quite funny.
    Also Sam's comment (probably not exact - I'm going by memory) "remember the old days when it was much harder to get to the moon".

    A lot of people mentioned that they didn't like this episode as much because it didn't focus on a particular satire. I found it better that the jokes flew by from many different directions. I thought the humour had a much broader scope in that respect.
  • edited May 2007
    Oh, it's satirical all right.

    It's satirizing Scientology and magic.
  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited May 2007
    Maratanos wrote: »
    Oh, it's satirical all right.

    It's satirizing Scientology and magic.
    As well as the space program, theme parks, and a ton of other stuff. Sam & Max wouldn't be Sam & Max without satire. This episode just seemed to have a lot broader humour scope than the others - and for some reason a lot of people didn't like it as much because of it. I personally, liked it better because the humour was so broad.
  • edited May 2007
    I think it was very much needed(the broader humour). The season finale had to wrap up all the loose strings, and it did.
    It even explained somethings that confused me after playing hit the road, especially what happened with Dough the moleman, and how the guy knew how to bend tools
  • edited May 2007
    Let's see.... where do I begin...

    The fact that Max left his foot print over the first footprint on the moon was a LOL moment.

    Bosco actually saying "yes" to items you could have used in previous episodes and Max flipping out about them.

    Hugh Bliss's "what?" replies when you are looking at all the stuff in his inner sanctum.

    The final battle was just plan fun to watch over and over and over no matter how bad I was stuck. It was probably the least frustrating road block I've had in the game simply because of how they composed each shot.

    And that beautiful credit sequence....:D

    I'm playing it again just to hear the lines I was laughing over!
  • edited May 2007
    The comments S&M make after you beat Tic-Tac-Doom echoing the complaints of the first few episodes.
  • edited May 2007
    "I always thought Rush was the Queen of Canada." Man, that had me in stitches.
    And "It's like an HMO."

    I know we've all been itching for some edgier humor, but I was really surprised at the Jonestown crack. Nearly a thousand people died. I laughed, but I felt bad about it.
  • jmmjmm
    edited May 2007
    The DeSoto with the Canadian logo, eh? :D
  • edited May 2007
    Some of my favorite moments was when Harry the Mole Man broke down and lost his self esteem, and the sequence with Max's hunger in Bosco's.
  • edited May 2007
    That end credit sequence was made of PURE WIN.
    The fact that every third character in this episode was carrying a really important item . . . IN THEIR GUTS! You can't beat that for someplace to put things.

    mechanical suit
    red herring. I can appreciate a good red herring.

    The non-sequitur dialogue option. I really missed that rubber duck from the Hit the Road.

    The subtle explaination for Brady Culture's part in this.
    He wasn't actually part of the master plan and that he stole the prototype hypnosis goggles.

    Not to mention the jab at us adventure gamers and how we'll take anything that's not bolted to the floor. :D
  • edited May 2007
    * The chart on the moon that explains how everything was connected...

    * The "it was to short and to easy!!" -statement made by max...

    * Almost everything that "nice" Max said. (especially when talking to Abe)

    I love this episode for its wackyness :)
  • edited May 2007
    HOLY CRAP!! I just noticed the headless body of the president running away from Max when the SS are doing Max's "Looking at my hand in awe" animation!:D
  • edited May 2007
    The single funniest moment of episode 6 was when
    Sam saws off Hugh Bliss' head for the first time and Max says something like, 'Oh my God, that was freaking awesome.'
  • edited May 2007
    For me it was when Sam&Max were helping out with the
    telephone dating between Abe and Sybil.
    and the way how Sam
    pushes the moleman back when exiting the shop
    . And also Max was generally very good in this one!

    Funny even without some beer...
  • edited May 2007
    a worthy season finale, agree with no overall theme like 4 and 5 but
    brilliant nonetheless. i can't even touch on the dozens of times this
    episode had me laughing, chuckling or just grinning from ear to ear.

    THANKS telltale, you really did bring a Sam&Max Season like I always hoped
    it could be.
  • edited May 2007
    things that got me LOLing, in no particular order:
    Canadian flags on the car and the moon after selling the US to Canada
    Bosco in drag :D
    Getting eaten by gluttonous Max
    Straightening Jimmy's parking meter
    Figuring out how to get Max' hand back
    Tic tac doom, and "the world's most advanced AI"
    Bosco having everything you'd have needed in previous episodes
    The earthquake machine (should've left a crater though)
    the headless body of the president running away from Max
    Superball being depressed
    And many more. Even though I loved the humor in the two previous eps, this one gave me the most actual laugh out loud moments.
    The ending credits were awesome (and I'd like to have the song lyrics)!
  • edited May 2007
    Zeek wrote: »
    Bosco actually saying "yes" to items you could have used in previous episodes and Max flipping out about them.
    Yeah, I was in stitches over that! :D

    Other parts I found funny were the reactions of the C.O.P.S. when you
    lose Tic-Tac-Doom
    , and any and all comments regarding Sam's *ahem* unicorn.

    And I haven't even finished the episode yet!
  • edited May 2007
    the comment Max makes after you play Tic Tac Doom. "It was too short. And not hard enough. I want my money back!"

    In a related note,
    Tic Tac Doom
    was one of the most clever puzzles I have ever experienced. Not that it was very hard, but just the sheer idea and originality behind it make me tear off my shirt, whirl it over head, and moo.
  • edited May 2007
    I find the
    answering machine comments funny. I thought the first message where some mobster tells Jimmy that it is hard to kill a dog and a rabbit in a subtle manner and one way to kill them is to rig the answering machine so it will shock whoever is listening to it during the 3 message

    However, I find the third message the most hilarious one of all; for those who haven't tried it, I suggest you play it first and do it before reading the rest. Sadly, sam or max does not get shock during the third message, but I know how Jimmy pretends to be Sybil and tells Sam and she/he is "Preggo and that Sam is partly responsible for it." Max's comment of saying something like "Did Sybil just tell us she is a brand of a can of a spagitti sauce?" is awsome. It left a smile on my face even though it took me a second try to get that joke; it never occured to me that the slang word of preggo can be mistaken as prego, the pasta sauce. Creative.
  • edited May 2007
    I think that the sloth Max character was one of the best of the season; the way he affected the characters around him (especially superball), his voice acting and dialogue, and his inability to make it past the lunar lander because he was too lazy.
    The conversations Sam has with the office phone were hilarious and it was funny to shoot the gun out of the office window after everyone was hypnotized.
  • edited May 2007
    Max response to the
    Tic Tac Doom, "It was too short. And not hard enough. I want my money back!"
    was hilarious.
    Also, when you look at the
    US flag flapping on the moon without air, together with Sam's comment
    , was a laugh out loud moment.
  • edited May 2007
    i really LOL'ed at the comment about bloggers having to tell complete strangers on the street about what their favourite TV show is.
  • edited May 2007
    I loved Lincoln hitting on Sybil

  • edited May 2007
    What I love is that my buddy still doesn't know what's so funny about Hugh Bliss' name.
  • edited May 2007

    I'm glad someone at Telltale listened to my request to have Bluster Blaster have an actual playable game =p
  • jmmjmm
    edited May 2007
    Yeah, in particular liked that one since it jabs at some old games that used most of their resources on intros rather than the game itself.
  • edited May 2007
    jmm wrote: »
    Yeah, in particular liked that one since it jabs at some old games that used most of their resources on intros rather than the game itself.

    Kind of the the cartoons of the 80's, right?
  • edited May 2007
    I liked how, while i was actively trying to pick the wrong answers to hear all the results while helping abe smooth talk sybil, I ended up getting all the right ones on the first try.
  • edited May 2007
    mann everyones already mentioned all my favorite bits..what else.. umm the rubbing the unicorn jokes couldnt help but laugh.. every line that came out of hugh bliss' mouth.. sam saying how mr spatula looked enlightened.. being eaten by max! talking to sybil with abe lincoln when shes blissed out haha
  • edited May 2007
    The Tick and Monkey Island references weren't exactly the funniest things in there...but I thought both were pretty awesome
  • edited May 2007
    what was the tick reference I missed that?

    Also when you get that talisman in the final scene..and Sam says "well not very challenging" or something haha!
  • edited May 2007
    Hero1 wrote: »
    what was the tick reference I missed that?

    Also when you get that talisman in the final scene..and Sam says "well not very challenging" or something haha!

    It's really easy to miss...
    In the final battle with hugh bliss take a close look at all the spoons on the wall
  • edited May 2007

    Man, the tick was an awesome show.

    And of course, there was MAx saying what I think we all had on our minds...

    Hugh: Hi, I'm Hugh Bli-
    Max: STOP SAYING THAT! *lunges*
  • edited May 2007

    Shoot him, Max!:D
  • edited May 2007
    for anyone who is intrested..... i put some "play it again" moments together that i did not find on my first time through the game....

    they are at the end of my Walkthrough

    but here is a copy..... just because i am nice


    Did you....
    wait untill after visiting the blister of tranquility before asking harry "what is there to see on the moon?"
    repeatedly click on.....the gift shop merchendise, the moon bulletin board, the mechanical suit, the master plan poster, and the hypnotic goggle display
    try to stick the spoon talisman display case on the hypnotic goggle display
    repeatedly get caught with the display case
    find the snow globes in the visitor center
    try to put the spoon bending talisman back on the display after you have removed it from the display case
    try to show the unicorn to superball before you get it to turn red
    try to get everyone to rub the unicorn...... max, harry moleman, bosco, sybil, jimmy, the cops, philo pennyworth, lincoln, and hugh bliss (while he is in the crystal, and again during the end sequence)
    try to stick the unicorn in the microwave for a second time, try to put it in the cooler, and have sam rub it before and after it turns red
    choose all of the wrong pick-up lines for abe while talking to sybil on the phone
    repeatedly win at tic tac doom (and lose a buch of times as well)
    try to give the display case back to max when you are not on the visitors center
    try to put one of the talismans in the microwave
    repeatedly shoot around boscos store (and shoot around some more after he has been blissified)
    try to shoot sybil
    try to use the spoon bending talisman, and the coat hanger on the gumball machine
    use the lead vision talisman on the hot dog machine, and on the cops
    repeatedly use the gasto-kenisis talisman on max, and try to use it on lenard a second time
    also use the gasto-kenisis talisman on sybil, her stuffed fox, and on hugh bliss (while he is in the crystal, and again during the end sequence)
    try to feed the deed to the us back to lenard, and try to shoot him again
    show the deed to the us to lincoln while he is still in the blister of tranquility
    try talking to lincoln after his call to sybil while he is still in the blister (and repeatedly talk to him while he is at sybils)
    repeatedly talk to pennyworth after getting the hat from him, and repeatedly click on the huts behind him
    while using the lead vision talisman on the imtimidating door...... try to walk through it, and repeatedly look at the bowling ball
    look out the office window after the hypnobeam has hit earth, and repeatedly shoot out of the window afterward as well
    ask all of the boscos questions again after he thinks he is hugh bliss..... even the "do you have any....." one
    ask all of max's questions again, after he has been blissed out
    try to throw jimmy out the window, and try to put him in his rathole
    try to put jimmy back on the meter, in the dumpster, and try to put him in the microwave or the freezer in boscos
    try to give the 100 trillion back to sybil or try to give it to max
    try to stuff the 100 trillion in the rat hole, or throw it out the window
    repeatedly try talking to max's vices..... repeatily try to shoot violent max, and use the gasto-kenisis talisman on gulttonous max when no one is in his stomach
    repeatedly try talking to superball and harry while slothfull max is on the moon
    get eaten by gluttonous max (twice) and get eaten again while jimmy is already in his stomach (twice)
    look at the flag on the moon again after selling the us to canada, look at the earth after the hypnobeam has gone off (and yet again after you have put max back together), and look at the satellite after it has crashed
    repeatedly use the public adress microphone in hugh bliss's inner sanctum
    try to use the earthquake machine a second time...... and once again during the final scene
    try to shoot hugh bliss while he is in the crystal, or cut his head off during the final act
  • edited May 2007
    dangerzone you are the man!
  • edited May 2007
    yeah.... i thought i was tedious my first time through, but i missed a lot of funny things......

    one of my favorites was the second "hidden homage" to hit the road, when you can try to put the 100 trillion into the rat hole.....

    my other favorite was trying to throw jimmy out of the window again...... that one had me on the floor
    Sam: "Been there.... Done that"
  • edited May 2007
    I loved getting swallowed by gluttonous Max with Sam saying "Well, here we are inside Max's stomach."
  • edited May 2007
    Yeah but we really need a bit of Violence. Like in the old sam&max when they try to beat up Conroy Bumpes or what ever that is spelled :) Sam & max looks very cool when they get angry ARGGGG :D
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