Season 1: Favourite Episode

edited July 2007 in Sam & Max
I didn't see a poll for this, but if there is one lock away.

Reality 2.0 is my vote.


  • jmmjmm
    edited May 2007
    If you put "Complete season" I would have voted for that.
    I liked all, but to me is Reality 2.0, Abe, Mob and Bright, Culture and Comedy.
  • edited May 2007
    There have been many favorite episode polls in the past, but no one has yet put one up with all six episodes in the poll. :)
  • edited May 2007
    ... And I keep (predictably) voting for Abe, not even Moon could beat the pure awsomeness of that episode :)
  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited May 2007
    Bright Side of the Moon for me. Everything was kicked up a notch in that episode - the humour, the difficulty, the length, and best of all - Max's sociopathic tendencies.

    And the ending credits and accompanying song were priceless.
  • edited May 2007
    I voted for Abe. I think this episode seemed to be like a turning point where Telltale had had a chance to listen to feedback and use that to change episodes for the better.
  • edited May 2007
    Bright side for me, it was so.. graphicly Super but, it also has all the parts that made no sense in the season, it rases a few more but that's never gonna be told. Season 1 was good for ep3-6 but 1 and 2 wasn't looking it's best, if a new version of all the episodes that had all the improvements etc. from ep.6, the season will be fully awsome.
  • edited May 2007
    I thought episode 1 was the best one, then episode 2 was a big disappointment, and then the standard went up with the third episode, and since then the episodes have been like a car without no handbreak - it goes downhill, fast! There rest were not bad, they were quite good actually, but episode one was the most original one. And I loved Brady Culture! I also enjoyed a lot knocking out the soda poppers.

    I have to say episode 4 is the funniest episode, episode one is the episode with the most replay value, and episode 3 was the best parody, episode 5 was the most innovative one, episode 6 was the best season ending I have seen on any show. Still, my money goes on the first episode since I feel I can play it through a lot of times still without getting bored.
  • edited May 2007
    I went with "Abe Lincoln Must Die!", even though "The Bright Side of the Moon" was pretty close. ;)
  • edited May 2007
    I think Reality 2.0 was my favorite, followed by Bright Side, Lincoln, Comedy, Culture, and Meatball in that order.
  • edited May 2007
    I voted for Abe again. That episode is simply great on all accounts.
  • edited May 2007
    Reality 2.0

    For me it was the most fun. The puzzles were challanging enough that I had to think about them but not so much that I found myself scrambling for hints. In fact I thought it was the most well balanced of all of the games as far a puzzles. I also loved the humor of this game ("Half-Elf fool!") as well as all the video game references. It was also the best looking of them all art wise with all those cool Tron-like graphics.
  • edited May 2007
    I voted for Abe for two reasons

    1) It was the first episode where I felt my actions were really effecting the world, I think because the locations changed quite a lot as the episode went on. I think this also helped make the episode seem longer.

    2) That awesome song! It was so unexpected, I loved it. Watched it again after it had finished.
  • edited May 2007
    I voted for Reality 2.0 simply because I liked the subject matter the most. :) Bright Side of The Moon was the most carefully and well done of the bunch, I think, but couldn't beat #5's plot.
  • edited May 2007
    Abe wins for me..laughed from beginning to end
  • edited May 2007
    My best to least favorite are:
    4. 5. 6. 1. 3. 2

    I was happy with all of them. Episode two was still enjoyable but not comparable to any of the other 5.
  • edited May 2007
    For me, it's a tough call between 4 & 5, I think they are both brilliant... Max becomes President? Sam & Max destroy the Internet? Great!

    But... I had to vote for 4. Too many brilliant moments in that...
  • edited May 2007
    Voted 4, a great turnpoint for the serie! Buut Culture shock will always be special... Just to be able to click around with sam & max again was a great thing :D
  • edited May 2007
    I'm gonna hold off on voting until I finish replaying them all through but I will say Culture Shock was surprising longer and better than I remembered it.
  • edited May 2007
    best soundtrack: Episode 3

    best jokes: Toss up between Episodes 4 & 5

    best writing/story: Episode 4 (very classic Sam & Max)

    best environments: Episode 6, if only for the Blister of Tranquility

    best pop culture referances: Episode 2

    best villian: Tie between Episode 4 & 6

    best camerawork: Episode 6 (especially the last battle)

    best/most clever puzzles: Episode 4

    best use of the Big Gun: Episode 1
  • edited May 2007
    Reality 2.0, easily. Best 3 hours of adventure gaming in years.
  • edited May 2007
    ABE! And the one I liked least (it doesn't mean I don't love that episode too) is Episode 3, no doubts about that.
  • edited May 2007
    Wow, Those results are becoming pretty clear.
  • edited May 2007
    I think "Abe Lincoln Must Die" was my favourite. There was much more emphasis on the Whitehouse than wandering around the "neighbourhood" talking to the same people. The "War Song" also made this episode stand out, as it had that Sam and Max surrealness to it. I have to say "Reality 2.0" was also brilliant, very challenging, with much more creative puzzles.
  • edited May 2007
    The Mole, The Mob & The Meatball or Abe Lincoln Must Die! or Reality 2.0 can't choose :)
  • edited May 2007
    Abe Lincoln Must Die was the "breakout hit" for me, but Reality 2.0 was definitely more of a blast to play all the way through, consistently. ALMD had a few problems with repetitiveness, going back and forth from the White House and such, though it's probably still the funniest episode. Reality 2.0 was just incredibly creative and interesting. Bright Side of the Moon is probably the second best.
  • jmmjmm
    edited May 2007
    I didin't vote for Abe because I hated having to visit all the WH locations to get from the War Room to the DeSoto, to get to the Office Area. Its one thing going back and forth between locations, but thats just a PITA.

    Suggestion for S2: have a DeSoto Icon in the inventory. At first its nice to visit and check out all the locations, but after a while it becomes quite boring.
  • edited May 2007
    I'm going to steal Zeek's voting criteria ;)

    Best soundtrack: Episode 3

    Best jokes: Episodes 1, 2

    Best writing/story: Episode 4

    Best environments: Episode 2 - the TV studio was brilliant!

    Best pop culture references: Episode 2

    Best villian: Hard to say - maybe Harry in Episode 3

    Best camerawork: God I dunno... it's all been excellent

    Best/most clever puzzles: Maybe Episode 1 or 4

    Best use of the Big Gun: Episode 1

    My choice was Episode 2 in the end... I think (it was a few days ago now) - shows how close a call it was that I can't remember, anyway! Some very memorable bits in that one, especially Midtown Cowboys. There were a lot of play it again moments, like the different cow disguises and responses, the lyrics to songs, and the ingredients for Cooking Without Looking. Classic Sam and Max!
  • edited May 2007
    I think the last three Episodes were all brilliant!

    1. Good stuff. Nice return of the duo.
    2. Too much trial and error, but still funny!
    3. Started to get really good.
    4. Hilarious!!! THAT song! What a wonderful surprise!
    5. Great puzzles. Superb ideas (text adventure - genius!) but too many times did I complete a puzzle for no good reason (ie. I didn't know WHY I solving it.), so the story got completely separated from the puzzles :(
    6. More adult humour - brilliant. Great puzzles, but some puzzles were a wee bit too hard. I hope all you guys who complained about things being "easy" are happy! :)

    Order of favourites (best to least fave): 4, 6, 5 - 3, 1, 2.
  • edited May 2007
    I hope all you guys who complained about things being "easy" are happy! :)0

    Nope! Harder still :p

    The adult humour is ok so long as it stays subtle and non-explicit, methinks. The current amount and its covering beneath a veil of innuendo is just about right!
  • edited May 2007
    Nope! Harder still :p

    Not sure if you're joking, but did you cheat at all?
  • edited May 2007
    there was a song at the end of episode 6? I didn't hear one. Thought it was a little odd not to hear anything except for the sound effects of the boxing glove and the character voices. It must have been my screen saver which screwed up the sound.
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited May 2007
    Yeah theres an all-new song over the credits.
  • edited May 2007
    Its no wonder episode 4 is the favorite one, being the one with must new and colorful and fun locations :D and offcourse same goes for reality 2.0 :D
  • edited May 2007
    I did really enjoy the final three; it's such a close call between them and the first ones, only I felt they got kind of epic for my tastes. I liked wandering about the more (but not too) everyday locations and investigating opportunities to completely mess them up ;) I know I'm in the minority, but there's my two food vouchers/tokens/gold coins.
  • edited May 2007
    first 3 episodes aren't doing too well :rolleyes:
  • edited May 2007
    I'd have to vote for episode 4, that's the point that the series kind of turned around from a downslide that started in the second and third episodes, before episode 4 came along and the series became wickedly funny again (though I did like the latter half of episode 3 a lot).

    It's too bad episode 1 is so down in the dumps in this poll, it was quite a good episode: probably the best after 4 and 5 in my book. It's still my favorite one to replay, for some reason.

    (By the way, hi folks; I've been visiting these forums for a while, sans username.)
  • edited May 2007
    No one at Telltale should be really that upset about the first 3 episodes doing so poorly in this poll. All it means is you guys did a good job and got even better towards the end. :)
  • edited May 2007
    AdamG wrote: »
    No one at Telltale should be really that upset about the first 3 episodes doing so poorly in this poll. All it means is you guys did a good job and got even better towards the end. :)

    Hey, that's how I see it.
  • edited May 2007
    Yes - in a poll where everyone just gets a single vote, the favourite can seem disproportionately superior to the second/third etc if it was just the tiniest bit better. There's some very interesting mathematics regarding voting systems that means no vote between three or more parties can give you a definite idea of which the best choice is! Not that I expect it would affect the results here, but I find it really intriguing. For instance if we all voted for our least favourite (so lots of votes mean the episode loses), episodes 4, 5, 6 would probably be winning quite significantly, but I reckon all those three would have a smiliar number of votes. Well, it interests me anyway :p
  • edited May 2007
    I loved, LOVED 4, but I gotta say 6 toped it. It felt to me like the most balanced of all the games. Great length, great challenge, an awesome epic ending, and a classic credits sequence. :)
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