Season 1: Favourite Episode



  • edited May 2007
    Yeah, the credits were great. Jake did a good job on them. Most games have really terrible credits, and often just scroll the names by. You'd think more companies would have good credits, because it is about them afterall...
  • edited May 2007
    The opening sequence and credits are brilliant, yeah. I heard a suggestion somewhere that season 2 could have clips from season 1 in the opening sequence, but I think I'd miss the current style - it's so damn suave! Maybe they could turn the clips into silhouettes too, or have some simple silhouettes of Sam and Max shooting/running/driving etc, in a Bond-esque manner. Or just keep it the same, I really don't know!!
  • edited May 2007
    Whatever the intro is, just be careful not to overdue it. It might seem kind of like over egotistical or something if Season 2 had this huge opening sequence every episode. It should be cool though, but hey, this is TellTale. :p Bad credits though are like, "Just read our friggin names and like it, cause you should be grateful we made it anyway! ... Yeah!".
  • edited May 2007
    What if they had, like, a shooting gallery where while the credits were rolling, Sam and Max could shoot at little figurines of recognizable characters that scroll by.

    I wonder why no one ever thought of it before...?
  • edited May 2007
    Heh heh... They did. :p
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited May 2007
    What if they had, like, a shooting gallery where while the credits were rolling, Sam and Max could shoot at little figurines of recognizable characters that scroll by.

    I wonder why no one ever thought of it before...?

    For a sec I didn't think you were joking. Well played.
  • edited May 2007
    I try my best. :P
  • edited July 2007
    sorry to see not much love for "mole/mob/meatball", my favorite episode.
    my ranking would be:

    1. mole/mob/meatball
    2. reality 2.0
    2. abe lincoln
    4. bright side of moon
    5. situation comedy
    6. culture shock

    although I must say 5&6 are very good episodes as well. And it's not cause the last eps always stay on your mind the best, it's just that Mole has the teddy bears as mafia and the best casino-doorman-voice EVER !!!!
    and mole had one of the only puzzles were I did NOT know right away what to do, so props for that.

    and yeah, reality2.0 and AbeLincoln are a tie with me for 2.
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